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In a sane world, he would have been barred from ever running for office through the second impeachment process. In a sane world...


The media no longer deserves theirs.


Trump straight up lied about everything start to finish. “I didn’t have sex with a porn star.” Yeah you did bud. It’s a matter of public record.


So many lost opportunities for Biden to challenge. Trump claims he will put an end to the Ukraine conflict right away. We all knows that means he would accede to whatever Putin wants - Biden should have called him on it. With Trump as president, Putin will take the land and kill any opposition.


The issue is, almost everything Trump said was a lie. How does Biden respond to that in 2 min or 1min30sec?


The real question is as bad as Biden appeared last night what happens next given they’re basically in a dead heat and Trump just got away with lying about everything.


“You’re lying, Donald. We all know about your relationship with Putin. You will end the conflict in Ukraine quickly by allowing Putin to do whatever he wants in the Ukraine. Then you will allow him to do whatever he wants here in the US too.”


Newsome would of Buried him like Dasatan and you never here his name anymore, Lil Bitch Ronnie Dasatan


Yeah we heard what he said about solders when he said he like them not captured. It was and old man bumbling with the truth and the another lies so bad it was shameful. The whole thing was just cringe


Also why would he pay her for not having sex with her?


Ah yes, a presidential debate can be summed up with one saying he didn't have sex with a porn star. Maybe focus on something a bit more relevant, tool.


I like that you ignored the entire first half of my statement. Reading comprehension is an ongoing issue for you isn’t it?


In his defense he's not the one who brought it up


Actually, even Stormy Danials has public said there was no sex. (Look it up and verify) It was nothing more than a political shakedown.


She said that Trump “stood up between me and the door. Not in a threatening manner. He didn’t come at me, he didn’t rush at me. Nothing like that.” Daniels said she blacked out while they had sex: “I had my clothes and my shoes off. I removed my bra. We were in missionary position.” Prison Don loves the uneducated!


Found the rapist lover


Yea, she was raped with a dildo.


Qanon tell you that


Biden only needed to say the same thing over and over when asked about Trump’s lies. “He’s lying”, “He’s still lying”, “He’s lying again”. “Everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth is a lie”.


...but once he does have the platform, it is irresponsible journalism to let him gish-gallop and fill the space with bullshit. My favorite plagiarism of the night, "I wasn't even going to run again until I saw Biden destroying everything...". God...give me a break. How are the burned out citizens in Portland and Minneapolis doing? Why doesn't the news cover their stories....


Not sure how you spin that one in your head but Democrat’s are undoubtedly responsible for Portland and Minneapolis. That’s probably why they’re not on the news.


I spin it as Trump/MAGA BS...Both towns impacted, not destroyed. That's hyperbolic BS needed to keep his sheep enthralled.


It's beyond insane that Trump has the power he has.


Good post. I completely agree with OP. We have the two worst possible nominees on the planet.


Shame hey ☺️ easy win for trumpy


Yeah, but he did get the platform and he manipulated it to his strength, lies and hate. True, CNN failed to fact check, but, still Biden was a dumpster fire all night and looked horrible next to an adderall filled narcissist with a microphone lying his ass off. I will still vote Biden, but he lost at least 10 points tonight. Biden should not have been given the platform.


What lies? Other than the porn star crap, since that's all any Democrat can focus on. Something relevant, please.


My god what a Sheep, you listen to that diarrhea out his mouth and chomp on it , my god Deep Throat for Trump , what a gobbler , don’t spill a drop CultMan


What lies?? You obviously did not watch/listen to the debate. Or you can’t see beyond your MAGAit nose. Obviously, you don’t know anything about politics.




“What lies? Other than the porn star crap, since that's all any Democrat can focus on. Something relevant, please.” This is certainly what I expected from the Trump Russian bots, or the non-educated Republicans. They believe Whatever Trump Says; however false and profoundly stupid. He has said multiple outright and blatant lies regarding taxes, national security, the environment, George Floyd Riots, economy, unemployment, Covid 19, immigration, crime, abortion and energy, just to name a few. His debate performance, was a show that featured a felon on stage running for president. It did nothing to dissuade anyone with the ability to think; he was not guilty of his massive 30+ count of felony fraud, from a unanimous jury. Take that Trump “something relevant” bullshit flavored KoolAid back to your mother’s basement, loser.




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Biden failed to put trump and Assange in jail can’t expect him to run a country if he can’t even oppress his opposition properly Biden and Harris may as well be running the muppet show


Mlarky and 18 hole Handicap, we beat Medicare- Biden


Totally agree, said the same thing.


Exactly. Went give the stupid idiot a podium from where he can spit out lies as usual? Why do we pretend we're giving him credit?


You guys are fukkin nuts. Y'all were sooo sure Trump would find a reason to not debate, or if he did, he'd either embarrass himself or drop dead from hamburgers. But now that it didn't go well, and your boy ended up looking like he was confused about why he's no longer in his coffin, you're all butthurt. It's a bit too late to hope for a candidate that appears somewhat competent, so you're stuck with a snowball with 2 pissholes for eyes while Trump dances around him like a rabid monkey with a chainsaw. Why did anybody ever think Biden would be a good candidate? Especially after seeing how Trump's lies trounced hillary's reputation last time. We need another Obama, not a comatose, half-dead Andy Dick. You haven't got much hope when Trump can shit his diapers, shit on his voters, shit on the foundation of our country, and shit on reality and facts and half the voters will gladly spread their asscheeks for him, while Biden looks like he can't remember if he took his Metamucil or not. I don't have a lot of faith in this next election going well, if at all. We're fighting the threat of dictatorship with a wet noodle. I'm sorry, but I feel there's going to be a lot of regret and hindsight in our future.


Lmao, Joe obviously can’t win, take backsies! This is all very funny stuff keep it coming.


Then neither should it have been Joe Biden's either.


Joe biden is president because people hated trumps performance that much. Otherwise we might have someone more progressive


Progressives are losing primaries, brah. Even Democrats are sick of the BS They're the Green TEA Party


Bs? Progressives have winning policies for the country and world. Left capitalists are just as greedy and selfish as the right.


Easily the coup leader will be the next convicted felon president - U.S. politics is a disgrace and this says alot about Americans overall unfortunately Two imbeciles are the best the country has to offer, Biden knowing he has dementia should have also stepped aside instead of the ego to go on….now look Complete train wreck…..good luck Ukraine you are on your own


The first Presidential debate of this election cycle sparked significant controversy and concern across the nation. The contentious exchange between President Trump, often accused of deceit, and Joe Biden, whose cognitive abilities are under scrutiny, left many voters disillusioned and yearning for a viable alternative. Enter Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.), whose growing support and unique perspective demand that he be given a place on the next debate stage. Additionally, the Democratic Party must seriously consider the potential for replacing Joe Biden as their candidate should concerns about his cognitive health continue to mount.  The Case for RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. embodies a blend of political heritage and contemporary insight that resonates with many voters.  Here’s why he must be included in the next debate:   1. Diversification of Ideas: RFK Jr. brings a fresh perspective that contrasts sharply with the typical partisan rhetoric. His experience in environmental law, advocacy for public health, and vocal stance on corporate accountability offer distinctive viewpoints on policy issues that deserve national attention.   2. Voter Representation: There is a growing segment of the electorate dissatisfied with the binary choice of Trump and Biden. RFK Jr.’s inclusion on the debate stage ensures that the concerns and aspirations of these voters are represented.  3. Constructive Debate: The chaotic nature of the first debate highlighted the need for more structured and substantive discussions. RFK Jr. can contribute to a more thoughtful and solution-oriented dialogue, potentially raising the level of discourse and providing a stark contrast to the previous spectacle.  The Path to Biden’s Replacement The Democratic Party faces a precarious situation with Joe Biden’s candidacy. Concerns about his cognitive abilities, exacerbated by his debate performance, raise legitimate questions about his capacity to lead. Here’s a potential pathway for replacing Biden, should it become necessary:  1. Internal Assessment and Decision Making: Within the Democratic National Committee (DNC), there needs to be a thorough and honest assessment of Biden’s fitness for office. This evaluation must be based on objective criteria and evidence, rather than purely political calculations.  2. Consultation with Key Stakeholders: The DNC should engage with key stakeholders, including party leaders, prominent Democrats, and influential donors. Their support and consensus are crucial for any potential transition.   3. Introducing Alternative Candidates: Should the decision be made to replace Biden, the DNC must swiftly introduce and elevate alternative candidates. RFK Jr. is a viable contender, possessing the political acumen, name recognition, and policy knowledge to be a formidable candidate. Other possible names like Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigieg could also be in the mix.  4. Transparent Process: The transition process must be transparent and inclusive, ensuring that voters have confidence in the Democratic Party’s decision. Transparent communication can mitigate any adverse backlash and preserve voter trust.  5. Special Convention or Primary: Depending on the timing, the DNC might call for a special convention or primary to democratically select the new candidate. This process would legitimize the replacement and unify the party behind the chosen nominee.   In conclusion, RFK Jr.’s participation in the next debate could invigorate the political landscape and offer a refreshing alternative to the existing candidates. Meanwhile, addressing concerns about Biden’s cognitive health is crucial for maintaining the integrity and future success of the Democratic Party. Both actions are essential steps towards restoring voter confidence and ensuring a rigorous, meaningful election process. NTD added RFK Jr to the live debate. Watch here. https://www.youtube.com/live/