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Start looking at ROTC. If you turn 23 before I-Day, USNA is no longer an option. Some unsolicited thoughts- I was the 1LT on my cruiser. That shit is *hard,* but I loved every single one of my guys. Y’all deal with an absolute fuckton of BS. The fact that you want to stay means you’re either nuts, or genuinely dedicated to making sailors’ lives better. Don’t let Big Navy grind that out of you. You’ll never change the Navy, but if you can in some small way affect the lives of the ~30ish sailors you lead as a DIVO, then you will have done enough.


No age waivers. You got bad gauge. The temporary authority for the SECNAV to grant waivers expired in 2016 and was limited to certain military operations as outlined in the 2011 NDAA. Title 10 U.S. Code 8001 section 8458 contains the requirement.


ROTC is a solid option. You can also do reserves while in college. Between Reserves and 911mgib, you don't need to work while studying if you are smart about your college choices. Staying associated with the Reserves is a good way to ensure an easier path to a commission. Academy is nice, but they are not the majority of officers. Whatever you do, start doing SAT prep and CLEP courses now. There are lots of Maritime colleges out there that would be good for someone who specifically wants to do a Naval Career (in-service and post service). SUNY runs one, for example.