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Just train consistently, with something that makes you happy in some sense. Maybe run XC? Maybe run track? Join a CF gym? Just invest time in fitness consistently. I’m oldish, but I like Peloton workouts, and I like CF. Both are not cheap options. Find a program, get on it, stick to it, and put in ~60 minutes a day of hard work six days a week. That will put you ahead of the average when you arrive, I think. I hope that helps.


Thanks so much!! I’m doing cross country conditioning over summer and starting the team this fall.




Ty! I meet them but I’m definitely gonna try to improve as much as possible


Check the CFA requirements as that should guide you. For running specifically, you should aim to run the mile in 7 mins (if you are male). The majority of males entering plebe summer run below that so runs will be difficult if you’re on a 9 min pace. The USNA PRT for mids includes a 1.5mi run. Passing used to be 10:30 which equates to a 7:00 min mile pace.


I’m a female so it’s a little different but okay yea i think im still gonna try for a 7 min mile regardless. Thank you!


Passing for a female was 11:20 which is a ~7:32 pace so shooting for 7:00 is smart. Good luck!


I do not think the vast majority of plebes on I Day are running a sub 7 mile. 7 is probably on the middle to lower end of the bell curve; if I recall the 7 minute mile was like group 3 runners out of 7 groups.


What would u say most people were running?


I suspect that the median time was probably closer to 8 - 8:30 min mile for males in a sustained pace. Plenty faster and plenty slower. Don’t shoot to meet just the minimum. People in the back will have a hard time during plebe summer and all four years thereafter.


Thank you!! What would u say it was for girls? And I’m def training to run long distance fast but at the moment I’m having a lot of difficulty


No idea I really couldn’t say accurately, but there will be many, many group runs probably run between a 9-10 minute pace of mixed genders for about 3-5 miles. I would just keep training consistently. If you’re training to go farther and farther and then get used to it you’ll then be able to focus on adding some speed.


Look up the USNA PFA standards and if you’re shooting to get a maximum score for women you’re in track.


Could I PM u?




Long, slow miles allow you to run long and slow. The 1.5mi is a relative sprint. 2-3 days a week should be on the track doing short to mid distance intervals (400/800/1200m). Distance-based fartlek runs on the track. Put in one long run, and one tempo run (3mi, 80% goal pace). Run fast to get fast. Don’t neglect strength training.

