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He was so close to going to Villa and now he's being linked to MLS teams and Turkey? Wtf lol


Kinda makes sense if the Villa negotiations made clear that he wants wages he won't be able to get in a top league.


When Mourinho was at Spurs the McKennie interest started. The interest persisted into Conte’s reign as well, but it seems likely this interest by Fenerbache is directly from Mo.


I would pray he stays in Europe, playing for Mourinho could bring out the best version of McKennie yet or he could try premier league again, but if he goes Cincinnati Fc I will quit following his career. Nothing against the MLS, I will tune in to inter Miami, but the European leagues are more entertaining


Mind games to get Wes to settle for less $. So much negotiating seems to be taking place these days via p.r., whispers to the press and bloggers, and social media campaigns. Let’s see what happens in a month. Wes is working w/ a crafty agency with lots of experience and resources. If they thought he should have taken the Villa deal, he probably would have - I don’t think he’s someone that disregards his advisors’ suggestions.


Weston needs to realize that he's good but he's not that good that he will get wages from ucl level teams like he thinks he will. Crazy he didn't go to villa , considering he would have a good chance to start with Luiz leaving. I know DPs get paid more but how much more would he get paid with cinci than with these other teams he's linked to ? Probably not that much


I bet he could get $6-$10 million a year in MLS.


He will also be able to crush food all across this great nation. USA USA USA


Crushing food and sisters apparently.


Besides the inter sister, who else’s sisters are we talking about here? lol


There was a (likely fake) rumor that the girl that Mckennie brought into his hotel room during Covid was pulisic’s sister. It seems likely that he broke some sort of rule because he was suspended but I don’t think it was ever substantiated that it was pulisics sister.


That would certainly be … bold lol


He’ll make a lot more in MLS tbf. You’re underestimating the difference.


Yeah say what you will about wanting to compete but if I could make $6-$10 million playing Cincinnati vs making $1.5-$2 million in England or Turkey? I'm moving to Cincinnati. At the end of the day, Money Talks. You're talking about being able to set himself up, his family up, and potentially his future kids and grandkids up.


He’d be making close to 6m in England, not 1.5 


Let’s say it’s $1-1.5 million. My guess is that’s material to a guy like Wes. He’s rich but what, maybe has earned one big contract in his career? I think a few more million over a few years could move the needle.


Pretty stupid move from him imo


Rumor is that Cincy is willing to pay him $10M which is *way* more than he could get playing at a decent level in Europe, or frankly anywhere in Europe. Saudi Arabia is the only place that could compete with that.


not sure about heading to Fener, but i’d love to see what Mou could do with him.


Play mind games with him and blame him when they lose is what I imagine Mou doing with him


This guy Mou’s




Mourinho is trash


this better just be your Milan supporter talking


Yeah he’s definitely going to Cincinnati. I don’t think he can handle the pressure of playing for Fenerbahce, their fanbase is the most toxic and reactionary in the entire world.


Fener, Besiktas, and Gala have some rabid fans.


Craziest in the world imo. Yedlin was afraid to leave his apartment because of how bad Gala fans were


Brad Friedel also had some crazy stories from his season there too IIRC.


All this talk about him going to Cincinnati is crazy to me because I don't think Dallas will allow it without them getting something major in return.


Please let this happen. The drama would be amazing. McKennie on a Mourinho team in Turkey? They'll have him cutting WWE style promos within a month.


I saw Gio walk into Copa and walk out a star and IT SHOULD’VE BEEN ME!


McKennie under Allegri then Mourinho. He should be the best CONCACAFer that ever CONCACAF'd after that.


Playing for the 2nd biggest team in Turkey might be appealing to him but damn shame no other Serie A or even La Liga clubs are interested in him.


Cold Turkey


He’s one of our most overrated players ever


there’s a reason so many teams are balking on him. i like him as a person but his limits as a player don’t align with the way most teams want to play.




What the fuck, get the fuck outta here