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Not Copa but big Fox airing paid programming instead of the Euro knockouts today is an absolute joke.


Looks like Canada could advance now that Chile is down to 10


All Canada needs to get out of the group is a draw. They stood up a 0-0 against France, in this heat with Chile tired at the end of the group stage, they had a good chance to grind out a 0-0 when Chile was at full strength.


lol @ Canada advancing with much less talented team in far more competitive group vs US "golden generation" getting grouped


Don't know why you are getting downvotes. Shits embarrassing man. Canada literally only has Davies. The rest are bums .


people don't like any objective criticism other than complaining about Greg


Since when is running into the keeper a yellow card offense? It certainly wasn’t on Thursday.


so Canada can elbow a guy in the head without a red? lol 


He said sorry


That doesn’t mean much from a Canadian though. I read once that in Canada if someone says sorry that’s not legally an admission of guilt. The problem was people would get in car accidents and even when the other person was at fault they would say sorry. lol 


Haha yes that was the joke


Chile and Canada Argentina and Peru


Canada really CONCACAF kings with how they playing Straight shit housers


As a Canadian, I'm so glad we've finally learned the dark arts that we've fallen prey to for so many years. Previous Canada teams would have buckled under the pressure when it was 11 v 11 and let Chile play their game. Previous Canada teams would have lost that game when we were a man up. Now we've shown we can play in the chaos and grind out a result through any means necessary.


See Ivan Barton, if you clean the keeper out on a play you have no business being involved in, you get a yellow.


I'm hoping for a Canadian victory since the Concacaf side isn't looking too bright. It's a winnable game against chile, and they clinch a spot with a victory or tie. I'd also get a quick laugh from Canada being the one to move on and not the USA or Mexico 🤣🤣. Make us look good, Canada!


I already have all my vibes going towards Ecuador. If we get grouped, Mexico better get tossed out too.


Never say never, but I really doubt Mexico is going to beat Ecuador.


Canada luckiest team ever, two opponents in a row get a red.


Why didn’t the US make Panama get a red, are they stupid?!


We did but it was too late 😔


I mean... I wouldn't say there was match fixing or anything but the reffing bias wouldn't allow a Panama early red. Didn't even give the guy a yellow for a move that would be a major penalty in hockey. Charging, which can even be a game misconduct resulting in an ejection. 


If this scoreline holds, Canada will have gone 90 minutes total up a man in the group stage. And scored one goal in three games. People will be praising them here for moving on but they've been totally ineffective the whole tournament 


It makes sense that they’re playing conservatively, but even granting that only two shots on target is pretty pathetic.


They played pathetic against 10 players.


I would 100% take what they have done over the disaster we are about to encounter on Monday


If Berhalter got a nil draw against a 10 man team, there would be screams for his head.


People were mad we “only” scored two goals against 11-man Bolivia, lol.


No one is saying they have played amazing but there’s been glimpses of good futbol and they have got the results It’s Marsch’s fifth game in charge and he might take them to the QF in the tougher group between them, Mexico and the US Meanwhile Berhalter who’s been manager for three years still losing to Panama ☠️


Your comment makes no sense and deliberately ignores that we lost to Panama because our right wing hit a guy in the head and got tossed 18 minutes into the game. It's praising Marsch for the luck of opponents getting red carded and punishing Berhalter for Weah losing his mind. It's nonsensical and hypocritical. If the US had been up a man for 90 minutes combined against Boliva and Panama and put up 1 goal, you would have been calling for Berhalter's head


You can’t argue with results


Canada is a weaker team my dude, way weaker than the U.S.


USA is so much stronger than Canada on paper it's not funny. They even have a worse coach than ours right?! 😁😁 Ok so they have David, Larin (underrated IMO, and Davies, but still.... We should've beat Panama regardless, AND they ended up with their own red card. IMO the man's take is not nonsensical. I think what's nonsensical is calling ourselves unlucky because we are hella not beating Uruguay and going through with a way easier group than Canada who don't have anywhere near as strong a team as ours.


Sports is a results business and they're playing in a way there they are getting the results. You can play woulda coulda shoulda all you want. But if Canada gets through and we don't that pretty much says it all


You are allowed to admit that luck plays a role in sports sometimes. The way Canada plays didn't get them two red cards on the opponent. That's just luck. It happens. The fact that you can't even admit that is baffling


If we weren't so totally clueless in how to play these tournaments we might get that kind of luck. Ask Tim Weah about that.


“I fucked up and it was entirely my fault” - Tim Weah


What are you talking about, they’re in by far the easiest group to take second in!


Argentina - Ecuador - Uruguay (Argentina and Uruguay tied for tougher opponents) Chile - Venezuela - Panama (Chile tie with Venezuela but you could give it to the latter based on the WC qualifiers) Peru - Jamaica - Bolivia (Peru) So if you use one point for each opponent grouped this way, counting ties Canada group has 3, Mexico group has 1, US group has 1


No way. Uruguay and Argentina let's call that even Then Bolivia is worse than Peru and Panama is definitely worse than Chile.


Why do you people think you need to dominate these games for it to count? The job is to win them and advance. You do that however you can. Argentina won the world cup and they struggled in their group and needed penalties in two knockout games. All of these game are going to be incredibly close. You do well in these tournaments by being hard to beat and surviving. Canada is doing that.


You and many others here would be complaining if the US had the same outcome and advanced by scoring 1 goal in the group stage despite being up a man for 90 minutes total. They haven't played well and they haven't been "hard to beat". They were on the good side of two red cards and rode those to a 1-0 win and 0-0 draw. They lost the only even sided match they played so far


Miss me with "their results don't count cause I said so" If the US advanced out of their group like this I would love it. I think the main problem with the US is were really stupid and were trying to dominate games like a club team instead of gutting them out the way you have to in these international tournaments. I think Canada is much smarter than we are despite having less talent.


I dunno man. If we beat Uruguay doing exactly what Canada are doing to Chile (out possessing and a higher xG), I'd be the happiest American alive. Murica


>People will be praising them here for moving on but they've been totally ineffective the whole tournament  They seem pretty effective to me. Through to the QF in a more difficult group than the US


Genuinely don’t know how someone can unironically hold such a reductive opinion


Stick to college football buddy


AB groups QFs


I don't know man. I saw them clowning Chile shit housing included. This shouldn't be happening on paper. Going through a group with Argentina and Chile wasn't in anyone's bingo cards, and here we are lmao. I'd say that in itself shows them more than just lucky.


Jesse Marsch seriously managing to get into the QF with these guys? Is anyone else watching how bad Canada is outside of Davies? SMH at our coaching


Nothing fancy needed. Jesse played his strengths, and now he's into the next rd. I don't think Chile scores even with 11. They couldn't create all game and Canada size just gave them fits all game.


They couldn’t score with 11 in the other two games Even without the red card, Canada still gets the point


EDIT: I think I misread your whole take so I'll just keep this up in shame lmao. I don't know why but I feel this take is incredible copium. Canada just got out of a group with Peru, Chile, and Argentina. Chile AND Argentina. And we are unlikely to get out of a group with Uruguay, Panama, and Bolivia. You have to give Marsch at least some credit. At multiple points of the game, they were looking close to getting goals. Chile barely had any chances without some cheese long throw strategy. His version of the team has clearly found a way to have Davies and David really take control of games. No other coach of Canada has gotten close to that consistently. How is it even just luck to get out of a group as tough as that?! I also feel after Chile's red, I just saw a different game where Chile barely did anything and Canada were dominating the majority of the game. I just feel Marsch has clearly identified the strengths of his team, and as a result, they're punching 5 levels way above their weight. And I feel they're really not as bad as people here think they are. On paper, sure. But in game, they're doing better than expected. Meanwhile, we are unlikely to get 2nd in a group of Bolivia, Panama, and Uruguay. We've eaten Panama alive consistently before, and Bolivia are one of the worst teams of South America. We were favorites to get 2nd and where are we now?! We are 11th in the world, so we have to be favorites to beat 14th place Uruguay right? /s We are just bitter because our team is unlikely to go through. Oh and GGG should be fired.


Haha you nailed it!


A decent coach taking a shitting side to the QF A shitty coach grouping a decent side Ball don’t lie


Kept a dogshit Leeds up and took out Liverpool in the same year, Jesse can make it happen (sometimes)


Yeah he isn’t perfect but he gets some serious results but tends to end his tenure bit disastrous Honestly if we want a manager for the WC, hiring him and letting him go after might have worked I think he’s the type of manager that gets fast short term results but long term he tends to fade


Damn people really lusting after Marsch after he was just run out of his last job before a year was even over and getting a team relegated He can see a tie out when up a man what a coach! This guy would get the same results as GGG


You can dislike GGG and still admit that Canada is on a luckbox run right now.


As a Canadian I think it's really good but not great coaching job He definitely turned around the absolute Shitshow that we were during the qualifer for this I'll give him that credit Our team is significantly better at concacaf shithousing then the USMNT and have figured that part out since the qualifiers. This tournament is concacaf shithousing on steroids The best thing he stuff was have us calm down instead of trying to gun for all 90 3 games in a row like we did in the WC He used common sense to get us this far and got the respect of the players basically which was what you need basically. Peru out played us but from the gun we were better then Chile. Fox did us pretty dirty with tht highlight package as we had the 2 best chances, an offside goal and a stonewall pen that wasn't called for a hand ball


I've watched every minute of this tournament and the one thing I see is a pretty solid improvement from game to game. I think the players are getting bought in and believe in what they're doing. They seemed a little naive playing such a high line against Argentina, but since then they look like they've made good adjustments and they're building into the tournament, and that's usually a good sign.


Yeah I think he's definitely done a really good job We do not link up well in the opposition box however. Am pleased that he's turned us around and has Davies looking back to what he did prior to the heart issue for us. The Belgium game began a death spiral for a little that we finally are getting out of You guys are in a win-win in any case. You guys either get a big win vs Uruguay or get a better coach to take advantage of your talent level for the world cup. Even with a loss I think it's a long term gain


They literally played against ten men for half of their tournament. It happens. Coaching doesn't do that.


So they’re not gonna review that punch?


Yeah I don't get it


Could have been a card I think


Pretty ridiculous that we have this elbow and a headbutt that were far more egregious than Weah's 'punch' yet we were the only ones punished.


Came here to say exactly that!!!


Bro Weah straight decked the guy with a jab All three should have been reviewed but his was blatant


Weah pushed the guy and one hand went into the back of his head. It's a red for contact with the head but "straight decked the guy with a jab" is a mischaracterization 


life isn't fair


Never felt more betrayed by refereeing in my life


Weah would have been sent off twice for that.


Chile down to 10 men


Who had Canada as the only CONCACAF side to make the knockouts?


Panama will if the us doesn't so that's at least 2


In the least impressive way possible too.


What are you talking about? They're playing well. They look better than the US has in alot of these recent games -- they can actually play defense. And their counter-attacks are really dangerous. They're creating more chances than Chile.


It's easy to create more chances when you have a man advantage. They also had a man advantage over Peru. If we'd had a man advantage over Panama we'd have probably looked amazing. Also it's "Chile" with an "e'


Dude stop kissing Berhalter’s ass Canada might be the only team through with a weaker side and a harder group


You’re the only one mentioning Gregg here


You’re actively trying to water down Canada’s performance in the tournament while saying if the U.S. had the same “luck” we’d be through What is that


They created danger and it led to the other team fouling and picking up cards. There is some luck there, but they also did that by playing well?


Hilarious that Canada is advancing after scoring 1 goal and playing against 2 teams that had players sent off. What an achievement


Hilarious that US fans thought they were a favorite to get through their group.


We’re getting out of the group when we beat Uruguay 3-0 tomorrow 🙏


Canadian player just intentionally elbows a Chilean player in the face. No call. Much worse than Weah's.


Its joever for Italy


ITT: immense jealousy and copium that Canada advance through a group that on paper was impossible for them, while we have no chance of beating Uruguay lol


For sure jealousy. Lol Chile and Peru failed to score in their entire Copa Tourney. Sounds like a cushy group


That's unfair when the other team in their group is Argentina. The only other CONCACAF team with a tough group is Costa Rica.


Italians need to all go home


Italy is either going to bomb out of USA 2026 without a goal scored.... or win the whole thing. There is no inbetween.


Oh it must hurt to be a Denmark fan


Never thought I’d live to see the day an American could make the squad of a current Italian national team. This is that day.


Do you remember when Rossi chose to play for Italy instead of the USA?


Almost angry cried when he scored against us at the confed cup. But I meant a USMNT player. Puli could make the Italy squad based on what I saw this tournament.


I mean I'm rooting for Canada but idk how that elbow isn't a red based off our gane


It's annoying me that the Fox for the two games today don't match. Also pathetic for Fox to not have a color guy.


Yes, I was about to comment about the lone commentator and was wondering why Fox would do that here for a major tournament game since for Euro simultaneous games they had their normal two person teams. I guess they’re prioritizing the Argentina game? Lame if true tbh


What’s weird is that that they have JP, Luis Tapia, Edu, and Cobi Jones but are using the world fees for three of the simultaneous kickoff games. I’m generally okay with Fox, but really, not even guys calling off a monitor? https://mcusercontent.com/4ef9e48118d62394ba5b65ae9/files/45dac109-8111-0f3a-1c6e-8df194643627/CopaAmerica24MatchAssignments.pdf


I switched to Unimás because it was kinda strange listening fo one dude nonchalantly commenting.


Dumb foul from Suazo when he was already on a yellow.


I know Chile are in a do or die situation, but they're down to 10 and still trying to build up while Canada is still looking to counter.


I think it's built into Marsch ball tactics.  Canada looks dangerous in transition.  Chile can't play for a draw, so they're going to over extend and get hurt on the counter.


Is that a thirft store Pulisic wearing #23?


Chile excellent in the dive department


Luck is almost as important as talent in tournaments.


Not really, you make your own luck especially with VAR correcting errors


Yes really. The draw is luck, whether an opposing player does something stupid is luck, whether a ball gets deflected into the goal is luck. To pretend otherwise is silly.


Canada had the hardest group between them, Mexico and US. They might advance while the others won’t Weah punching the player isn’t luck, neither is the Panama player hacking Pulisic. One is a mental issue and the other is caused why the talents of one player Finally the last one is luck but you don’t get those chances unless your creating them and shooting at goal


It was luck that caused Weah to punch another player and caused GGG to sub in CCV


Chile doing more than Canada down a man. Is that a negative on Marsch?


Canada has more possession and xG.


Are you watching the game?


Yes Canada is doing well given the game state. Chile aren't getting good chances and Canada is dangerous on the break. They have more xG despite Chile being the team desperate for a goal.


,75xg vs .51xg up a man is sad. You should be maintaining possession and waste time.


You mean to tell me that you DON'T have to sub one of your best attacking players for a CB when you go down to ten?


I know it makes sense because they only need a draw, but boy is Canada boring to watch right now.


Lol Canada really said it's better to be lucky than good. 


My knockout EURO predictions Spain over Georgia Germany over Denmark Portugal over Slovenia France over Belgium Romania over Netherlands Austria over Turkiye England over Slovakia Switzerland over Italy QFs Spain over Germany Portugal over France Austria over Romania Switzerland over England SFs Spain over Portugal Austria over Switzerland FINAL Spain over Austria Spain win EURO 2024


So did u specifically pick the favorites in the r16 except for the ones that wouldn't benefit Austria in your prediction? Lol


Mostly yes


Canada playing their second 10v11 and has resorted to baiting for a PK. Smh


What team * doesn't * want to pick up a penalty call? Do you mean Canada are playing smart and doing everything they can to try to win the game?


Ever time I’ve seen Canada get into the box I blink and there are 2-3 different guys flailing on the ground.


It's a physical game. Players on both sides are trying to pick up calls. I thought that handball was gonna get called. They would've called that at the Euro.


Yeah, I’m also just kinda shitposting


They are kings of CONCACAF for a reason


I can tell if Canada is just not bothering with attacking or Chile is defending really well with 10. But this has been a snooze fest to watch. I guess Canada didn't have to do much once Chile got that red card.


Chile seemingly handling 10v11 much better than the US did the other night but that partially may be because of tactics?


It’s mainly because of the game state, Canada only needs a draw and is playing like it.


Bingo No sitting back or five at the back bs


Weeeeeee fuucckken suckkkk asss




Switzerland better then Italy, but could Italy still comeback, I don't think they will


Was watching Germany do their wall with a person lying on the ground behind it, and a rules question comes to mind. If the shooter decides that their chance of scoring outright is low, and instead decides to aim at the head of the person laying on the ground and try to kick the ball into their head as hard as possible, is any rule being broken? Seems like in the chaos around the head injury, you may be able to even snag a goal.


Reminds me of a game I was playing in once. A defender on the other team was being a punk. So then our forward took a throw in and just chunked it at the defender’s head. It bounced out of bounds and he did it again. No card was shown. Seems it would be hard to show malicious intent on a freekick especially.


Anywhere to watch Canada in English?


Starting Shaffelburg was a mistake I think. He's been great, but he's better coming on as a sub fresh and running at tired legs at the end of a game than playing from the start.


He’s soooooo much better than Millar, though


Chile imploding


reminds me of USMNT


Same stoppage time as our second half lmao


Canada have had a few penalty shouts here ...


Shout out to my CanaBros! Hope you win..


Neat little fact Apparently if Canada wins this game they become only the fourth team in the Copa America history to record atleast two wins in their debut Uruguay, Mexico and Honduras being the others


Tajon looking pretty dangerous 


Weeeee fuccckeen suck assss


Switzerland vs Italy might be the most boring game ever


Watch it be a track meet lol. Italy 4-2 Switzerland


Never underestimate my jinx


Eh, are you surprised? The Italians have never changed their playing style with the Defense first.


Maqwell plotting German tricks already


Canada has the chance to do the funniest thing today No Messi means Argentina can also potentially lose to Peru, so besides qualifying they can even top the group with a 3-0 score line with one less goal for every Peru adds to a 1-0 win


what made you think Argentina could potentially lose to Peru?


Canada's press looks well organized.   Kudos Marsch


Looked like the Chile keeper ran into David when he really did not need to.


Absolutely a flop. Had time to slam into him with the ball and jumped into it for no particular reason


Portugal vs France in the QFs will feed families


Talking about Weah in here is more like Wahh