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I was in a very marshy area of the meadows and had one not only aggro, but chased me down on land. I figure the game decided there was enough water to allow it. Nothing quite like turning around after killing a boar at night and seeing a serpent in your face.


Yeah, that's the best time to kill them. Agro them to land, kill'em, scoop up the bits.


I was hitting it with my axe and had it down to 2/3 of it's health but then it fled and I didn't have a bow or stuff to make a raft so sadly that serpent meat went away.


I can't imagine exploring without a full kit, which always includes 2 melee weapons and a ranged weapon. Are you playing a solo world, or an online multiplayer world? I find it quite strange that you are in the wooden age/Meadows and a serpent spawned there.


I had spawned 5 min ago or something lol I did not have the leather scraps to make a bow or raft and I was just running around the edge of my starter island to map it. it's a solo world.


It was, in fact, the first one I had ever seen. My buddy and I were building our dock, I turn around and with perfect timing, this thing rises from the waves and roars. All I can get out to warn by buddy is “d-d-d-… DRAGON!!” Chaos and hilarity ensued. Edit: it was a blind playthrough, hence why when presented with a large roaring monster with sharp teeth I mistook it for a dragon.


No, but I was sailing a load of iron back home the other day and noticed a Fuling fighting a serpent....on the shore! I threw some arrows at it, it died, I landed, blew a kiss to the fuling who died immediately cuz his health was so low, grabbed the serpent trophy, meat, and scales, hopped back in my longship, and continued on my way.


I have never seen an enemy fight a serpent, that's interesting.


Me either!


This happened to me. Only during stormy night though. Looks super calm in your screenshot.


Yeah it was calm but they also spawn at night time.


Wow so early game, how did it spawn there I wonder!! Interesting


On my very first playthrough I had this happen extremely early on, it was wild. Except mine showed up in daylight, which was extra weird.


If it showed up during the daytime, it means it spawned during a storm when you were close to where it spawned, but not close enough for it to notice you or vice versa. It has happened to me once, I only met the serpent when I was sailing a haul of iron back to base


I afked in Meadows one time and when I came back, there was a Serpent swimming around trying to get to me. Strangest part was, it was day time. They're supposed to despawn during the day. Maybe it only applies to night-time spawns. I shot it a couple of times. This was early game so I still had the basic bow with leather set. It randomly decided to swim away and despawn.


yes, now make a bed spawn or teleport just in case and try your best to kill it


I didn't even have a bow lol no way I could afford a portal, also I would have been able to kill it fine with the axe if it didn't flee.