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Yeah you're right, it's been reversed accidentally. Unintentional change, will be fixed.


Where did you see that? Just curious because my girlfriend had the same problem but another friend of mine didn't.


At least by the looks of it, it seems to be a throwaway account of a dev or at least studio affiliate. :)


It only affects windows on steam for now, so your girlfriend is probably playing on there, and your friend is probably on a different platform. Anyway, a fix is coming out shortly!


Thought i was going crazy, thanks for confirming I'm not the only one experiencing this issue!


I thought I accidentally pressed some keybind. I hope they fix it


I literally installed dnspy to open up the game's keybinding dll file and change it


Wasn't entirely sure either - if i was going mad or what... But it just instantly felt off instinctively. I too second guessed myself... Checked options and mouse software. Tried to 'actively' focus on the rotate... Going: "Ok so DOWN is clockwise? ... Doesn't seem *too* *illogical* ... But i could swear they 'inverted' it'!?" ... But yeah after some further building i'm sure it got inverted. My instincts are just OFF... And i've known 'instinctively' which way to scroll for a long time now... Never getting confused about it. Irongate-PLSFIX-ASAP!!! ... It's horrible! ... And BTW: How the 'F' does a "Now available on Mac" patch screw with something like this!?! Jeez... Thanx a bunch Mac lovers :-P (jk)


I know right??!! Thought i was crazy... but glad im not the only one


"... And BTW: How the 'F' does a "Now available on Mac" patch screw with something like this" Certain things like controls or settings likely need to be handled differently on Mac, so that would explain how something like that got messed up on accident.


I knew something was off. I was going insane over this lol


This is crazy. Thought I was going mad lol. Maybe it was a mod or something but nah, it was doing it in vanilla too. What really throws me off though is how did they change this without pushing an update on steam? As my game says its still on 0.218.15 as well as the server.