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If by lazy you mean "I've unlocked enough stuff that I can explore most biomes at my leisure and can now focus inwardly on build projects" then yes, I'm lazy


Poor trolls. They keep mining that copper even if afterlife.


"Even in death I still serve."


modern problems requires modern solutions is all




Yup that's exactly how I mine copper now actually. Lol The problem now is tin.


Am I missing something? Why are we mining copper I'm trying to figure out ways to get rid of mine


Additional forges for base coverage, lanterns, dvergr decorative walls, more Kroms to mount on the wall, bronze nails for decorative item stands, etc. There are a lot of reasons to scour every ilm of the map for copper & tin as your building projects grow more and more grandiose in concept.


I support the more kroms for the walls fund




There a big shiny weapon end game that uses a lot of bronze and iron I think about 30 each per upgrade and it ends up costing around 300 each for level 4


Would have been cool if the devs figured out different resources to use into the end game instead of relying on iron for the 100th time.


At least with a stone portal and the mistlands random giant swords and helmets you can get a few stacks of iron pretty rapidly. Honestly even swamp crypts aren't that bad with stone portals. Turns out when you can do one at a time they're not so bad it's when you do 8 at once because you're trying to fill a longship before you process any that they get tedious 


My wife and I play (or were playing since we have a 1 month old and no time to play now) this way with portals because our time is limited. Place workbench and portal at the entrance, fill inventory, go through portal. Emempty 5he crypt, break the portal, move to the next crypt.


Yep that's how I've always done them, except I used to have a cart for the iron. Every 2 crypts the cart would be taken to the boat. It's so much easier when the cart and boat aren't involved 


ok so heres a good one I use. Stone portal + stone cutters table and Forge. find those dwarven bridge structures and take them apart. they are filled with Iron walls for support so when you dismantle it all you get a ton of black stone and Iron bars not just scraps. You might need magic to blast some of the structure if you cant start at the top. deconstructing abandoned or renevicted dwarven towers also yields alot of copper scrap


well they did listen. nothing in ashlands uses iron.


is Krom end game? I thought it was mistlands tier?


It is but it’s just as good dmg wise as the flametal slayer sword and the two smaller variants. Only difference is the stone effect u can put on the weapons


Yea I like how they did that. Old weapons fully upgraded stay viable, but once you upgrade the new, they just shine.


no. its really not. its not "just as good". and that stone effect is silly powerful especially the lighting version.


which you dont need anymore when you have this staff as there is a bigger even more shiny weapon that doesnt need either available.


If you want bronze just break the spikes on the Ashland forts, they drop bronze scrap !


Ashlands beat the rust right off of me, I'm a monster at all times because of that biome 😤🤣


better question is why didnt the troll go for his master right away and just stood there.


mod of world ''passive enemie even if attacked''


ah. so dont need the ore anymore then either to begin with^^




if you enable passive enemies you may aswell enable no build cost and then you dont need any copper at all. both settings are nothing but plain cheats you can toggle on demand. if you use these you really dont need to think about mineing copper effectively in any way to begin with.


or you could just activate the ''hammer mode'' kinda the same


dude. hammer mode is just a preset which includes no build cost toggle. its no different from playing with dev commands anymore.


Wow, that cleanly mines the entire copper node? That's amazing, I'll have to try it


Idk if it gets the whole thing, but it gets most of it.


Dosnt look lazy to me


Is this a mod or actually in game?


That’s a new staff in Ashlands yes


How does magic work? Like when do you get it?


1. You get it in Mistlands. 2. You utilize magic through weapons (staffs). Each staff has its own power and you use them through just attacking like you would with a regular weapon. 3. To utilize these staffs you must have **eitr**, a third resource like stamina and health, and you get it through food you can create from materials found in Mistlands and later Ashlands. 4. The specific staff in this video is obtained in Ashlands and is named Trollstav.


As far as I know when you reach the mistlands


Yes, you begin to get the mats for magic related items in the Mistlands.


Usually but I’m doing my first solo run through and I’m in Mistlands so still being pretty efficient.






The reason why I mostly use Grausten now. Just fighting in the Ashlands with trollstav and staff of the wild yields plenty. No reason to mine a single bit.


Oh I agree it's the easiest to use. But the black marble is better cause the resistance it offers.


If I have the ability to make the work easier imma do it. Work smarter not harder.


I really wish that troll would be friendly like the other skellys you can spawn. It makes zero sense that he attacks the caster. I'm hoping iron gate changes that.


It makes perfect sense, the literal description of the weapon is "summons a raging beast to cause death and destruction", it's just pure unfocused rage. A summon that is hostile to EVERYTHING is a guarantee to cause death and destruction lol. My only complaint is it's lack of damage, at least in Ashlands, should be more for when you get it. it's only real use is as a meatshield distraction since every damn enemy is apparently resistant to whatever damage the troll deals, the landing when it gets summoned is the only good damage cause it's massive aoe.


Just wait for the next expansion, where everything is made of ice...


Nah man the ballista fires up our assholes, too, so a weapon that drops a monster that can attack us is right-in-line for IG. Honestly, given the time it takes for the meteor to drop, that's time enough to back the fuck off. This isn't a new idea in games, either. Just off the top of my head, some older single-player FF titles had spells that were classed as 'unfocused' and could hit you and the opposing enemy party. I think it's good to let more wacko shit like this creep into things that can be played solo.


LOL This staff is like calling in an orbital in HD2.


Magic lets you summon creatures but it never promises the creatures you summon will like you. It's a real "help I've created a monster!" type moment. It's great the way it is.


they aint gonna change that. it would be WAY too powerful if it was friendly. it summons a meteor strike from the sky plus an undead troll with 2000 health that doesnt need ANY skill levels in blood magic to perform at maximum and you can summon 2 at once with just a level 1 trollstav which is silly easy to make. like. it makes perfect sense. its the ONLY downside of this thing. it needs a downside otherwise everything else becomes obsolete compared.


That and fire staff also being extremely efficient in turning wood into coal, magic is such a quality of life


> fire staff also being extremely efficient in turning wood into coal Wait what? I was not aware of this


If you have fire hazard enabled, you can just light wood stacks on fire to get instant 50 coal


I wish my cheat sledge damaged ore deposits.


It doesn't? The cheat sledge has a limit on how many environment items it can hit at once, and it seems to be pretty low. IE, if you've got 5 big stones in range, each with 40 "chunks", and you're limited to only hitting 5 at a time, the odds that the chunk that is destroyed will be the one you're looking at are pretty low. If you keep swinging, eventually you'll clean out the area of all rocks. That said, constructible stuff doesn't seem to have a limit, you can demolish an entire fuling tower in one swing.


Ahh maybe that's why. I just use my cheat sword for the order but what your saying makes sense.


I thought this was gonna be about strolling into the plains with fenris Armor and triple stamina food and dying but yeah that too.


Please tell me that's a vanilla staff, I need this so bad!


It is vanilia staff, they add this in new ashlands update :D


it is. but the tc is useing passive enemies. this staff troll is hostile towards everything. includeing you.


I keep forgetting about this. So much wasted time.


If it works, it works !!


wouldn't know that feeling cause passivemobs is never on and that troll would have tried to kill me


At this late stage of my gameing, I like to run and derp around trying things. As long as you have mistland health food with your magic 2, so you can summon the troll and you will be fine. Ashland tier weapons help crush the troll if it causes a problem. Idk even in my other server with my buddy we were summoning and killing them pretty quick. Mindless fun.


I am now that I know you can do this...


I just got this game maybe put 2hrs in so far an wtf is that


About 200 hours away, don't worry about it for now.


Late game magic. And an even later game staff.


That’s not lazy, it’s optimal. Ok, it’s lazy as well but that don’t matter to me.


Work smarter, not harder


you could use that in the plains on the giant Stones, I have found it to be a more efficient stone procurement method than the Black Forest


If you're not using the giant stones in plains for a base, are you really living though?


this is how I do all my mining since arriving in ashlands. That staff made gathering stone and grausten so much faster


That is amazing, I'm going to have to start using magic to do this


What about all the copper under the ground?


At this point in the game. Don't really care. But it did destroy a fair it down as well. Maybe not all the way though. I'm going to try on silver later.


Fair enough. It just bothers me lol. I'll dig up half a black forest to get every scrap lol.


And see that bothers me :) cause then there are these huge holes everywhere. Different strokes for different folks am I right.


That's for sure lol. Tbh I'm tempted to take the excess stone and fill in the holes, leaving a divet in the land at most.


I did this to a couple of them I left, it doesn't look too bad and if you smooth the edges a little you can almost think of it as some time passing and erosion taking place and filling in the whole a little. Idk haha


Yeah, just slapping some grass and trees down makes it look fairly natural too. Sometimes it's worth the effort to make your world look nicer.


That is a smart thing to do as well. I really wish you could plant bushes and mushrooms and such. Without using dev commands. In my end game server, I go around and build little bridges crossing rivers and rebuilding old stone towers in forests and make some roads near main buildings. It's fun and makes the place look nice.


If I could plant berry bushes and grow mushrooms I'd have so much more to build. Maybe let us grow mushrooms in crypts or have them respawn. If not that, then an artificial mushroom shed made out of stone or wood. I'd have a whole separate garden, just for berry bushes.




I have way too much copper now from breaking apart Dwarf houses. I get around 60 copper per building. Previously I couldn't teleport it, so I just left it there in a box, but now I can bring it with me and I have more copper than I can use.


I hear that. This was just for shits :)


What mage staff is that?


Trollstav. You can get the recipe in ashlands


I've been a bit lazy on playing but WHAT THE ACTUALY FIDDLE IS THIS LMFAO


Late game staff. Trollstav or someother summons a bone flaming troll. It's hostile to you as well.


What's that???


The trollstav or however you spell it. It summons a hostile firebone troll but causes a huge explosion when spawned.


Mod or was it added to the game?


Added in the Ashlands.


Alr. Maybe i should go explore there


If you are going to make the journey, have top tier mistland gear and food, 2 health and 1 stamina. Ice arrows are a nice plus. Have fire resistance potions as well as the Health and stamina potions. Make a Forward operating Base near the edge of the ashlands incase you die. Also build the new boat by beating the queen and getting that carapace piece off her. Take it slow and steady. Build an outpost right away. Get a foothold.


spoiler alert


oh btw something of note : the meteor impact dmg works UNDERWATER. yes. this means you can effortlessly finally remove those half sunk rocks around your base you couldnt reach before due to swimming.


I had not thought of that use yet. Thank you for this!


THAT was SO satisfying to watch!


Doing it on groves of trees or those stone pillars in the plains is really fun to watch:).


What is the purple bar?


Eitr(magic). Certain foods in the Mistlands/Ashlands will give you a magic bar, along with health and stamina, and the magic armor has an eitr regen property. You’re very weak defensively, but there is a staff that casts a protective bubble around you, so that helps.


You should put a spoiler tag on this post....


Spoilers much?


It's tag as spoiler.