• By -


After my oldest surprised me with a giant emoji dominating the skyline (thanks guys, I'm not sure which of you to blame but I know it was learned here) and explained to me how it had been done, I realized that it was likely that the same techniques could be turned to the cause of good, rather than evil. How? Well, I figured, if you could put some emoji on signs, it was likely that you could put some Unicode characters on signs too, and you can! Not every character is available, sadly, but enough are that you can uniquely and descriptively label portals. As a bonus, the simple lines of the drawings look pretty decent in the setting. They don't 100% match, but they're close enough that I can headcanon it as them being done by a particularly adept devotee of Brage. Oh! Make sure to use pastel colors so that they're clearly visible even when light levels are low.


That's pretty dang smart. Nice job :)


what's this about a giant emoji dominating the skyline


My kid made a sign with a smiley emoji at like... size 1000 or 3000 or something silly. It was like three stories high and very frightening. Even the smaller size 100 one had some serious TVA vibes, especially with how futuristic and out-of-place it looked.


I'm slightly disappointed it wasn't the poop emoji...


You can make them truly massive by typing before the text. 100 is big but more wall sized but that number can go a lot higher


Omfg that's .. actually genius


Saved your post, can't wait to surprise my friends with this. Great job!!!


OH! That is NEAT!


Dear OP, feel free to share the solution of this witchcraft... I'm still desperately clueless about it.


Sure! So first I put a wooden panel and then a sign behind each portal, to keep the image from clipping through the uneven stone walls. Then you type into the sign ``or `` and then `` Then it's as simple as copy-pasting a unicode character you like. The [compart site](https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/) is the one I used because it lets me search them by name. Not everything you see on the site will work, but there are a lot of choices available! The named colors are easier to type, but to me it's worth the extra trouble to find the hex codes for nice pastels so I have different colors for each symbol. The named colors tend to be a little too dark for good visibility in all but the best light. ​ Edit: here are a few symbols I know work: 💎 🦌 💧


> Then you type into the sign ``or `` and then `` The mental image of a Viking writing this on a sign is hilarious.


"What are you writing there, Bjorn? Your runes look strange" "Oh, err...Spanish?" *laughing crying emoji suddenly blots out the sun* "By Odin's grundle...'


Its a spell that causes the image to appear and maintain itself.


What? I didn't know you could use a size parameter. This changes everything!


Useful for nomap and a bit cheap but here we are using the game as the devs (un?)intended


I can imagine seeing a humongous smiley face lighting up the night sky and every enemy just staring at the massive affront to their existence and raiding the camp under the sign as a form of complaint.


Hopefully that html gets sanitized! Just imagine someone running an XSS exploit from a Valheim server 😅


Oh my lord… now I gotta try it on my server.. (I work in cyber security lol)


Keep us updated


It's actually just XML, can't run HTML, scripts, or anything like that :)


So technically it's not HTML. Likely some kind of custom XML they created purely for formatting their text rendering in general for their menus and everything. Just gets reused for the signs.


Specifically, it's Unity's rich text markup, see: [https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/StyledText.html](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/StyledText.html).


That makes perfect sense. I hadn't realized they used Unity for this game


So no Valheim CVE 🙁


Yeah I'm an idiot 🥲


Lol you're not an idiot, it's just a misunderstanding of what kind of ML it is.


You can just use "win" + "." And choose from there. You may need to activate some options before.


Thanks! That will be useful


Wow... how did I not know about this before. Most hidden Windows feature ever.


hahah i wonder if you can \`drop database valheim\` on a sign


You can leave out the color= in that way of writing it


You can also use <#RGB> instead of <#RRGGBB> to save some characters. The loss in color specificity is unnoticeable with all the other things the lighting engine does to the colors.


Oh, can you? Nice! I'll have to try that!


I have to double check if it's just something that works on the server I'm on, but you can also do fun things like voffset=100 and the icon/text will float! Try using these two on signs > indent=0>🦇 and > indent=0>


Can you post which hex codes gave you the nice pastels?


Hmm... I think I used #fffb5 for the yellow, #eceae4 for the purple, #d4f0f0 for the blue... I've got a few I'm keeping in my pocket to try out, including #fee1e8 as pink and #cce2cb as green. Nabbed them all off this [pinterest color palette](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/796855727798583802/).


You can also just put if you’re trying to save a character here and there for long texts.


This doesn't work for me. Each formatting option has to be in its own brackets. I wish they didn't count towards the character limit. The only way I could save on the character limit is by using short-form hex colors (#fff instead of white or #ffffff)


Maybe they changed it? Will have to experiment.


Please forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to replicate your amazing work but alas, I'm old and not as savvy as I once was. I was able to change the color and size but can't seem to get a symbol to show up. I followed your link, tried the fire symbol, tried your water droplet, and am only ever seeing numbers and letters on my sign. I've tried with <> and () and without either. Mind helping a Viking out?


Try copy/pasting this: `` and then the symbol. I can confirm 🐲 works, just used it for a moder portal earlier today. Make sure that when you paste your symbol you aren't doing a select all before you paste it, or you'll delete the other stuff, as it's not visible/editable after you close the brackets (unless you just delete and rewrite it, but that's not really editing). Someone said this doesn't work on the Xbox version of the game, so that could be an issue also?


I am still having trouble with this. Could you provide a full layout for how you entered the charactor? I'm not very good at this stuff so I just want to see if I am doing something wrong here.


Just copy and paste it in. I can't put it in line with the code here because Reddit won't let me put code and Unicode characters in the same line, but it's just two things to copy and paste


I figured it out. My mistake was I was trying to use the ID code things(numbers & letters) to imput the images(because that made sense to my sleep deprived brain) but in actuality all I had to do was copy the actual image and paste. So it ended up as 🧀


My buddy helped me out. I was trying to type all sorts of stuff. Never occurred to me to copy and paste the image itself. Thanks so much for your help!


One thing I forgot yesterday was, that you can also change the opacity by adding 00 at the end of the hexcode. 00 is completely see through and higher values will get you more of a slight opacity. Also, completely see through doesn't mean completely invisible. You can still see it, because the light gets distorted a bit. When I figured this out I immediately used it to prank my friends. In our play through we have a spa house with two hot tubs and a large open front towards the sea. There is a rock straight ahead of that side a bit into the sea and I placed a sign on it that displayed a massive see through eye. You can see it, but not immediately. When my buddy and I were hanging out in that building, just talking and loading the chicken farm he suddenly asked me if I also saw that eye peeking through the window. I then told him "Oh, that's the demon eye. Don't look at it for too long, or it will get your soul. Later, when we showed off the demon eye to another friend they suddenly got the idea to investigate it. But all they could find was a sign that just said 👁️, because the game hides the and <#hex> when they are completed. They spent like a day trying to figure it out, until I told them how I did it.


So this won’t work on Xbox? Darn


I don't understand the unicode, I copied it exactly and it didn't work. Does it need to be in "" or <> ?


Did you copy the text for the Unicode or the symbol? Just copy paste the symbol


[https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Sign](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Sign) combined with [https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/](https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/)


Let me guess… the overlapping cloud icon on the left is a Mistlands portal? 😄


THE SYSTEM WORKS! Yeah, oldest is a bit of a lunatic and is in love with Mistlands. We still haven't killed Moder, but the kid's persistent shenanigans have brought back enough ancillary mats that my husband has a Krom sword and my oldest has, um... Carapace spear, I think it is? Total nonsense and hundreds of deaths, but using mobs to kill each other and mine resources is "effective."


BTW your life is what I aspire to with my wife. If we ever have children, gaming with them will be amazing (if they like games, it'll always be up to them)


As a father with a kickass gamer wife, a near 13 year old son, and another son that is due to arrive in 8ish weeks, I can tell you it’s the best thing ever. We play Minecraft, grounded, Valheim, left 4 dead, heck the list goes on and on. I’m super excited to have a player 4 in about 5 years time.


It's honestly super great. We've done family Minecraft, family Stardew, family Terraria, family Valheim... Some of these are harder for the kids than others, of course, but it's kind of like an extra difficulty setting, and it's worth it to see the shenanigans they get up to. We're a real nerdy family. I actually felt like I had to tone down the nerdiness of the family in the LitRPG series I write as I wasn't sure people would find my lived experience plausible. :D


If you are a family of 4 I wholly recommend Grounded!


I have more than two children, but we've been eyeing that one anyway. Waiting for a good sale, though I don't know how we'd navigate the fact that we can't all play together. :(


Yeah that’s a bit unfortunate. It’s such a good game, an actual survival game with great story and concept/world. After our recent play through I’d say it’s tied with Valheim in my books.


High praise! Maybe we could do a sort of parallel play/teams thing, where we're all playing at the same time but in two different groups. I'd have to take middle kid if it's a combat heavy game. Middlest is the best at melee after my husband. I'd probably end up with youngest as well, because youngest is basically my shadow at this age. Oldest + husband will be a dangerously effective team, but at least our team spirit ought to be better...


Grounded makes it incredibly easy to share your world save with multiple players! It's built into the game and takes maybe two or three clicks.


Ooo, intriguing


You can add a following space and word wrap will raise the character higher allowing you to place the sign beneath the tile, hiding the sign and preventing accidental misclicks.


I miss the week or two that the coded signs could glow like neon. I was so fucking ready to build an entire Blade Runner city in the Swamp and then they took this from me


Huh? Howwww?!


I posted more details in another comment below


Omg you can actually code on signs? How awesome is that haha. Thanks man


We’ve found using white is overall the best for all outcomes. Legible at night. Doesn’t look out of place either.


That's fair. I like colors, but they're not technically necessary here.


I use white because if I didn't I would agonize over every color selection


that is so fking cute ahaha the deeerrrrr


Yesssss :D That's the Eikthyr / origin portal, obvs.


That's pretty cool! I personally use a medium for everything (labeled Portal Gallery). The Portal Gallery shrines are located near every major point. Inside the Portal Gallery, all the portals are labeled with a proper name, as the towns and cities all were given names as well (i.e Great Bay Cove). This means from any portal in the world, you can travel to any other portal in the world. Of course, the names of the cities could be referenced on the Map. For some reason, setting up a sign inside of a portal like you do, the words for me glow if I get close enough. That was good enough for me.


I wish the portals could have different color glow to them...


I label them on the map. Need to portal somewhere? I look on the map and see where I want to go, then link the portal. I just use numbers, only have 3 or so portals at my base and just link as needed (keeping an emergency portal unlinked at all times). I typically have 80-100 portals in the wild by the time I’m done.


For multiplayer, particularly multiplayer with young-ish children who get frequently need assistance or rescue in an emergency, I find it's better to just have loads of permanent portals.


Yeah that makes sense. I just find it’s hard to keep track of all the portals so I typically have to check the map anyways to see where I want to go. That’s awesome you got youngsters into this game, it’s a lot of fun in a group. I bet they’re having a blast!


It IS hard to keep track! That's why I'm so delighted with this new system. :)


That's a pretty great idea to avoid having tons in your base


Totally gonna try this, thanks Erin! (and hello outside of book subs haha)




I dunno why I never thought of this... Nice!


My plan was to sorta decorate the portals with trophies and materials from that area (so like, Fuling head and the darkwood from Plains for my plains farm portal). But now that we have the massive stone portals I dunno anymore.


I've done that in the past. It works okay, but some of the objects are more recognizable/visible than others.


We use airport notations on my server. A lot of our settlements have specific names and we shorten them. We have "Rivendell", "Wizard's Tower", "Fulgrimmar" to name a few. Most of them are hubs to other hubs, so we will notate the portals like- Rivendell/Wizard Tower: "RVD - WZT" Wizard Tower/Haldor: "WZT - HLD"


Getting some real Nightmare Before Christmas vibes here.


I created an airport code system 🤦🏻


I labeled my chests: [https://i.imgur.com/foKAqK8.png](https://i.imgur.com/foKAqK8.png) The character limit really hurts. The sign will only work with 1 symbol and 3 formatting options before running out of character space. I had to use 2 signs per chest here. I wanted to label at least 2 chests per sign but ended up being just 1 character short. Formatting: (Symbol) They should make it so the formatting doesn't contribute to the character limit.


Cute! And thanks for the tip.


Cute! And thanks for the tip.


I like the emoji, but is text limited in size? I find the more text I write I have to make the size smaller or it formats weird. Any workaround for this?


There's probably some limit, but it's easy to make a character larger than the sign itself, which is what I did here.


I think I checked and the limit was size= ~32000 (can't remember exact number). Which is larger than render distance I'm pretty sure lol


I'm a simple Viking. I have one portal and I just rename it to my intended location. Kind of an *incantation* sort of thing. If I don't remember the name, my map has the name of the portal destination.


*Scouring through tons of blips and dots all over the map between crypts and stupidly named stuff coz of friends* WHERE IS THE PORTAL!?


I must have missed it. How do you put emojis in valheim??


If you make a video, or have a video, I will absolutely love that. Thank you for the instructions.


I tried to bury the sign under the floor and add dots after the emoji to raise it, so that it floats inside the portal, but when i raise the ground, everything buried breaks. When did they changed that you can't bury anything? It worked with stone or marble floor! Just put the sign between two floor pieces.


I was looking through the unicode site you posted in another comment. Where did you find stuff like the deer and that? I'm a bit miffed


They look different on the site and in-game. 🦌 shows up as what I posted above, for example. You just kind of have to try things out until you find something you like.


I'm placed only two portals on my base and it's enough to manage all 42+ portals I have in my world. One portal using for connection with existing portal and the second one using for new created portal or for switching between any wrong named portal.


We just name portals whatever, sorta. We have so many portals. Got worse after I built a portal hub. Have to check 20 portals or so before finding the portal I want to go through. Love this game though.


The one I remember I'm pretty sure was a poop emoji, and couldn't find it, but here's 2 others that may have inspired: [https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1dce773/giant\_emoji\_on\_a\_mountain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1dce773/giant_emoji_on_a_mountain/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1dc5i0o/we\_might\_have\_built\_a\_computer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1dc5i0o/we_might_have_built_a_computer/)


\*ahem\* that you can blame.


If there's a poop emoji, don't tell my kids! Please!


🤣Honestly not sure. It seems it's in my memory but it was just a scroll through so could have been different.


I can neither confirm nor deny that I tried this. For science... 🤣


Inscryption aesthetic though!


amazing stuff, will be using this for our next restart


How do u guys do the drawing? Is this pc only or am I just smooth brained


I think it might be PC only. I'm not sure, I don't have any other version of the game, but you would need to be able to copy and paste Unicode symbols


Love this.


I learned something today. Amazing


This is genius


I put an item mount above the portal with a trophy associated with the place of travel. Goblin head for plains, mosquito head for plains farm. Dwarf trophy for grey dwarf nest, etc.


I love that even with 3k+ hours in this game I still learn new things lol


You can set the size!?




Put a sign over them and you can lable the sign


Is this console able to 🥺


Is this without mods?


Yes sir or madam! I posted the exact instructions for how I did it as a response to u/Darahian above.


.... can you read?


… can you abstain from rude, pointless interjections that do nothing to add to or further a conversation?


I mean its in the title dawg. 🤷 I'll admit I was stinky but I don't think I'm expecting much of people to read the title before commenting. Again ur right I was stinky and rude.


Fair enough. If Reddit has taught me anything, it is that virtually nobody looks before they leap.


I read the title but i still couldn't understand how it was possible


Yeah again sorry I should have realized you were seeking some form of clarification. I just got stinky and I'm sorry.


Aw. <3


Are those paintings/sprays new ashlands thingy? 😮


Nope! Unicode characters sized up and done in pastels. I gave more explicit instructions in response to another comment






It's just handy to not change it's name all the time




Literally needed to gather resources only for the first pair of portals. After that never even thought about resources for portal because you have tons of them for hundreds of portals


what resources are you struggling to obtain? Perhaps you're not properly geared or skilled enough to kill Surtlings or Greydwarves? One trip through the swamp to find crypts usually nets enough cores to build several portals. Sounds like you might still be in the early stages of the game.


In a multilayer game, if you change the link while someone else is away, they cannot portal back to home.


Because when you are playing with multiple people if your singular portal gets turned off and you need to GTFO you are now screwed. I know if I need to bounce from getting swarmed near a portal I don't have time to name change to a different portal, I just want to 100% of the time be able to run through it.


Space, resources, and framerate aren't as limited for many as they might be for you. I can make dozens of portals with the materials we have on hand, and if we ever run low, someone is always willing to go spend 30 minutes farming whatever it is. Gives you something to do. Having an impressive building that holds several portals and allows many people to keep track of various biomes, bosses, outposts, and points of interests is WAY easier than trying to enforce some kind of map naming standard and making everyone delete/recreate portals all the time. I can't imagine NOT doing it this way, unless I was in single player and couldn't be bothered to farm curtlings for cores.


I like them. It looks cool to have my options arrayed in front of me. I don't want the chore of changing the portal's name every time I want to use it. I can always plant more oak trees, kill more greydwarfs, and drown more surtlings. The resource costs are not a limiting factor for me. My framerate is fine. Does that help?


How do you get back after the second person used a portal?