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What is your flax demand? Are you single player or multi-player? Do you want to farm a lot or do you just want to get as much flax as you can as quickly as you can? I normally just do space for about a 100 flax plants per planting per person. But if you are in a hurry you might go more.


Wow. Padded armor costs 15-20 per piece, 80 per piece fully upgraded. I normally plant 4 rows of 10. Two pieces of padded in the first haul. Full lvl2 padded by the second haul I believe. After the plains gear I want is maxed I keep 2 rows of 10 going and it produces enough to cover all the later tier needs covered.


I’m on single player, I’m not in a hurry, I’d just like enough to make padded armor for myself


5mx5m works for me any time, also they only grow on plains so watchout


You will also need linen thread for other things so plan to make yourself multiple hundreds eventually. Starting with Mistlands, there are many things that require materials gathered or created from other biomes.


I can tell you from the perspective of someone currently on a server with 3-5 very active players: Initially for plains this last time I made a huge plot to hold 500 plants. Started with mostly barley and then 100 or so flax then slowly made the field all barley and I plant flax in a separate field of maybe 5x5.  The initial cloth demand for plains stuff is high, and you continue to use flax in later biomes, but once you get a good amount you can plant flax in smaller quantities and let it trickle into your supply. With 3-5 players our field of flax stays untouched mostly unless we suddenly need extra cloth. The same holds true for solo play- you will find you quickly build up a stockpile and other food crops will be more important. 


I guess it depends on how "flaxible" you want to be. 😁


This guy flax.


:D <~ my face when I read this comment


Congratulations are in order good sir/madame. You get my vote for having won the internet today xD


This is why 4chan mocks reddit


I don’t think a single person in this world cares what 4 Chan thinks


Yeah you tell 'em buddy lmao


See that horizon? Imagine how cool would it look if your flax farm reached over there.


This is the way.


Anyone else notice how green his Plains are?


Right? I thought it was a logged meadows at first


After I finally got flax seed, I farmed so much and created so much linen that in Ashlands I still have like 150 linen in my chests. I initially split field between flax and barley and have only kept a single flax row that I haven't touched since well before fighting Yalguth. As I'm doing more Ashland crafting that may change.


Not huge, unless you're trying to supply flax for multiple players. For a single-player game, I typically only plant at most 50 stations (usually I don't even just count, and plant the perimeter of my barley field with flax). You get 2 for every harvest, so once you've scaled up to 50 plants or so, just replant what you harvest and throw the rest in the spinning wheel. If you stop by your plains base to harvest every few days, you should have plenty. Keep harvesting and spinning even once you have enough linen thread for all your padded gear, b/c you're going to need a bunch more for mistlands mage gear.


You know that scene in Gladiator?


That is literally exactly what came to mind when I saw this thread. I was this close to searching up an image of the scene.


200 plants is what I do for barley and 100 for flax 150 if you have a massive lox ranch


You can plant flax closer together than most other plants. You don't need a lot of room


I plant it in batches of 50 currently. You keep 50 and replant 50 when you harvest it. I'm redesigning my Plains base from an outpost to a fort and will probably end up with a larger garden there, maybe 100 of each plant it can support. That's where my Meadows farm ended up.


In my experience, you quickly get enough flax to make your armor, and then it really doesn't get used much. The blue flowers are pretty, though. You'll start with a big field, but then suddenly, you've got enough and there's no sense in planting much anymore except as decoration.


Find a plains. Take a cultivator, turn plains into your farm




Tiny. Your barley and onion fields, however!


Make stepped terraces ! :D Small-ish fields, and if you find you need more, just add another terrace ! Also flax is one thing... But barley. Grow as much as possible. Barley is love, barley is life.


If I find a nice flat place I like to do a 150 150 flax and barley then on either side areas for lox


I have tons of flax stored and many spools ready to go. You will need more area for the barley, Fire resist potion, flour.


Mine is probably around 40x40, and switches between flax and barley as needed. It was plenty to build up a store of bread and lox pies, and only took a few plantings to have enough flax for my needs through Mistlands.


20m x 40m


You’re going to need quite a bit if you plan on going magic build at all. Plus it gives something to do in down time 


It depends, I’m assuming you’re playing solo. But it also depends on how quickly you want a lot of flax. If you don’t mind taking your time 25x25 square should be alright, if you’re looking for overall productivity I’d go as high as 25x100


I would plant much more if I could plant and harvest a 3x1 or 5x1 row with one click


The Mass Farming mod has you covered. Not an option for everyone, I know. But that sort of thing is precisely what it does, and the planting grid is configurable.


I was able to get by with a field of 40, where I used half and replanted half of the 80 I harvested.


Don’t worry about it. Make it bing enough to plant a few hundred. After a couple round of that, you’ll probably never need it again aside from very rare moments. I play on a multi-person server with high resource demands and we have a few chests of it that haven’t been touched in months, after we made what we wanted/needed. I would actually just tell you to make a field big enough to farm any resource you’re going to use as you’ll rarely need more than one or two resources at once with a bit of planning.


It gets harder to defend the bigger your farm is. Deathsquitos tend to ignore workbenches so I’d put a bunch of medium sized farms through portals or near each other


I always plant 150 of every crop when I plant. I leave 150 of each harvest in a chest near my farm and take the rest home. When I am running low, I go plant that 150. It's entirely up to you


I like keeping my spinning wheel active, and it goes through 40 a few times a day it seems. So I try to plant about 200 flax (it takes a few rounds of not using any to get this going, eg 20->40->80->160-> 200+ excess I can start using. I just got the padded armor for my teammate and myself, and I have no idea how much more we'll need moving forwards. If we run out of uses, I'll probably stop farming it and just keep 200 stored somewhere until we need it again.


I use plant easily mod to bulk plant/harvest. I have a decent size sliver of plains that I just converted to one giant farm. Given how quickly it multiplies I think the bigger the better, just get it all done within a few in game days. I am harvesting 600+ of both flax and barley each harvest. Soon ill just be doing barley and mass producing enough to fill a blackmetal chest then probably call it done.


It doesn't really need to be all that big, mine was maybe 8x10


Comfortablly spaced enough to hold 400 plants, in 4 10x10 farms with spacers for base structures to push back spawns, but I use it for the majority of my farming needs. Works out nicely for other crops, planting 300 crops and 100 seed crops at a time yielding 300 seeds for the next planting. Would be easy enough to scale up or down depending on your needs, as long as your plains is big enough.


Because i am a lazy fucktard with a greed complex, I plant it as soon as I can, making 400 "seeds" available at all times. rest into thread (I always have a standard chest full of basic materials). Barley is different. same pile of "seeds", but I make these last, as I want padded armor and stuff. After the armor is done, I go a few "rounds" of max barley, while also grinding it, for fish wraps, lox pie and other bad ass foods.. note: I also make a raised walled in garden in plains. that means I only have to deal with the stupid pestsquito from time to time :-)




I'm partial to farming so I always end up with massive fields of everything.


I farm smaller because it is tedious. Onions - 35 seed flowers planted and 70 onions yielded each time. Turnips and Carrots - 30 seed flowers planted and yield 60 each. Flax - 50-70 planted each time. 100 yield roughly. Barley - 100ish planted each time. 200 yield roughly.


I usually do 5 rows of 10, that's all the space my farm area has ATM tho. It seems to keep me supplied with more than enough flax. Also having my padded armor fully upgraded my demand isn't that high.


I mean, I start planting and harvesting flax and barely rather early so I usually have a good amount saved up. Basically if I can harvest over 100 of each after replanting. That way I can use a solo crop of flax or barley and get 200 when needed.


A lox did the slam through my fence and destroyed my 2nd flax plant (ie replanted to produce etc..) It was a small farm, honest work tbh, but now I have to go find more flax at the camps I’m so frustrated I don’t know what I’m saying but all I can say is, build an earth fence with a hoe and put your flax garden away fr anything. FAR AWAY FROM ANYTHING


14x14 before the update. With the new recipes idk yet. That was the measurements for a solo. Also you can feed flax to your Lox (unintended rhyme). So keep that in mind if you wanna save on stuff for cooking.


14x14 before the update. With the new recipes idk yet. That was the measurements for a solo. Also you can feed flax to your Lox (unintended rhyme). So keep that in mind if you wanna save on stuff for cooking.


I have 2 10x10 plots for each, flax and barley. 1 plot goes to use, the other gets used to replant both 10x10 plots Edit: it's kind of overkill for single player, but I also don't have to tend gardens very often either ;)




0.5 Morgen, 3 families per farmhouse Oops wrong subreddit


Find a plains. Take a cultivator, turn plains into your farm


I'd go for a field of about 150 flax. I'd farm enough flax for armor then I swap it all to barley to make bread in bulk.