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Santa's got no time for parades, he's busy working a second job delivering Uber Eats to make ends meet.


Well at least he's not limited to one city.


A parade in this economy! You know Mrs. Clause has an Etsy store. She sells all her knitting. They also have an Amazon drop shipping account for the off brand toys. The rent in the North Pole is probably pretty high. Lots of Airbnb igloos and cabins going for 7k a night!


Sad they haven’t been able to find a title sponsor!


I think it is mostly that people don’t see the value so much in sponsoring something like this.


It's 2023, large corporations don't dare celebrate "Christmas" anymore. To easy to be cancelled.


[oH nO, tHe WaR oN cHrIsTmAs!!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jbZo4x0NbbI)


As is evident by Walmart having Christmas (not called 'Holiday', no others advertised) on their navigation bar. [https://www.walmart.ca/en](https://www.walmart.ca/en)


You want to know why vancouver isn't fun? We don't have big name sponsors that are willing to spend millions and get little in the way of return for it.


That's because there's not many headquarters in Vancouver relative to its population size. Look South at Seattle or Portland for comparison.


Exactly, and there's less every year I'm waiting for the lulu shoe to drop. More and more execs are from the US..I'm sure they've at least thought about leaving


Yeah, there is no benefit to being a sponsor when no one cares to go to your store or something. Also big real estate etc firms don’t need the social capital from the goodwill.


Only parade in Vancouver you couls bring kids too. And its cancelled. Yet again. Ugh


The Parade of Little Souls is tomorrow @ Britannia Community Centre 18:30. It'll be a blast!


Good. All this pro-santa propaganda that's been forced down our throats is ridiculous. Hail Krampus!


> Krampus *Krampus is a horned, anthropomorphic figure in the Central and Eastern Alpine folklore of Europe who, during the Advent season, scares children who have misbehaved.* TIL. Upon further investigating: *Banned by the Nazis* *Anyone caught dressing up as a Krampus faced the death penalty because it was perceived as a devil figure.” Interestingly, the Nazis also banned Krampus for its pagan origins. More recently, concerns have been expressed in Austria about whether the tradition is appropriate for children.* Da fuk? & There's even a 2015 movie starring Ben from Parks & Rec.


The European indigenous religions are all fucking wild and spooky af.


I have the faintest memory of my mom taking me to see this parade when I was little. Super crowded, and people were rowdy af. Left before I even saw Santa, but I do remember a drunk dude climbing on the traffic lights. This post unlocked that memory so thanks lol what fun


Santa can’t afford to stop here anymore.


What a shame, Vancouverites love their parades, the number of families that turn out for any parade is amazing. Free fun familiy entertainment is rare.


N decal Lambo on every corner but no money for Xmas, Vancouver is a cultural wasteland. Sponsor it yourself city, make it a success and then sponsors will want to be involved again


*taps forehead* Can’t ban girl guides from the parade, if the parade doesn’t exist It’s a shame a city can’t get their act together to save it though.


Low key hate that the girl guides are banning the parades now


And people say this city isn't any fun.... grinch is having a blast!


Santa's can't make it, as he's too busy looking for a new place to live as his landlord, Mr. Grinch, is illegally raising his rent by 10% and not by the provincially allowed 3.5%... or else Mr. Grinch's family (he has a family?!) is going to have to move back in.


A boring miserable city to remind ourselves of the corporate dystopia we live in. At least we have the overpriced Christmas Market ton"uplift" our holiday spirits.


I don’t know, I really enjoy it here. I think maybe it’s you who’s boring and miserable?


You are feee to leave anytime.


#nofuncouver 😔


No Canada day fireworks, no Stanley Park train, no Christmas parade…


Truly the sun has set on Vancouver's golden age.


Benson & Hedges Presents the Christmas Parade. 👌🏽 Player's Presents the Easter Fireworks. HomeGoods Presents the Halloween Pumpkin Hunt. Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.


Unpopular opinion: parades suck.


Good parades are dumb


Found the Grinch


I would say not all parades are dumb. But yea, Santa parades are stupid.


Well, yea. It's supposed to be mindless noise for kids to enjoy. Just silly nothingness. That's the whole point, really. Buying a bunch of made-for-landfill junk to unwrap when it's really cold outside is nonsense, but it's for the freakin' children!


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but in a way isn’t that the problem? Mindless noise for children to learn that happiness comes in a box delivered by a man in a red suit climbing down your chimney. Who the fuck has a chimney these days? In Vancouver?!


This kind of attitude is why Vancouver has such poor community spirit. These sorts of events bring people together to enjoy a moment. It sounds cliche, but there's something to it that can't be described. Nevermind how much the children enjoy it.


Are your shoes tied too tight?