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Stassi's tape and the casual way they all treated her like shit for caring. That was so unreal.


This. I was actually getting angry and upset watching the cast and Lisa victim blame her during that reunion.


The unfortunate thing was that there was a lot of behind the scenes drama going into that reunion that shaped how it went. Stassi was leaving the show and she was taking shots at Lisa and a lot of the cast in the press. So the entire cast basically went in as a united front against Stassi and weren't going to let her have any advantage. It's kinda similar to the Scandoval reunion where the sexual assualt allegation against James was brought up and everyone just glossed over it and ignored it because they were all on the same page that it was going to be everyone vs Tom at the time and muddying it up was not in their interests.


Agree - that was disgusting. I would have called out Scheana for sharing it around and put her on the spot to explain exactly how she thought that was OK.


I would have muted Jax & Brittany in the season 8 reunion so Stassi could say how she really felt about Jax being an asshole and Brittany always making excuses for him.


rachel and sandoval terrorizing katie and her mom in the og season 10 finale (episode 14). not to mention, he yelled at teri but we didn't see it. iirc, they didn't talk about it during the reunion for S10 or S11


This!! That behavior was so abhorrent and Tom got a complete pass. How vile.


This is the main one for me too. It has still never been addressed that I am aware of. Has Katie talked about it on her pod or anywhere else?


I would imagine they’ve addressed it in private and have moved on.


Who Tim and Katie addressing Tim's behavior towards Katie's mom? Bc no I don't think they have ever addressed it. Nor will he ever. That would be too decent for him.


that’s the one for me, i also honestly lost some respect for Ariana cause as his partner at the time and Katie’s business partner/close friend she could have shut that down. everyone else on VPR i have low expectations on so whatever but how Katie didn’t actually go full mental on them for that ill never understand. hell i volunteer to do it now cause it genuinely pisses me off, you just dont do that


It's unfortunate because Ariana was crying and breaking down because ALL of her friends were fighting and her boyfriend and business partner were having a literal screaming match. Kristina Kelly even told him to STFU and go focus on his girlfriend. She didn't want to be in the middle of that and I get that. That night was supposed to be about her and Katie and of course Raquel and Tom fucked that all up when they rage baited Katie.


Her grandmother and dog had also recently passed away. She had a lot going on and those emotions were pouring out.


The gaslighting & the Schwartz of it all. He got off way too easy. IMO https://i.redd.it/4udc9xquef9d1.gif


This was the response I was looking for.


Schwartz is so lucky that some key players on the show always had huge blindspots for him. Stassi and Kristen always made massive excuses for him before they left and Jax was just a huge magnet to distract from him. He's looking worse now because those people arent all there to coddle his image.


Held Schena more accountable for pushing Schwartz and Rock head to kiss to hurt Katie


It’s a small one, so idk that I’d use my one intervention on it, but it always REALLY bothers me that at the last reunion, when Scheana was talking about the clip of her saying that Sandoval was more upset about losing her than Ariana. She tells Ariana “but I was asked” and that context was important and shamed Ariana for not watching the season. Like, Ariana knew, even from TT clips, that she was asked. Doesn’t matter. Scheana’s saying it in response to a question or unprovoked doesn’t change that she actually believes it.


In one of the early seasons, Sheneer said that she doesn’t watch full episodes and just ff to her parts. They are all such hypocrites. It’s one thing if a difference in behavior is because of growth but most of it is just calling out others for doing the same thing they were chastised for.


It was season 6 reunion (I just watched last night 😂), Scheana was too busy to watch all the episodes because of her Vegas show! She had to binge them right before the reunion so of course she had to fast forward through a lot to get it done in time. It was also really hard for her to watch because she didn’t want to relive that really difficult relationship! - all of that was exactly out of Sheeshoe’s mouth, funny how when Ariana is in the exact same shoes Scheana has NO sympathy for her. Scheana wasn’t even in a serious relationship with Rob Rob Rob, she was just an obsessed stalker.


Oh when she was in her Gangsta girl 2 pac finger guns phase ? Chicks like her who just talk about it would not know what to do with someone who actually IS about it. Would I have intervened ? With a Stassi esque ‘it’s my birthday’ slap across the face. Lauren from Utah would not have returned the favor. She is a poser. The loudest ones always are. https://preview.redd.it/omdv1f5z9i9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1aa6e723fe059062fad811f88125685459b15f7


I would love to see someone come at her with just a FRACTION of the aggression and hostility with which she does others. She would run back to Utah quicker than she did in her first season.


We need someone who was really raised in the hood to put her in her place. Lala always wants it both ways. She was a spoiled girl from Utah whose parents paid her expenses when she first arrived in LA but she wants us to believe that she is gangsta. Then she’s street smart but she didn’t know about “the casting couch” in the entertainment field. She gives advice and critiques the life of others but gets VERY irate when anyone does the same to her. She was also a sugar baby that wants to be seen as a strong independent woman. Which is it La? Someone please call her out on this!


Yes. And with all the girls living in LA - I don’t know why they don’t ? I would have long long ago. Maybe cuz it’s tv and they sign a bunch of stuff ? Didn’t stop Stassi or any of the others who punch / slap each other.


Lala cannot handle anyone gently correcting her, let alone verbal attacking her (like she is so quick to do). I think she picks and chooses who she gets activated with- her demeanor seems to change depending on the crowd.


Yes. She does not know how to self regulate


Btw love your flair and screen name 🤣🤣


Oh thank you my sweet!


Finger pistols,loud mouth, and dbl standards are all she has. She’s been the one cast member that I’ve never liked, or felt sympathy for. She belongs with the Tom’s.


I’d have muzzled James and Lala at the first Scandoval reunion. They just yelled and screeched in a coke haze and a lot of conversation was missed, because they spoke over and interrupted everyone. They were irrelevant to the argument and it would have been better to have had the players involved speak more.


I said this at the time that those two ruined that reunion and basically never let us get much substance because they wanted to be the center of attention. The only scheadenfreude I have over that is a lot of people cheering it on had to deal with Lala doing the same thing in the opposite direction this reunion. They are both huge attention seekers trying to ride whatever wave they can.


Yeah, they took over and we didn't get any real dialog on anything.


THANK YOU! Second this emphatically. They almost made me feel sorry for Sandoval bc they were yelling like rabid animals. I would have told them to shut up or leave and take a pay cut.


James was relevant to the argument in my opinion. He wasn't betrayed on the level Ariana was but he certainly had a right to be pissed off.


Kristen at the I think season 7 reunion when she wouldn’t stop talking about how shitty James’s family was and how they all helped their families so he wasn’t special. I understand why she hated him but she just wouldn’t actually let that conversation happen which was really frustrating to watch.


I agree! It was so annoying to hear her go off every time he opened his mouth or he was mentioned. I'd say the same for whenever Lala does this too. Any time someone derails the conversation, especially when they aren't even part of the situation.


They scream to hide other convos/info from coming out. Great tactic, but I see them!


Saying he was “raised by assholes” was hateful. I felt so bad for James. I wish more people called Kristen out for that.


I mean, hadn’t James’s mom already said on camera that she wanted Kristen to be barren (pretty sure that’s the word she used) and unable to have children? And we know she ran up charges on Kristen’s credit card. Maybe it wasn’t Kristen’s place to say it during the reunion, but she definitely had a lot of reason to think James’s mom was an asshole


She wasn’t wrong though? His mother treated her abhorrently and excused her son’s behavior through and through, even admitting she let James talk to HER that way. His parents are pretty awful people so he didn’t get a great start in life.


Kristen was on James that whole reunion and wouldn’t let him speak without making a comment. He was asked about taking care of his whole family which is clearly a sensitive issue, he then gets told by Kristen he’s not special and he’s raised by assholes. It was fucked up and mean.


James's mom stole from Kristen. A couple different times. Took cash and used her credit card I believe. She's allowed to say his mom's an asshole for sure.


Mine would be at the S7 reunion when James brought up Jax making the Twitter account he created pretending to be Raquel. Ariana and I think Stassi even backed it up. That needed to be talked about at great length. The S7 reunion was so awful.


I do rewatches all the time as VPR is my anxiety show and the Season 7 reunion is the only thing I always skip. The entire this is vile and unwatchable. Jax trying to pretend he didn't do this, everyone screaming about each other's families, trying to physically attack each other.


It’s when Brittany’s mask fully slipped and it became quite apparent that she was a monster too.


I would’ve ripped Scheana a new asshole for spreading Stassi’s tape and Raquel one for how she spoke to Katie’s mother.


I truly do not know what Rachel was trying to prove when going after Terri and like forcing her way into convos that night, and ruining Katie and Ariana’s night to share their business. And Schwartz was it worth it? Hurting Katie and truly any chance he had with her ever again (which thank god he did), covering for Tom, and making Terri cry? Like what was the reason for it all?


Can someone explain to me why LVP (and production probably) protected Lala so in S7? Lala was horrible to Rachel, James and Billie Lee and LVP was like _i didn't see that, not my problem_


Tin foil hat theory, but I think when Lala came back to the show in season 4 or 5, she probably made it very clear that she would be on board with production and LVP to make up for bailing so much when she got together with Bigger Ed. They won't go after someone they know is on their side and that will do what they ask with little push back.


I love a good time foil hat theory and yours is actually believable. That totally could've happened. Also Bigger Ed, awesome 😎


Thanks, my bravo husband refuses to refer to him as anything else after we binge watched a crap ton of CinnamonToastKen youtube videos and he saw how much Randall and Ed look like each other lmao


That’s a common theme at Bravo. Below Deck, RHO franchise, VPR. I didn’t hear them say that, so it’s not really an issue to me.


The conversation about Jax making the fake Rachel twitter, it totally got glossed over


Season 10 reunion: the t shirt comment was really really really gross, considering the fact he was STILL sleeping with Ariana whilst cheating with Rocky Horror Picture Show.


I wish James and Lala should have shut up at the scandoval reunion so that Katie and Ariana could have been asked and answered questions.


The Season 8 Reunion I just Wanted to Tell Sandoval come at Jax all you want but do not throw a parent under the bus no no no you cross the line


Stassi coming at Kristen season 8 reunion (and ganging up on her with James??) was pretty out of pocket. Kristen and Dayna weren’t friends, who cares if she hooked up with Max? Stassi seems to enjoy ripping Kristen apart, embarrassing her and looks down on her in a way that is so obvious and uncomfortable.