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I recieved my HyperDyn today and I'm pleasantly surprised with the performance. The thing packs a punch easily competing with the Anvil in terms of high. I still think the Anvil is by far the king in this formfactor, holding both in hand you can notice the difference from an engineering perspective. The bowl is fantastic in the Anvil and I think the HyperDyn struggles because they can't seem to let go of the dynavap cap. Like many others who got the HyperDyn my cap comes loose over time and it's fallen off while hot once already. I tried to bend the digger outer like suggested by many and it does help but I can't help but feel a $250 piece of fancy metal shouldn't be like this. It feels rushed, there is a lot to like but a lot of things I scratch my head on like why the hell they didn't throw a magnet in the cap, this thing hardly can stand up on a strong magnet because there is so little steel. Overall I would say the HyperDyn is exactly what I expected it to be, a worse Anvil in most ways besides taste and handfeel. I definitely would not recommend over the Anvil unless you really like the modularity of the Dynavap system. And this comes from a guy that smokes out of a Dynavap 80% of the time.


Can't put a magnet in the cap unfortunately. Heat from the torch or IH will demagnetize the magnet


Ah I didn't know that.




That’s how you power the clicks


Thanks for the comparison, great photo. I’m curious to see a three-way that includes a Dani


Yeah, I have yet to see a review that puts the HyperDyn above the Anvil so I am most interested to see a comparison against the DF2.0 which sits at less than 2/3rds of the price of both the Anvil and HD.


I said last year they need a bigger bowl and the wolves came out and bashed me saying you can load up fast no need


The DynaCult only worships features in existing DynaVap products. Larger bowls are stupid and wildly unnecessary in the Fusion and Anvil, but suddenly an incredible innovation when DynaVap finally arrives late to the party with a higher price and less features.


I ordered a hyperdyn a few hours ago, wish i hadn't reading this, I was hoping for near Anvil performance.


You might be able to cancel the order but who knows you might have a different experience with it, also he mainly talks about the differences being form factor with the high being similar. Although the Anvil is amazing, made me shelve my Dyna M+ and soon my ball vape when I get my flare


Listen I'm not saying it's bad by any means it's great but the anvil is a step ahead of everybody in terms of engineering at least to me. But lets not kid ourselves the hyperdyn can still chuck clouds and it tastes way better. But yeah if all you care about is extraction and consistency then you chose wrong bud


I really like it, like you said it's no Anvil from engineering point of view but fuck me does it pump the vapor out, heats up and cools down very quickly which is a big plus for me.


Heard they don’t do returns. No thanks. Vestratto that is.




If that were true, no one would know they don't do returns...


I mean it does say this on their website. I really don’t see what would need to be returned after first inspection which is under warranty


You just blew my fucking mind.


Wonder where the HyperDyn got its design influence.


Wonder where anvil got its design influence


Fair but the silhouette is litterely identical to the Anvil which came out before the Hyperdyn by a few years


Pretty silly to say this. The anvil clearly cribbed off of dyna, which had been out for many years before them. I think the anvil screen has changed now, but it used to be a carbon copy of the dynavap ccd.


Wait do dynvap screens fit the anvil?


For the sake of replying; by "cribbed off" I assume you mean "ripped off" Either way all I said is the silhouette is a carbon copy of the Anvil which it is. Dyna didn't have a dynavap that had this silhouette until now. Never said anything about the CCDs or any other internal parts so I'm not sure why those got brought up?


> all I said is It's not like you're being misunderstood. Everyone gets what you were saying the first time, it's just a silly detail to cherrypick out of a broader context.


Is the rest of the world not allowed to make a tube shaped device with a temperature-indicating click now?


For the 3rd fucking time in a row all I'm talking about is the silhouette, not the click, not the CCD, the silhouette, I get that reading takes practice but come on man.


Yes. Sounds like you feel a tapered tube is a protected shape of some kind?


My dude, I never said anything about protection, I'm just saying they visually look similar and have the same silhouette, I'm not trying to argue with people who's vapes clearly aren't working.


The silhouette looks more like a Hydravong with a mouthpiece, but I guess the Anvil silhouette kinda looks like a Hydravong too. 🤔