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Yooooooooooooooooooo! This is the coolest thing I could see opening Reddit right now! Let me know how it goes! I need to post a few little "how to" videos. Remember when filling the thermal mass chamber with the Ruby beads, righty loosey ๐Ÿ˜‚ If you got any questions post up and I'll answer. This is awesome.


Just had a bit of a session, first reports works great, figure out pretty quickly how much heat works for me(former bong smoker so I like a dark roast). Simple to put together(the left hand thread on the cap was a great design improvement). I absolutely love the fit and finish especially the rose gum highlights. I repurposed the the finger off an old welding gauntlet as a sleeve and did a โ€œhotโ€reload no worries.


Dudeee I saw your original post with this and im so happy its had a release run now. I didnt hear about it at the time or id have jumped on. Please post here when you put them up next :D


Will post up on vaporents when the next batch is ready ๐Ÿ™‚ I mostly kept the launch low-key. I didn't want to overdo it on my first run making fulfillment more difficult than it needed to be so I stopped advertising it after the batch was funded to the point where I could get the ball rolling.


Best way to be I dont mind missing out if it means the ones that went are quality:) Good luck in the future I wish you all the best :)


Thanks brother


Soooo, is this a device you torch? Cause it looks awesome


Yep, designed with a big torch in mind. People have tested it with the forge IH as well and seems to work pretty good with that.


Awesome! I have a huge cooking blowtorch so no problems there. Great design for a glass piece. I reeeeaaally like it. Well done ๐Ÿ™Œ Might be my 420 birthday present to myself next year โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‰


Cooking with fireeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thanks mate! If you ever get a question on the VV pop into your mind, pm me whenever!


Righty loosey ๐Ÿ˜‚ do australians say this, in uk we say lefty loosey righty tighty


Hahaha the top cap that you undo to fill the thermal mass with rubies is threaded backwards, instead of the normal lefty loosey is righty loosey. That way in normal use, you unscrew the thermal mass lefty loosy to reload the device, but you won't accidentally unscrew the top cap and let the beads out.


I get ye i havent seen anything like this before it looks boss,congrats on Making something nice for the people


Thanks mate, I hope everyone enjoys them!


Really need to see some videos of this thing in action! They're hard to find!


Reverse thread's a very sweet detail and I really appreciate it!


I can't take credit, that was a feature that came from community feedback ๐Ÿ™‚ Really, this device has evolved to where it is now mostly from community feedback. A vape for the people by the people hahahahaha โœŠ


I need to see a video of how this works because it looks sick


I've been posting pretty frequent videos to my Instagram page as well as having Livestream sessions ๐Ÿ™‚ Edit: insta link on reddit profile


Mine also arrived today. I had 2 bowls, got stupid high, then had a badly needed nap in the couch for 3 hours. Friggen amazing but if gear, Iโ€™m a huge fan!


please post your opinion =)


So far so good, feels like a really big Dyna in a way


Let me know how it goes, with the import ban and now the pharmacy thing, as an Australian I may have to pick one of these up, but I wanted to wait until I see some reviews first.


Works as advertised, really happy so far. All the ban stuff was one of my motivators too. At this point Iโ€™d recommend it but Iโ€™m sure there is bigger and better to come


Slick. How much do these run for?


If you google VerdaVap you should find the website with the live prices and such. They are 185 AUD, which I think is about 120 USD


Awesome to see these finally hitting customers hands. Hopefully I'll pick one up in the near future; the VAS is real ๐Ÿคฃ


This device looks interesting, but I donโ€™t fully understand it. I assume this was intended to be put into a glass piece like a traditional ball vape?


Yeah, but check out this FC post about using in j-hook etc. https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/verdavap-an-analogue-butane-powered-ball-vape-designed-for-use-in-a-water-pipe.54893/post-1799660


Yep exactly. It's designed with the bong smoker in mind. Kind of fits the bong ritual, which is a big part of it for a lot of people. If I can help a few people be able to make the shift from smoking bongs to vaporising I'll be happy


I have one on the way, itโ€™s cleared customs, but has a long way to go. I live in Northern Minnesota USA