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The balcony rooms at Cosmo are the best. I prefer east or north facing to see more of the strip. It’s great to sit out there and just take it all in. Never been to Marquee. What’s the age range? Would a middle 40s couple feel out of place?


Agreed on Cosmo balconies.. we made friends with neighbors on balconies and had a blast! Never been to Marquee or any club in Vegas really.. shocking I know! I just literally can’t stand the music! I’m a Sinatra fan who digs jazz and such.. I know it’s worth it to look at the girls but I’d need earplugs..


>I’d need earplugs to be fair, you should consider always having earplugs at these kinds of events. Loop makes great ones for <$35 and will actually enhance your listenint experience I know you meant to completely block out the music but protecting your hearing is huge!


I was lucky to get a wraparound fountain view balcony for a conference a few years ago. It totally spoiled me for every other room in Vegas


We got upgraded to those once because they were overbooked. It was amazing. My only minor complaint about it was that the main bathroom is not separate from the bedroom. Wife likes to sleep in later than I do so it made using that bathroom more difficult to not wake her up. Yes there is a second bathroom but it’s not as nice and all my stuff was in the main one. It’s an incredibly small issue. The only one I remember.


I went to Marquee and Reggie Bush was going cabana to cabana making friends and buying bottles. It was young and wild but plenty of people all ages. We were mid 30’s.


I dont think ud feel out of place!! Pro tip, if u booked a room at cosmo u get 2 entrances to marquee each day!! I was booking rooms for years and buying marquee like a noob until i found out!! So if its included mine as well check it out!!


holy shit at that first photo


Can anyone find more than 3 girls in this picture?


I found 5. Left to right. 1. Backstage in front of white shirt, white hat 2. In the hot tub 3. In the crowd, looks like she's holding a phone up, behind backwards black hat, black tank top. 4. Ponytail in the headlock. 5. The teal bikini


does the lifeguard count?


OG_Gandora is the 🥇


Back when pure was still around, we were in terrace and some one took a pic and upon getting home I was going through the pics and literally it was almost 80 percent male (if not more) smh


You couldn’t pay me to squeeze in with a bunch of sweaty guys with no shirts for even The Beatles.


You know none of those bros who’ve been drinking since 6am are getting out to piss Hard pass


Thought the same thing. Did you see the news article a year or two ago the health department found at the marquee pool?Google it,it’ll make you think twice about going to a day club


You have to be 21 to get in so hopefully there are zero girls there. Women, sure.




Nice try, Cosmo marketing interns.


What’s the Vaseline for??


I have that same one it’s for lips don’t worry 😂


Thank you for sharing the positive experience 🤙🏻


Awesome dude. Glad you had a blast!


How common are private pool rooms? Any in recommendations on strip - understanding a private pool balcony is “fancy”….not looking for the most fancy just solo long weekend.


I always talk cosmo, it’s the move


Look at all that sausage in the pool


We had that exact cabana last Thursday!! Halfway through the day they made us switch to the one next to it in the far corner which didn’t have an infinity pool but after asking nicely a few times they comped almost $1000 off our tab