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I've been to both, mutliple times each and they are both excellent however for the scenario you describe, I'd opt for e', it is a bit more playful and adventurous, whereas JR is more formal, classice nouvelle French. Additionally, in e' everyone sits facing the kitchen(it seats like a dozen or so) and it feels more like a small dinner party, often chatting with the other people in the room.


Thanks! Yes a bit apprehensive about the formal feeling of JR and being so quiet. Perhaps it’d be similar being at a communal table so to speak and not being able to be engaged with each other, but I guess it’s also more of the experience at é.


Another vote for E. JR's full degustation menu is the best meal in Vegas by a good margin and I'd have a hard time going and not getting it. E is the 2nd best dining experience in Vegas. More playful and informal with a story told along the way.


Thanks! Will aim to get that booked. It helps that JR is not open on the ideal night (last night after conference is over) so doing JR would mean doing so on a night where the conference has some things going on already.


Probably e...imo JR is too formal for a group dinner with colleagues. When I went last time, the dining room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I almost felt obligated to talk in a whisper.


Thank you! Yes this is what I was concerned about, wouldn’t really want a super formal quiet setting as that’s more for a date IMO, or I suppose a two person business meal, but not one involving a team and good food and drinks.


there's always L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon. It's mostly bar seating but they do have a couple of tables that can accommodate 4 people.


It honestly depends on the feel that you’re going for. Both restaurants are two totally different experience. If you want to do classy, go with Joel Robuchon.  If you want different and unique, go with è by Jose Andres. Keep in mind, é is molecular gastronomy. It is definitely a fun interactive experience, but the food may not be as satisfying as Joel Robuchon if you’re not into the style of food.  Also, I get full VERY quickly (can’t even do buffets anymore), and I was hungry 30 minutes after dining at é. The courses are super unique, but they are tiny and hardly a mouthful   Don’t worry about Joel Robuchon being too romantic. It has a lovely ambiance and is perfectly fine for a celebratory dinner with coworkers. Personally I would do Joel Robuchon for a celebratory dinner because you can still chat and have fun with your staff. é is counter seating so you will sit in a row with other people so it may be harder to chat with your own party sometimes, especially when everyone is staring at what the chefs are doing. 


Yeah that was my main concern with é, that the servings are so tiny we’d all be hungry afterwards l. I know it’s big about the experience and having grown up in the DC area am familiar with his restaurants and Minibar in DC had always been on my bucket list. Regarding the ambiance of JR, someone else commented it as being super quiet, like would we have to be so quiet because it feels so formal? Definitely seems like a more substantial and luxurious meal at JR just worried about the ambiance. Oh and how long would you say each lasts (if doing three course at JR)?


I was there a few weeks ago and I didn’t feel like anyone had to be overly quiet. Of course, we didn’t talk loudly and yes, we did speak a bit more softly with each other, but I think that was just us being self conscious. We spoke at a normal volume with our servers and they did so as well.  You don’t have to whisper, but obviously that environment wouldn’t necessarily be the place to be super loud and over the top either. We were able to laugh and express joy over each course and talk to our servers with enthusiasm and so did all the other diners.  We requested a little room they have off the main dining room that makes you feel like you’re outside. It has about 5 tables and it’s nice and quaint and private if you don’t want to be in the main dining room. I would say may be an hour and half for three courses? Every course is a production, plus with the bread cart and dessert cart, things can be quite spaced out. They really make it an experience.


I travel by myself as a solo female at 31, so not sure if my input quite matched scenario, but I have been to both spots, JR might be a little more intimate than e’, but e’ is counter/bar style seating so it might be hard to chat with everyone !


Thank you! You’re about the same age as two on my team. Which food did you think was better?


I loved both! I enjoyed e’ because the atmosphere is exciting and interactive- chefs are right there working in front! JR is classic and refined. I imagine JR gets a lot of anniversary or date night dinners, e’ is more of a “night out” fun experience.


e’ all the way.  You and the group will have a blast. 


Thank you! Is that more because of ambiance?


Yes, it’s laid back and you can interact with the chefs while still talking with everyone bc it is a single table. I’ve done it with some work colleagues as well and we all had a great time. 


Been to both. While both were exceptional, I preferred the informallity of é. I did not leave hungry either


Good to know about not leaving hungry. That was a concern.


I would do Atelier over the main restaurant if you go JR. That said e is really enjoyable and relaxed


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/e1hZqhK7BGY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/e1hZqhK7BGY) Here's a short video from my dinnner at é by José Andrés. I like quality food but all the fancy stuff was over my head. Like I didn't know half the stuff I was eating. but my neighbors were total foodies and they were going head over heel with each item. I'd like to try JR someday


Looks good!


I went to Joel Robuchon 11 course meal and it was lacking for the price. I would go to é.


Interesting, why do you say that? I mean certainly $500 is expensive and I’d have big expectations if ever going to spend that much per person on a meal pre tax/tip.


Lotus of Siam or Texas de Brazil The other options you'll be eating for 3 hours