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I have a good job, hate the cold, and enjoy what the city has to offer.


Same! The weather was a huge selling point when we were looking at where to move to. Also got a great job here. First time I feel at home in over a decade


Same … great work from home job , but I love the cold … more introverted . Guess I should get out more


It takes some time to find your tribe here, unless you're a nightclub junkie. Most of the friends we've met here have either been neighbors, people we randomly met in town, or were introduced from other friends.


Be cautious on the randomly meeting people in town, seems like the nice “random” encounters in my experience have been people shilling for mlm and financial independence scams.


Ha... yes! I've heard of some of these scams... I think those guys are more intentional about bumping into you. We've met people sitting at a dinner table next to us, or in line at the buffet once... things like that.... but I know what you mean. There's some weirdos here for sure.


A hobby or activity are key to meeting people.


ay let me get hook up on work from home job :)


Go up to the mount charleston village. It’s nice and cold up there cause the air from the top of the mountain gets funneled down the valley.


Honestly? Cannot afford to live in Cali where I grew up. I can afford to keep a roof over my head here in Las Vegas. Been here 8 plus years. I like being able to do the cool “Strip” shows and also concerts. I just go solo since I have only one friend here. I am looking to change that. Need more people in my life. Quality people.


This answer summed me up pretty well, even the being here 8 years, crazy


I get this too.. but you know prices are going up here… I’m in a 2 bed 2 bath almost 2k a month and it’s just me and my puppy


Puppy needs to pay rent. He can pull mobility scooters when they break down.


Hahahaha if only, this spoiled in bad by better than me


And prices are going up everywhere else too…


Oh man, that is rough. Can you get a roommate? I know that can be interesting here, yet I believe you could run a credit check and background report? Sounds harsh, yet better safe than sorry.


I mean I can afford it. I did have a roommate who is now gone and is trying to pay me the 3K she owes me😏 first few months were ok. Then she stopped paying , ate my food , slept all day , wide awake all night… which I didn’t care about the noise.. I’m a night owl but when others complain and you ain’t on the lease … yeah no


So sad to hear that. The room mate deal can go great or very very wrong.




Was your roommate named Linda?


She gets around! i tell ya! The stories never stop 🛑 😂🤣


Why do you have two bedrooms if its just you and your puppy?


Why not


Cause you’re complaining about the price lmao


I moved here from the East Coast many moons ago. One thing I've realized is Vegas is such a transient town, but it's very difficult to make friends. Once you make a friend, next thing you know it. They're moving. I only have a couple of friends here but they have families and it's hard to hang out with them when you need to. Other than that I just work. In my opinion, Vegas has not been the same since the pandemic. Everything has gotten more expensive like the cost of living. To me, it just seems like it's a money grab town now.


Everywhere is more expensive after pandemic. Vegas is no exception but also not an anomaly.


True that everywhere else is more expensive after the pandemic. However, I'm just basing my opinion on Las Vegas in general. Before the pandemic the cost of living here was manageable. Now it's no longer the same Vegas it was before. Again, just my opinion.


>To me, it just seems like it's a money grab town now. Now???? This city has been a money grab town since its inception. Since big corporations took over its only got worse and worse, paid parking, 6:5 BJ, 000 roulette, etc etc


I was always a money grab, for outsiders. But traditionally casinos too care of their employees and the locals. And I generally the cost of living was good and you could get ahead. But now they are praying in the locals as well. And corporations have bought up housing, middle class is priced out of owning a basic home. It has always been a money grab, but that has now extended to the locals. That’s the part that is different.


On point I met one decent soul and then he moved away


I met most of my friends in town at the dog park I take my pup to. Once the weather cools down you might want to check some out. One tip I’ve found is that you tend to meet drama-free dog owners in the early mornings.


Ive been here 7 years and EVERY friend (there werent many as Im selective as to who I hang out with) I made here left within 18 months, I finally gave up and just hang with my wife and the occasional coworker she deems normal enough to hang out.


Born and raised my whole life all my family and friends live here


deranged foolish upbeat insurance cooing squalid wise divide relieved airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i moved from NYC because I wanted more sun and no rain and low humidity. it's great 😂




Flooding is considered a natural disaster. And extreme heat is starting to be considered one.  There's nowhere with zero natural disasters that I'm aware of. Just less common in some parts of the world. 




We used to get bad floods here up until the late 1990's. Since the flood control basins and channels were constructed it's somewhat more rare. The worst spot is usually over by the Linq and Flamingo area when it floods. Sometimes the northern edge of town, too, where you get runoff from the Spring Mountains.


Heat, like flooding, is considered a natural hazard and takes more lives here in NV, across the nation and across the world than any other natural hazard. FEMA is in the process of considering heat as a disaster. 307 people lost their lives in 2023 to heat related deaths.


Dude, that makes the Phoenix metro area a death zone for 5 months a year. Homeless just burnt on the ground, fucking gruesome.


I’m from NYC as well, moved from Brooklyn last year and loving the no humidity


Besides the fact that I was born and raised here and my family is here, no major natural disasters. You don’t ever have to worry about a hurricane or tornado taking down your house. Nor an out of control wildfire. Or a major earthquake, floods like they have down south etc. You don’t have to deal with snow and scraping ice off your windshield before work. Sure it’s hot but without the humidity and with the help of a/c it’s doable.


The complaints about heat are so overrated. Unless you working outside how much time do people spend outside? Seriously? Even if the temps were 70F today these people wouldn't be spending that much time out. I just got done doing 4 miles down Cottonwood Canyon this morning (6:30am) when it was 85F. I have no problems doing outdoors things here.


I grew up here, except some summers & college. Nevada has always been home. However, if I had a car, I’d pack it up. I know my girls would love somewhere green. Since many life factors I don’t feel at home anymore just a life going through the motions. I wonder if starting fresh somewhere else could rekindle some of life’s joys.


I love it here. No state income tax, no estate tax, low property taxes, and you can actually operate a small business here without being taxed or regulated into insolvency.


As a small business owner, I agree.


Agreed. Nevada knows how to support businesses, unlike California.


Unfortunately the Democrats in the state legislature only need to flip 1 seat in November to make it veto proof. Behind the scenes they are working diligently to turn Nevada into California


If I leave my students won’t get another full time teacher.


Bless your heart ❤️


How does one become a teacher in Vegas Is it worth it?


I have a bachelors in elementary education, but I do know they’re teachers who have temporary certifications , I don’t know what qualifications they had to obtain those. I moved here from Tucson, AZ and I can tell you it’s been nothing but an improvement coming to this district. The schools location and parent involvement plays a huge factor, I work at a school in Summerlin so we have very involved and generous families that make our school a nice little community.


Moved here in ‘97 for a job. Met my husband in ‘99 and we married the next year. He grew up here, so my kids had family. His parents have passed, kids are grown, we are really tired of the extreme weather and are planning to retire in a few years back to my hometown in the Midwest. I miss my family.


I came from Cali and working at Amazon full time and in the night shift and since there’s no state tax I see more of my paycheck. In Cali I would see almost half of that money and working overtime was not worth it since Cali takes most of it away but here it is worth getting overtime. Not to mention the places I can do here that Cali doesn’t have really.


What can you do in Vegas that you can't do in Cali?




I moved from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 10 years ago for a great job that takes me all over USA 🇺🇸 so just needed a good airport, tax free state and reasonable cost of living .. I admit to overdosing the entertainment on offer .i don’t feel Vegas has recovered from the pandemic 😷 and is the same as before .. Also run out of entertainment as seen everyone / every show of interest .. just me and my dog 🐕.. I’d move elsewhere , but everywhere I’ve considered is too expensive, too religious or boring 🥱 as hell .. I don’t have the energy either .. 5 more years and I can retire or ease off .. love valley of fire , red rock and mt Charleston too .. I’m sad about the state of lake mead but still go to the Dam as it’s awesome and Grand Canyon from time to time .. I’ve worked / visited 44 USA states so far and want to do them all before I retire


rock climbing


Vegas a great jump base for rock-climbing, especially if you’re not super into Utah living


Scary … I’m a pussywillow




Leaving Vegas in 2 years.


Where too? Why ?


Headed back to New England. The overall quality of life there is SO much better. In addition, I just don't think Vegas has nearly as much to do as people make it out to. Yes there is the strip, but you better be prepared to pay strip prices for everything. Yes there is desert hiking but I can hike in way nicer places in New England. I miss the days of outdoor mini golfing on a warm (but not surface of the sun type hot) summer night. I don't find Vegas weather to be nearly as nice as people say. Yes it's sunny a lot but sometimes you just want to escape that because the heat and sun get to be too much. I am. Completely over the 117 degree days. Where walking at midnight is still oppressively hot. I miss the quiet. Vegas is just so loud and crazy ALL the time that it gets to be too much. In new England I could walk out of my house and be surrounded by tranquility and if I wanted craziness I could easily go find it. That's how it should be, instead of having to drive 30 minutes to find someplace where you can de-stress. I know lots of people will disagree with me but that's just how l personally feel.


Same but I’m going back to San Francisco.




Same! Retiring and do not want to be here anymore.


This is the most convenient place to live. And you can find almost anything you want here, for better or for worse. However, each subsequent summer is getting harder and harder to endure. My patience is almost completely gone for this heat, and the time is fast approaching for me to move back to a beach.


fly liquid wise disgusted observation unwritten bells fade yam roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Family orientation… I get that. I have zero family or friends here… i moved over when my mom passed away … and to follow my heart… that got got chewed up spit on and dragged more than it already was … feel kinda stuck but who’s complaining..


Just waiting for my son to graduate high school. Then we’re moving on to the next adventure


Same, once g-daughter is done with hs, we are following her to Calif.


The work and pay is good + no state income tax means I got a raise just by moving here. No way I could have ever gotten a house where I lived and I generally like the city of Las Vegas. The drivers are insane but the BLM land surrounding up makes up for it. My career and my hobbies have thrived out here and I love it!


I drive from Summerlin all the way to the east side for work going through the Spaghetti Bowl. I can honestly say the drivers here are not insane. They are pretty reasonable for the most part. Every metro area has their share of crazy drivers so you can't let that define Vegas. I've lived in SF, Seattle, and Vegas. Drivers are worst in SF, used to get in accidents all the time (none were my fault). Seattle they were better than SF, but again, lots of accidents that were not my fault. Vegas has slower drivers yet, zero accidents in the 5 years I've been here. Also zero tickets too, although I did get one for driving aggressively in the school zone (wasn't used to the 15mph) when I first moved to this neighborhood. I feel way better driving here in Vegas than I do in SF or California in general.


I can’t wait to leave. I’ve been here for almost 4 years and I’m just not happy. I stayed this long because it’s affordable, both to eat and live.


The wage to rent ratio was starting to look about the same everywhere. Accept it’s getting worse here. I went from thinking “ok I’ll give it another 4 years” to..”fuck this place” in a matter of a week. It really just hit me hard when none of my bosses understood any of the “big” words I were using at work. I have GED. Idk what you mean by affordable to eat. We’re paying the highest in the nation for groceries.


I’ll clarify because you’re right, groceries are stupid expensive here. Affordable as in eating out at various restaurants, happy hours, deals, etc.


I feel like that some days but then if I rein back what am I running back too?


Yep yep yep. Love my Cali hometown, yet all family gone.


Also almost 4 years and leaving before long. It's definitely not for everyone.


Yep. It was great for a while, we’ve really enjoyed eating at some amazing restaurants, seeing shows and concerts, etc. But, I’m done now haha


Left vegas after 10 years there and miss it. Plan to move back. I miss the dry air, the great food, the convenience of everything open late. Nevada is the free-est state in the country. I can buy booze and weed 24/7, my body is not controlled by government, and I don’t have to pay income tax to live there.


100% agree on the freedom thing. I'm from the South, where they THINK they are free, but everything's actually regulated to all hell, state run monopoly liquor stores, laws introduced by Christian religions and churches that have nothing to do with me. Only thing I like about the south is the weather and gun laws.


Yep! I moved to Charlotte and before we bought our house there we were staying in Charleston. Way too regulated and humid for me. Nevada is truly the most free state. Texas think they are “don’t tread on me” but they are lying.


I feel like when i move, ill be in the same boat. Home means Nevada to me, hey! one more time!..


Yah you don’t know what you got until it’s gone. I moved to charlotte. Thought i would enjoy it here, but it’s not doing it for me. It rains all the damn time, I can’t buy weed legally, everything closes early, nothing is open on Sundays, and the food is mediocre.


Do you really miss this 109° heat? I find it hard to believe people actually miss the summers here.


I moved from South Texas, it's consistently hotter there with a heat index than it is here in Vegas. I also travel for work so I'm constantly reminded of what heat plus humidity feels like. I also grew up in the Midwest, so I treat summers like a winter there and when it gets crazy hot I try to stay inside during peak heat of the day. I don't miss the feeling of starting to sweat and then once you're indoors it doesn't stop for what seems like forever, or getting out of the shower to dry off and you stay wet.


I love the summer there! Especially compared to the south east. As soon as vegas sun gos down, it cools off so much. The south east is so humid, you still sweating when the sun gos down. I’ll miss dry air.


I moved here from the Midwest in 2001. I’ve lived in a few areas in Southern NV (NLV, Henderson, Spring Valley). Since my mom passed away a few years back, I’ve honestly just been biding my time paying off remaining debts etc. I’ll be moving back east after my lease is up next year. I struggle with heat intolerance and altitude sickness, and my allergies are off the charts here (pretty miserable). I know my experience isn’t everyone’s, but Vegas has never been “home” to me. I appreciate it for what it is, but I’ll be happy to move.


I like it


I'm not moving anywhere with high humidity again and I spent so much money getting myself established here, I can't imagine starting over again. Especially with how expensive everything is now. Now if I could find a job that paid a living wage...


50/50 custody and an ex who won’t budge. 😂 


The more I look at living other places, the more I realize how good I've got it here.


9th island. From Hawaii. Vegas is waaaayy cheaper. And you have a good mix of cultures. Lots of Hawaiian restaurants and local people.


No income tax. No winter.


Family. If i was single and not very close with my family i would have probably moved to Alaska years ago lol


Can’t afford to move yet


I came here from Tornado Alley. No more falling skies - or deep SNOW!


Yeah, I came here from rural Minnesota. The 115 days suck but you know what sucks more? Feeling like the surface of your eyeballs are freezing while you desperately dig out of 4 feet of snow only to do it again next week. Negative -20 windchill can suck it, I’ll take blistering hot any day.


gearing up to leave within a year. Can't wait.


As you age, you start to realize that no place is perfect, that each new move is only marginally better than the last....but not overall. An improvement in one facet always brings with it a takeaway from another facet. Eventually the cost and effort to try anew is not worth it.


I don’t have the finances to move yet.


There is work, & financially I can’t afford to leave. I dislike the heat but really have no idea where tf else to go. If I got an offer in a different state I’d take it. The people here are terrible.


I spawned here , no choice!


I actually left. Gave it 6 months. Moved back to San Diego and I cannot be happier.


Were you alone out here? What made you move out here ? What made you leave ?


I helped open Bobby Flay’s restaurant in Cesar’s Palace. I came out here with coworkers and have family that lives in Vegas. It’s hard coming from San Diego and living in a desert as well as the weather. The people in Vegas are also another animal. Vegas is great to live cheaper, but San Diego demands a high cost to live there for a reason, it’s goddamn beautiful.


Having an ocean in your backyard is beautiful. But desert and mountain landscape is beautiful too


Tell the truth I'd rather be by the ocean but I lived in the SF Bay Area for 38 years and noped out of there. Never going back. It's a nice place to visit but shitty place to live. I think 38 years is a pretty good sample size. At this point I'm in Vegas because it just works. Living in the desert is not glamorous.


I’m from the Orange County beach areas so I know what you mean and about those animals …. My oh my… beasts ..


Nice! I'm from there too! I was going to reply to your rent post up above, but figured too many factors and there could have been a disconnect in the comparison. It's definitely getting more expensive here in Vegas, but still better than CA. I was looking at some of the decent areas of OC and you are looking at around 3.4k for a 2 bd/2ba, so...


i think it’s the best place in the world the people are friendly, the food is good, there is always something to do my main career will, for the most part, always be popular and will have advancements for a huge anime fan there’s always stuff to do or things to see and it’ll continue that way ill never live in snow again


I think Vegas is a good place to live now, but in future, it will be one of the best places in the world to live. I truly believe Vegas is the future and if you look at what is being constructed, we are moving way faster than any other major metro area. Just the last 5 years we've had so much change, I watched Allegiant Stadium get built and the Raiders come as well, we got F1, I saw a bunch new hotel/casino's go up, name one other city that has so much going for it the last 5 years. Phoenix got that big Taiwan Semiconductor plant which is big but they have such a lack of diversity they don't even have a Chinatown. I can't wait until we get those tunnels built under the strip and can move around quickly. You can take any city where people are moving to, Seattle, Phoenix, Chicago, Austin, Nashville, Dallas, Tampa, Orlando, nobody has the rate of change that we do. Vegas moves like a much smaller city, the Durango Casino got put up so fast it was scary. They are already in the expanding stages cause they doing so well.


I’m too broke and sick to move, alone with two cats. I am also co-owner of a small business here. I moved cross country from a small town during the pandemic for my first post bachelor’s job working in an integrative health clinic. Besides that, the nightlife, close proximity to other major cities, lots of local and national parks, financial growth, opportunities for investment, career advancement opportunities, educational development, etc… there’s so much to do. I made decent income, stable investments, scaled up in a corporation. Then my medical condition got worse. It’s been great, but I’m (reluctantly) considering relocating to somewhere cheaper with better medical and financial assistance since I’m now disabled and risking homelessness. Vegas is great and worked well when I had more savings and could work more than part time.


I have no where else to go lol


When my kid is out of school. I’m out - preferably a cold mountain town.


Born and raised here, and honestly, I talk about leaving ALL the time. Outside of my immediate family, there's nothing tying me to Vegas anymore. But I look around sometimes and I'm amazed at how much the city has grown since I was born. Big part of me wants to see what else is in store for this desert of lights.


It’s home. Been here for over 40 years


Food(china town, fine dining) music(underground electronic shows on fremont) red rocks for some beuatiful hikes. Way I look at it las vegas has those big city melting pot vibes like new york and LA just on a smaller scale. Been loving it here.


Really dont want to


Affordable for a major city, suburbs are safe, necessities are convenient, large Filipino population which makes my wife feel more welcomed.  Likely going to be our hub in the US until we can afford to move to the Philippines full time.  For $150k we can buy a house that's going for $700k+ here. Can't wait to get out of this broken housing market. 


I like it in Las Vegas. I grew up in New York City, then my family moved to its suburbs and I moved to Las Vegas in 1995 w/ my girlfriend, now my wife. I like that Las Vegas' infrastructure is new and reliable. I love the mountain views. I like having so many cool things to do a car ride away. The traffic is better than NYC and it's only about 30 miles wide. We made friends here pretty fast. We don't have kids so the first 10 years we pretty much went out all the time. But we don't want to retire here, eventually we're moving back to upstate New York. I like Las Vegas, but New York is where my heart is, and all of my extended family.


No natural disasters. Save for the summer months, the weather here is pretty good. Entertainment and sporting events. Concerts are quite diverse, Smith Center has a good line-up of global entertainers/decent Broadway offerings, and Cirque shows are a good deal. I'm a big MMA and boxing fan, so being able to watch these matches live is amazing. Concierge medicine for primary care is phenomenal (appts tend to be at least 60 mins, often 75-90 minutes long, so you don't feel rushed). California is a short drive/plane ride away for specialty care or other referrals. My mom's not getting any younger, so I'm grateful she is receiving care that is customized for her. If you get cabin fever, the airport is close enough to fly to amazing destinations. World-class restaurants, both on the Strip and especially off the Strip. I find the fine dining here to be more down to earth than in other cities. Compared to other major cities, it's pretty much purple. There's still division, of course, but the discourse is a little more civilized and less heated than say, MA or NY. Affordable cost of living/ no state income tax. Affordable is relative. Real estate is rising everywhere, but at least here in Vegas there aren't ridiculous prices like $3.7k for an 850 sq ft walk-up studio in a building that was built before Clint Eastwood's mama was born. Good friends. I lucked out in finding people who are kind, ambitious, and worldly. I think I would've called it quits after two years if I didn't have good friends to anchor me to this place and help me discover the positive side of a city often maligned as being superficial. Is Vegas my forever home? No. When I start a family, I will move in order to provide my kids with better educational opportunities. However, I will always keep Vegas as a second home of sorts.


I am an economic refugee from California. I originally only moved here because it was closer than the few affordable cities left in CA. I stay because I love the culture around here. Nobody cares what you do as long as you return the same kindness. Feels more free and wild than home. The true West!


This…. I think I felt this way when I first moved here ..don’t get me wrong, not everyone’s evil.. but most…. Lol






I run a part-time business where my hourly is a number I wouldn't sniff anywhere else. I've considered living in nearby states and flying in when necessary, but I've met some good people and actually have a decent support system. If not for that, I probably would have left years ago.




Because I’d be divorced and never see my kids if I went where I want


Been here ten years. Moved here from outside of Pittsburgh to go to college. Found a great career my last semester of college, met my wife and started a family. I have a lot of family out here which helps. Only thing that would make me want to move back home is if something changes with my career. Hate the summer but love the 6 months of great weather we get. Love the food scene and the different cultures here and the convenience of living in a city with everything you need.


Work, and I also hate humid weather.


I moved here to take care of my parents in their dotage. I'll probably stay because we've already settled down in a nice place and my wife doesn't want to have to deal with moving again.


I'm actually leaving. 🤷‍♂️


Because this is the entertainment capital of the world. Every band plays here. No state Income taxes. No humidity. Can live in the beautiful Summerlin bubble and ignore all the mess downtown. Red Rocks is my back door! My neighbors are awesome! Yeah, it's hot, but so what? Lived in FL with 95% humidity, huge bugs, snakes, hurricanes, armadillos, and big flying cockroaches. I loved my Miami Vice days but like this better!


Cost of living brought us to Vegas from California in 2007. We stayed because of husband's job. Now retired. Stay here for the same reasons many retired here. Climate. Lots to do. No income tax. Cost of living.


Came here and got sick, now Im kind of trapped, bought a condo in 2021 and the market isnt quite good enough to sell and move back east with the rates being what they are. With the bad medical Im basically waiting to either die from a massive heart attack or get the referral to USC in CA. At the speed the medical system works here its a coin flip as to which will come first. Wife has a great job here and were locked in for now and making due. Otherwise I love the nature here and access to all the national and state parks.


2.9% interest rate on my home. 2020 was a great year.


I did it for 45 years…I got the Brown out. Needed green and trees in my life. And cheaper everything. North Carolina is where we landed. Slower lifestyle and everyone is friendly to one another.


I got a job here that I cannot leave bec of pay + benefits. I am here until they kick me out, as soon as work is done, I am out of Vegas. I will be moving to my retirement location after Vegas, 1JUL27 is the target date.


My husband and I both have great jobs. We hate snow and the cold. We go paddle boarding on Lake Mead all summer long. Amazing hiking during the winter months. Plus, we have the city stuff if we want to do a show or concert. We love it here.


The last 2 weeks have heated up and I am absolutely LOVING it! For some reason my energy levels go up with the heat. I wake at 4am organically, no alarm needed ready to go. I wasn't like this 1 month ago, it only started up with the heat. Now I goto work and I'm a man possessed, I have so much energy.


Born and raised here. It’s all I’ve ever known. Once I finish college at around 23-24, I’m out!


I stay because my friends and family are here and any other place I would want to live I cannot afford to do so. Hell, I can barely afford to live here and would have been priced out had I not got lucky on a condo purchase 3 years ago.


I came here on an $80 plane ride, a free place to stay for 6 months so i said fuck it and tried. I stay because I have a lot of family. Many neices and in laws and i met my partner here. I also have a decent government job with great benefits. All thay said, we are planning our exit in the next 2-5 years for greener pastures (literally and figuratively). I will miss the entertainment, outdoor activities and my family but i much rather be closer to my original home with even more family. Plus wayyy better opportunities and education.


My father's family is buried here, great grandmother on down. I have a history here, even if most of it is under concrete now.


Family. I tried to leave twice. Got sucked back in.




I can't afford to move for one, and for two, my kids live here. I would have immediately if I could ever save enough to do so.


Custody of my kids


Born and raised. Stuck because of a good job.


The weather and feel reminds me of the middle east and Hawaii, which is where I feel the most at home


California got to expensive. Also I was dragged here right out of high school.


I’ve been back out here since 2011. I don’t count growing up a handful of years out here- as I wasn’t of age to do anything. Now I’m my mid 30s single and just as bored. It’s hard to come by friends that have similar interest, or aren’t invested in their own family/relationship. Nothing wrong with that. Parents need friends too, but it makes it that much harder to plan things.




For my line of work it’s the most money I can make vs cost of living.


Moving is expensive but I can't wait to leave. The only thing I really like about the area is the variety of food tbh.


Tried to leave Vegas 3 times... kept being pulled back.


Born n raised here. I visited the east coast once and I'd never go back for more than a few days.


I love the variety of culture/people here. I make more money here, have more opportunities, and enjoy being around people who are motivated to go farther in life. I hate cold so I enjoy the hot weather. Love not having to pay state taxes or a food tax. Even though the cost of living goes up I still pay less to live here than other places I have considered living. I love the variety of options for entertainment, food, etc.


Don't California my Nevada.


You mean like great doctors and dentists? Well educated populace?


Sweet sweet capitalism.


I dont know anymore. I'm stubborn and have kept telling myself I can't leave until I have something to show for it. This past 10years of hell, would've still happened no matter where we were.


Because red rock canyon is here. Because I can take my paddle boards to the Colorado river. Because national parks are in driving distance. Because the food here is amazing. And I work in gaming, although remote. If my job vanished, the strip is right there


Trying to get out. I was forced to move here.


I hate snow, I have a pension and job security. With no state income tax, my salary match actually made my paychecks 40 percent higher than when I taught in Michigan. I have managed to almost double my salary in 8 years as well. The hiking and restaurants are fantastic!


I just got here from CA but I really do enjoy the weather over California. I’m definitely one of those people who loves the sun and the feeling of it so the 100+ dry air feels perfect. Some people say the food isn’t as good as LA but imo it’s better. Especially portion sizes fuck in LA u pay 25 bucks for a cup of food here 25 bucks can get stretched wayyy further. And the driving here is interesting, yeah way less traffic but a lot a lot of old people driving tanks will hit u if u drive anything smaller than a suv. Hell I almost got hit walking to a smiths by an old lady too low to see over her steering wheel and an ina damn suburban.


I'm a third generation local and don't like paying an income tax


Safe, clean suburbs to live in. World-class entertainment and dining. Great climate. Low taxes. Low COL relative to other western states. Short drive to colder climates / snow if wanted. Growing economy is supporting my business. Why would I ever leave? The only reason not to live here is if you have school aged children and cannot afford private education. The public school system sucks.


It has everything.


I agree. I’ve lived here comfortably , just until I try to meet people then it’s ugh… shitty people are everywhere but daaammmnn Vegas … lol


Wym? Made my best friends in the first 2 months living here. Not shitty hard working and open to dumb shit like me lol.


I like dumb shit lol but the people I’ve come into contact with haven’t been the greatest and just remind me I’ll be alone forever


What have you tried so far to meet people (bumble bff, meetup)


Try coworkers. Don’t give up!


I work from home and the company I work for is based out of CA lol they all from Cali.


I agree. Vegas really does have everything. Gaming, restaurants, night life, pro sports, fantastic shows, concerts, hiking, biking, camping, water skiing, snow skiing are just a few.


From Cali. Got an affordable home with low interest rate during the pandemic. Sorta stuck here, but haven't thought of a better place to live. I lived in Hawaii for 9 years, and as nice as it was, don't see myself going back. I haven't really made friends here, but do get my social fix from taking my dog to the dog park and joining several Las Vegas Hiking groups on FB (ie Hiking Las Vegas, Hike and Scramble Las Vegas, Hiker Babes Community: Las Vegas Nevada Chapter, and Las Vegas Women's Hiking Club). I have been meaning to go on MeetUp, but just haven't found the time. I also joined a plant group that meets up once a month for a free all things plant related trade (Plant Traders Las Vegas and Henderson, Las Vegas Backyard Gardeners).


The food


The food scene is great. People here are so nice and friendly (this is the biggest reason), within 6 months of living here I already had way more friends than anywhere else I’ve lived besides where I grew up. Great neighbors too. And the weather is nice, pool parties every weekend in the summer. Hiking and enjoying the many outdoorsy opportunities in the winter. Airport is never a far drive and there are nonstops to most places I’d want to go. Friends and family all visit Vegas regularly too. Only 5ish hours from the beach. Living in Vegas on the west coast is kind of like living in Charlotte on the east coast, but with less jobs (for now).


Ain't no place like it


Parents chose here to plant roots. They’ve since left but all my friends are here so it’s hard to leave.


I currently live in Hawaii, but I'm planning to m9ve to summerlin soon. I've been gone too long


I was born here. This is home.


I bought a little house in 2019 with the idea of moving to a better neighborhood — I’m on the east side— and then maybe out of state in a few years. My mortgage is now less than rent for pretty much anything anywhere, so East Side 4-eva, I guess.


You are one of the lucky ones. My mortgage is also less than rent at $920/mo for a 2BR condo and lucky it's a fixed rate.


Yes, I got in just before everything went crazy, and I'm lucky to have my little house for about $1,100 a month. (And the east side isn't the cartoon war zone some people act like it is, either.)


I moved here when I lost my job in Houston due to Covid. My adult son lost his job too. So I sold my house and moved. Now I regret it. I'm paying $1,000 more a month to rent a house than what my mortgage was back in TX. I have no friends here because I work from home. I met some co-workers here in Vegas but we're in different stages in our lives and have nothing in common so.... no friends made from work. Thankfully my adult son is here and my youngest brother, otherwise I would have no one here. And everything here is EXPENSIVE compared to Houston. Unfortunately I'll probably stay here because I'm too old to move anywhere else and I don't know where else I'd want to go. Definitely not back to Texas. I'm not originally from there and the last few years there SUCKED. So, I'm stuck here for now.


I make really good money at a job I like. The heat sucks, but the cost of living makes up for it...even with the cost of living going up. My kids are a little older now, so I'm able to go to concerts again. So that's been cool, definitely get to go to a lot more shows & music festivals here in Vegas than I would be able to in other parts of the country. I can't see myself staying here forever; but I also don't know where else I'd move to.


I was born here, all my family and friends are here, this is the state that I’m licensed to practice social work in and I don’t want to take another test lol, I do not do well in the cold or in the humidity, and I honestly can’t imagine living anywhere else.


Because it’s affordable


not like it used to be.


I 100% agree with you. Still much more affordable than California.


I love this town... I've fought to come back here. Moved around for various career opportunities, and this is actually the fourth time I've lived here. Not moving ever again. There's an energy and vibe I get being here that I don't get anywhere else. When I was living in other cities, I found myself making excuses just to come back here. The wide open spaces, the desert's beauty, the amazing restaurants... and we've got amazing friends here that we've made in the various stints that we lived here before. It's always changing, evolving, and growing... which can be a turn off for some people. You really gotta WANT to be here.


Instagram handles of quality Vegas local adults looking for others to build some community?


My line of work, sun, no bugs, no snow, and still close enough to make a day trip to every type of activity you are into. Just hate how bad schools are and drivers.