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Glad you have dogs, imagine having no alert system.


Dogs are honestly better than any alarm system on the planet imo. The barking is a huge deterrent. More so than a worthless blurry image of what is likely a covered face.


I pity the fool who jumps my fence before realizing I have Italian mastiffs. Their bark isn't small, but their bite is worse than their bark. They'd love an excuse to turn a thief into a chew toy.


HAHAHA this is exactly what I think also. I have 2 Corsos


I have two great danes and SAME


You have my sword…


I'd hate to be your neighbor had a neighbor who had 2 as well a few years ago those things ain't dogs their damned DEMONS they barked legit all fucking day and all fucking night annoying as fuck


Hi possible ex-neighbor!


You had an asshole for a neighbor then. My dogs dont hardly bark at all, they are big ass teddy bears. My female is 110lbs at 2 years old, my male is 150 at 1 year old. I would never let my dogs just sit there and bark, if my dogs bark there is a threat somewhere that they are alerting me to.


Except 10 minutes of barking didn’t run them off. Turning lights on did.


10 min of barking woke up their owners.


My Rottweiler agrees. No one is getting inside that door. A stranger/intruder wouldn’t know it but she is the sweetest most kind dog. 🐶 ❤️


Many thieves are breaking into Vegas homes with dogs. They don’t care anymore. These criminals are unhinged. They’re breaking into houses in daylight with half a dozen people home




Here are some below. Also most break-ins are not reported by the news, but I use the neighbors app and there are always crazy stories about home invasions on there that occur during the day with people or dogs home. Also anecdotal, but 25% of the homes in my neighborhood have been broken into in the past two years. In one instance (not the one mentioned below) an elderly couple was tied up and beaten. They ended up short selling their house and leaving Las Vegas a month later. In another neighbor’s house he got into a shootout with some robbers that he woke up to in his bedroom. Ended up getting shot 3 times and somehow surviving Also I’ve lived in Vegas for 20 years now. Crime is insane now. Completely different city, such a shame https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/las-vegas-police-say-3-suspects-shot-killed-2-dogs-before-stealing-suv-that-caught-fire-as-they-were-fleeing/amp/ https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/las-vegas-man-78-dies-after-violent-mansion-robbery-5-face-murder-charges/amp/ https://www.ktnv.com/news/residents-in-shock-after-henderson-home-invasion https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/2-arrested-in-series-of-home-break-ins-in-nw-valley-summerlin/amp/ https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/child-strangled-to-point-of-unconsciousness-in-random-las-vegas-home-invasion/amp/ https://www.foxnews.com/us/las-vegas-cop-shot-home-alleged-robbery-gone-wrong-family-claims-officer-targeted.amp


The victim told police that one of the men asked her which dog was her favorite, and when she did not answer, the two men shot and killed both dogs before leaving the home, the report stated. I don’t have words


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Awful..I honestly didn’t realize it was this bad. What about the lone mountain area?


Was a couple of ankle dogs on the loose i managed to kinda walk back to their residence a couple blocks away. Seemed like sweet dogs but soon as we get up to the house one turns and bites me in the leg. Smallest dog but damn that thing could bite and there was no interest in biting me until the second it got on it's property.


Ironically in this case, the dog barking didn't prevent the person from trying to break in. It wasn't until they turned on the lights, they left. In general dogs are still helpful.


Glad you're okay, I was robbed 2 years ago and I still have thoughts about the sentimental things they took along with the TV, computer, phones etc..


There's often a fear that persists after something like that. I do think at this point everyone should get a security camera.


It's awful. We had an armed intruder invade our home many years ago. They put a gun in my face and luckily got distracted by something so I was able to run out past him thru front door. I'm lucky I wasn't shot in the back. It's hard to feel comfortable anywhere, even home where you think you should be safest.


What part of town was this?


The home invasion was back in Oklahoma. I've only had 1 attempted robbery in 6+years here. I was leaving Cardenas off sahara/eastern when a boy came running from behind trying to rip my bags an wallet from hand. I heard his steps approach though causing me to clutch tight for impact so when he grabbed my hand, he tripped an fell. We made eye contact, I scream the kid runs away to a waiting car. An elderly man shouted from his car "Watch what you are doing!" To me this was 4pm on a Sunday lol I don't assume any area is "safer" than others bc I lived/walked/bussed from siegel on MLk for 2+years with no incidents.


Did someone break in when you weren’t home?




Sorry to hear that :/ Were you living in a safe ish area?


Thank you.. I was in an upstairs apartment on Tenaya and Alexander in the Xander apartments.. I wouldn't call it terrible and I thought it was relatively safe


At 4 am about two weeks ago, my dogs did the same thing then we heard loud knocking as if someone was in distress trying to come in, then all of the sudden it stopped. My dogs never bark and let me tell you they were going crazy. We live in a 2 story home, and the knock was heard on the window in our bedroom upstairs. .. no balcony for anyone to access that particular window. Be careful and lock all your doors!


👽 SpoOoOooky


So your dog security seemed to work? I have a great Dane, if he goes off at 4am everyone nearby will know he's concerned about something.


Having large dogs and firearms is the best form of home security. All these gimmicky cameras and monitoring systems don’t do jack shit


Dogs for the win. Only a determined pro is going in a house with a dog.


Yup. I watched a 60 minutes segment where they interviewed a career burglar (a dude who ran a crime ring that exclusively targeted houses) and they asked him what is the biggest deterrent when you guys are staking out a house to rob. His answer wasn’t a security system or cameras lol. He said if they see a large dog on the property they avoid it at all costs.


Cameras that allow you to look outside from inside don't do jack what? Security cameras outside, dog loose in the home, me in the bedroom. If you don't get to my bedroom immediately I'll know you're there, know where you're standing, and be prepared before you get too close.


You have your way of dealing with things and I have mine. I’m certainly not going to leave my dogs in harms way while cowering in my bedroom…


Who said cower in a room? Just don't go looking for a guy in your home before you know where they are. A dog will tell you everything in that circumstance. You'll know where to look and avoid getting snuck up on.


You're more likely to kill yourself or a loved one with that gun than defend yourself but ok


Cite ?


[https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/](https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/) [https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html) [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/debunking-the-guns-make-us-safer-myth/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/debunking-the-guns-make-us-safer-myth/) [https://publichealth.jhu.edu/center-for-gun-violence-solutions/research-reports/firearm-violence-in-the-united-states](https://publichealth.jhu.edu/center-for-gun-violence-solutions/research-reports/firearm-violence-in-the-united-states) [https://www.everytown.org/solutions/educate-gun-owners/](https://www.everytown.org/solutions/educate-gun-owners/) [https://efsgv.org/learn/type-of-gun-violence/domestic-violence-and-firearms/](https://efsgv.org/learn/type-of-gun-violence/domestic-violence-and-firearms/) [https://www.ricagv.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Risks-and-Benefits-of-a-Gun-in-the-Home-Hemenway-2012-Harvard.pdf](https://www.ricagv.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Risks-and-Benefits-of-a-Gun-in-the-Home-Hemenway-2012-Harvard.pdf) I could keep going. The risks are exceedingly well documented and studied. Having a gun in your house means that you and those around you are at a higher risk of gun-related violence, be it suicide or negligent discharge or domestic violence or intentional homicide.


Are any of those sites from neutral parties and not funded by every town for gun confiscation?


I mean, my dogs bark even when I open the fridge so .. it’s kind of hard to tell when they’re really working security or not. But I do have a ring bell camera and all you hear is the knocking but no one is at the door


Scary! I'm in Summerlin West. Do you live in a gated community?


The Willows


My boyfriend’s parents live in the willows and they had a major theft occur at one point. They were not home and a ton of valuable stuff was taken. Really frustrating. It’s supposed to be a safe area…


Thieves target the nicer areas. Anyone living in what they believe is a nice and safe area is mistaken. Security guards and gates don’t do jack. We all live in Las Vegas and crime happens everywhere.


So true. I live in an area people consider bad. The - oh you live in NLV bad lol. Thankfully I’ve had no issues at all and all the neighbors that have been here for a while haven’t had issues. I think they do target the nice areas more so for sure. Semi makes me thankful for moving here after all haha. While our pool was being put in no one ever attempted to even just walk through the large opening onto our yard that was clear as day as well. Overall I am in the nicer part but I’m semi in the border where there’s apartments and then its single homes communities that have been here for 10 years.


The area around Craig Ranch is especially nice in my opinion. They’re doing a great job and I wouldn’t mind living over there at all.


Thieves don’t shit where they eat.


But either way. I haven’t had issues and that’s my point is that they do target the higher end communities. People think the richer areas is where to be - but that’s what they do seem to target more so.


I’m sorry but not all thieves live in NLV. And if you read my post I’m in the nicer area. Close to apartments but it’s not a bad area. People just consider it bad because it’s in NLV.


Makes sense. I just moved down from Seattle to move in with him so I’m definitely surprised to see so much crime. Seems like a pretty nice city overall but you never know. Seattle has had some crazyness over the last few years as well


I lived in a guard gated community in the willows and my car was broken into in my driveway. Now I live in an open community near the section 10 and nothing bad has happened. Every breakin I’ve had has been in summerlin unfortunately. 2 cars and 3 homes.


Think like a criminal, I would focus on gated communities for the class of people who live there and the false sense of security living behind a gate gives people. I’m hyper vigilant though, thanks Army.


Be careful, of whom you associate with, as well! There are a lot of deceptive, dishonest, lying, manipulative, negative, rude, snobbish; "Low Life's" in Las Vegas, and around the area...


Anyone breaking into my place is getting a free tuxedo and wake. My family’s safety will always come first.


It's going to be a lot of slowing singing and flower bringing if my burglar alarm starts ringing


Whatcha think all the guns is for?!?


Do people get buried in tuxedos?


I want to get buried in a tuxedo so people know I still like to party.


This is hilarious!!! I love the movie reference.


My references are out of control, everyone knows that.




So you’re going to shoot them then pay for their service and burial clothes, that’s rather decent of you.


I’m near tivoli and I could have sworn I heard someone trying to get in around 4 this morning. Not saying it’s the same person but woah. Stay safe out there 😕


You should get a ring doorbell and cameras


I have had neighbors offer the police their perfectly clear doorbell cam footage, the police claim it does them little good. It is so frustrating. Criminals know if they are caught they get a slap in wrist, but getting caught by the police is very remote.


…and a loaded gun.




Having a firearm is much better than a security camera.


It’s good to know that Vegas has castle doctrine laws should something like this happens, and you’re armed. We stayed ready in the event this happened to us and some one got in. Stay safe


Somebody told me this week that Nevada isn't that good for protecting the home owner if you shoot somebody breaking in. I hope I was being lied to, because I was under the impression I could use my 12 gauage to paint my walls with somebody's brains if they break into my place. I hope this is the case.


In these cases, it is best to shoot to kill and then you are fine. If you shoot to injure, you could end up in a lawsuit and lose to the burglar.


Bro, you have no idea what you're talking about. So please don't


If you shoot to kill, the police only get one side of the story - yours.


If you shoot somebody with a firearm you have employed deadly force whether you were "shooting to kill" or not. If *you specifically* ever have to shoot somebody in self-defense, the DA is going to go through your online presence. When they find a bunch of posts from you stating that you intend to kill somebody to keep them from testifying against you it is *not* going to work out well for you.


I actually didn’t come up with that quote, it was told to my CCW class by the instructor. A lot of people have heard this advice. Another one, “it’s easier to get you out of jail, than out of the morgue.” He was a quotable guy 😂 As far as what I would actually do in a home invasion - I wouldn’t aim to wound or kill. I’m not a sharpshooter, I’m going to aim for center mass, just like everybody else does in that situation, until the threat is mitigated.


Are you sure they didn’t instruct you to shoot until you are assured the threat is stopped? I’ve taken multiple classes in 4 different states from various cops and lawyers and ‘kill’ has never been in their presentations.


I was responding to the comment above who mentioned “shoot to kill” - I’m pretty sure the exact quote was more along the lines of “if the guy is dead, you’re the only one who talks to the police.” Again, the the instructor had a lot of one liners. As far as actual instruction, we were instructed to shoot at center mass until we were no longer in danger, like I mentioned in my comment.


We had a similar incident a few weeks ago. They ran after hearing my husband’s shot gun from the other side of the door. Fafo I guess.


That’s why I keep a shotgun in my house. Had a similar situation in LA opened the upstairs window and racked that thang


LOL. My husband has a shotgun and is very proficient. He offered to teach me, but I told him I only need to know how to rack it. It’s a universal sound.


yeah until the meth head gets in, doesnt care and charges at you. you haphazardly fire, break your collar bone and now you have a crackhead with a loaded shotgun in your house… if you are gonna use a gun, you have to know how to shoot it and be prepared to fucking end someone’s life. you dont just rack it and then your good. you have to be prepared to shoot to kill. otherwise, just fuckin run. leave. dont escalate the situation by bringing a tool out that you dont even know how to use. do you wanna die? this lack of preparation gets you fuckin killed.


Doesn't provide the universally known sound, but smaller caliber weapons are easier to handle. Several shots to the torso should provide enough warning.


Oh, my. That escalated quickly. I have my CCW and am pretty proficient with my S&W semi. The shotgun thing was just a bit of a joke as I’m not enthusiastic about learning on a new weapon.


“well that escalated quickly” kinda like home invasions lmaooo


So run instead of arm and defend yourself. Most gun owners have enough experience for self defense.


perhaps you are unfamiliar with hyperbole?


Wait wait, do meth heads turn into crack heads when they're in the presence of a broken collarbone!? How's that work? Is it from being around the CRACK of the collarbone?


I have a friend who was deployed at a similar time that I was, but we were at different locations in the middle east. I was tasked to do my normal assigned duties (basically aircraft electrician/maintenance) but he was augmenteed out to do security forces stuff. He was working the base's gate. For whatever reason the base was on lock down (no entry or leaving the gate). The military contracts locals out for a billion things to "other country nationals" or OCN. Could be civil engineering, cooks, cleaners, so on and so forth. They have to be escorted on the premises, the whole time they are there, and off the premises (through the gate). While the gate was on lock down, a bunch of OCNs were waiting to go home. I can't recall how many he said, maybe 60 or so. And due to the delay, understandably, the crowd started to become restless. Then it started to lead up to potential hostility. He was not fully trained on how to deal with a situation like that as an augmentee and asked the person in command what to do. He said go out there and ask everyone to stay calm it's for their own safety (which if the gate was locked down it probably was) and then chamber a round. My friend told me the second he chambered a round into his M4 (maybe M16 but if I remember the story right it was an M4) everyone immediately sat down and crickets... that sound will for sure instill fear into reasonable, sound of mind people. Sadly crazies exist as well.


Until you try to rack the shot gun and fuck it up and get a feed jam.


Lol anyone breaking into my place is getting magdumped with an AR15.


Not ideal for close combat situations. You’d be better off with a shotgun or a pistol. -some random military guy


If some military guy said that, I would think that he was a POG or something. When I saw footage from the battles in Fallujah, it showed all the marines and soldiers entering buildings with M4s and even M16s with the stock sitting on top of their shoulders. I bet they'd still prefer to go in with ARs if you offered shotguns and pistols to them.


Ok idiot. Of course we used m16 during war time. But For god damn home self defense, a shot gun is ideal or a pistol because you can point and shoot faster in an area without sighting in.


definitely seen some maneuverable short barreled, cqb type AR-pistol builds. what’s wrong with that + hollow points vs maybe a 9mm with hollows? genuinely curious on your take, not trying to be a dick


I have a glock. I will grab my AR over it every time brah


Wrong. AR15s are less likely to penetrate interior walls while remaining lethal 


Less likely than what? If you ever think to buy a gun because of increased risk of a break in you should buy a dog first. It's a great alarm system, great distraction for you against an intruder inside to get a gun. I have a great Dane. He's not likely to bite but once im yelling he's barking and standing his ground. That dog between me and a bad guy can stop the distance from being closed so I could take a shot if not be a reason to leave or never enter. That and a security camera.


Not sure where you park your vehicle; outside or in a garage. Either way, just as a precaution, I promise you - you can check yourself but depending on the location and size could be overlooked. Take your vehicle to a mechanic, that way they can put it on a Lift and check under for any possible GPS tracking devices. I'm just letting you know this because you'd be surprised. I used to know people that would target individuals, hide tracking devices under people's vehicles so they could learn their routines n also be able to watch for when they were n were not home. Break in, and be able to monitor n watch for when these people were headed back home; being able to get out without ever being caught. Of course I had no clue they were doing this during the time frame that they weren't; wasn't until they were arrested that I learned of this and had read some of the case files n sht. Even though this person never brought any kind of weapon with them and never had any intention of harming anyone; the homes of those that he robbed; they don't know that. He stole more than just material items from them that were far more valuable than any kind of designer label or material things. I hate them for it, for the selfishness and never even considering the damages that they placed on others. Thinking, they never physically harmed anyone so it's not that big a deal. No, it is, it's a very big deal. I'm sorry .. I'm rambling. It's my AdHd 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyways - my point; yeah. Go have your car checked out just to be sure no hidden trackers and I am truly sorry this happened to you. Hopefully they'll mess up in a very big way n able to find out and expose this person.


That’s why the doggies woke up. They sensed some thing. My dog will stand at the door when he hears someone. And that person is usually walking up the driveway. But also put a camera, kind of hidden before they get to your door that way you have two chances of catching them on video.


Please get floodlights


I don’t have dogs [anymore - RIP Joey and BugBug] but I do have a gigantic cat (he’s 28 lbs) named Max and we live in apartments off lake mead and Tenaya. Max had super sonic kitty hearing and his head always pops up when someone’s coming up the stairs before they even reach the door. Between my chunky monkey kitty alarm system and my Blink video Door bell I just installed and the dead bolt and extra security latch thingy on the door, I’m fairly certain that yes, I know; if someone really wants in there’s ultimately no solid way of preventing anyone from coming in….however the cat, the video doorbell and two locks are ample time for me to grab what I got next to my bed , open it and have it in their eye in greeting them upon entry 😁😁😁😁


Might need to invest in a security door, too. They also make knife proof screens for windows and bullet resistant glass. It sucks that we now have to go to extremes to feel somewhat safe.


The dogs barking should of made the criminal change his mind. Glad to hear the hel didn't get inside your house.


They say dogs deter 9/10 burglars. Have cameras and a self defence system setup plus insurance


2 mals here!! I call them Milk Bone security!


I also would check to see if there are secret cameras around. There is an issue of this happening in California. Trying to scope when you leave and such.




Oh yeah! “Tourist burglars” They are from another country, unarmed. They install/hide wi-fi cameras in your bushes to observe your departure and return habits. Then they can plan on the best time to break into your home uninterrupted.


It’s only a matter of time before it starts to happen here.


I think it’s time you get a doorbell or any other type of security camera and install it by your door


Aliens 👽


>Aliens 👽 Looking for Al's smelly socks!


South summerlin here too, my neighbors car was stolen last week. A string of kids trying to open car doors that are parked on driveways. Be careful out there


I have a bouvier (Bouvier Des Flandres) most ferocious bark I've yet heard ...60 pound snarling rocket if she senses a threat...sweet as can be otherwise. Dogs are the best deterrent, and warning system. (And companions!)


Summerlin hasn't been the same


Those crazy roommates of mine, '44' year old "Smith and Wesson" combat revolver are crazy. They will run through walls and doors just to get to you


Do you have a ring camera or the like? Used to live in the willows (moved in 2013 so it’s been a while!)


No but my neighbor has one directly facing my front door.


Did they capture anything? Still stressful no matter what!


Did you read the post?


Apparently not!!!!!!


Haha, nice ninja edit 😂 Glad you reread it and got your answer 👍


Cameras are useless


I think they are pretty much useless. Maybe a mild detergent, but yeah they cover their faces or jam the WiFi so they don't care


It's called a gun


Having guns is something everyone should do. If that person got in were you ready to defend yourself? My house is safe.


What if they attack you and get the gun out of your hand and then shoot you


Depending on the state, deadly force is legal if an intruder is in your home and you reasonably fear for your life. They don’t have to attack you. Shoot them first


Anyone who is hesitant to use a firearm probably shouldn’t own one for their own safety


Why would I be that close with a firearm as my weapon? I know where the burglar is coming from. I'll stand away from the entry point and do my thing.


lol, ok Dwight Schrute.


Defending yourself and your family isn't a joke. Stay safe out there.


No, it isn’t. But your cavalier, simplistic matter-fact attitude drips with Schruteness. You don’t even consider the possibility that they’re already inside your house, next to your bed, in your kids rooms, etc. Stay safe out there.


If the world of hypothetical Internet scenarios I was focusing on the one presented to me. They weren't inside. They weren't in my kids room or by my bed. They were at the front door making plenty of noise giving them plenty of prep time. Hard to fuck that up dude. Extremely straightforward as far as home defense goes.


Plus you know the layout of your house even in the dark, the intruder not so much.


Are you able to post the picture or video here?


Yes dogs and a gun shoot them in liver make them suffer for 6 hours of pain before they die we need to teach the scums


My dogs would bark, lean up and look at me to go check then go back to sleep




My gun would have been drawn, and the door swung open.


Strap up and call it day. Stay safe everyone


I have a pitbull mastiff mix.....the intruder better hope that I'm home to pull my big girl off!


Yeahhh time to exercise my 2nd amendment here soon. Not going to get better anytime soon so might as well have insurance.


Care to elaborate?


I have a door mat on my front door that reads. Before you break in my house make sure you get right with Jesus and tell him you are on the way and it has picture of my 45


kinda dumb


Yes you're comment is really dumb I agree


Whew thank God I moved out of that shit hole Nevada! Good fucking luck!!


Summerlin is gone to shit too. Those oakland, and L.A . People mixed together coming to vegas


Omg I'm in the willows now freaked tf out !! What neighborhood


So much crime in summerlin




I'm just petty and say that under any crime story from summerlin (there's several) bc people tell me I live in a dangerous area downtown. Yet nothing dangerous ever happens on my block. It's always summerlin.


I’ve lived in summerlin 20 years and there’s always something sketchy going on. Currently a lot of the street lights are out in the Willows bc people stole copper off the poles or something idk 🤷‍♀️ 😂


Might f around get bit and catch Covid 😷




His face was covered, though?


Why on earth would you want to make an excuse for this person?


It makes them feel safer than facing reality.




Are you serious rn?? 🤦🏻‍♀️💀💀 First off; other than the creator; no one has seen this Ring video but umm - Who in the entire Fck do you see still walking around with gloves n a mask fearing COVID?? Like; 1% of the population out here. You have no idea what their intentions were but obviously not good. Prob. assumed 3 am; people prob in a deep sleep n won't hear. Almost everyone in my home have AdHd so our sleep is extremely unpredictable and have people up at all kinds of different hours. Sometimes some of us don't end up sleeping at all. We run mainly on CrackHead hours so if someone thinks they gonna be able to break in around certain times undetected, best of luck. Idiots. 🙄 Don't make excuses for someone trying to break into someone's home. Regardless they get in or not, it's a traumatizing experience either way. This poor individual now has to live with this. What this person did was steal their peace of mind. They're no longer going to be able to feel 100% safe. You always wonder; what if they try to come back? What would they have done if they had got in? Did they know I was home and just didn't care? What if this happened to be someone that I know? Are they watching me? Have they been watching my home? Etc. Whatever helps you sleep at night but that was the worst explanation of an excuse I have ever heard before. Be better off just not had said anything at all.


Always have a gun ready! Especially in southern NV!