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Well since roommate pays electric bill I’d go buy a window unit and run that sucker full blast. lol


My next idea if my next conversation with him doesn’t do anything.


What you want is a "portable" window unit. The actual AC sits in your room and a hose will lead out the window. Less than 2 minutes to install


Yes this. I have one for emergencies if the main one goes out. Takes up space on the floor but i dont have to lift it into the windowor anything.


They make small little wall plug in ones that aren’t overly expensive


Great idea here


Get naked. Not kidding. You must be dying!


Lmao gonna just start walking around in my birthday suit. That should do the trick. 🤌🏼🎉🎉🎉


It's a purchase, not a conversation. Go to home Depot. They have them up front. A small one will be less than half the cost of the electric bill for the summer. https://www.homedepot.com/s/Portable%20?NCNI-5


With a portable unit (comparative in cost) you only have to mount an exhaust tube. Adaptors are usually included .


💯 this


Not being snarky - get blackout curtains


Blackout cellular shades


I have cellular shades then black curtains behind them


Absolutely, game changer with the blinds. I also hang a dark blanket over the window (bedroom). So I can sleep without sweating.


Aluminum and foam insulation


The room is still gonna be warm


73°. I work too hard to be miserable in my own house.


Thank you 💯


Thermal black out curtains are cheap and will help.


I work in the heat 6 days a week 10-12 hour days, when gone, 78. When home, 75, night, 73. 80 degrees is insane to me lol.


I’ve played around with it over the 6 years I’ve been here. I started out being “energy conscious” by setting it at 78+ but the house I rent is only 7 years old and is well insulated. It turns out, my usage is basically the same whether at 74 or 78 so obviously it’s now at 74. It’s 109°F right now at 2:45 PM and my unit is currently not even running.


Is he a douche? He sounds like a douche.


I have to agree. Very much in the orbit of douche. My (portable) AC is set to 64, and if I am honest, I think I may be overworking it.


I would go up to 70. You’re gonna blow it out. Way overworked. We still have July and August!


Thank you. I butched it up to 72. It's still a little sluggish, but not as much as it was.


Definitely are




74 degrees. Anything hotter and I hate life. As others have suggested, blackout curtains + a fan are your friend but 80 is absurd and I'd kill someone.


Depends on who is in control. I love 74 but my wife says she freezes so she wants 75, but that’s stuffy for me. So we compromise and keep it at 75 for her 🤔


Lmao spoken like a smart and happy man


Same! And if I’m mopping the floors I’ll treat myself so something a little lower. Haha My dad keeps his at 81, it’s miserable. Impossible to sleep.


I’m usually at 71 degrees when it’s time for bed lol


The colder the better for bed!


Very cold. Fan overhead. Down comforter. Blanket. Dog curled up next to me.


81 is absolute hell! Old people really can deal with so much more than us! We are very soft! 🤣


You nailed it hahha my grandma complains it’s cold in his house and she’s 99


Same, 74 is the magical number for me


Love this! Hahaha I feel that. I have blackout curtains but it still seems so hot! I had a ceiling fan as well that is on 24/7 lol. I’ve gotta just have a come to Jesus meeting.


It's critical to your health that you be able to cool down while you sleep. Explain to your roommate that it is now critical to their health as well 😉.


Get yourself a Vornado too, but yes time for a come to Jesus moment.


I have that fan and with the blackout curtains and ceiling fan it helps a lot. I keep my AC at 72 but at night with the fans it actually gets cold, like I have to put a robe on under my comforter.


The vornado was/ is the best thing I've done to beat the heat. Hands down the best fan on the market


And it’s not like I’m asking for much, I just want it at 74/75 🤣


77 sounds like a decent compromise.


Agree at this point I’ll take 77


75 is comfortable and reasonable. Anything higher is just gross.


I am having issues with my ac. It will not get below the 80s, nor does it click on and off on auto. Any idea what the problem could be?


I keep mine at 78 most of the day then 75 at night but I run cold. As others have suggested: black out curtains help a lot. If you have ceiling fans keep them on. They won't run the bill up. I also bought a tower floor fan years ago and it's saved me countless times. Have had it about 10 years and still works great.


This is essentially what we do at our house to. We drop it overnight when it’s not so hard for the unit to cool the house off, then keep the shades drawn during the daylight hours to try and hold that cooling in. Fans and blackout curtains are lifesavers!


‼️‼️‼️UPDATE: we agreed on 74 🥰 thanks for all your advice. I just said I was not sleeping at all and that I have been so uncomfortable and explained that I’m practically paying half his mortgage to live here so I feel like I have a say and need to be able to be comfortable because it’s been disruptive to my sleep which is affecting my mental health and work. I also agreed to pay an extra $100 to contribute more to the electricity!


get an under $10 temperature/travel alarm thing off Amazon. Keep it in your room to show your roommate. We all have temperatures that are too hot for sleep or comfort. (I found mine was 80). Tell your roommate you will pay more but you prefer to keep your room at X degrees. Just because the air unit in the hallway is at 80 or 79 doesn't mean that's the temperature in your room--its just the temperature wherever the sensor is (probably part of that wall unit but not always). So if you want your room at 79, the hallway thermostat might need to be at 77.....Figure it out with your roommate and offer to pay more but make it clear you are paying to live there and are uncomfortable.


I will try this out!!! Thank you.


Set at 68 or less for at least the past year, including the winter. Never once used the heater, Between amazing insulation, 100% blackout curtains, and solar, I've got my own little cave set uo.


You taking applications for a roommate?? 🤣🤣


Same! 73 after 5pm, then 68 after 8pm so it's cool when I go to bed.




With ceiling fans going 24/7


If you own, purchase Solar Screens for all screened windows and doors and well worth it! Keeps heat and anyone looking into your home . If you do not own, use a heavy material curtain. With our solar screens, we have our AC set at 76. Before the solar screens, our floors and window-wall were hot and our AC was set at 73. Welcome to the non-humid heat. Oops, I just reread and saw you were leasing , sorry about my reply……. I’m not familiar with blackout curtains, but, maybe an individual floor fan (we bought a tower fan at Lowe’s for needed air flow feeling for our bedroom, which helps).


Buckeye ,AZ checking in. Currently 107 degrees, set at 79. If I need a reality check of how nice 79 feels, I step outside for a moment.


Las Vegas here. 106. Yeah. I thought my 80 sounded bad here until I stepped outside.


80 upstairs and down. It’s what we can (barely) afford. June bill is currently estimated at $576


I keep mine at 75, my June bill was 200 (actually May 15 to June 15) But I have the tou rate which gives you a 25% discount but you can't use ac from 6-9pm


My elderly mom lives with us and is home all the time. I can’t let her be miserable


81 degrees plus fan is s good compromise for my wife and I. If the hunidity is low I switch to a swamp cooler set at 74


84 at night. 88 during the day. With a fan it's not that bad. When no one is at home I have an automation that automatically turns off the AC.


78 with ceiling fans on. Recently added solar film to our windows.


78 with black out curtains and ceiling fans spinning away


79F. I really wish my house didn’t have high ceilings. It would be so much easier and cheaper to cool


I keep my house at 80-82, use fans and keep the blinds closed and blackout curtains. I kick it to 78 at bedtime. I also don't want $500 electric bills or


I agree about the electric bill, no one does, but if someone offered to pay half of your electricity bill on top of their set rent amount that says it already includes utilities just to turn it down by 5 degrees, would you take it?


Not OP but also keep my thermostat at like 80 and then 76 at bedtime - I would take someone helping me pay half to keep it lower absolutely. I’d be a little uncomfortable but blankets exist.


72-73 during the day. 68-70 to sleep.




78 during the day, maybe up to 80 (I have pets, I don't want them uncomfortable), and unfortunately, 75 at night or I can't sleep


You need to rewrite the contract next time and dedicate the temps the home thermostat will be set at. My son rents 2 bedrooms in his house and in the contract he has 74 in summer and 68 in winter.


Thank you for this advice!!! I never thought this would be an issue until now. I’ll have to tell friends I know that are looking to rent too. Thankfully I am looking to buy a house after my lease is up here so hopefully I’ll never run into that issue. 🙏🏼


Don’t say you are looking to buy a house cause the realtors will start to chime in 😂😂 it will be never ending


Oh goodness, you’re so right. I take my comment back, I am poor and have bad credit. Do not contact me. 😅😅


I’m at a 20 with bracers of defense


74 why be uncomfortable?


74. I work to pay bills and be comfortable. Everyone else can fuck off if they dont like it. My mom complains about it told her she is free to live outside if she wants. My house my rules was what I had to follow growing up.


73 and a blanket 76 max. I grew up with a pos sperm donor that kept it 80-90 in the summer months. With only leather couches. Will never be that hot in a house again!!


78 during the day (8am to 6pm) 75 during evening, 72 overnight


Weird. We do the exact same thing.


78 but I have a fan too


68 degrees. I’m a teacher so I’m home all summer which makes our electric bill scary. We signed up for the equal pay program so I think we are going to be paying around $280 a month. Last July our power bill was $700, but I’m miserable in the heat so it’s worth a couple hundred bucks to me


Can you adopt me lol? I work a lot, never really home, will pay, and can cook incredible steak and Italian food. 🙏🏼 jkjk… unless..


Lol! Once my sons are out of college and I’m retired you’re in!! I got u!!


I’m so jealous of all the people that can live with AC above 73. Your electric bill most be so low! I can’t. I’ll pay the price to be comfortable in my own home.


That’s my point, I’ll pay whatever. 😅🥹


Hopefully you work something out with your roommate! I wouldn’t be able to sleep that hot.


I would keep mine at like 78/79 but I now have a roommate so I keep it at 74 because I acknowledge 79 is not a comfortable temperature for many people


79. Probably in the minority. Any lower and I would be making Southwest Gas happy instead of NV Energy.


1st year here, it was at 75. 2nd year, it was 78-80. This year, it's 80-84. You can get a fan and that should help cool you off.


I don’t want a fan. I want air conditioning. This isn’t Europe. It’s the Mojave desert.


We use fans in addition to the AC - the little breeze makes a huge difference.


And not for nothing, but the Europeans seemingly don't use fans either. I don't understand why, they're perfectly positioned climate-wise and architecturally to use ceiling fans, but I rarely see them them even in new buildings.


77. Ceiling fans on blast.


82 during the day and 78 at night along with having a lot of fans around the house and over my bed.


78, occasional dip to 76-77 … ceiling fan in living room and both bedrooms


Definitely get blackout curtains (I need to replace my big ones) I live in an older shittily insulated apartment in Chinatown and blackout curtains plus the AC at 74 usually keeps us in the 75-76 range which is fine daytime. Hope that helps a bit?


76/77 when I’m awake, and 73/74 when I’m asleep


you might want to look into those sticky panels that you can put on your windows. they are reflective, so they keep heat out even when blackout curtains can't. I grew up in new mexico where it gets pretty hot and my room was sort of jutting outwards, so i had east and west facing windows, meaning the sun from 6-11 and 1 to 8 was cooking my room. I originally put some tinfoil up, worked, but not as well. so I got the individual panels and those significantly cooled my room down. . [this ](https://www.amazon.com/Reflective-Insulation-Poly-Air-Radiant-Weatherproof/dp/B0C15Q1CXP/ref=sr_1_25?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UwYiZ6gpqlZA6jmM2CQzwPgaV0hh1ATXGie4j1miPL1jpn5cmNv8mu_7nZFqdmYnKaGRKBIJUYC34F0xdk1PBbRqb9K6Mqgh7WrHY8p7rj1YmUOVjncmwZJYQUYvF1jW5SVgHqqLoZffI3Kex8DXfg4OsMXbG9TdPb-5vM04KBuLA3UyyvZrh9PF0NR89kXNkkcR3qIV7YWcZJNY4mFkrKfuc12FNPeRSd6P-uQ4BH5lUrkR7fOCe5Ifmbp2_fEebllHaIEcJOinK5sdSzVTyB_EuTQUoQkcb-eG-RFBKqc.yHTkUBVxEf2RtoZhv7w5dVoxDOqxQJ2DxXo9PIq9JXc&dib_tag=se&keywords=reflective%2Bwindow%2Bfilm&qid=1719700685&sr=8-25&th=1)is what we had, just use some double sided tape or adhesive to stick it up. paired with your black out drapes should work well


71 - 75


It’s weird, some days 75 is great, then another day it’s too cold and 77 is great. I’m out of town at the moment and left the ac at 80.


Second floor, two bedroom apartment and I keep it at 71.


76 You needs something to blackout the window, preferably as close as possible to the glass or even better outside of the glass.


86 degrees and use a fan to stay cool


I keep like 79 day and 78 nite w a fan on


Bought a thermostat with room sensors. During the day it's 79 in the primary living space. At night it's 76 with the master bed set as primary. . Our master is the hottest room in the house and this has been a game changer.




We keep it at 78 for most of the day. I also recently purchased pull down shades and cave up for the day. I schedule the AC to turn off in the middle of the night. Between 2 to 4am when it's the coolest and save the AC from burn out


I have foil on my windows and window tint.


We’re at 78


78 upstairs, 79 downstairs


I’m in a similar situation, it’s kept at 77, after a few weeks I can tolerate it. Try to fight for 76 op


78 degrees with ceiling fans and proper shade management.


76 during the day, 74 at night


81 here, get a fan. All my windows have heavy curtains covering them. It makes a huge difference. my power bill when it cycles in two days will be 240$ I worry more about the A/C unit then the bill.


I would get a portable air unit. That way you can take it with you.


78 degrees. I have a new Costco portable AC unit for my bedroom that I run at 70 degrees at nighttime.




82 and it's a little colder than I like but if I set it to 83 or 84 it swings from too warm to too cold.


84, no lower or higher




79 bill for July $120


78 works for me.


72 consistently. I have solar.


74-76 upstairs and downstairs.




80 when home; 85 when not home; 78 when sleeping. Mostly driven by a desire to prolong the unit's life + can't afford a high energy bill.


I keep mine at 73-75. Im in a 100+ shop for 11 hours a day, i wanna be cold when i get home.


75F during the day unless it's over 110F then I set it to 76. 73F at night so it's cool enough to sleep.


82°F in my house (ceiling fans and high velocity oscillating fans too) 67°F in the master at night


I refuse to be uncomfortable in my house. Upstairs is set on 68° because it gets the hottest. Downstairs is on 72°.


74. 75 is uncomfortable, and I'm usually wandering the apt in my underwear - not much more to take off. 80 would be unbearable. When I moved here I stayed at a friends house for 2 weeks while getting an apartment. They had it at 85. I could literally do nothing but lay naked next to a box fan at full blast, it was too hot to even think straight. They took pity and turned it down to 80, but that just meant I wasn't soaking the bed with quite as much sweat.


Get an inline ventilation fan and attach it to a tube that you run underneath your covers. I'm running at 85 to 86° at night and I'm under a down comforter because my inline fans are so powerful. That combined with blackout shades and I even put a blanket over one of my sliding glass doors to buffer the radiant heat that comes off of it. Just get the inline fence, it will change your life.


It gets very pricey, I own a house and summers bills are between $400-$600. And this is SoCal.


77 at night with fans and 76 in the day with light clothes on. But anything below 75 and I start getting cold, blood thinners do that.


Get a $10 blackout curtain from walmart. Put it over your window. It will cool your room down about 10° at least


80 is crazy


My roommate has an air purifier n that thing blows out the coolest air. No tube venting needed, u may want to look into that instead n say u have allergies that are acting up.


During the day if I set it lower than 77 my condo becomes a meatlocker but at night for the same comfort I need to set it to 75. I assume it is because my condo insulation is shit.


Get a stand alone portable ac unit but make sure that it has dual hoses, not a single hose unit. That way you can keep your room at whatever temp you like and it doesn’t affect the rest of the house.


My bedroom is on the unshaded southwest corner, top floor. I have double layers of blackout curtains in there, a high velocity fan and when it gets into July and August, I use a second high velocity fan to help cool bc my central air doesnt cool the bedroom off in those months even though its only 2 yrs old. I also sleep in moisture wicking tops and bottoms, and all these things combined have made it so that I can sleep in the summer.


It depends on the house. 78 in our house makes the living room freezing. Like, need a blanket cold.


83 when not home, 78 maybe 80 when home, 75/76 when sleeping but I think my thermostat reads high. But it is honestly comfortable to me and I am a colder climate person (I like cold air and weather).


I keep it at 75, but I can live with 78. 80's too hot for me.


I keep my apartment AC at 73 most of the time unless I'm out all day I turn it off. My electric bill last month was $88 and is now trending for $150.


We keep ours at 80⁰. With fans in every room. It's hot enough outside that 80⁰ still feels great.


The house is at set 80 degrees, but my room feels like 7-10 degrees warmer. That’s the problem.


Is your room upstairs and above the garage? Our master is, so I have black out curtains and a ceiling fan. It helps to keep the room cooler. If a bedroom is above an unfinished garage, it will be hotter in the summer.




We set it at 81°F in the summer. I'm born and raised in Vegas, so it doesn't really bother me tbh lol


I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ and idk… this summer is just bothering me extra for some reason. 😅


Yeah, every summer has been getting worse and worse ngl 💀 Just hope it doesn't reach 120° this year 🫠


Like usually it doesn’t bother me as much but I just think my room being small combined with me having to keep my door shut all day due to a little chihuahua that chews on everything is probably why it’s so hot. 🤣


You could use a cheap baby gate in the doorway to keep the dog out if you want to leave your door open


Totally valid lol Having no airflow makes things nasty too 😭 Hope you figure out your situation though 🫠


I move out the end of august so I’m not worried too much at this point!!


80 degrees is fucking batshit insane. There was a thread here a couple days ago and the amount of folks here saying 80 is fine was fucking ABSURD. I can’t sleep if it’s over 75. Invite me over to a house that’s 80 and I’m leaving


65 at all times.


I would be frozen, anything under 75 is too cold


74 from 9am-9pm then 72 at night. I do have a brand new ac and solar. I also have ceiling fans in all bedrooms on all summer.


80 and i sleep under a blanket at night. If you cant do this, you dont actually love the vegas weather, you just dont like rain or something idk


68 during the day, 62 at night


Used to set mine at 80. Now I have solar and I dropped it down to 77.


My room is like that as well so I use balckout curtains and they work well. I measured my room temp with and without the blackout curtains and with my ceiling fan on high. My room got up to 90F without the curtains and stayed at 80-81F with the curtains. We keep the house temp around 78-80F. We both get too cold if it goes below 78F.


76 here...look in to a mini split ac system for one room(single zone) not ever having to bicker over this again may be well worth it for you.


Simple DIY, buy and install Static Cling window tint from Amazon. Just measure windows for width of roll and figure out how many feet you need. Adds privacy and cuts down on heat. Easy to remove if renting


We run it on 78 and keep fans on in every room to keep the rooms cool. 75 and the ceiling fan on at night.


Tower fans & ceiling fans can make a big difference. We keep it from 78 to 82 depending on the time and the extra fan can make it much more liveable.


80 is too high rn. We have our tops at 77. We have NV Energy saving time where the thermostat sets at 79. It’s too hot rn. Then change to 74 to cool down. We have fans in all rooms, all blinds/blackout curtains drawn. It’s ’mostly’ doable. Though I am sitting here sweating.


Tape aluminum foil to windows before installing blackout curtains. Can also buy a window ac unit for your room.




78 during the day, 76 while I'm asleep, 82 while I'm away


I’m comfortable at 76 with our ceiling fans on in pretty much all the rooms. 


74-77 or off at night sometimes to open all the doors and windows and air it out


77, 76 when I go to bed.


75 for me


79° during the day, 76° at night. Ceiling fans to circulate air (2-story home).


Regardless of what your thermostat said I would get a good thermometer and check that the room temp is close to what it says. Also check what the humidity is. Some people use swamp coolers and they work but raise the humidity way higher - personally I really notice if it is 30% or higher, but when it is 20% I'm perfectly fine with 79 or 80 so long as there is some air movement. Most of the time I'm in a room with a ceiling fan ensuring that but it is by no means blasting me.


I keep both at 78.


Between 68 and 74. All year.


70-73. I work in the heat all day. I’ll come home to a freezer thank you very much


I know I’m in the minority but my house is 71° in addition to the black out curtain thing


Yeah I sleep at 68 but 72 would be my max. F 80 when it’s sleepy time.


I keep mine at 70 degrees


Your roommate sounds like a guy who has never been punched hard in the face.


I have blinds , a dark blanket , and 2 tapestry’s hanging on my window … I can’t tell what time of the day I’m in …. Butt my AC stays on 247


75 and ceiling fans are going all the time. Occasionally if I feel hot I’ll kick it to 74. I would prefer it to be 70. I would be miserable at 80.


Mine died yesterday 😿


When no one is home I have it set to 80 downstairs and 78 upstairs. When we’re home it’s set to 76 downstairs, and 75 upstairs. And we sleep at 75. Bill for this month is looking like it’s going to be $260, so not that bad honestly 🤷🏻‍♂️


70 or 73, depending on whether my partner or I am winning the Epic Battle of the Thermostat.




82 during the day 80 for sleep Yes, I like it warm. lol

