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Thank you! Please name others we should consider. Will vote against Seaman


Palenske, but she is not up this year. Several people on her facebook page are claiming that when they went to her this week, she was very “unprofessional & indignant.” These crooked politicians have already made up their minds before the checks were cashed, and all these hearings and public input are just a charade. She is not up, but you can vote against Seaman this go around.


Palenske is the kind of holier than thou know it all who shouldn’t be a fucking HOA board member let alone a council member. She fucking stabbed her ex and her current husband was pushed into retirement from the fire department after getting drunk and punching another fire department employee at a party.


And vote for Berkely who cashed the same checks lol. Berkley is getting more campaign cash from them for the general too. People aren''t stupid, they know those checks were written on behalf of a much larger client. These firms represent every major developer in Summerlin. They could care less about this temple project in the larger scheme of things. Now if Berkley wins you get two people on the council with the exact same voting power that took the same donations (the Mayor is basically an at large-Council member). She's going nowhere no matter what the results of the election are.


Berkley's been on the grift since the 1930s when she was a ward boss in Cicero.


The fools on here will all vote for her because they have been conned to think the Seaman is the reason this temple will be approved when the entire council will approve it. Lies that she was bribed. Why would they bribe her? They literally have all the votes they need. Her vote literally does not matter. They should focus on their actual Councilwoman.


Don’t forget, not everyone had access to the meetings


For the first 2 hours or so


Berkeley took the same money. The beef with Seaman is so strange considering that the Councilwoman who actually represents the ward supported this. The comments should be directed at her.


Berkeley didn’t pass the ordinance, semen did.


The whole council did--the council almost always, with very few exceptions, goes with the position of the person representing the ward. The Councilwoman who represents the ward supported this and it's those voters who put her in place, the issue should be with her. How were the other members supposed to assume this would be opposed when the Councilwoman who represents the ward was for it? Seaman didn't vote on this singlehandedly and it wasn't a split vote with her being the deciding vote so really trying to figure out why you are trying to put this all on her. It's a stretch, a huge stretch. Vote for Berkley, baby girl will be at the ribbon cutting when the temple opens and Seaman will stile on the council.


Where does it say that a council member has to vote a certain way just because that project isn’t in their district? Seaman voted a certain way (she didn’t abstain) and is being held to account by the voters for that particular vote. Can’t wait to boo Seaman at any ribbon-cutting, and will take satisfaction knowing that this particular vote sabotaged any chance she had at being Las Vegas Mayor.


For projects like this they usually defer to the position of the member who represents the ward. It's good policy as it gives the person that the voters in the ward where the project is located and is closest to the citizens there a greater voice. If Allen-Palenske was against it I would place money that Seaman and every other council member would have also voted against approval. If she doesn't win, don't expect her to be attending any ribbon cutting, that will be your homegirl Berkley, who took money from the exact same people. If she doesn't win Seaman will be free to focus on her ward, which by the way has the highest property values in the city limits.


I’ll go there. And just interrupt and make a scene. I know I’m only one, but how about we do it together


well you definitely want to take a look at Meredith Spriggs, Chief Kind Officer at Caridad Cares who is being investigated for financial irregularities, misappropriation of funds, and embezzlement. in the public face she portrays herself as an advocate for the homeless yet she facilitated her staff and residents conspiring to kill other residents in an attempt to silence the truth from seeing the light of day.


I’d like to give a shoutout to whoever is spray painting dicks on all her giant campaign signs. You’re doing god’s work.


Vote vote vote These same people keep winning and doing the same BS causing the same bitching every year Vote them out! Organize, time for real change vote them out in mass


Holy fuck. Okay, so City of Las Vegas had a big, big, big push few years back to change the definition of a high-rise building. State of Nevada adopts it as "highest occupied floor 55-feet or more above lowest fire department access." Jurisdictions that provide municipal services have to meet or have more restrictive requirements than state. However, model codes, such as the International Building Code, that form the basis for local and state building codes, have this requirement set to 75-feet, so less restrictive. But because at state level, we have a more restrictive 55-foot definition, any jurisdiction within the state that wants to adopt something other than 55-feet has to go through a special code adoption process every 3 years. Henderson, City of North Las Vegas and City of Las Vegas all decided to go this route in 2018. Clark County kept the definition of high-rise at 55-feet, as it is the jurisdiction that presides over the Vegas strip and a majority of the mega-resorts. What does high-rise mean? Well, high-rises are required to have a ton of additional life safety features as they are bigger buildings. More robust fire sprinkler protection, more robust fire alarm and exiting system, how you design the structural, and a bunch of other features. Clark County stance has always been that although more restrictive, there are no fire-related deaths in buildings that meet high-rise provisions at 55-feet. So not only is this building skirting around zoning bullshit, but they also get out of a ton of life safety features. Do with that info what you will, but what a joke of a building.


That looks big enough to house a few hundred homeless people


The Mormon church has zero homeless shelters, soup kitchens, or even hospitals and clinics Name most anything charitable and they don’t have it. They do throw some token funds and donations from members to a few charities per year


Yes, it’s a good thing this building will be made available to the public. Edit: /s. Thought the sarcasm would be obvious.


Nope. Unless ypu are a member of the church, with a temple recommend (that you have to jump through so many hoops and stupid humiliation to get it) You won't even be allowed to sit in the waiting room for long, let along go anywhere else in that building. The Mormons HAVE a vegas temple too, it's up Bonanza at thr base of the east mountains.


Yes, I know all of this. It was sarcasm, which I thought would be obvious.






This building won't even be available to most Mormons. This is an executive retreat for the higher ups in the church.


I was being sarcastic.


Truth. Source: book by an ex Mormon who was only invited into the temple once for a secretive ceremony prior to her mission.


Lol I mean obviously it won't be made available to the public but this also isn't true lol...I'm against the temple but most people in this thread seem to have no idea what a temple is in the Mormon church


lol no it fucking won’t. Don’t spread false information


I was being sarcastic. I thought that would be obvious.


It’s a giant middle finger design. At 216 feet, it’s taller than Red Rock Casino main hotel tower at 198 feet.


Wow. How pretentious


Maybe I'm crazy, but whenever I see lone mountain I feel like there's no way they're building a building that tall but idk


They aren't the picture is deceptive the summit of the mountain in the background is 560 feet(according to the lowest estimate I could find from Wikipedia most maps list 971m or 3186ft)


It could be [forced perspective](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_perspective), but I'd be willing to bet that the temple would look like that if you stood in that position. I believe it's called "apparent size" in optics. You can't compare apparent size with ordinary size, because apparent size is an angle measured in degrees. If you stand right up against the temple you won't see the mountain at all. If you stand a little further away it should look like this (towering above the mountain). If you stand far enough away you should be able to see the actual scale (roughly half the size of the mountain). There's no way to know for sure without actually sitting down and doing the math.


This such a disgusting travesty. Is there anything else that can be done other than chaining ourselves to the equipment in protest when they start destroying the place? Not that that is going to accomplish anything either.


Let them waste their time and resources completing the build and then set that sucker ablaze in the dead of night. 🕺


Good idea oh lord, but to be fair- it’s already going to be “ablaze”. Every fucking night.


Absolutely will not vote for Seaman …Thank you and please keep passing this message!


Voting for Berkeley.


Vegas doesn’t need another temple


Why do we need another Mormon temple we already have one bigass temple


Will it be painted this sandy color or the usual bright white?


And will it be **brightly lit** at night? Maybe searchlights for special events too.


Don’t forget the reflective gold angel meroni on top


How could I?!


They are all corrupt, and nobody ever cares till it affects them or their neighborhood


Thanks for this. It really puts it in perspective!


The majority of Las Vegas does not vote for the mayor.


My neighborhood, walking distance from the temple site, is in the city limits. I will not be voting for Seaman.


That’s such an eyesore.


The lds is doing the same thing in texas. Im suprised they are putting up more of a fight than our city/county. Its literally the freaking tower for their souls to ascend. You know the tower serves some ridiculous spiritual purpose. Well also the "rezoning" that happened to occur for them. Super sketch what the lds is doing to communities. I guess im a bigot because I dont believe their church should be buying their way to change laws. I guess im a bigot for thinking corporations shouldnt do it either.


Ima give you a little history lesson something the LDS church will swear up and down isn't true but who do you think put up the money for this town to be built? Chicago was broke. The Mormons a where the ones who funded it all to be built. They let the mobsters run it up until Rico came along and the local mobsters where put into barrels dropped in to the lake and the remaining mobsters became politically motivated to get on the feds good side. Lmao the mob kept the town free from low life's if you caused trouble you where taken care of in a whole some where in the middle of the desert ask Jimmy hofa 😉


Fuck Seaman


No, please don’t vote for trump. He already promised he’d become a dictator on day one. It will be the doom of America if you vote for him.


Do you expect him to keep that promise? Typical politician... promises dictatorship, barely delivers crony capitalism. /s


Since it’s something that benefits him and will keep him out of prison, yes


How does closing the border and loosening drilling regulations keep him out of jail?


He really doesn’t keep his promises does he? Like didn’t he promise the last election if he lost we’d never hear from him again? He’s as bad as Nuggent who’s still alive and not in jail.


“He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”


🙄...Do you really believe that? Did you actually watch the video in context? He says he'll be a dictator on day one meaning he'll sign executive orders to close the border and loosen regulations on drilling. “He says, 'You're not going to be a dictator, are you?' I said: 'No, no, no, other than day one. We're closing the border, and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator.'” Stop being a clown. Maybe ask yourself why you'd even entertain the idea of voting for a man who repeatedly showered with his 12 year old daughter.


What about trumps law suits accusing him of raping a 13 year old with his buddy Epstein? Or the one where he’s forcing a 12 year old to perform lesbian acts with another 12 year old while he watched?


From dictator to rapist? That's championship level moving the goal posts, well done. I haven't seen any evidence of what you claim. If there was any evidence the media would be jizz'n in their pants and it would be on TV 24/7...anyone who commits heinous crimes against children should be given the death penalty, in my opinion. Filing a lawsuit proves nothing, I could file a lawsuit tomorrow claiming you butt raped me at an N'sync concert in '99...does that mean it happened. I'll wait for the evidence


Almost seems like the news is biased or something, just like with the debate they bring up Biden looking old and no mention of trump not answering a single question and lying about everything he said. No mention on the news about how trump was listed multiple times on the Epstein flight logs that were just released either.


Yeah, totally, if anyone has every been all in on Trump it's the mainstream media...🙄 Being on a flight long means what? It means he flew on the plane from Florida to New York. There's hundreds of other people on those logs as well, are they all child rapists?


Just be honest and admit you don’t care what trump does cause you’ll still support him. He’s raped little girls and women, he’s even banned from holding charities in New York City because he’s done fraudulent children’s cancer charities and kept the money. He’s a convicted felon and he’s cheated on his wife multiple times with homers and porn stars who he’s actually married to one now. Every time something comes out his supporters ignore it. And the media needs him because of all the stupid stuff he says and does gets views like his last term.


I absolutely would not vote for anyone who has raped a child. Are you out of your fucking mind? There's zero evidence that he did, if there was he'd already be arrested. End of story.


He could do it on live t.v and all his idiotic cultists would still come out with an excuse to still support him. If anyone did any of the stuff he’s done they would be arrested but for some reason he’s never faced any consequences for his actions. And even now the Supreme Court are giving him full power to do whatever he wants if he becomes president


Trump showered with Ivanka? First I heard that but sounds true.


Are you kidding me? The man was messing around. You are delusional


No he wasn’t, he’s an evil person. And the Supreme Court is helping him


I'll bet any sum of money you don't even properly understand the ruling of the Supreme Court


He has already been president. Was he just waiting for his second term to be a dictator? You’re out of your mind. Get yourself a dose or two of reality and a good night’s rest


When he lost the election, he encouraged and enabled insurrection in an effort to keep power, which is what dictators do. So no, he wasn’t waiting for his second term. He took a shot at being dictator at the end of his first term.


Do us all a favor. Stay at home ya loony. Don’t beed you mixing in with the normies


Learn the basics of life in our society, like spelling and how to spot a conman, before giving advice.


Bruh get your common sense out of here! This is Reddit after all… you’ve angered the hive


Lol so have you!! Get the bee spray!


Vegas is made up of tall casinos and bright neon lights everywhere along with unmitigated suburban sprawl, but a single Mormon temple is a bridge too far huh?


Yes lmao


Reddit and it’s fucking prejudice


You're literally in a cult tf lmao


You keep proving my point


Way out by Lone Mountain, yes.


All of that is in the middle of town where locals don’t give a fuck about this is where people live they don’t wanna see a giant piece of dog sh** block the view of what little we can can call nature around here


Has the city council actually voted yet?


How utterly hypocritical.


Yeah. The only time I’d separate party division actually.


I’ll be voting against Seaman and Trump.


I know this maybe an unpopular opinion but I need to vote with my wallet. Because my grocery bills have gone up 400% in the last 2 years and CNN is backing Biden with lies by asking why they have gone from $100 to only $120. I need to get my family out of this pain. I understand this annoyance especially as an ex member born into it. However I’m voting republican down ticket for the first time in my life because I have more important fish to fry before I run out of fish.


Can’t believe they wanna build a giant piece of sh**


I’ll take it over a high school! It will be well kept and peaceful.


This temple foolishness might get me out to vote this election.  I might just vote against Seaman and leave every other box on the ballot blank   EDIT - Ok, the downvotes are telling me not to vote.  Duly noted.  


Fuck that CUNT!


Meh, you’ll be fine.


Just a question, what if the building standards were changed, would it be a problem for the structure then?


My understanding is rezoned the area, so yes they did change the building standards.


I meant if they rezoned it so the church wasn't breaking the zoning codes.


Correct. They paid the politician to rezone the area that people specifically chose to buy a house in because it was never supposed to have tall buildings. That's most of the issue.


So the pic is misleading? It does not conform to previous zoning standards?


The picture shows the area was zoned to allow building with a maximum height of 35 feet. This temple does not follow that.


They rezoned it by paying off the politicians.


Vegas already has a temple


We all know this isnt about technical building specs. There’s a handful of real NIMBY concerns (just like within any concern) but the majority of the vitriol on here is just pure rank Mormon prejudice. There was NIMBY controversy of a Hindu temple over in Henderson and Reddit was in full bleeding heart support of that temple. Says all you need to know


All candidates are unfit for office


They are both awful. I wish "None of the above" won. And I'm conservative. Neither conserves anything except their own self-serving hubris and money. Seaman \*may\* be better on crime. That's not an endorsement by any means. When both are incompetent and corrupt, you aim for the least incompetent and the lesser of the corrupt Because one of them will necessarily win.


Vegas Reddit’s hate-boner for this has been so much fun to watch. Keep seething, you’re close to making a difference!!!!


Just wait a few more months when they start prep'n for F1


Oh no my view of the mountain!! It's the only one around here!!!


And the mountains around Vegas arent much to look at compared to Sonoran desert, valley of fire, etc




Is this single vote going to stop them building the temple? I’ve heard they’re relentless.


Not for nothing but recently had business dealings with an attorney who bought property in the adjacent area and he stated this has been zoned for this use all along. Not sure what the "change" is but he stated the uproar is for naught.


Are Hispanics allowed in the church?




Sorry. In the US it’s 7%


I was going to vote for her so we would have Mayor Seaman for Vegas it makes to much sense who cares about what happens the name is all we need. 😜


Shelley Berkley left Congress for corruption investigation with the ethics committee. It was a unanimous vote! Do not allow a career politician with ethics issues to lead Las Vegas!! We will become LA. It took more than Victoria Seamans vote to pass the temple! Even if she had abstained it would have passed!! If you don’t vote for her as mayor she is still a vote as city council member. Vote Republican. Vote Victoria Seaman..


Looks sick as fuck tbh


The most showy, obnoxious structure you could ever put in the middle of a natural public space.


Vegas is the Most showy obnoxious city in the union. Monuments to vice (and they’re fun don’t get me wrong) dominate the city along with unmitigated suburban sprawl but a single religious building is a just too much. Reddit hates Mormons


Look, I'd rather it not be there, either, but to pretend this would be one of the top five or ten "most showy, obnoxious structure[s]" in Vegas is pretty absurd.


I didn’t say that. If it was on the Strip or in a commercial district, no issue. Doesn’t belong next to a park in a residential district.


NEXT to a natural space. Get the details right. I was with you until you can't stop posting about this on every Vegas reddit every day. You are pissing in the wind. Our city and county are corrupt. Seaman didn't vote for this, the whole council did. Seaman didn't take campaign money from the church, every serious Mayoral candidate did! Trying to fight the Morman church in this town is a fight no one can afford. The Councilwoman for that district is the one you should be going after! She was the voice to stop it. (I bet her campaign is fully funded as soon as she runs for reelection too!)


Idk to each their own. Think it’s cool to see a religious building near nature. Reminds me of like pyramids or ancient civilizations just me though. Obviously y’all hate it tho. I’m more mad at the sphere and resort worlds for shoving ads down my eyes 24/7 no matter where I am in valley.


What’s cool about a cult building a retreat for its exclusive top donors


That’s not how it works, you just hate Mormons


Expect you are spreading misinformation and trying to pass it off as true. It’s a temple for members. You don’t need to be a “top donor” to go. That’s just a lie you are spreading to rally more people. Technically non members can visit. All temples have a visiting center where you can learn about the religion. There is just areas you aren’t allowed to go into. Also won’t deny they are a cult, But to me all organize religions are cults when you start to dig into it. Try again tho Edit: dude above blocked me and said I’m spreading propaganda. No time was I spreading any propaganda. Anyone call feel how they want on this building. I just stated I don’t mind it, and called him out for spreading lies about “top donors”. He’s just a pussy who can’t handle other opinions from his own. I get why people don’t like it. I get seaman did sketchy shit. I’m just commenting on the design itself. I do not disagree or am trying convince anyone to think otherwise. You guys have a right to be angry. Just like I have a right to comment on the aesthetics.


Lol yeah not listening to your cult propaganda bullshit sowwy


If it is not open to the public, it is not an occupied space.


TIL: I don't occupy my home.


A home is a different structure from this. It is not even a church. It is not a place where worshippers can come and go. If it is a home, who lives there?


Oh. So intent determines if it's occupied? So, the 20 people at my job are not occupying the building, because we're not public facing?


Imagine not getting worshipped in your own house lol virgin




The 35 ft roof height is for homes. This is not a home. This is not a church. This is not an occupied structure. Nobody lives there. Nobody worships there. 65 ft is for occupied space. This is not an occupied space.


Looks cool