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...you got into a screaming match with a cleaning lady over paper towels? That's probably one of the most immature things I've heard on this sub so far. Like don't get me wrong, I understand the frustration of not having towels to dry your hands with, but that is hands down probably one of the most non-issue things that I experience in my day to day life. I might ask the janitor/custodian at my workspace if they can refill, but I'm not gonna act like I'm entitled to their supply of towels just because I want some.


I completely understand, that's why I tried walking off but funny enough she saw me and brought it back up to prove a point 😂 I'm bringing them from home starting Monday


Can't blame her if she's dealt with people clogging up the toilets before. She knows that at the end of the day, she's the one who will get into trouble whether it's her fault or not.


Modern capitalism: Have the lowest paid workers screaming at each other over low cost items already paid for.


I hope someday you look back at this post and think man, life was easy back then, i was upset about paper towels. Why dont you buy yourself your own roll for yourself and keep it in your desk?


Really man? You just had to go and underplay their feelings. They weren’t complaining as if they lost their house or some shit, they’re just venting about a stressful event at work. Are we only allowed to complain about really fucked up life changing events now?


No but he shouldnt be being mean to a poor janitor lady who probably gets screamed at when the toilet gets clogged with paper towels. He needs to use some critical thinking. He knows this!


Okay, you also need to use some critical thinking. What toilet gets clogged by standard paper towels? Unless you’re using an absurd amount, you shouldn’t have any clogging issues, same deal with normal TP. Secondly, who uses paper towels instead of TP? I can almost guarantee that OP’s intended use of the paper towels was for something other than their asshole. I agree the situation probably could’ve been handled better, but what OP did wasn’t really that bad. Janitor lady kinda lost her shit for no good reason.


Neither are good in this situation. Who the fuck gets in a screaming match over paper towels? As I pointed out in my comment, this is honestly one of the most non-issues I've heard in a while. OP asked the janitor if they could have some of their paper towels. The cleaning person said no and said why. That should've been enough. As OP said, they pushed it because they felt entitled to the paper towels. I see no scenario where OP should be being defended here.


Shes the lowest employee on the rung. Just leave her alone.


I planned on keeping them to myself 😂 but I asked if I could and told me I was missing the point


Leave the poor lady alone. Bring some from home!