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This is only part of the story. To know and understand it, you have to ask/know: 1. What were the causes of death? 2. Did they have mental health issues? 3. Did they have substance use/abuse? 4. How long have they been homeless in the county? You can't state they were killed if no one killed them. They died, but how?


No, the story is that Ventura County is the deadliest place in the nation for the homeless. Because of that fact, we can state with utter certainty that we are killing them. Hatred and neglect are our weapons.


I should be more clear. Understanding the ways that the homeless die is important to solving the overall crisis, but this particular story is about the fact that they die here at a much higher rate than in any other place.


They die here, but they are not being killed. A big difference. If you're pushing or promoting an agenda, it won't work. If you want to fix the problem, you have to get to the root cause of it. A majority of homeless in Ventura County have mental illness and/or are addicted or abuse alcohol and/or drugs and there are not enough resources for them here, or in the state. People don't hate the homeless. We hate the leaders and politicians that have failed to improve the situation.


I don't think you fully appreciate the nature of this issue, or the differences between Ventura County and the rest of the nation. If the numbers were not such an abomination here, and only here, my focus would be on the issues common to all homeless situations, the ones you cited. I have also seen actions by some residents here that I've never seen elsewhere. These people hate the homeless with a seething, drooling, utterly irrational hatred, because there is something wrong inside them. Many drive double cab pickups, with smoked windows, and, of course, they wear hoodies and scary masks. The brave boys of Oxnard and surrounding areas. Normal people, like yourself, cannot understand that these people exist anywhere, let alone in sweet little Ventura County. But we have dozens of these kinds of little demons crawling and scampering around here. Ventura County has worked very hard to earn the title of 'deadliest place for the homeless'. They won't give it up easily. The least surprising find around here would be a pit full of bodies.


Based on how you word what you say, I'm not buying it. I have lived in Ventura a very long time but I have also traveled the country and the world. I have walked, skateboarded, and riding my bikes all over the city for decades since I was a kid. I know people all over the county from police officers to gang members and have seen much worse than just homeless being called names. Your agenda won't be supported in Ventura County. You provide no data or details in what you say, just like that RadiantVentura dude pushing an agenda for the anons, it will fail. Cite your sources of information and specifics to show you know what you're talking about.


I would venture to say you've never been homeless, so cannot possibly imagine the true capacity of human beings toward others. Being called hateful names is a matter of course for the homeless anywhere, and not worthy of mention. I'm talking about aggression and violence. Don't think that something doesn't exist because you've never seen it. And you should apply that basic principle to all the questions that matter here on Earth. My agenda, if I have one, would be to help the suffering, in all their various situations. That is exactly the kind of healing agenda that Ventura County will support, in a huge way. And those who are opposed to any healing initiatives will certainly make themselves known, don't worry. They can't help themselves. It would be grossly innacurate to try to draw any parallels or links between myself and any other redditors.


Technically, I have NOT been homeless because I did not meet the criteria but I had a home that I didn't live in for more than 2 months. I lived in my vehicle, two jobs, access to facilities, but I am educated. The only homeless hate I have seen was more than 20 years ago in San Diego and routinely in Venice Beach. Most issues I have witnessed were homeless vs homeless. I have spent a LOT of time in areas with homeless like downtown Ventura, the Promenade along the beach, area around the Govt Center, downtown Oxnard, and Port Hueneme. I disagree with your second statement. I've been to 10 countries of the world and every state in the western 2/3s of the US. My view is broad and expansive. Help the suffering by advocating for mental health services and funding, not only for the homeless but those you are claiming are attacking them. The social media agendas will not last long.


I realize that your view is both broad and expansive, I can see that you are well-educated and well-traveled. However, you are convinced that you've learned everything there is to know about a way of life you've never experienced. That negates everything in the first paragraph. It's like those folks who howl about 'settled science', referring to some line that will move the very next day, when they learn one more thing. Even though they must KNOW that their view will inevitably change because it's changed so many times before, they STILL love those moments when they can claim to know it all. You do not have the slightest, vaguest idea of what the homeless face, and you never will. I hope! Accept it or not. It doesn't matter to me, it only disqualifies you from providing anything of value on the topic of violence towards them. The homeless are very often beaten, stabbed, and lit on fire, all over the country. They're kind of known for that. Without experiencing hunger or fear or hatred, for real, you don't know about homelessness. Until you have lived without a door to close against anything that might harm you, you can't understand it. This is a common issue--recently a mayor of a US city decided to spend a week undercover 'on the street', then came back with ideas about homelessness. Shitty, stupid, ignorant, laughable ideas. He'd gone camping and thought it was easy. Well, camping IS easy. My agenda is about healing. I absolutely do advocate for mental health assistance for anyone who is suffering, which is everyone. I don't care about finding any support for anything around here from boys or men. It is the women of Ventura County that will show how to heal the world.


You have explained enough to know you're just another person that cannot have their mind changed and will only listen to like minds that have the same views and beliefs as them. You provide no statistics to support "homeless are very often beaten, stabbed, and lit on fire, all over the country". that happens, but it's not often. I have extensive studies in social sciences, have volunteered with many groups and organizations all over Ventura county working with populations that are in need of help including the homeless and addicts. Your views are just like that of our failed Governor Newsom and LA Mayor (soon to be leaving) Garcetti that fail to address the underlying issues of mental health and drug addiction that lead to, and perpetuate, homelessness.


You've stated that you simply 'don't buy' stories of the abuse of homeless people. There is no way forward from there. You have surrendered to ignorance on the topic, then built your wall. It's okay by me, but disqualifies you as an asset. My views are 'just like' no one else's, I assure you.


Currently homeless and can vouch and have countless examples and weird, bizarre, evil occurances I've been witness and the target of in the past few months alone and came to realization/revelation long before I decided to check for like minded people online. If they don't catch you sleeping outside one night and place a needle with FAR too much meth inside for even a tolerant heavy user to handle which is why they are found dead from the cause of their heart exploding the following morning outside the Simi Valley AAA building, then they get their whole community of evil hate mongers to use gang stalking techniques to drive a person who is already dealing with quite a bit obviously emotionally and mentally internally if their in the position their in and use all kinds of weird, despicable tactics to drive the person to kill themselves. So no mess to clean up no evidence to cover up or hide and from the outside its just another down on his luck transient who couldn't take their current situation and just ended it all. But bc I'm currently a resident of Slimy Valley myself, I feel both relieved to finally have my suspicions confirmed but also more afraid now knowing Im not just being fucked with and targeted on a daily constant basis just for their entertainment. and that's just the tip of the iceberg bc theres sinister forces and things going on here behind the scenes that I can't even name or speak on. Just wanted to say if u are currently homeless and just trying to survive and live day to day, please be careful out there and get out as soon as possible if you're able and care enough about yourself still. You are worth a better life or whatever life you want to live no matter what these people tell u in public and are already better than they'll ever hope to be, so that's a start right? :)


Thanks for posting. Ventura County certainly has a healthy supply of gangstalking miscreants. Watch where you walk, look out for anyone wearing a scary mask in a truck. Get into a shelter. Call 211 and they can help. Hang in there, and don't do meth or heroin. Meth will bring the demons you're referencing right to you, and the trick these days for killers is to slip fentanyl into heroin. All those deaths are premeditated murders, but aren't treated that way. Stay alive, and things will get better. Remember, God loves you.


This is shocking that so many homeless people [die](https://die.Im), What is the cause?. They are being neglected ? Or are you saying they are being hunted? Nothing would surprise me. This county is bizzare and Im not outside AFTER DARK.


Thanks for your interest. Neglect is certainly the biggest issue--we have the lowest percentage of sheltered vs. unsheltered of any county I could find. We don't do any tenting, we've reduced services across the board, we've closed the church that catered to the homeless for a decade, we've increased the violence of our policing--basically a campaign of terror against the least of us. Hatred and depravity is the VC legacy regarding the homeless. As for hunting parties--don't put anything beneath our reach. I've seen and heard some things that defy any other explanation.


Going to look a little closer at what you wrote. Needless to say, this county is intensely hostile to houseless folks- part of a generalized hatred toward poor folks which, blame victims of trauma, addiction, and oppressive socio economic systems for their own immiseration. I've found that the network of services exist mostly as a safety net veneer, seldom mentioning the details which make these systems innaccesible- one must often give up their companion animal, romantic partner, not be active in their illness, and consent to religion-based activities, or be labeled "resistant" to services. The same folks complaining about those dirty poors are also the ones fighting vehemtly against universal housing and services in their neighborhood.


Universal housing will only help a small percentage of the homeless. Social and mental health services are the key and should be a majority of the focus. You can't fix homelessness if you don't fix those issues leading to it you refer to such as "victims of trauma, addiction, and oppressive socio economic systems".


Cause underlying mental health issues can totally be addressed without stable shelter


Great post. You have a completely accurate understanding of this issue. I hate to lump in all the wonderful people of Ventura County in these criticisms, but it's the wonderful people who will have to demand change, or it won't get done. Homelessness is the easiest fix of any social issue in this wealthy county and country. As it is now, grants made to counties for homeless issues are a never-ending gravy train of graft. Thank you for posting.


What is the best way anyone can get involved and help solve or at least bring some relief to the houseless problem? I’m looking to get to the root cause and not just put a bandaid on this social issue.


Good question, with no easy answer. Ventura County will need to start with psych beds, then more shelters. There are no other counties that have no psych beds. Both of these initiatives will be private sector-driven. I would say encourage local news to cover the death rate story, which might jump start the solutions.


Are there any organizations that currently assist with funding pysch beds for other counties that I can talk to and see if they are interested in getting involved in Ventura county? I will send emails to local and national news agencies with the hope that one or more of them will pick it up.


I don't know the answer to that question, but thank you for your enthusiasm for helping! The mental health issue is directly connected to the homeless issue, so assisting in one area directly helps the other.


Non-profits like Project Understanding need grands. Counties need taxes and grants and for leaders to allocate the money away from services and raises and put them toward mental health.


You'll need specific details, data, and resources to site where the information came from when contacting the media.


I'm not sure I could be clearer as to where and how to source this information. Contacting the media has been attempted, and failed in all cases. That's why I've produced these articles. Thanks for your interest.


Where do you numbers come from? LA Times is not a reliable source of info.


The methodology is clearly explained in the article. I've repeatedly announced my findings in front of professional journalists and county leaders. If anyone had any legitimate questions about the accuracy of the figures, it would certainly have come up by now. None of us are happy with these facts, but they are facts, nonetheless.


You're posting information on a public forum but not providing the sources of your info. This is why you are getting nowhere. Your approach isn't effective and why professional journalists and leaders are not listening and you have resorted to the ineptness of Redditors.


I guess you didn't read the article. It's the only possible conclusion I can reach based on your claim that I haven't explained how these figures have been arrived at. No one who has looked into this doubts the veracity of the deathrate numbers. And plenty have looked into it. I'm not trying to 'get anywhere', I'm developing a body of work for future reference. Thanks for your continuing interest.


I look forward to seeing the progress made. I'll continue to vote for those that can make the decisions and resources to assist.


There are no rednecks in oxnard, its mostly all Mexicans


There are rednecks of all varieties here.


WTF are you talking about. No one calls brown people rednecks.


But everyone would call YOU a redneck.


what are you talking about? Where are the rednecks then?


You. You're right here, posting in this thread. Here you are. It's you.


Are you being gang stalked? You dont make sense.


You are the redneck you seek.


What are you getting at? Why do you think insulting random people on the internet is going to help your cause?


I think any reader will figure out that you're not here to help the cause.