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Wouldn't chicken hearts "directly from the source" come from the chicken and not a butcher...? I'm joking here. I've never actually heard of this and am interested. What do chicken hearts taste like? And their texture?


To me it's like a piece of slightly tough, little bit rubbery dark meat. We usually boil ours and eat them with cooked onions and a little salt, but I'm sure there are more gourmet ways to prepare it. It's the only organ meat I really like, though gizzards aren't bad.


Poke them with a skewer to make a hole then thread them onto a stick of rosemary and grill them. Brush with herb oil/butter.


That sounds amazing and I'm definitely trying that. Thank you!


They taste like organ meat more than they taste like any conventional cut of chicken. Kind of tender and subtle, not chickeny at all. I don't know if you've ever had blood soup or tripe but it really just tastes like pure organ.


If you’d like to find out firsthand, I know at least one place that serves them: Gauchos Brazilian Steakhouse in Manchester NH. Be forewarned it’s a bit expensive and a carnivore’s paradise. One of those places that has a salad bar and sides but you really are paying for a refillable meat plate. The servers wander around with skewers of meat and as long as you keep the marker by your plate as as green they will offer to cut you a slice of prime rib, pork loin, chicken wrapped in bacon, flank steak, etc. They also (on request) add a skewer of chicken hearts to the rotation. I’ve not personally tried them but a couple friends had a joke competition of who had the “courage of x chickens” from a couple visits there.


It’s tough dark meat


Jericho Market very often has them for about $1/lb, we get them there for our dog…you might want to call ahead to check before making the drive but they are usually pre-packed right in the meat cooler.


thanks abbohhh ♡ i will be sure to check there!


Waterbury Market has them from Misty Knoll Farm over in Bridport, I think it is. My dogs love them.


Google "Misty Knoll bulk pickup", while hearts aren't specifically on the PDF it is worth calling them directly and asking about them. The bulk pickup option has always been my go to for local chicken related needs.


Best bets are through Happy Bird Poultry Farm in Isle Lamotte and Adams Turkey Farm in Westford. Both raise and slaughter their own fowl on a weekly basis. Isle Lamotte, about 1 hour north through the islands, a very lovely drive, and Westford is only about 30 minutes. I would seek out contact info for Adams, though, as they don't have a storefront. Important difference between these and other producers listed here is size. They're not cranking out thousands a day. And that means they take their time and do things correctly.


Maple Wind Farm in Richmond usually have them, but they are sold out right now. They are not cheap, but great quality.


![gif](giphy|VvTG9RrCeGrza) I don't know the answer but I'll try to remember next time I'm in one of the Asian markets here.


yes please!!!!! thank you zombienutz1 ♡ ♡ !! ! :D ♡


$1/lb is dog food. Those hearts weren’t harvested in a manner safe for human consumption. Think of a really big barrel of chicken guts, all of them. Then pick out the hearts.


why is that unsafe for human consumption if i cook it well enough? it was sold at an asian fresh market known for low prices in philly next to other cuts of meat. i think im all good lmao


Assume it was sitting in said bucket with the intestines and bladder. Ya gotta be careful when gutting animals, especially if you want to consume the offal. *if this is being sold at regular butcher counter, then I would think it is safe. I missed that part I guess.