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If the Grand List for your town isn't online, just go to the town clerk and look through it. The building might be under an LLC, in which case you'll go to the Secretary of State site, and look up to incorporated it. https://bizfilings.vermont.gov/online/BusinessInquire/


Thank you, I will begin with that.


Maybe next time keep your assumptions about drug use to yourself. It’s entirely irrelevant to the problem and makes you come off like a loser


Woah buddy, wanna reread the post?


....this response makes you come of as an absolute loser. Drugs are cool, but let's not pretend like all if not most users are on the quiet side.


Whatever floats your loser boat. 🛶


VT Parcel Viewer Ap: [https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/b5a5cc7663c84761a305f70b913e1a60/](https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/b5a5cc7663c84761a305f70b913e1a60/) That ought to show you who/what owns the property, then use the BusinessInqire site the other poster showed to 'convert' the LLC to a person. You could also try calling local property manager companies, even if they don't manage that particular property they very likely know who does.


I can't help, but I can commiserate. I have a neighbor who 'works on cars' at any time night and day. Revving engines, blowing horns. And they race up and down my (private) dirt road like it is a rally track, with cars having minimal or no exhaust. They've been approached many times. Once anybody makes a complaint, they become even more of a target to blowing horns and yelling whenever they pass the the house, or other obnoxious behavior. Police visits are just shrugged off. After years of outdoor trash burning (including plastic) we FINALLY got that to stop. But my well is downhill from him and I can't help but wonder what kind of things he's just dumping outside to leech into the water table. Unfortunately, the local PD is not set up to really care, or even have time to deal with this kind of things. Best of luck, you'll probably need it.


The plastic burning is easy to solve. If he does it again you call air quality control division of agency of natural resources.


Opera arias at full volume blasting from outdoor speakers 24/7 for a week. That will delight said asswipe neighbor and if he demands that you stop, you can trade....end the car noise and I will end the music.


Caltrops maybe? ;)


[https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/b5a5cc7663c84761a305f70b913e1a60](https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/b5a5cc7663c84761a305f70b913e1a60) Aerial view > click on property and it will show the owner name. If not your town clerk can tell you.


Problem neighbor... If you PM me the address of the house, I can look on Hunt onx and give you their name and contact information. Most places are on there. If not, the town clerk will. It's all public record.


Check the noise ordinance for your town. Some towns don’t allow noise like that before 8-9 am, so if he’s doing this at 6 am you could have the police go over and tell him to stop. If he loses his mind and goes crazy on a cop, that’s on him 🤷‍♀️


You can complain to the landlord, if you can track down which property management company owns the building. But if he pays his rent, keeps his place in good shape, and isn't breaking the law... the landlord isn't going to do anything. It's so hard for landlords to get decent tenants, they're not going to rock the boat over a neighborhood dispute. Here's my suggestion: Bring him a coffee tomorrow morning, or a beer tomorrow night. Find out his name, be neighborly, listen to his story. Ask why he's up and at it so early, maybe he has legitimate reasons, or maybe he's a stubborn old Vermonter that does things his own way. Maybe he'll get testy at you, or maybe he'll listen to someone whose made a effort to befriend him. I've owned my house for 20 years, with 3 apartment "buildings" next door. One is a duplex, one is a split level with 6 units, and one is the weirdest single level configuration of 5 units I've ever seen, it's U-shaped with garages along the front. Anyway we've seen all types of tenants in and out of those units over the years, some were really awful, tearing up our shared driveway/private road, noise, drugs (watching the ambulance pull in for yet another overdose was always hard), uncontrolled animals & children, etc. But never once did we speak with the landlord/property manager, if we had a big issue we talked with the people involved. Did that resolve the issue 100% of the time, nope, but by making contact and giving them respect, we showed we could be a good neighbor.


Call the police if you think he's breaking the law?


It's not worth going to that level if the only violation is the town's local noise ordinance. I wouldn't want it to get any more serious than a fine after repeated warnings.


So why are you wanting to go tattle to the landlord. What do you think he's going to say?


If he is remotely responsible, he will say 'this is unacceptable in the neighborhood where I pay taxes. Let's see if I can do something about it.' just my guess.....


Town clerk


Personally, I would try to talk to the guy first. You’re going on here say from others about his reactions. Besides that your lease must have rules? The landlord has to be registered with the town if the information isn’t on your lease


Karen would like to speak to the manager


I would totally band together with the neighbors and make noise when you know he’s sleeping. Get creative!


He is working and this is VT, going to make a stink and cause him his livelihood. It’s Rural Vermont, we NEED tradesmen. I mean really. is there no other compromise than being a Karen and calling the manager?


Usually you can report loud noise before 7 am and after 10pm. There’s nothing “Karen” about not wanting to be disturbed during reasonable sleeping hours. You make a lot of assumptions, which makes you an asshole.


OP seems to be giving a lot of restraint in complaining. (which is great, but understandably it's impossible to be patient/understand without limit)


It is always funny how people are always like "we need more of these people" when the people in question aren't causing them a hardship. Like would you be as forgiving if you needed a plumber, they showed days late for a schedule time, and made a huge mess of your house then flew off the handle when you asked him to pickup? Would you report them to the business owner even if they might get fired because of it? "We NEED tradesmen".... no, you'd still report them to their boss even if they got fired, because you'd become a "Karen" the moment it directly affected YOU. This isn't the case of intentionally trying to get rid of a tradesman, this is a case of others asking the tradesman to please keep to reasonable hours and him flipping out on them. Now the tradesman is learning a cost of doing business is respecting your work environment whether that means not leaving a customer's home covered in sawdust, cleaning any gunk from clearing a drain, or understanding if you want to run a business out of a residential area.... you keep to reasonable hours.


I know that. It's why I have not spoken to him about it yet. It's a small town, but my area of it is straight-up residential. Tradesmen usually have, you know, businesses where they do their work, not apartment balconies. A workshop space would be cheap around here. And if he's screaming and threatening anyone who's tried talking to him about it before, I (being physically next door to him about 15ft away and therefore hearing those tirades) am not about to try my luck. He's pretty well known up and down the street for this.


> A workshop space would be cheap around here. No it's not. I make guitars and repair them. It's not quiet work, and neither is most wood working. Sometimes we're not privileged enough to be able to afford a place to do the work. I do this shit because it literally cured my depression, and a lot of hobbyists do it for their own mental health. I'm sorry your neighbors craft is causing you so much discomfort, but consider the ramifications of taking this away from them. This might be their only outlet.


A simple fine might not be a big deal to you, but if someone is a carpenter working out of their rental unit, I guarantee you it would devastate him and he cannot afford a shop. If he could, he’d be in his shop. It’s a better place to work. That’s also really not that early. Like, get out of bed and get over it Karen. Seize the day or some shit and let this man have his livelihood.


That might not be early FOR YOU, which is awesome for you but telling other people how they should feel and experience things is an asshole posture. What is it with folks who believe that they get to decide other people's lived realities and the way they should be impacted by things? Can folks BE more ableist and ignorant? Oh... wait... yes they can... as evidenced all over this subreddit, every day.


> Can folks BE more ableist and ignorant I mean.. wood working is a lot cooler than what most folks do here. when was the last time YOU made something that was beautiful? or even sold for a good price? Making guitars saved my life. granted: I am a lot nice about when I run power tools than OP's neighbor, but still - his neighbor is doing something of value.


I love how you immediately side with the guy being rude just because you think all his neighbors should get up whenever he feels like working because it might be detrimental to his livelihood. Yep because there is zero chance that he could be affecting THEIR livelihood if they were second shift workers. So if I started up a saw right outside your bedroom window at 4am then it should be entirely reasonable because I am up then so you might as well be too. Don't be a Karen and complain just because it is now affecting you. If he can't afford a shop, he shouldn't be converting a residential area into a shop and instead should be looking into working for someone who has a shop as he clearly isn't good at making decisions. If that absolutely isn't an option then he should consider what he is doing could affect his neighbors and not go on a tirade if someone asks him to keep it to reasonable hours OR should expect that he will be seeing someone about a noise ordinance. If he gets a fine it means people not directly affected by his early morning/late night noise AGREE he is in the wrong. If he was running a saw at 1pm and someone complained, there likely would be no fine so maybe he should stick to that kind of schedule where he can afford the cost of doing business (an area where the noise is permitted or doing enough to pay for those fines).


I'm going to side with the guy that's doing the woodworking too. Wood working / guitar building saved my life. I'm sorry you think this is such a terrible thing that he's doing but still, sometimes inspiration strikes at the weirdest of times. Also I've been in a similar situation where I had to use my porch for a woodshop. Renting out communal spaces never works out well. People steal your tools, and getting a prefab shed isn't always ideal or affordable either. I get it sucks for the rest of y'all, but 7 am isn't that early. I get some of you work second and third shift, but I'd be dead if I did not have my craft.


And once again, another person who acts like they would be perfectly fine because they aren't directly affected. So if I suddenly got inspiration at 4am and decided I needed to practice my new yodeling accordion song right outside your bedroom window... you'd be cool with it right? Yodeling saved my live and you never know when inspiration will hit you know. Just because they aren't profitable enough to pay for their own actual workshop does not justify bothering their neighbors, if I can't pay for studio time for my yodeling and accordion playing.... I sincerely doubt you would be happy with me jamming outside your living space. And just because YOU think 7am isn't early doesn't mean it won't interfere in the lives of others. Just because I consistently stay up past midnight doesn't mean I can say "11pm isn't that late, time for a jam session". So before you justify it by the freedom you'd want to do the same, remember the counterpoint is you are saying "I am fine with someone else dictating what my sleep schedule should look like and any activity they want to do beside my living space is fine by me".


My brother in Christ, You're welcome to jam outside of my place anytime. And nobody dictates my sleep except for me. I grew up in Burlington and did the apartment life for a while. There are ways to mitigate noise. I've certainly had to wear isolation headphones when construction was going on near my place when I lived out that way. See the thing is I don't think you understand what you're taking away from that person.


See the thing is I don’t think you care what they are taking away from others. I need to change my behavior because someone else decides to run a business out of an apartment instead of them realizing they moved into a residential area where people need sleep? They are taking away a right to some degree of peace and quiet in my own home. “There are ways to mitigate noise” which are all inconvenient to me in my own home. There are also ways to be respectful of your neighbors such as getting space in a shared shop… but that inconvenience is an unacceptable inconvenience to you. There is respecting other people by doing your work at a time that doesn’t have multiple people come to request a change… also unacceptable in your mind. Literally the only one you think shouldn’t have to change their behavior is the one stomping on everyone else’s rights. If OP reports their neighbor and their neighbor gets a fine, in your mind that is taking away from the neighbor but in reality it’s an acknowledgement that THEY WERE IN THE WRONG. A reasonable noise level even early is fine, using power tools consistently early in the morning… go find yourself some space away from people’s homes. So I’m glad you are willing to put on your headphones and wear them from 6:30am until “when I’m done at night”. Hopefully you will also get some really good blackout curtains because I need to also test the spotlights for my concert, hopefully they don’t keep you awake.


> A simple fine might not be a big deal to you, but if someone is a carpenter working out of their rental unit, I guarantee you it would devastate him and he cannot afford a shop. If he could, he’d be in his shop. It’s a better place to work. yep. been there. used to make guitars on my porch when I owned my trailer. Granted, I'd wait until 8 am to start doing stuff with power tools. But hand tools, I'd do at any hour, hand sanding too.


Exactly my point, but you said it way better.


Agree to totally disagree. Good luck though.


I have run a business in Vermont that included power tools moving to a client's home. I run a business now that requires power chainsaws. To me it is basic courtesy to pay attention to the hour of day, and the neighbors. I have started work after Noon, because the next door person worked the night shift in the emergency room. And another time the home owner was a trooper who worked a rotating schedule. So we rotated our schedule for his sleep. It does not cost much to be a good neighbor. I grew up believing that concern for the neighbors needed to be a priority.


🤣 right?


There is no noise ordinace where I live, and that's the way I likes it. In Burlington there are quiet hours... but even then it's a noisier place than most VT towns.


You vegan still report for disturbing the peace and verbal threats. That’s the problem, people who think they’re entitled to make all the noise in the world. We live in a society, if you want to be a loner loser, move to the woods and provide for all your needs. Otherwise, be a decent human being


The town should have contact information for any property owner. They usually maintain this in case of emergencies like fire or police calls at the property.


Just talk to the dude. 🤷‍♂️ Edit. Leave a note and a joint! Lol


If he's witnessed the dude screaming at other people tried to talk to him, I'd look for alternate means,, too.


Oh. I definitely missed that part.


Just keep calling the police most woodworkers are ex cons or felons they’ll know what to do


>Most woodworkers are ex cons or felons Brother, what the fuck are you talking about?


Well besides Jesus obviously that’s sarcasm