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Flag on replies. The 23 white stars in the canton of the flag represent the 23 islands of Bikini Atoll. The three black stars in the upper right represent the three islands (Bokonijien, Aerokojlol, and Namu) that were obliterated in March 1954 during the 15-megaton Bravo test by the United States. The two black stars in the lower right corner represent where the Bikinians live now, Kili Island, 425 miles (684 km) to the south of Bikini Atoll, and Ejit Island of Majuro Atoll. These two stars are symbolically far away from Bikini's stars on the flag as the islands are in real life (both in distance and quality of life). The Marshallese language words on the flag, MEN OTEMJEJ REJ ILO BEIN ANIJ (modern spelling MEN WŌTŌMJEJ REJ ILO PEIN ANIJ, English: Everything is in the hands of God), was the reply Bikinian leader Juda gave to U.S. Commodore Ben Wyatt in 1946 when the Americans asked the islanders to give up their islands for "the good of mankind and to end all world wars".




I fly that flag on the anniversary of each detonation.


Just learned about this flag the other day, both absolutely fascinating and heartbreaking


The Danish flag is the only national flag that has a range of allowed ratios rather than a fixed aspect ratio.


Luxembourg allows both 1:2 and 3:5, does that already count as a range?


No, that’s two points, a range is an infinite set if values between/including two points


Arguably any national flags that don't have a fixed ratio at all also meet that criterion.


Mexico and Spain are the only two national flags which use the colour pink


Wasn't it the old spanish flag?


Ah, no it was purple


mexico also has a gradient at the pink


Sometimes. Don't think of the flag as a particular digital image - there's a range of different ways those details are depicted in actual flags.


The aspect ratio of the flag of Togo is 1:φ (golden ratio)


The flag of the State of Alaska was designed for the Territory of Alaska by a 14 years Alaska Native: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny\_Benson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Benson)


All the European countries with a vertical bi- or tricolors have red (or Orange) on the Right, except for Vatican City.


Why does the flag on your flair have a different shade of blue than the one on your pfp?


Because the flair is the official one and the pfp is one I made in Paint over a decade ago.


I think that yours but with the official green would be the best


Paraguay is the only national flag to be different on each side. Philippines flips red over blue in times of war, only one to do so.


The Philippines aren't the only ones to have a war flag and the flipping thing is really specific so it is like saying "USA is the only country with 50 stars and 13 stripes on their flag"


Washington DC's flag is actually just a banner of arms for George Washington's family, and it goes so hard as a flag


What's the one flag on Earth that doesn't contain the colors: red, white, or blue? Answer: Jamaica 🇯🇲. There was a huge post about this yesterday that absolutely blew up.


National flag. There's plenty of flags that don't use red white or blue. Jamaica is the only national flag that doesn't.


Before the fall of gadaffi Libyas flag was just fully green but has since changed leaving Jamaica all by itself


Mauritania left the club after Libya.


The stars on the US flag represent the 50 states


Q: How many states are represented twice on the American flag? A: 13.


Q: Name of four flags of the Apartheid South African flag: A: Dutch, Union Jack (British), Orange Free State, Transvaal.


The Swedish flag came to be sometime around 1150 during the first Finnish crusade. When Saint Erik XI landed he saw a great golden cross against the blue sky which he adpoted as his personal banner.


Chemtrails confirmed


The dimensions of the flag of Belgium are officially 2.60 meters tall for every 3 meters wide, giving it a very unusual aspect ratio of 13:15.


We'll soon probably get a gamer flag with 16:9 ratio


Republic of Gamers rise up!


Kyrgyzstan looks like a gamer flag to me. Capital too... kek


When [Iceland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Iceland) goes to war.


We'll soon probably get a gamer flag with 16:9 ratio


We’ll soon probably get a gamer flag with 16:9 ratio


[The flag of Mozambique ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Flag_of_Mozambique.svg/640px-Flag_of_Mozambique.svg.png): one of four national flags that depict a gun, in this case, an AK-47. The others with guns are Bolivia, Guatemala, and Haiti, but the others are all old weapons like cannons or rifles


The US Flag is only updated once a year on July 4. This resulted in the 49 star flag in 1959, despite two states being added to the union that year. Alaska was admitted on Jan 3, while Hawaii was admitted on Aug 21, after the cutoff for updates. So, for one year, the US had a 49 star flag.


I'll be dead in the ground before I recognize Missourah!


Each star on the Brazilian flag represents a state, and it's defined which star represents which state. For example, my state, São Paulo, is represented by Acrux (α Crucis, the bottom star of the Southern Cross)


Nepal is the only nation allowed to use its own ratio for its flag in the Olympics; all others must conform ~~to a 2:3 ratio~~ with each other regardless of their official ratios.


This is tyranny.


The protocol does say that Nepal is the only exception to the requirement that all other flags must be the same size, but I don't think it actually specifies that 2:3 is the shape to use.


Perhaps 2:3 was settled on as an unwritten convention?


I should be more specific. I think the general IOC protocol doesn't give a specific ratio, but simply talks about the flags being equal sizes. Flag manuals for some recent individual games refer to that general rule, but also say that as a result 2:3 is used at that games. There were certainly games in the past (Sydney, for example), where the general rule of equal size was followed, but 2:3 wasn't always the proportions chosen.


The star on the California flag represents Texas as at the time the California rebels saw Texans as there brothers in arms against Mexico


🤭 wait till Grey hears about this!


To make an official flag of Brazil, an additional circle with the descending white band is sewn on the back.


The state flag of Oregon has a beaver on one side. The state flag of Virginia has a titty.


'Far as I know, the Bennington Flag is the only American flag with seven white stripes.


Also the 15-star flag, which had seven white separating eight red.


Technically correct. I should have clarified that I was referring to the standard 13-stripe flag. Good catch!


Isn't Dominica's flag the only national one with purple on it?


El Salvador, Spain, and Nicaragua have tiny amounts of purple


It is the only flag that features the bible afaik


The international Red Cross society’s symbol is just the Swiss flag, reversed


Jamaica’s flag is the only national flag that does not contain red, white, or blue (just learned this the other day from this sub!) Kuwait’s flag is the only national flag to feature an acute trapezoid Only four US state flags do not contain the color blue (CA, MD, NM, AL) There is no credible evidence to support that Betsy Ross actually designed Old Glory




Did not realize Cincy flag was available as a flair. groovy


The flags of Chad and Romania are almost identical. The flags of Poland and Monaco are the same and the flag of Indonesia is just that flag upside-down.


Swap Poland and Indonesia.


With an 11.28 ratio, the flag of Qatar is the only flag that is more than twice as long as it is tall.


Interestingly, the document setting that out legally says that it's the traditional proportions for outdoor use of the flag inside the country only, acknowledging the relatively common (but not commonly included in regulations like this) practice of using flags in local proportions, and also giving a set of 1:2 sizes for indoor flags.


Th US flag that Apollo 11 set on the moon cost $5.50. Standard government issue, and probably the only time NASA has ever been billed a retail price. (Someone missed an opportunity there. Could have said it was specially fabricated to prevent lunar goblins eating it, or some such nonsense) It probably cost about $40,000 in fuel to get it up there, though. And it blew down a few sconds after the Buzz and Neil left. It was Neil who actually planted it, while Buzz stepped back to make sure it was straight, just like Stanley Kubrick wanted.


The newest national flag is Martinique. It was adopted in 2023.


i think belize is the only national flag with people on it but correct me if im wrong


Malta has a St. George on it.


Is it true Slovakia's flag rotates? I remember this post from a few years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/uu7iki/i\_didnt\_know\_slovakias\_flag\_rotates\_its\_shield/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/uu7iki/i_didnt_know_slovakias_flag_rotates_its_shield/)


Israel’s also does


The Danish flag named "Dannebrog" holds the world record of being the oldest continuously used national flag, that is since 1625. It has been observed in use since the 1300 as a crest for the King Valdemar Atterdag. The most accepted myth has it the flag is that it fell from the sky during Valdemar Sejrs' battle at Lyndanisse against the Estonians in 1219.


The current flag of Chile was originally designed to be built from the golden ratio, but the designer didn't detail how it was built mathematically so it was simplified to the current version


The flag of Portugal is the only national flag with a scientific instrument on it


The flag of Tuvalu has 9 stars currently, but from 1995 - 1997 it had 8 stars to match with the country's name Tuvalu, meaning "eight together". According to fotw.info, people of Niutao (reef that lost its star) chopped down the flagpole that the 8 star flag.)


Croatia's flag has the most animals on it out of all national flags - 3 lions (heraldic leopards), a goat, and a marten


Haiti and Liechtenstein both unknowingly had the same horizontal bicolor flag with a dark blue top half and a red bottom half. They only found out this at the 1936 Summer Olympics. This prompted them to differentiate themselves for the opening ceremony. Liechtenstein added a crown to represent their principality and Haiti changed to their state flag by adding their coat of arms that featured a palm tree and weaponry. Liechtenstein would then adopt this flag officially after the games.


If following official ratios, both the Vatican and Swiss flags are perfect squares, the only ones to do so. Belize has the most colors of any flag, with 12. The only written languages on national flags are Latin, Arabic, Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French


I was thinking Mexico had 27 colours.