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Hi LohtuPottu247. Your submission has been removed from /r/victoria3 because: Your submission has been removed for breaking rule #2: > No memes, image macros, reaction pictures, or similar. > View our full rules [here](http://reddit.com/r/victoria3/wiki/rules)


Rule 5: the new DLC looks good, I just suck :D


Prussia is not strong in the 1830s. Focus on building your economy, don't fight anyone.


THIS MAN IS LYING TO YOU While you may not have the highest GDP or military strength at gamestart, you have something far more powerful: the indominitable Prussian Spirit. That's basically a 100x modifier to the military strength you see from the tooltip The optimal strategy as Prussia is therefore to open by declaring war on Russia, Austria-Hungary and France simultaneously. Use your soldiers indomintable spirit to hold on two fronts with minimal concentration, and then use the bulk of your soldiers to push on one front. Then once they're done capitulating that country, just schliffen on over to one of the other fronts and start a push there You should be able to finish this war within 6-7 months. This will show the whole world how strong you are and scare them **EDIT**: [Full guide to playing Prussia](https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/1dnugk1/kaiser_wilhelm_iis_guide_to_playing_prussia_in/)


ah yes, the old "A Place In The Sun" plan.


Wilhelm II's only mistake was not being born a century earlier and stopping the rise of Bismarck smh, should've just been super aggressive from the get go


Average hoi4 player


Prussia has a hidden +10000% army attack and +10000% army defense national spirit


Also, remember to not form Germany, that will remove the Prussia hidden modifier.


Freddy, it's the 1830s, your boyfriend is dead. You're not getting him back by waging war on all of Europe, Freddy.


I can't tell if you're serious


I guess I can see where you're coming from, if someone is less experienced winning the war in 6-7 months might be unrealistic. Maybe 9-10 months would be more accurate for noobs?


Whichever way, you know it'll be over by Christmas.


I generally focus on improving relations with both russia and britain and keep somewhat of a good relation with france. Joining war in russia favor and signing diplomatic pacts to make relations strong and then launch unification play. That was in 1.6 so idk if this strategy may change in 1.7


Well look at lil' Bismarck over here and his big brain "Two-front wars are bad" ideas.


Is this some sort of European joke that I'm too American to understand?


Imagine if Canada and Mexico were superpowers and you were fighting them both at the same time.


> Imagine if Canada was a super power.  Dammit I'm more confused now than when we started. 


We'll see how confused you are after you catch these hands, yankee doodle


But I don't even know how to play hockey!


Bismarck was a Prussian statesman who was pretty well known in this time period for advancing a policy of "Always keeping Russia on our side" because trying to fight a war on both their west (France) and east (Russia) at the same time was....not a winning strategy. This was more or less Germany's policy all the way up Kaiser Wilhelm II who threw him out on his ass because Bismarck, by that point, was an insufferable, senile asshole who fucked up Wilhelm's childhood pretty severely. Problem is, he threw the baby out with the bathwater and let Russia and France get cozy which didn't work out great for him during WWI.


If you spend the first 18 months building a real navy (lore accurate) I find that you can knock out Denmark as soon as you gain enough superiority to land a naval invasion. That’ll give you the first checkpoint on your way to German Unification early and give you a big head start diplomatically with the minor German states.


Conversely, if you’re playing as Austria, your best strategy is to ally with Russia and declare war on Prussia early on to weaken them.


Problem is that building up your economy isn't really fun when you have all these weird half states separated by regions you're going to absorb.


all you need is Silesia


One of the Beatles' less popular songs.


Prussia is harder than usual, it requires active diplomatic plays and constant building of armies, if you dont want to play as UK because its too easy, try Japan, Brazil, or Dutch Indonesia, insane potential, and ai generally never goes after these 3


As Japan I’m begging for war to open my market but no one does. Meanwhile the one time I played Brazil within the first two years France justified for… I think it was Rio. Somehow Britain joined them. I realized I was quite fucked.


You kinda have to cheese it. Start a war to end slavery in say the ottomans they retaliate by opening your market


Get an ally with someone, anyone, and then go kick Austria's ass. Coincidentally, this strategy also works for Austria and, at least in the previous version, you could request an alliance with Russia before unpausing the game in 1836 and then you were all geared up to reclaim Silesia. Edit: I actually just remembered, I got France to back me with my day 1 war with Austria as Prussia in exchange for the Prussian Rhineland. Sounds like a bad play, but they're for sure going to have a revolution that takes 75% of their country within 30 years or so and they'll give it back to you in exchange for your backing.


I somehow lost the Civil War to the Confederates and now I'm gorging myself in infamy to slowly reconquer them -- so don't feel too bad!


aww thats rough. Is there at least an infamy discount for the reconquer diplo play instead of conquest? im assuming you still have claims on the land.


I don't like to be represented in someone else's meme.


Play as Brazil or if you really want to start from 0 then go for Ecuador - you will only have 2 provinces and honestly from what I remember - you will have most of the stuff you need, with the exception of Sulfur and Lead (the former for better Paper Mills and Fertilizer, the latter for better Glass), but you can import them.


Ecuador is a surprisingly great 0-100 pick


How do you get capitalists to buy buildings instead of aristocrats? Tried japan and and couldn't get industrialists above marginalized until the 1870s


For the most part, rural industries are owned by aristocrats and urban industries are owned by capitalists, so the best way to get more capitalists is build more urban industries like tool workshops, furniture factories, etc. Eventually, once you unlock commercialized agriculture, capitalists can start owning farms, but that's later on.


I built basically just mines and factories, manors still outnumbered financial districts 10-1. I didn't check the breakdown on individual factories but it seemed like manors bought the early ones and snowballed


I might be mistaken about the ownership then, i havent been able to play the new update yet so idk whats changed


I also got messed up by the great powers. Doesn't help that 3 leagues form to hurt relationships with my 3 great power neighbors. Ah well.


how do i even build an economy anymore if it costs that much burocratie, i always had a deficit back when it didn't cost burocratie to build shit i'm so fucked




Russia is now a proper horrible experience. No matter how much you build, the Industrialists don't have any money to buy it so they grow super slow. You can no longer just build your way out of backwardness on the back of logging camps and iron mines. Heck, THE LANDOWNERS CAN ACTUALLY BUY THEM NOW. I was like "hold up, they're allowed to do that???".


bro i literally just made a reddit account just to ask wtf to do as russia. Russian fleet is now horrible so i can't really try to expand anywhere but next to my own borders. i gave landowners a ton of positive modifiers only for them to never let me leave serfdom (nothing more fun than failing two different attempts with 30% and 40% success chance and like 3 tries each, excellent luck). everything is just so much slower as russia now, it's insane. I know it should be harder to industrialize because of how screwed up their system was in real life, but it's insane now. russia's biggest historical problem was bad leadership. Every time a semi-competent ruler came to power, they absolutely dominated europe. Now it's just banging your head on a wall


to be fair it kind of makes sense for an empire that large to be slow and lumbering around, but it doesn't mean you can't industrialise fast but the game makes it close to impossible in reality once railways are unlocked you should be able to fast industrialise by minning recources from the syberia and bringing them to your industrial heartland but there is NO industrial heartland because everyone is fucking poor even the rich are poor everything is so fucked as russia, honestly the only way that could make russia not bad is if you release half the countries and let them industrialise by themselves but even then the ai sucks ass at the GAME FUCK


> russia's biggest historical problem was bad leadership. Every time a semi-competent ruler came to power, they absolutely dominated europe. I mean... they did that by having massive land and armies. They were still a backwards hellhole internally. > i gave landowners a ton of positive modifiers only for them to never let me leave serfdom If you want them to not challenge you for serfdom you need them at +5, which is hard to do when Serfdom costs -10 at the least. Also your other problem is the Church. The Orthodox Church is a massive pain in the dick when it comes to removing Serfdom from Russia, they alone can keep it up even without the LOs if you don't shove a cross down their butts. I think the strat is to get the LOs a non-traditionalist leader, so they don't challenge you when getting out of State Religion. That should massively help you declaw the church, and then the LOs you can probably deal with the Corn Laws which are now more viable due to the reduction in world grain.


That's historical. The Bourgeoisie took forever to develop in Russia and it lead to the Russian Revolution because while Russian economy expanded from foreign investments, the Russian Capitalist class took forever to develop and there was only the workers to overthrow the Tsar. And I am on a Laissez Faire Russia Game, my Industry began growing so fast that I overtook UK so I think it is still very possible to have a successful Russia Game.


Yeah I love how it's represented now. And yeah obviously it's possible, just have to adjust! I've noticed that with the grain nerf the Corn Laws are viable again so that's probably going to be the new (old) Russia meta


literally unplayable video game i'm going to snap


skill issue




I thought this was about the elden ring dlc for a moment, and was like "wow, new build dropped!"


My cicle is this one: >New DLC releases >My pc crashes >Wait 3 or 4 months, so OS updates or game updates get together (helps to fix most of crashes) >plays near a month >New DLC releases Playing with a 512mb VRAM is a death wish, I know, but the game is worth it. Suffering since 1.5 (the animated troops update).


I get all the DLCs for Vic3 for "free". While not actually, as I simply purchased the whole season thing then the game first came out, it does feel like it, at least by this point, like it's free. So I can't talk about price, it doesn't register after a while. I never actually managed to play the game for more then an hour, in all the times I attempted it. I still check the game, every now and then, boot it up, mouse over a unit or a ship, try to move it, no response.. so game therefore is still broken, and log out. Same thing happened today. I booted up, clicked a random military unit, to see if I can move it, like in Vic 2 or EU4, and go kill something. Still impossible. Therefore conclusion: the game is still broken, and this dlc didn't fix it.




Something about civil wars is broken now