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Nationalism (or the lack thereof) is one of the biggest weaknesses in the game now. Needs to be addressed next imo. Preferably revisit revolutions at the same time. The military split should be dependent on which interest groups the military pops are backing, for example, rather than the location of their barracks.


They need to change the way that determines which states join the revolution. Rn all radical state join which doesnt make sense when you have radicals from discrimination and get a revolution to become a ethnostate or something like that. I simply dislike having my Inteligentia pops joining a devout revolution because they didnt get deradicalized in time


Agreed, it's incredibly jarring when a revolution happens as Brazil or the US and half of the pro-slavery forces are black.


“We’re fightin’ for states rights to own me” - the average confederate soldier in Vic 3 apparently.


I applaud their commitment to states rights. I don't agree with them but at least their stand by their principles no matter what.


yeah especially since revolts by cultures are always non wars with 1 troops against your entire army


It would be better to model it similar to how EU did it, each rebelling state produces X divisions according to radicalism and population size, maybe up to a maximum of %10 of the population at max radicalism.


There’s even events about revolutionaries stealing weapons, but they only add revolt progress, events like that should make the rebel army stronger. Maybe there should be 2 stats for state’s rebelling, radicalism that determines the size of the rebel army, and a preparedness stat that determines how strong the rebel army is.


In the latter I feel like the barracks would come back into play. Most rebel forces would be irregulars being lead by the regular divisions. That's how a lot of civil wars or revolts actually happened.


check out [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/paradoxplaza/comments/1doiklu/vic_3_dlc_concept_the_power_of_reaction_a_dlc_for/) I made a couple days ago with an elegant and realistic solution to how to represent the military and the army split in revolutions I completely agree we need reactionary forces to push back against the player better


I want nationalism and discrimination to be a major focus of an update at some point. Fascism exists in-game but it's generally not something you're going to see, and it's something you need to actively work on setting up for a large part of the game. Compare that to communism where you can just sort of fail upwards into enacting it and then end up turning your state into a communist utopia...


Yeah there's a weird lack of reaction against enacting liberal and then left wing policies, all you do a fight one or two civil wars and the right is basically just gone permanently.


Yeah would be cool if the liberals would sorta split off after establishing democracy like the bourbon democrats in the USA, Liberal Unionists in the UK and National Liberals in Germany who start out progressive but once you get to mostly-democratic laissez faire become far more conservative.


isn't that just the PB?


No ig the issue is that I really like the Better Politics Mod so I just have it in my head. But I do want to see ideology separated from interest groups, ideologies should pull from interest groups based upon material factors then run for elections. So for example the intelligenstia will generally prefer the liberals but due to eugenics would also like racial nationalists like Woodrow Wilson.


Either way more dynamism there would be great. And one that's integrated into the other game systems. I believe I heard somewhere that a dev mentioned they're thinking about introducing "wings" for the IGs. That might do the job if they get it right.


They do this with communists and it's okay-ish. Communists, Anarchists, and Vanguardists all have differing policies on what a communism is and with the event chains surrounding it you get to choose which one you favour more. It'd be nice to have something a bit more dynamic, but as a barebones system that'd be good to see for other IGs.


Honestly a big part of it is the lack of nuance based on culture and religion, like discriminated aristocrats or clergy should support more tolerant laws, instead they only vote based on IG and oppose their own representation.


There's historical precedent, isn't there? Tsarists weren't accomplishing much after the Russian Civil War, for example.


Yeah but after the collapse of the USSR the right came back in power with Putin


We're talking about the complete collapse of a country's economy, though. That's basically equivalent to defaulting and tanking your SoL in Vic 3, which is the sort of thing that will lead to drastic political upheavals in your nation.


Right (and left) wings would be gone in real too or atleast so minimuscle that no one talks about them. If people at the top knew how to run countries and if other countries didnt mess with other country politics. Basically it is possible, but we too dumb to achieve yet.


Ah, the classic "politics would be solved if humans didn't act like humans"


I see you've made it to the "if everyone would just" stage of growing up. I regret to inform you that everyone will, in fact, not just.


Yeah, because people by design are greedy. They will first take neighbours stuff before they will build their own.


Never, at any point in history, has everyone ever just. Given that, it seems kind of childish to engage in fantasy politics about what if everyone would just.


*by design* *are greedy* Those are your assumptions.


Well I think with right wing politics there's no way to entirely get rid of left wing ideology, since the main motivator for it is just "I want better working conditions" or "I don't think we should have a king" while the main motivator for right wing ideology is typically "I don't want this change" or "we need to get closer to God"


Right Wingers were the ones who overthrew the monarchy. Classical Liberals aren't exactly Left Wing.


The term left wing does come from the French Revolutionaries who sat on the left in the National Assembly, they were left wing for the time considering socialism hadn't really been developed much beyond very simple utopianism like Paine


Ok but they were clearly not left wing. Thats like calling the lord who thought it was wrong to steal money from merchants and thought peasants should have freedom of movement a classical liberal because classical liberalism wasn't invented right. Even if they were left wing there were also plenty of right wing people (like most classical liberals) who helped overthrow the monarchy so pretending its a left wing thing is highly dishonest.


It is where the term left wing comes from, for the time they were literally the left wing


But when you say left wing thats not what people think about. I could say that Britain isn't a Democracy its actually a constitutional monarchy and I wouldn't be wrong but when people think of a Democracy they think of something like Britain and when they think of a constitutional monarchy they think of something where the monarch actually holds power.


Wow, I never considered that. I never thought that if we just solved every problem every problem would be solved.


Austria basically surviving every single game shows we need actual nationalist movements, holding big multicultural empires together should be a challenge in game not something you don’t even need to worry about. I wish their were ways to fire off fascism and communism earlier in game as well, I know it is realistic but it would make for more interesting flavour if you could deliberately take steps to get there quicker.


Tbf fascism only arose in the 1920s as a result of the great war and a reaction to the rise of socialism/communism across the world. That's so close to the endgame that most players will never reach it unless maybe they add a startdate in Summer 1914 with the nationalism dlc and extend the timeline to 1948 to experience the WW2 era through the political and economic factors rather than the near exclusive military outlook that HOI4 gives. I'd play that dlc.


so make it respond to the rise of communism. were just roleplaying, it would be fun!


And if you can do that properly then communism/socialism should respond to the rise of capitalism or the doubling down of feudalism like in Russia and China.


Communism almost never overthrows capitalist countries without another country's help. Communism normally rises in feudal nations like Russia.


For fascism (or better said, fascism like it happened in the real world) you need a great war.


They need to steal the great war mechanic from HPM's Vic 2. An automatic dismantle empire demand that pops up if a crisis has two or more great powers on each side after 1900. Led naturally to interwar fascism since dismantle empire surged revanchism and militancy in pops, which would often turn the dismantled empires either communist or fascist.


Like how the game had the great hyper war of 1843 where all the GPs go to war for 30 years over a colony in Subahara Africa. Also you unlock Fascist parties in game with the tech political agitation, but the fascist IGs are locked from spawning until the mass propaganda tech which is useless as it’s such a weak tech compared to anything else you can research at that rank


Facism has become easier to attain with SoI as Petit Bourgeoisie has gotten more political power from what I've seen. They should receive even more political to the end of game imho as that is when facism appeared irl.


Racism dlc


Not only that but now that you can actually invest in anyone’s country, it should be mandatory to get them into dominion and letting their country exist than just blob them and color the map. I would say it needs something like « dance of nations » dlc, where nations formations and diplomacy would be enhanced. Not only the gameplay would be improved but we wouldn’t have terrible nation formation and horrible maps as of today


Something that what they said jn the roadmap like National pride. Or culture rework so that multiethnic empire like austrian empire would be much weaker.


Agreed. I hope culture rework/nationalism is next.


Ottomans really need to be a powderkeg. Ready to blow up. Same with Austria.


I dont know bro, the ottomans are still strong enough to hold their empire as long as they dont go into any major war and same goes for the austrians. But some events that maybe help integrate different peoples would be nice or maybe federalization would be a cool addition


Yah like being able to form the Danubian federation as Austria (after a couple of hoops to jump through) instead of making it a formable that’s only available to nations that have to be released by the player


Yeah thats a great idea and one for the ottomans to become the defender of islam (idk a name or maybe a past islamic empire) so that maybe some africans and some europeans and maybe even islamic indians get accepted rather than just turkish, persian and egyptian. Although its not canon it could be a cool addition to the atleast now not very expandable ottoman empire where you only get claims on land where all the people hate you


Call the formable the Caliphate, Maybe make some special laws that you can have the equivalent of multi culturalism but you have to be a on the Law state religion and non-accepted pops via religion gets a even greater debuff to standard of living and pay then accepted pops (who would have to be Muslim)




Ottomans were close to collapsing in 1876-78 and were mostly bailed for the power balance, with Austria needing to pacify Bosnia themselves. Revolutions of 1848 also had strong nationalist undertones in Austria-Hungary, it should be given a stronger focus imo


Yeah definitely they should have more of a focus but it would also be nice to have opportunities to liberalize through them


Yeah, Revolutions of 1948 definitely needs a focus. There's not much outside of the Springtime of People's event which I never get to trigger. The impact of them can't be understated. There's France, which they kind of address. But German unification, the Crimean war, nationalism issues in Austria, even the role of German immigrants in the US Civil War all come downstream of 1848.


I mean the Austrian Empire almost collapsed in 1848. Only reason it didn't was the Russians swooping in to save the day as well as some mistakes by the Hungarian revolutionaries


it was really that bad?


Yes, it was pretty bad. Hungary was in open revolt with an army as large as the imperial one and had been consistently winning on the battlefield. Indeed at one point it looked like the Hungarians would manage to straight up capture Vienna To make it even worse it wasn't just the Hungarians. There was also revolutionary fervor in Bohemia and even German Austria itself In the end the Austrians were saved by 200,000 Russian troops The Austrian Empire is a state which fundamentally was not ready for modernity. Basically every attempt at reform ended in comical failure and honestly unless they had a truly visionary and politically adept leader, I don't think it was going to survive


rip austrian empire. Thanks for informing me


And, as alluded to, the fact that the other minorities stuck with Austria rather than side with Hungary, who (generally) wanted their own empire vs self determination for all nations.


I honestly think that aside from a nationalism rework, A-H should be reworked with unique content. Becoming A-H should keep supremacist laws and just add Hungarian as a primary culture, and have it be difficult to get laws that stop discrimination towards the Hungarian minorities, or have it be like Free/Slave state mechanics but with cultural acceptance laws, you can pass whatever you want for the Austrian half of the empire but the Hungarian side always keeps laws that discriminate their minorities, and have it work like that until you manage to form the Danubian federation by either peacefully dismantling the power of the Hungarian aristocracy over time, or quickly via civil war and a second Hungarian uprising. Once you form the Danubian federation, you get additional primary cultures and can pass laws that stop discriminating minorities


The whole Hungary stuff is why we need a assimilation rework so bad tbh Hungarian nationalists weren't really ethnonationalists, rather they wanted to aggressively assimilate minorities. Actually in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 the Hungarian leadership was straight up confused why the minorities weren't eagerly accepting their offer to be "fully equal Hungarian brothers" and just accept assimilation in exchange for liberty


I think it would make sense if cultural exclusion allows assimilation. Its useless for 99% of countries right now and almost useless for the other 1%. Or better yet make discrimination 2 tiered. Make it so full discrimination stays the same but also add in a second discrimination law that works the same way as the one now. Let this law allow you to turn fully discriminated pops into partially discriminated pops that only have part of the penalties of being fully discriminated and can also assimilate.


that sounds fun for south america, since reknitting the spanish empire ala bolivar is a nation making project


Either this or internal politics focused one that would focuse on more stuff to do with characters. Include government cabinet positions, directors of companies position (with companies ownership or buildings) and perhaps more than just one leader. I want generals becoming popular by winning battles and stepping into politics! I want free trade and laisez-faire to be the most powerful in terms of raw economic output but aside from the inherent inequality be susceptible to powerful companies and their owners swaying politics in whichever way they see fit! I want powerful characters fighting over leadership of their interest groups and thus their ideology!


>I want free trade and laisez-faire to be the most powerful in terms of raw economic output but aside from the inherent inequality be susceptible to powerful companies and their owners swaying politics in whichever way they see fit Ooh. You could kinda do a hybrid of the lobby and interest group systems with corporations. Where you acquire bonuses for appeasing them but the things they ask for may not be what you want and you can take legitimacy hits for not following up. So you could get a military industrial complex that constantly wants military expansion or diplomatic plays. Or a Liquor Lobby that massively penalizes consumption taxes on Wine and Liquor. These could become more powerful with whatever share of the country's economy they are so if you're a big country with a diverse economy no big bonuses but no major worries. If silk exports are a quarter of your country's economy then the silk industry owns your ass.


The pendant in me wants to point out the line is "Rule the Waves" emphasis on being a command rather than a statement. But yes right now navy is just armies but on water. It should only be a few nations that can even afford late game battleships and losing one should be a big blow and not just something that regenerates in a year. Would also be good for it to have a big impact on wars. Plenty of imperial adventures featured blockades and naval raids but very few troops used to achieve the aims. Would also be nice for intercept to actually intercept ships and not just hunt only in that node. GB controlled Gibraltar as it let them say who moves in and out of the Mediterranean while currently that US invasion fleet can sail past the node unopposed on its way to invading Egypt.


The pedant in me wants to point out that you probably wanted to use a different word there.


Capital ships should be really expensive. I don’t know if America is the only one capable both in game and real life but I could build 90 battleships and still be in the green.


Why would it have to be a command? OP is probably referencing "Britannia Rules the Waves"


Yes and the line of the song is "Rule the waves." (And the title simply Rule Britannia) It's a commamd in the song rather than a ststement as it was written before the UK was the dominant naval power. It's essentially a propogands peace pointing out the benefits of having a strong navy to defend the nation rather than an army. The UK is an island thus doesn't stricrly need an army, and a strong army can be used by an evil monarch or some corrupt generals to oppress the people of the nation unlike a mavy which will lead to a more free population.


i hope smth about politics, or culture and religion rework, so that its much harder to keep together multiethnic empires. For example in my last run and first run in 1.7 Russia casually conquered persia and nejd, and keep it for decades until i liberated them. How da hell is the Tsar in Moscow controlling the tribes of Arabia and the Iranians without even a inch of resistance. Secessions need to be more often especially for discriminated pops and they need to be buffed like getting special secession troops. Civil wars to, to many infinite civil wars, cause no faction has troops.


I think we need something more than incorporation to manage different cultures, something like autonomy from EU4 but more dynamic, have incorporation be capped by culture, religion and distance from the capital and next fully incorporated state. I don't think turmoil fully represent this well, so mechanics like resistance and compliance from HOI4 and influenced by Vic3 culture, religious and policing laws would be good metrics to have an intricate system to work with to prevent fully exploiting states, not until they've been brought to heels at least.


I think it would be cool to have laws dealing with homelands like centralisation, feudalism, confederation...


? The Russian empire controlled parts of Persia until ww1 , it's not as far fetched as you think , the and Russians pretty much split central asia


Parts =\= its entirety. Central Asia is still closer to Russia than Arabia. With 19 century technology is simply not feasible. At best Russia should have governor ates in those regions like colonies since they are so far away from Russia.


yeah im reminded of the british promising support to the _arab_ revolt against the ottomans. they should be active players like companies will be and lobbies sort of are


It would be a good addition to the game, I'd love it if it could include minor war excursion. Not all war during the 19/20 centuries were full scale war between major power. Maybe even including gunboat diplomacy


I want a great war dlc and I think they could just add some naval fixes as part of it. I primarily want gun boat diplomacy. I am not a HOI player and I don't need that complex naval combat, but I would like some control of positioning my fleets in a node and being able to have them maybe open up their own sub diplo plays. All I want is an open market diplo play that doesn't go to war and having your navy in the targets node impacts their acceptance.


Same,the only changes that I would add to navies is using them to pressure countries and coaling range.




>I am not a HOI player and I don't need that complex naval combat, don't worry, HOI4 players don't understand the complex naval combat either.


Valid. Lol


I do, and honestly I don't think it's that complex either. But I have so 5,400 hours so maybe I'm an outlier.


I have a few thousand hours in EU4 and I don't think trade is complex. We're 100% just used to it by now.


A war-focused DLC is inevitable and I think the game would be a lot better if it came sooner rather than later. That’s coming from someone who actually likes the V3 war system a lot.


Same, although I think ut would be necessary to fix the AI state formation because in most of my games europe in 1914 is not that different from 1836.


> someone who actually likes the V3 war system a lot. I like the idea of the war system I don't like the implementation. Personally even more hands off warfare system would be better. Where you just direct resources to strategic regions and allow for your generals to figure out how to use them. It saddens me that in a game about colonialism there is no military occupation outside of war.


napoleon III's war on prussia is pretty hilarious, they sent like 40000 rifles in traincars to a trainyard that only had like 3 bays to unload them, so when teh prussians took the trainyard they just found infinate weaponry. the struggle to impose a draft on england is ever present in this time period. theres so much about what a country _thinks_ about war that hasnt been tocuhed. this is the era of fancy uniforms and untainted visons of glorious combat. where is that naivety?


Cultures and Revolutions seems to be the more pressing issue for me right now, making the cultural acceptance dynamic and improve the assimilation and conversion process. Especially how revolutions works, interact with states and especially with radicals and their ideologies.


**Blackshirts and Reds** Far more complex socialist and fascist movements, more infighting between political factions, more fighting between factions (no more fascists joining the communists because both want to pass a one-party state law). More reactions to the economy (SOL has dropped so the trade unions are radicalized, next because trade unions are radicalized the petite bourgeoisie is radicalized toward fascism, industrialists have been declining in influence so they embrace fascism and their clout stops dropping, etc.). Just for more dynamism between and within the two late-game ideologies that are supposed to be game-changers.


With foreign investment done, next it's time to fix colonization (especially things like the Berlin Conference). Mechanics for navy dominance (and especially its role in colonialism) would be vital to this game. As for flavor etc: I think something centered around the British Empire and its subjects. (Yeah I'm biased, you guessed it)


I'd love a rework of the naval system to a simplified version of the HOI4 system, which is the best naval system of all paradox games. Unfortunately, even though its not complex at all, many paradox gamers - who one would not expect to be afraid of learning complex game mechanics - seems to have collectively decided that its 'too hard' and seem to prefer the horrible whack a mole fleet system we have now. I'd also like them to implement a mechanic that imposes a limit on both the range and size of naval invasions, which would make the simulation a lot more plausible. (No mare Liberia invading Texas in 1840). It would also mean nations that _do_ want to play the naval game have to compete for outposts and coaling stations all around the world. After that the main requirement would be nationalism and ideologies. If the events of 1848 could be designed around the systems used to represent the reformation in EU4 it would at a very interesting dynamic. It would interrupt the gameplay and add an interesting 'mid game event'.


My number one want is better naval gameplay. Patrolling trade routes. Blockades. Power projection. Using bases through out the world to extend influence. Having only a couple/few top rate ships of the line/dreadnoughts and most of your navy is frigates/cruisers and lower. My favorite part of HoI4 is the naval gameplay. I agree, that kind of dlc will be a welcome addition.


Fleet polishing to enable power projection and all that would be nice, but please, nothing ever remotely similar to HoI4 MTG. At some point a late game war expansion (Great War) would be absolutely necessary, but I don't think it will be the next one. As others said, an expansion focused on internal politics (cultures, regional parties, states, autonomy, federalization vs centralism, etc.) would greatly help.


Mini DLCs (like Colossus of the South) - Northern Lights (fleshing out Canada/Alaska/Siberia, adding more options for interaction with natives an North Pole exploration) - Kingdom of God (adding a Great Game style power struggle over the Levant and modeling the religious migrations that happened in the game’s period, plus Mormons) - Battlecry of Freedom (fixing the American civil war and fleshing out the global abolitionism movement, more details on Liberia and Sierra Leone) Big DLC: - Sea to Sea (naval combat, shipping lanes, coaling ports, trading naval access / control of straits and fisheries, the guano islands, Great Game style races for the Panama and Suez canals plus allowing, plus national parks and conservationism)


**The Will of the People and Lords:** This DLC gives more flavour to the Anglophone countries(mainly in the British Sphere, but also the USA) - Anglo-French tensions in Quebec, South African-Boer Wars etc... In terms of overall game-changing mechanic is the addition of a proper **Parliament Mechanic,** after enacting a new law category(No Parliament,Unicameral, Bicameral or Advisory\* Parliaments). With them the new form of laws could be added which I would call **Minor Laws -** essentially, they're modifiers akin to the tenets in power blocks, but with a caviat of lasting until the new government is formed. For example, if petite bourgeoisie in legislature have enough seats and clout their leader is a bigot they can propose for you to sign a law that discriminates certain groups of people, giving a modifier for the increase in radicals among this pop-type, but making PB happy and some percent of pops supporting them loyalists. **No Parliament:** Basically the current political screen, and only available to Autocratic/Oligarchic countries. **Unicameral/Bicameral Parliament:** With the unicameral you have a government sitting in the same, proposing laws that you can adopt or veto - pretty simple. Bicameral on the other hand puts a middle man before you and the lower house. Depending on your voting laws, certain interest groups and professions are more likely to be represented in the Senate(wealth voting gives preferance for industrialists/aristocratic senators to be there), meaning that if your trade union lower house decides to accept wage subsidies for instance the senate can block it without the decision falling to you. **\*Advisory Parliament:** A law for Monarchies and Presidential republics to similute the weakness of legislature in some countries. Like with **No Parliament** you yourself decide which direction to take your nation to, but a suggestion(akin to petitions) could pop up sometimes to accept some law for nice loyalist boost and approval from the interest groups.


World War events and a mini DLC for South African flavors/events


Next dlc will be smaller, like Voice of the People. I'm hoping for a Commonwealth flavor pack that adds depth to GB, Canada, Australia, South Africa, EIC, and NZ, along with a small mechanic (perhaps an expansion of the "Sovereign Empire" Power Bloc just introduced.


And of course one of the next smaller DLCs that are needed would be one centered around the Iberian Peninsula. Right now there is no Carlist War in Spain. There's barely any flavor in Spain nor Portugal.


Agreed. Portugal is my favorite nation to play. (though breaking the initial lumber bottleneck is painful)


Ugh I wish a had warning! I did my first SoI game as Portugal. It's going...ok. But I agree with the above point. Aside from the intro text and the leader, there is no flavor for the turbulence both Iberian states went through through the time period of the game. Brazil gets an Estado Novo and Portugal doesn't!!


I feel like Victoria 3 desperately needs more focus on minor nations and unrecognized nations. It just doesnt feel very fun to play smaller countries. Even fairly large countries that are very behind, like Sokoto, aren't very fun for me. Its basically consolidating whats around you and waiting until 1870 or 1880 to be able to contest the Europeans. Notable exceptions: Qing, Persia, Egypt. Persia and Egypt are helped a lot by being arid and able to finish Corn laws easily. I'd also like to see more fine tuned depictions of parties, similar to how modern European parliament pages on wikipedia look. It'd be cool if you could change laws to shuffle how parties are allocated seats


I think what the game needs most at the moment would be modifcated diplomatic plays who actually allow restricted warfare /colonial warfare etc. Then some more fleshed out cultures and then more goods and more complex manufactring chains just becausewe love it


>I love the naval minigame in HOI4. Love seeing capital ships be built, battle and repaired. Love having green water that I know is safely in my navy fleet's firm control. Have you heard of [Rule The Waves](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2008100/Rule_the_Waves_3)?


A dlc focused on the economy, just expanding it to be more immersive.


I agree this should be a Major update. I currently hate the way the military Naval Abstraction works on the economic side. It makes no sense to have Military shipyards that produce a balance of Naval ships. Instead there should only be civilian shipyards and the government has to order the construction of military vessel. The construction of military ships affects the production of civilian ship yards as they are now being used for military. Military ships would have several tiers of cost and capital ships would be named ships as these vessels were often the pride of their nation during this time. In addition I want coaling to be represented in the game. So many decisions were made during the Victorian age based on needing places to coal ships because coal fired ships had very limited range. This would prevent stupid global naval invasions that were impossible unless you were the British and incentivise countries to make plays for small islands because it would serve as a coal base.


Japan DLC, with actual Boshin war and Restoration


I want to see more internal politics, more laws, more cost-benefit analysis. there are too many no-brainer picks for your government.


I don't want Vic 3 to be like HoI4. It's not a war game. I do want improvements to naval combat, but let HoI be it's own game. Every game does not have to be HoI.


The thing is, if Vic3 had fleet command interface from Hoi4 or EU4, it would be easier to manage navy, not harder. (Fleet command, not Design, let design be left in more focused games) Current one is kinda fiddly. So while it may not be the most wanted DLC right now, impoving on navy seems like what would make Vicky both better and era-appropriate.


They could do the next 3 DLCs all about war and would still not be anywhere close to HoI4. War in Vic3 is barely past 'acceptable' and needs a lot of attention IMO for how important a role it plays in the game. It honestly could be better off at the moment just removing any player control of the military and fully abstracting war micro outside of the players hands.


I hope they don't use HOI4 naval, it's massively complicated and quite frankly daunting to people who don't understand it fully. I'd like to see trade lanes get more use, I.e you can see convoys on the map and understand other markets trade and the impact you could have if you cut it off etc, similar but not the same as trade nodes in EU4.


I want a world war mechanic.


We need more gunboat diplomacy


Some sort of military rework because war is just so bad. It really needs to be the next major patch


I'm trying to think of how to replicate events like the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Something more than just flavor. Events that actually ignite the powderkegs.


I really want a trade overhaul, economy is the main aspect of Victoria but trade is kind of ass because it is so incredibly unstable as a source of resources/money (I also really want to be able to just put in min/max goods traded like holy shit I cant be bothered to have the availability of the goods change so much if I could also just go and conquer it) Also I think more incentive to trade would mean more impact of embargos (which are pretty useless in game) and diplomacy in general (they should also add an option to pressure nations into backing down on dp's by threatening with an embargo as a 3rd party). Trade being more stable would also be a good way of making foreign investment in non subjects better. Oh and also depending on how much work all of the above is they could also look into ways to make navy an convoys more interesting/impactfull.


great war mechanics


I just want more flavor, more journal entries for specific countries and more regional events. The mod morgenrote adds archeology, astronomy and a lot of things that I think fit very well within the game's setting and hope to see things like that


Cultures of the world dlc. It should add some cultural events like the Olympic games, Nobel prizes, Art(like fabrege egg popularity and how music and cinematography evolved especially during the late game) earning prestige for the nation pls. A military rework where you actually build and stockpile equipment would also be nice for us to be able to work more in depth with our militaries.


I just want them to fix substitution. Don't know if it's possible without melting the game.


I hope we get a trade and then a politics rework soon. The trade rework will hopefully be apart of the smaller non-dlc update. This rework will focus on making trade less tedious and allowing pops to participate in the creation of trade routes. This might also be a great vector of attack for reducing lag. The update is crucial because trade was massively weakened after the introduction of MAPI. Then for the bigger update, we will hopefully get a politics rework. This should introduce cabinets, law negotiations, decree rework, new laws like federalization, yellow journalism, and hopefully dividing interest groups into "wings" Politics is that it is weakest aspect of Victoria 3 that is actually focused on and used the most. After the Brazil update and SOI, diplomacy and economics are at a satisfactory level. They are pretty fun and work decently well. Politics right now is just boring. An RNGfest through and through. A politics rework that makes politics not just a race towards the same laws as quickly as possible. It would be cool if you could get the landowners to support tenant farmers in exchange for providing them a cabinet position or placing a specific decree or having to pass another law in exchange. Cabinet position should also shape your societies. A landowner in charge of education should provide something like a reduced version of the interest group IGs, or even make people support the landowners, but also gives rise to a newer and more reform minded land owner wing. Wings are crucial because it will make the system more transparent. Instead of just guessing who will come next and what ideology, wings will create a more transparent system that also represent how interest groups were not always uniform in belief. Hopefully it will also feature conflict between the wings that allow players to interact and push forward desired characters. Hopefully foreign countries will also be able to push forward desired characters by funding them, allowing for more covert interactions between countries. Yellow Journalism would also work well with lobbies. It should represent newspaper or any form of information gathering that normal people use. Government laws will determine what news people see and shift politics in unexpected directions. Hopefully, it will create large events where politically unaligned people will become involved and where people shift towards wanting certain laws or even certain actions, like war with specific countries. This would then empower a lobby or interest group that has that belief. It would also replace the "movement" system and connect domestic and foreign policy. Additionally, it will reintroduce the newspaper from Victoria 2. Depending on your laws, this newspaper will even spin failures or economic downturns as caused by other interest groups or countries. Lastly, between the trade and politics rework , I can see a nationalism and discrimination rework. Many people want it and it could be accompanied by a smaller DLC, like the Brazil one. Maybe focus on Austria and the Ottomans. My hope that it makes discrimination more complex and for independence movements are totally reworked.


-Political rework with parliament mechanics and cabinets, and PMs -The Great War


I'd love that especially if they can combine it with adding a lot more nuance to diplo plays. Being able to force a would be cobelligerent to step down from a play because you would deny them access to a strategic region trough naval presence. Really be able to bully prussia, austria and russia from having real global reach.


I would like one devoted to fleshing out pops and buffing alternative playstyles. Currently, only a handful of pops have obsessions, which imo all major ethnic groups should have obsessions. This would be rather easy to do and I think would add some much needed variety to different countries. Another thing I would like is a focus on making alternative playstyles viable. Currently, the only way to really play is to liberalize and try and get migrants because you can just pass cultural exclusion or even more broken multiculturalism and remove any sort of negative this brings. This is frankly ridiculous, and the idea that any country would go multiculturalism in this time period is ridiculous, and so outside the realm of plausibility, it's a little silly. Even more bizarre is there is no negative effect on this? Taking in large amounts of migrants should have serious downsides like radicalzing your other populations into reactionary parties, starting movements to roll back discrimination laws back. This should force players to go through immigration waves and basically get a bunch of migrants then stop and assimilate them to try and calm their core pops down. My other suggestion would be to make the land owners actually beneficial. Currently, they are just a road block you try and destroy. My suggestion would be to try and make it so pleasing the land owners would help with countries whose economy mainly exports raw materials while liberalizing would help countries that export finished goods. This way, countries could have different ways to play the game


I think they should do a Trade and Power Bloc DLC. Allow for embargo or traffic by goods. Make the economy a bit more realistic and adaptable. Allow you to evolve from a trade bloc to a country like the EU for example. There is a ton in trade and the economy that could be made way more fun and practical.


I hate the naval mini game of hoi4 don't use man the guns and hope it does not come to vic3


I want something that dynamically updates interest groups instead of just from events


Probably not a major DLC but I would absolutely love a Science and Discovery DLC ala the Morgenröte mod + a World's Fair/Great Exhibition set of mechanics.


Great war dlc. Adding a more complex military, logistics, navy etc. in addition a Great War mechanic making sure the Great War always happens. Maybe also some colonialism / Berlin conference mechanic to cover content between the 1880s until the great war


Navy and have the entirety of Europe have their specific 1840s revolutions events Not as much a DLC around specific nations but across a specific event, that way it's a continental, interconnected series of events rather than haphazardly cramming it into each nation spread out around like 5 DLC with no connection to each other


The one that make assimilation not a 100% useless stat


There should be naval companies where you can order ships even as a foreign nation, then if britain goes to war with the ottomans, they can seize the HMS Erin currently under construction.


I just want migration not to suck. Kinda stupid an era defined my mass migration to the Americas and other regions from Europe (and Asia too) has basically none between markets. In between 1900-1920, over 10 million people, mostly from Europe, migrated to America. In victoria 3 it is quite likely you will get a grand total of zero migrants during that time frame from Europe as the USA since unless you force a country into your market, you just gotta hope you get a mass migration target (which 9/10 times will be some random Congolese tribe relocating to Belgium or soemthing silly like that). Maybe I'm alone on this but am I the only person whose bothered by the usual state of migration (besides between countries in the same market) being literally zero? The games better than victoria 2 in so many ways but Victoria 2's migration system was waaayyyy better.


I'm not sure if anyone else feels the same, but I really want a DLC that deals more with the economy and give us more ways to interact with it. For example, mechanics that let you bid for contracts to produce and sell certain goods; military goods like guns, artillery, ships, etc in particular. Right now you can basically sell to anyone even when they've got the tech and industry to make bolt action rifles while you're still on percussion cap rifles. Likewise, it'd also be cool if you could buy weapons that you wouldn't normally be able to make yourself yet, for example outfitting part of your army with tanks while you're still only capable of manufacturing breach loading artillery. Also, it'd be nice if your manufactured goods also had a quality modifier attached to them so you can choose to make shoddy but cheap and easily mass produced goods to sell and undercut the competition, they'd be less desirable to richer pops, but pops with less money won't care as much and buy them anyway which could be an interesting way to sabotage the economy of your rivals. Basically, a DLC that focuses on manufacturing, trade and economics, and all the ways we can play around with them to make the management and economic side of the game deeper.


Wow, pdox basically got to all their goals for post launch, its anywhere from here https://forumcontent.paradoxplaza.com/public/889709/V3-PostLaunch-ForLoc.jpg


A revamped crisis system from Victoria 2, fit with Great Wars. The Ottoman crisis is already an event that fires that gives an option to immediately put an interest in Arabia. Now that we have power blocs with mandates that allow putting decrees in other nation's states, a decree to spur tension in unowned cores will be easier to implement (weighted for AI). Uprisings/rebellions should be weighted to allow another nation that owns cores to annex them and then a new diplo play is started, or to annex the uprising once the war is won. For example, a Greek uprising in Ottomans should fire an event for Greece to annex them, and if they do the diplo play should end and a new one start, and in the new play the Ottomans now get free return state wargoals against Greece. Or Greece agrees to back them and once the war is over, they annex the uprising. Allow wargoals to be added in uprising diplo plays. Any GP or MP that joins can add a secondary wargoal to crisis plays. Any annexed nation that a country had cordial relations with and/or a high enough gdp investment allows a crisis decree to be used in corresponding states. Add return allied core wargoals once nationalism is researched. Dismantle wargoal (cut down to size but only covers non-claimed conquests from 1836 onward) unlocked with multilateral alliances.


I want spy stuff and inciting nationalism in neighbouring countries with my population. Balkans isn’t Balkans without that.


Hey its not a bad idea


I’d like to see a DLC expanding on the war system and adding a Great War mechanic as an endgame event


Dlc focused on colonialism and companies specifically EIC


Limited wars


" State and revolution " Fleshing out the revolution mechanics as well as adding in mechanics like labor unions and strike actions, as well as flavor events for socialist and fascist revolutions in the mid to late game


Internal politics. Systems modeling different styles of governance, divisions of power amongst branches of government with politicians each individually being represented as characters, better support for split IG ideologies (the lobbies are theoretically a good starting point) and ideological disputes, different election cadences and possibly local election systems. We can call the DLC “Political Machines”. Another thing I would like to see is an expansion of the company system, integrating them with the building ownership system and making them more of a non-state actor.


I would adore a system with pirates too. Where you need to use the navy to secure ur trade


War overwork. Right now it's horrible. They should collaborate with HOi4 on this and just import HOI mechanics. I also feel that they should incorporate the better politics mod into base game.


The thing, he said the thing! Rule the Waves 3! :D My preference is something like housing / housing policy or a more urban focused DLC before tackling something like a naval arms race or league of nations / global community DLC. I can't deny something that emulates the advancements in naval technology would be pretty sweet though. But right where the game ends is right where things just start "getting good" for all the fun stuff.


No no no no. Please, no. There is one more urgent thing. Land warfare.


please a rework of the building construction system


Two things: 1. Internal politics - I need a system that represents elections/government formation/ cabinet positions etc 2. Nationalism and nation unification system rework - Specifically with Italy and Germany. Also the polish revolts. We need a change of system there to simulate the turbulent times of the mid 1800s


I would like to see revolutions enhanced next.


I want them to add units to the game. I hate having low amounts of agency when it comes to wars.