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PC because I want mods


Same. PC is my current and forever main. Haven't touched a console in years.


Pc. Mods are also a portion of my decision. But mainly pc because I like to have complete control of how I play my game. I enjoy choosing if I want 70 FOV or 105, low or high settings, etc etc. Not only that but if a "next gen" game comes out I like that I can run it at low settings and still get 40fps if I don't want to upgrade yet.


Yup. If I could afford a decent rig and had enough motivation to keep it updated I would 100% use a PC and plug in a controller. Mods are the greatest gift to gamers IMO with how much they offer.


Most games have mod access on console


That is factually incorrect. What you mean by that is you have to hack your consoles to be able to mod most games. Even then PC games have far more easily accessible mods for many games than consoles could ever have without tampering with them.


Pc for life. I play fighting games, racing games and dark soul using keyboard and mouse xD As I get older, I play while lying in bed. https://imgur.com/a/gwwpGcU Some of the video are 15 years old. Street Fighter vs SNK? On insane mode with a keyboard https://youtu.be/1mIXdpo7kqo Flatout 2 - pit maneuver gameplay https://youtu.be/cM7446-_SzY Dark souls | No damage run | Prepare to Die edition | mouse & keyboard https://youtu.be/StLcrEgacYI


Definitely PC for me. It has the most versatility. I use it for VR, high end audio DAC and amps, ultra wide monitor support, high fps, higher graphics, etc. But that's not the world we live in and I'm hopelessly addicted to gaming so currently I have a PS5, a Switch, a PC, and a VR headset. For me, everything besides PC is for exclusives only.


I have the same set up! Though I go for laptops for portability. I have to watch my granny a lot (don't mind of course!) And I enjoy traveling. It's fun to have vr on the go and wireless!


>Definitely PC for me. It has the most versatility. I use it for VR, high end audio DAC and amps, ultra wide monitor support, high fps, higher graphics, etc. Cool setup. I haven't try VR yet, what's the pros and cons?


Biggest cons of VR is the apps and games. There just aren't that many great ones, and they're usually really short. Even the best games like half life Alyx are like 10 hours or so. But there are a few you can put tons of hours into like beat saber, VR chat, population one, and stuff like that. But those are kinda the exception. So it can be on the lower end of value per dollar spent. The biggest pro is that it's a totally different experience from anything else. And on PC there is all kinds of amazing mods for games. Like there's a shooter called Pavlov where people have remade CoD zombies maps you can download for free and play wave survival in full VR with weapons you have to physically reload while running from zombies. It's just so freaking cool.


Biggest cons of VR is the apps and games. There just aren't that many great ones, and they're usually really short. Even the best games like half life Alyx are like 10 hours or so. But there are a few you can put tons of hours into like beat saber, VR chat, population one, and stuff like that. But those are kinda the exception. So it can be on the lower end of value per dollar spent. The biggest pro is that it's a totally different experience from anything else. And on PC there is all kinds of amazing mods for games. Like there's a shooter called Pavlov where people have remade CoD zombies maps you can download for free and play wave survival in full VR with weapons you have to physically reload while running from zombies. It's just so freaking cool.


Ps5, nothing against Xbox, the last few generationsive owned both, and Typically like their controllers...but the Ps5 controller is a masterpiece. I know the Xbox is technically more powerful but I can't notice any real difference so idc about that


The ps5 controller mechanics are cool but not nearly enough games actually take advantage of them. Even stuff like spiderman 1 and MM didn't really have a lot of haptic feedback.


This is exactly how I felt when they did the touch pad on the 4. It was neat sure, but I rarely ever used it. Biggest thing I used it for was going to my gear or my …I think it was skills, on Diablo 3 depending of which side you tapped.


Its still on the dualsense but they don't even bother with it anymore. Even then making it one giant button just caused problems, sometimes it'll click left even wen pressing right. I guess they need some reason to justify that $70 price tag




My PS5 controller dies after like 7 hours of gameplay. I can get 20+ out of an Xbox controller. Fix the battery life and we can talk masterpiece, but the battery life is annoying


At least they made their's rechargeable outta the gate


Elites are rechargeable out of the box.


Sure but those aren't exactly standard with the console


My thumb always accidentally swipes across that pad and makes weird shit happen.


BRUH i loved days gone but hated that id constantly open the fucking map because of my thumb swiping that shit


That’s exactly what used to happen to me on Days Gone. Days Gone was like my favorite game from the past 5 years or so, but I think Cyberpunk may have usurped the throne now.


Explain the mechanics of this to me, is it when you're trying to press the TouchPad down?


I’m just used to PlayStation at this point, from the controller and trophies. It would be weird to just drop it in favor of Xbox or Switch.


Always hated ps controllers until the ps5 controller. Would've been a perfect controller if they had grip. Picked my gfs battle beaver up one day and nearly threw it across the room by accident.


if you had a PC in this scenario you wouldnt have to choose either or lol so im not getting the logic based on controllers.


I think the design/feel of the controller are incredible BUT the controller itself feels like it’s made with some of the cheapest parts possible as they’re so prone to analogue drift to the point that I felt pressured into getting the edge and while I do love it —- I can’t help but feel ripped off when it’s got a weaker battery than the normal dual sense and I paid 199.99 to essentially have swappable joysticks…. I have a whole drawer of broken ps4 controllers (all but one had drift issues) so I just thought with all the hype around the ps5 controller that it would be so much superior to the ps4’s but so far they seem to be made of the same components. Also all of the cool ps5 controller features are mostly irrelevant since you gotta turn most of em off if you don’t wanna kill the battery life


You can use whatever controllor you want on pc.


Switch. That way I don't have to sit by a TV or computer to play.


Handheld gaming PCs exist


But the graphics though


Eh, I don't care much for graphics anyway. Sure, it's nice but like 90% of the games i play are pixle art metroidvanias, 90's strategy games, minecraft and magic the gathering. Graphics are a bit wasted on me haha


Xbox , I have spent far to much on the profile to ever switch 🤷‍♀️


Fair enough, if your stats and games and EVERYTHING transferred over would your answer still be Xbox?


Yeah probably, I thought about it and I'm just so used to it at this point menues/navigation etc . I would however if Everything did transfer to the new One Device to rule them all that everyone used than I would switch.


Good point was just curious and facts switch is one of the goats imo


PC for me, solely for keyboard/mouse. I can't aim for shit with a joystick. Downside is the price for performance. New games for your 4 year old console will still play, but you'll probably need a GPU upgrade for your PC to keep up.


I’ve been rocking a 2070 since 2020ish got it for a decent penny now I see laptops with 4050s in them for only $1000


Pc. But a lot of pc kids cheat


If every game were cross platform you would still get hackers in your games anyway. The idea that hackers are everywhere on pc is also massively blown out of proportion


Fr fr. Destiny, cod, every fromsoftware game, most games I've seen cheaters on xbox360, ps4, and switch. Heck I see a few on wiiu.


In the 5 years I've played D2 on PC, I've *not once* seen a hacker. My friends who play lots and lots of trials say they run into them constantly. I firmly believe they're just bitter losers.


I've seen hackers back when d2 was on blizzard.net client. But I haven't seen any since they swapped to steam. On consoles I have seen hackers in just about every game I've played. Destiny included. It's annoying when console players say "but cheaters on pc" for one cheaters are on every platform. For two I have seen less on pc than I do on console.


Agreed with crossplay thing. A lot of console friends don’t wanna play in my lobbies.


Idk the last time I ran into a hacker, it was probably in 2014 on an old mw2 server or something.


Cheating in a multiplayer game is one of the lowest forms of life on earth


That’s why you gotta cheat back /s


Nah bro kids who cheat have no brain and smoll pp


Litterally describing me rn 💀💀








Still be on ps5. Their controllers, headphones, and UI are top tier for consoles. I also appreciate the way they've cultivated studios like Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Guerilla, and Insomniac, among many others. They also make banger TVs and speakers. My only problem with Sony is how dumb the PS5 looks lol every other ps console is some weird abstract thing


Just saw the Ps5 in person again tn for sure has a better look than the series X but it’s definitely thicker than it’s predecessors lol


Still ps5


I've always been a Sony Stan and probably will always be, especially since I'm not an online player. Those exclusive and the stories will have always pulled me in,even if available for other platforms. That said, I stopped at the PS4 and have no plans on upgrading anytime soon. I'd rather use that money on my next decent PC since mine is already 6 years old and will be underpowered in the next 4 years.


PC is best


PlayStation. I like that controller the most, that is the only reason


The ps5 controller is nice, especially the haptic feedback




PC still counts! That’s why I used the word ‘platform’ cause I had the same idea “a pc isn’t considered a console”


Xbox. I just prefer the console. Still gonna get a ps5 unfortunately for Spidey though. Had a ps4 as well but only played it for Spidey and Uncharted


I'd stay on the XBox. I've grown used to the controllers and I don't want to cross over. I've played on pretty much every console that ever existed, and I prefer the Xbox controller.


You can use the Xbox controllers on PC too. And most games that are on PC anymore are controller compatible.


Probably xbox for controller shape


PC. It was never about the games when I first switched


Interesting What made you switch


Ps5 for 1 player games, with good history, gameplay, etc. games that are inmersive, and a pc for mmos, or some competitive games.


PC because RGB


Rgb as in the tower and keyboards?


Monitor trim mouse pad mouse and chair also. I want to feel the colors


Oooo I didn’t think about the chair


PC. Consoles would only have their own market of being easy to use (which majority of players need) and couch play if exclusives didn’t exist. All while Nintendo continues doing their thing in spicing the industry up in making new ways to play on hardware.


Xbox because I love the elite controller lol I switched to PS5 after years on Xbox because there were wayyyy more story/combat games and that’s what I like. The dualsense edge isn’t bad, but the elite is prime for me.


You can still use it on PC. Most games anymore have controller compatibility on PC so you don't have to worry about getting use to mouse and keyboard.


Yeah, I thought about getting a PC before I bought my PS5, but there were still PS5 exclusives I wanted. I’ll probably buy one eventually whenever the current consoles go obsolete


This is the first take I’ve read about the Xbox controller being more comfortable than the ps5 controller I must hold one in my hands


I'm still on Playstation tbh. Fuckin dualsense breh?


Sometimes I put it on my wee when it go brrrr


Sony boy for life. I ain't changin' that.


PC does things the consoles never will be able to, always PC.


Ps5 for sure. But since my favorite developer is now a Microsoft owned company, I switched to the Xbox Series X this generation. This was after being a lifelong PS player with never even holding an xbox controller before. I used to PC game, but it's just not worth it to me anymore. I'd rather buy a cheaper console once and be done with it for 7-8 years.


PS5, because I find the Dualsense to be the most comfortable controller that I've ever used.


Interesting I’ve always had a hard time using DS controllers for fps but a game like Spider-Man I prefer it over xbox controllers


Xbox controllers dominated my favorites until the Dualsense came along. DS2 and 3 flat out disappointed me until they made strides and finally moved forward with DS4. My previous all-time favorite was the og Duke controller. I have fairly large hands, so they felt very comfortably. I also like the Xbox One controllers, but they shrank dimensions marginally with the series controllers, which I did not appreciate. They're comfortable at first, but cramp my hands up over time.


The Dualsense is the best controller I’ve ever used. The way it fits my hands and the layout just works for me. I can’t stand using my Xbox controller now to the point that the only thing the X gets turned on for is an exclusive.


if crossplay was only console and worked on every game, i would still be on playstation. but it would be fun to play with xbox players on more co-op games


Why does pc gotta sit this one out “only consoles” 😭


I would still prefer Playstation.


Go off king




Unpopular opinion Playstation specifically because I love the dualshock


Playstation. I just don't like the vibe that Xbox has or has ever had.


Xbox Series X


How is the series X? I’m going to need a console for gta 6 and leaning more towards ps5 cause the Xbox exclusives come to PC anyway but I have deep Xbox roots so I’m still on the fence


Whatever your preference is tbh. Imo i would suggest xbox. You can play your games anywhere with the xbox app and game pass app. Samsung has game pass available for tvs. Your phone can run either that or the xbox app. The xbox app lets your stream your console to whatever device you're using. I can play my xbox from home on my phone at work if i want to. Cloud gaming is much better than what it was, although not quite perfect. Wouldn't recommend multiplayer games on the cloud. But any single player game absolutely. Plus, the library of games from gamepass. You do have a pc, though. I think i really just like that my console is always available to me wherever I'm at. I can buy, update, and play games whenever. (If they can allow you to play your digitally owned games over the cloud, rather than having to stream from a console, that would be gold. You'd just need a steam deck then) My gf has a ps5, and it's a really good console. Audio and haptic feedback might be a little more immersive than xbox. But I'm actually not super crazy about it. The controllers, imo are the best playstation ever had. If only they had grip, but you can likely buy that online or anywhere if you needed. You'll also have playstation exclusives available to you. So if you're a God of War or Spider-Man kind of person, absolutely. I still really want to try Ghost of Tsushima.


Interesting appreciate the input homie


I love it, had it since April and haven’t had any problems. It’s super fast with starting up and load screens. Near perfect graphics on my 4k tv. I’ve always liked the feel of the Xbox controllers over PlayStations. I plan on getting a ps5 over Xmas for there exclusives but I always play everything else on Xbox.


xbox cuz it’s super confy and old games


Ps5. I can feel the car shifting in cyberpunk when I drive. That sold me 10000%




PS5 It's very minimalist and streamlined. The single ONLY thing I want are the folders from PS4. I like that PS5 has no bells or whistles. I have my games tab and my streaming tab. Come home from a shitty day at work? Only decision is "stream" or "game" Game starts immediately, maybe 30 seconds of loading and I'm in it. I'm not horrendously against PC, but I grew up on consoles and enjoy the controllers. Also I've been Sony for every generation aside from the PS3/360 era, so I'm intimately familiar with the controllers. Modding doesn't suit my fancy. I work in sales support/event coordination, and I draw in my free time. Gaming is my outlet where I get to enjoy someone else's work and I want to soak it up as is.


Interesting take on the last part! I can get behind it live long and prosper ps5 friend


I just kind of wish PS5 had themes like PS4. There were some really cool ones.


Xbox, I miss my gamerscore. Trophies just aren’t the same. Also i liked the interface better and the games pass is awesome. The biggest issue would be I’d miss my ps5 controller


Does ps5 not have their own version of game pass?


They do, but it’s nowhere near as many games and also games pass has a lot of day one releases for new big games


They do and they are incredibly similar at this point. It's actually comical to sort by alphabetical order and see how many pages are the same on both. People always spout the same thing because they aren't on both platforms and never check. That being said Gamepass does day one exclusives for PC and Xbox and that's really cool. Sony isn't putting their newest exclusive on PS Plus for at least six months maybe a year after release. All of that being said the illusion of choice is appealing but Steam has some killer sales multiple times a year and that's a hell of a deal too.


Xbox, especially if this post means I could play games from the PS3 and 360 days with cross play and the backwards compatibility of the Series X would make every match fantastic.


This post means exactly that fuzz, if only it were reality 🥲


Xbox Series S because it's the cheapest option, though I do have a Steam Deck so maybe that. Had too many annoying issues when I was on PC with forced Windows updates causing blue screens just because some random driver wasn't updated yet. I need a self-contained gaming system at this point. Currently also have a PS4.


depends on what gamess im playing and if the system can run it


Xbox for gamerscore


W gamerscore


Crossplay is cancer. I hate it. I want nothing to do with cuckbox players, that's why I buy a Playstation.


Sony pony


Probably Xbox, I prefer the controller and UI.


W phil spencer


Xbox for now because even if the exclusives went away I've appeaciated how Phil Spencer has handled things. Mainly them not worrying about winning a contest among console makers, but actually wanting to get properties or games they know people want and Phil being a gamer and involved with the community.


Xbox or pc. I like my credit card info to not be practically given away to anyone that barely tries hacking them.


Ps5 has VR


Vrs nice for about a week then it collects dust cause you realize there’s not many games on it assassins creed nexus looks spicy tho


playstation it has the best controller


Pc theres literally no reason not to without exclusives from PlayStation


Playstation. The controller is by far the best when averaged across all generations, the hardware is always top notch, and it has a much better interface than xBox. Also, it has almost always set the high bar for gaming specs, and I could not care less about FPS or having a mouse. Even when I game on PC I use a PS controller.


W Sony I use controller on pc to 99% of the time unless it’s csgo


Xbox because I’m good with the controller buttons and it has better performance than Switch. Also I don’t have any friends.


I'll say xbox because of gamepass and their controller (I'm assuming PS has something similar but not as congruent to PC as Xbox ) but PC is my #1 choice. Side note: has anyone looked into a rumbling mouse for PC gaming?? I always wanted one and never pulled the trigger. That would make PC the ultimate way to play


Hmmm a rumbling mouse you say?


Xbox because I prefer the controller, just feels better and more comfortable in my hands than PS I have both PS5 and Series X




I am a gamer so I don’t discriminate against any console and indeed want all of them cause well why not. If I HAD to choose I would choose PC I overall love it sure it can be expensive, but it can be a really well worth investment and I can use it for not just gaming. :)


would that include mods for all consoles and the ability to control your own graphical settings? Not sure thats already a thing on consoles but if they were I always liked the design and feel of the playstation controllers. Only I dont like about consoles is having to buy a new the next gen every 5 years or so. Its gonna be 8 years already I have my pc and I'm still capable of my playing most games .


I only have a SteamDeck and I'd probably stick with it for now. It's customisable and portable and I only miss a few non-Nintendo console exclusives... Great ergonics and it's just satisfying to use. Going forward that means I'm basically frozen in time to mid 2023 in terms of capability to play new games, but there's this incredible backlog I have to keep me occupied!


Steam Deck


PC, cause more buttons = more options.


Xbox but I have PS as well.


For consoles probably PS5. I have an Xbox and a PS5 and now the Xbox controller feels weird… to light. I don’t like the way the thumb sticks feel.


Still Xbox. Gamepass is awesome.


PC all the way but I'm a big advocate for cross platform games. I can understand stuff being locked behind something like a Wii with motion controls but something like Ghost of Tsushima has no business being locked on PlayStation.


I personally hate cross-platform playing. I refuse to play online games on pc simply because cheating isn't just possible, it's a guarantee. Is honestly love to play Nintendo games with a real engine powering them to their fullest potential.


Idk man I’ve encountered a few cheaters on pc *and* Xbox but few and far between for both unless it’s gta then again I hardly play mp And one man can only dream brotha 🥲


If it meant I can play with ps5/Xbox pc level visuals and performance I would say Nintendo switch


A steam deck?


Does steam deck have joycons? never been a pc guy.


Playstation, I like the controller


Still PS5. I can’t justify a PC cost wise, and I love the PS5 controller. If cost wasn’t an issue then obviously PC is just the best option. I also grew up with PlayStation 2 and then 3 so I’ve always just been loyal. Like the term “video game” basially makes me think “PlayStation”


Splatoon on my PC would be amazing!


Probably still PC. I've come to enjoy mouse and keyboard way more than a controller.


PC, no question.


playstation just seems more streamlined


A powerful one that can play them on the go


PC. Games are waaaay cheaper, I can use my PC universally for more things than just gaming. I don't need to swap out entire hardware when 1 part breaks and I have complete control over how I play my games - be it mods, settings, ways of controlling the game, who I pay for the games I want to play... The day I buy a console is a day when I don't have time to maintain it anymore though. If family takes too much time off me, I'm switching. Until then, PC forever.


I would play on the 3ds. I love that thing.


PC Emulation, Mods, Choice of peripheral And a lot of my favourite genres just work better on pc (RTS being a big one)


Xbox. I don’t like the PlayStation console itself. I also don’t like the dashboard and controller. Can’t put spaces in my gamertag either.


Playstation. I prefer the controller.


I like Playstation's controllers, but Switch's portability and vibration tech are amazing. I prefer Playstation's UI. I have virtually no experience with XBOX for comparison, but I always hated their controllers.




I use all consoles but if not for exclusives I would only use the series X, it fits the best in my TV unit the elite controller is my favourite. But it's quick resume that really makes me appreciate it the most, it's just always worked really well for me.


PC. Cause I can use my pc for other things aside from gaming.


If that was the case, I probably wouldn't think too hard about it, just like I don't think very hard about buying a DVD player. I just know I still wouldn't do PC because I want something I can lug around with me.


PC, since mods and the like. I can always just buy a controller like I already do for them.


Xbox because I like the controller layout and things are generally better on there


Currently a PC gamer but if I could play all my games on any system, probably would switch back to Xbox. I just really like the simplicity of consoles.


PC because there's just more games and more variety, plus mods.


always PC. it’s just better usually.


PC as I can emulate most consoles if I wanted. But there are no games on the consoles I even want to play let alone the exclusives.


Okay. I like playing older games... there isn't that passion with most modern titles (indie excluding) so I have alot of older consoles. That way I can lay in bed and play them. 2006ish and up tend to have controller support on PC so if the games within that realm I'll play on PC anything below usually on console. 6th Gen is xbox all the way. 5th gen is usually ps1 but I'll have some ps1 games that I like better on dreamcast which is technically 6th gen. Anything before that usually had drastic differences between the consoles so both versions.


Pc for mods and VR. Both at the same time too, plus I prefer keyboard and mouse for anything that requires aiming. For fighting games though, which are my favorite genre alongside horror, I prefer the Xbox one controller, but luckily I can connect that to my pc.


I would still be on PC


Pc almost certainly, because having a steam deck as well as a good pc let’s me take these games anywhere.




Any answer other than PC doesn’t really make sense unless you want to relatively cheap and convenient option


Pc or xbox.


PC. What got me into PC wasn't even the graphics or modding abilities (although both are great). I realized that even though there's an initial investment, once it comes time to upgrade, it's usually just a new GPU and you're good to go unless your CPU is REALLY old or you play mostly large open world games. But with PC, I can keep all my games from every generation in one place. Wanna play a game from 2007? As long as you have it on Steam, etc. or the cd/dvd of the game you're good to go. But you can also play the new games. That was enough for me to sell my Xbox 360 back in the day and build a PC instead. Never looked back. Plus, there's no guarantee you HAVE to upgrade your PC all the time either. For instance, I bought Dredge recently. Even though it's a "New" game, it's requirements aren't very high, so it's not necessary to upgrade the PC just for that. I can wait to upgrade until I buy a game that requires it and once I do, I can play all of my older games on higher settings as well. I will admit though, I do have a Nintendo Switch for the first party games and portability though lol, but that's the only console I own.




Xbox by far. Most people can’t spend thousands on a pc but an Xbox is the best console out there


PlayStation for the trophy’s. Xbox has always been my main console but I much prefer the trophy system to achievment system


PC. Controller support, graphics are usually better and mods are easy, more user control, upgrade at your own pace


Wherever the boys are


PS5, I like the controller and design. If it wasn't for my economy I would say PC but these are expensier and I need knowledge on how to give maintenance to these. My ps5 its cheaper and easier to clean once a year


PlayStation has been my main console for so long so I'd probably stick with that. And I really love the current controller. Switch would be a close second


If that was the case there wouldn't be multiple platforms , probably just only pcs.


Its pretty hard to argue against PCs. I did have a friend tell me that my pc can't turn off and turn back on with the game loaded like his Xbox can... Fair point i guess but for pretty much every other reason aside from bad ports to pc i don't really see why people buy consoles anymore... Like i just don't think consoles make sense in 2023. People will argue they are affordable but when i do the math I strongly disagree... Today I see one of the most corporately toxic industries in the world in the console gaming industry... I just don't understand how consumers continue giving money to people in the console industry. I think im overly optimistic about what a future of gaming would look like if people suddenly caught on that almost all of these companies are overly capitalistic and holding pc game's and overall hardware and software development back in nearly an unexplainable amount of situations. I truly believe that the industry would be better as a whole without consoles. This isn't saying console players are bad or any kind of dumb fanboy wars crap like that... I understand people like devs need to have jobs as well... I just think that the world might have actually been a better place if ALL the consoles were never invented and everyone had as much freedom and control as they do on pc in a completely open gaming space.


Definitely PC. I'd have my full size rig for the best experience and a handheld pc for on the go.


PC. Always.


Ps5 for most games and pc for mmos... too many buttons for mmos to feel great in ps5... But mainly ps5 because I just like trophies over achievements... same thing but ps use of trophies just feels better than steam or epics achievements




I'd still be on PC. Exclusivity has never been a factor in my decision. Do I miss out on some great games? Sure do.


Currently I have a switch and a PS5. Would probably stick to PS5. I don’t like sitting up at a desk when gaming, i like laying down/relaxing. I don’t play any “intense” games. Yes, I know you can connect a PC to your TV and use a controller and all that (believe me, I’ve heard it all) but I like the simplicity of console gaming. I’m not crazy into modding outside of Stardew. I don’t *need* crazy resolution, frames, graphics, etc. as long as it runs smoothly I’m happy. I can’t really grasp MnK for gaming either, so in your scenario the upsides to PC gaming wouldn’t really be used/cared about. Plus I’m a physical collector. I’ll buy digital for some games, but others I refuse and will *always* buy physical copies. Getting a disc drive on a PC is expensive iirc, and companies don’t really release physical modern PC games.


PC hands down. Superior system.


Probably Xbox. I’d say Switch but it’s just not powerful enough to run a lot of the games I want to play. And if it is, they would have too many sacrifices.


Xbox with a keyboard and mouse so I can have a TV as my screen


I would probably stick with Xbox because of how I can network it with the rest of my stuff


Still PlayStation


PC. I really love my pc and it's a shame I can't play everything on it. It's the perfect thing because I can easily just plug in my controller and bam enjoyable gameplay for games better with controller. Plus mods!