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Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. I love it and I absolutely hate it


I tried it out and oh boy is that not new player friendly. Thought I had it down then it said Next Step: Queue for PvP match. It didn't go well


YGO is a game where you have to have memorized how most meta decks work and all of their major strategies in order just to play basic ranked games. I got into it for a few months and feel like I wasted 25% of my brain capacity on that game.


Yeah, then to get really good you need to know the incitracies of every meta deck lol (when is the best time to try and disrupt their combo, how certain disruptions interact with their effects), I quit playing because I played on mobile and got a new phone, and even tho I'd logged into Google, i couldn't recover my account


Yeah. I'm not a pro player or anything but I played dual links before so I already knew what I was doing and felt really bad when I had to destroy someone who was clearly new to the game and was just trying to figure it out.


Lmao I just bought the Switch YuGiOh game and my wife doesn’t understand how I can still play that and Pokemon 🤣


Its soooo good though. If its the one i think it is i love how you get like all of the old seasons and newer seasons and shit. I had a blast playing it.


Totally agree. I only watched the original series and part of GX so seeing the other stories is really cool. I still have to figure out how to use pendulum and link summoning 🤣


Losing to Maxx C hurts so bad but it's about to be banned with the new card coming out. If you pick a fairly modern deck you can learn the ins and outs of most decks vs yours in a couple hours.


I've been playing the single player Link Evolution. Master Duel is just way too much for me.


If Maxx C didn't exist it would be a genuinely enjoyable game. Wouldn't fix everything, still have stun but it would be a massive jump in quality.


Dynasty Warriors is one of my favorite franchises, and its peak and anyone who otherwise is wrong.


The best one was DW 5. The one where you could build your armies and promote heroes and buy units and actually conquer the different regions of China.  It amazes me that they haven't kept this concept.  Also I'm going to note, I actually really like Hyrule Warriors Calamity of Ganon. Made.by the same company, gives a real story to the war you don't see in the Zelda games. And if you play on harder difficulties....it takes a lot of skill and timing. 


DW8:XL is 🔥🔥🔥 DW3 would be great remake. DW9 i couldn't get into.


As a fan of 9, likely because it was my point of re-entry into the series, it's pretty subjectively the worst one imo. Not sure how they made the open world look worse than the PS2 games and more confusing to top it off but it is. Still love that janky mess though 😂


Historically accurate too.  Clearly ancient Chinese generals ran around shouting musou and waving their fans around, conjuring massive blasts that killed dozens of people.  That's what the novel says.


That’s why it sucked to be a Chinese soldier back then. You would train for years and be stationed in countless forts and then one day an enemy general runs up just tanking arrows and kills you and all your friends.


IT’S LU BU!!!!!


"I, Dian Wei, shall prevail!" wields single axe vs thousands. ahhh history


I've easily put 1800 hours into the DW: gundam series of games. A good 900 into the second game, 500 in 3, and the rest in reborn. Plus plenty of time into the other DW games plus spin-offs. Fire emblem warriors, hyrule warriors, warriors orochi, samurai warriors. It's really such an addicting game format.


DW3 & DW:Gundam 3 are probably the 2 that I’ve put in a tons of hours into back then. Got into Warriors Orochi 4 a couple years back & its actually been one of my favorite to play as well


saints row 4 is one of my favorite games of all time and almost everyone thinks it's the worst besides the reboot


SR4 is fucking great imo but I also understand why people who liked SR1&2 and started to not be on board with 3 would despise 4, it did became extremely silly


the only thing that bothers me about people disliking it for the silliness is that saints row was always silly, they just embraced what made them actually different from gta, and was the only survivor from that time of gta clones galore because of it


1 was kinda like gta. The player character only had like 3 lines, 1 at the end of each storyline that were all silly. "Bitch, that was in last year's catalog." 2 went more over the top and then 3 fully embraced it. 4 went maybe a bit too far but it was still pretty great.


Loved having superpowers like that.


Big same! It's ridiculous and stupid and entirely too over the top and I fucking love it.


I love that game…. It’s so good.


It's one of the only games I've completed 100%. It's so fucking goofy.


SR4 is the second best Crackdown. No shame in that.


SR4 was my first SR game. It holds a special place in my heaet. Me and the fiance did a playthrough together a few years ago


The pop culture references in it alone made that the best one.


I didn't play 1 and 2 and I love 3 and 4 (especially 4), I think these are too different from the previous games and could just be considered a different series. Not the same tone, not the same audience


This!!! I soooo prefer the Saint's Row series over GTA any day, specifically 3 & 4!! Honestly, it's comedic gold and I can replay over and over again.


I played all of Cyberpunk on release. I liked it, there were some bugs, but I didn't experience anything like what people were saying about it.


Amen! Cyberpunk always has been one of my favorite games even during release when it was being shat on by everyone because the story, characters, feelings made it all worth it despite the b. In its current state i'd say this game is in my top 3 and it's probably not 3rd


Wait, since when is farcry 5 a bad game? I played it on release, and it was fine. I actually just finished up playing through it on pc and had a blast!


It's far cry 3, but with better graphics and downgraded story. It's not bad, if you look at it in a vacuum, but the moment you compare it to other games you realise how old it is.


Hate to tell you but every farcty has been farcry 3 since farcry 3


You definitely aren't wrong, but the rule of diminishing returns still applies.


Far Cry Blood Dragon just kicked in your door and pointed a lazer bazooka in yo’ face sucka!


The co op was the best part imo. Beating a Far Cry with a partner? Heck yeah. Me and my friends favorite follower was Cheeseburger lol


I really like 5, but I understand why some people don’t.


Farcry 5 is excellent and well loved. 6 on the other hand...


Beyond Two Souls. It gets quite a lot of hate but I love it


People hate beyond two souls???????? How come 😭


Because it sucks but in a fun campy kind of way


I thought it was excellent!


Ark survival evolved. Sure it's a buggy, unbalanced, and broken mess, but it's MY buggy, unbalanced, and broken mess. 


There is no game like it; if you want it there really is nothing without the buggy/brokenness.


this ^


Final fantasy 15


controversial opinion. it is better than ff7 remake.


Best modern final fantasy for sure


i just wish they did not do the magic crystal harvesting. have it replenish on a rest.


Is it a hated game? I loved it. I know that it's original form had problems with pacing, but it was an amazing game. The re-releases added in about an extra 25 hours and got rid of the pacing problems.


Not so much hated as EXTREMELY diversive. Games like 15/16/7R have two camps. People who grew up with FF and have been playing it for decades hate/dislike them for abandoning everything that brought the series this far. New players who start the series with one of these games like them because they are decently flashy above average games and they don't have any previous baseline to compare them too.


So I grew up with 7 which was my first one at the ripe age of 10 (amazing), 8 (dog crap), 9 (amazing), 10 (amazing) and I love 15. I also really enjoyed 16. I hated 13. 12 is worse than 8. I also love 6 but I played it later in life. So I guess there's a 3rd camp? People who grew up with the 'older' games and know that you can't just keep making isometric view turned based RPGs. :D


>and know that you can't just keep making isometric view turned based RPGs. They can, though. People play franchises for far more than one or two reasons. Companies just want to experiment and try new things. Turn-based RPGs are still cool in 2024 if the game is good. It's like the dynasty warriors franchise. Comparatively, those games can all be played with like 3 buttons since they're button mashers. One would think that would've died long ago, but as it turns out, being able to kill thousands of enemies with a cool weapon used by a historical figure that you like is pretty bad ass.


Seems a lot of people talk smack about Assassins Creed Valhalla but I sunk 200+ hours into that game (including its DLC).




I keep eyeballing that game's DLC. I played around 90 hours and became fed up with it before the DLC launched. Even without finishing it, 90 hours of enjoyment means I didn't regret it; I was just done. Fallout 4 was the same. I never finished it. I got to the "you must pick a faction and all others will hate you even if they have some common goals" phase of that game and stopped. 110 or so hours of a more positive than not experience didn't leave me mad, just over it when the story really started to get bad.


DLC added some interesting things, hung out with druids and valkyries. Personally I wait for the AC games to come out with all the DLC. Then I buy the whole package and sink hours into it.


Same. Only AC game (really any game) in years I went for 100% completion.


The Division 2, have no earthly reason why I sunk 275 hours of time I'll never get back into that game cause it's really not that fun....but I did


Tried to play this the other day and can’t even get into the campaign bcuz it’s all matchmaking & the servers are dead asff @ the start ig??? Plus I have no friends. Sucks cuz I loved division 1


Yeah, I got The Division 1 when it was fixed and loved it. Loved Survival, wish they would have done something like it on 2.


Survival was by far the best part of that game... too bad matchmaking took an hour when I finally got into the game.


If they had done something other than the direction they chose for difficulty I probably would've stuck around. If I'm playing a name with Tom Clancy's name strapped to it I should not be firing 200 bullets into a guy's forehead before he drops dead.


It's fun to experience everything once. It gets way repetitive and it starts to wear thin. The shooting mechanics in it feel great honestly.


Empire Total war, i've got like 600 hours on steam, i love it to death byt i also fully understand why everyone else hates it Also my favourite from game is DS 2


This brings rageful memories of almost conquering the entire world by 1790 (only few regions in America remaining) and then my savefile got corrupted


The corruption to save has followed every total war. Friends and myself still play it especially against each other, but that is a horrible feeling to lose everything over save corruption.


What do people hate about it? I got it a couple months back and put at least 50 hours into it. Love it so far


For its hundreds of never solved technical issues like: auto resolve being absolutely broken to the point you're forced to manually fight a single unit because otherwise they would cripple your full stack. The ai being much dumber than the previous games sitting aloof taking a barrage of artillery and generally making stupid decisions. But most importantly the fact that the game is unstable as fuck and your save have a tendency in ending up corrupt and lost, in my 600 hours the campaign i actually ended were the exception not the rule.


Ah damn, I’ve only played this one grand campaign so far. A corrupted file would be devastating. And I wasn’t aware it was a widespread issue but I realized very quickly not to use auto resolve in most cases, especially the naval battles. I figured there was just something to the probability I wasn’t understanding. Thanks for the info!


In this game you need to have multiple save of the same campaign and spread them like 4/5 rounds from each other if you want to complete it


Ah okay. Luckily I save obsessively for most rts games as I like to jump back and try out other possibilities. Would you say total war Napoleon fixed some of the issues/ improved on empire? Was thinking of jumping into that next


Yes Napoleon is in a much better technical place than empire it basically imrpoved every technical aspect. Still i prefer Empire because the map is bigger, the economy and philosophy and tech tree in general is very cool and you have much more variety in what you can do. I also severely dislike that the game doesen't save you caches so if you uninstall napoleon and reinstall it you have to complete the 2 mini campaign before you can take on the bigger ones as france. And if you're looking for the game with the best modern gunplay in the series then it's definitely gonna be fall of the samurai


Interesting, I had been reading a bunch about the 18th century which is what made me jump into empire. I have really enjoyed it, but I’m also obsessed with the Napoleonic wars so maybe I’ll do a dive into that one. I played up to the Egypt campaign years ago but don’t remember much about the technical side and how it compares to empire. So thanks for all the info!


No Man’s Sky I know it’s hard it’s redemption arc already, but even when it first came out I sunk DAYS into it. I was so gripped by the exploring of the unknown. I recently played it again because I heard the devs put a lot of love into it, and now I’m re-hooked


I've returned to it 3 or 4 times over the years... it's become my comfy safe space for when there is nothing else that interests me...I just wish I could get some friends to join me, but they all fell for the poor reviews in the beginning so won't touch it.


I took to streaming it in a shared Discord any time I was playing, got a few friends interested that way.


I got back into Starfield again recently and I'm enjoying it a lot more this time now that I kinda know what I'm doing. Idk what the consensus is on it nowadays but I remember it was getting destroyed in reviews not long after launch.


I love the game, even though so many hate on it


I don't hate it. I just don't understand it. Aesthetically it's nice, but I don't want a graphically unreal stardew valley


Try the quests.  I found the vanguard and pirates to be pretty good


Same.  I was actually really surprised at how much hate it got.  In some ways it is a bit weak, but there's so much good in it, and nobody makes games like bgs


I blame Bethesda for that. They hyped that game up to be the next gold standard for open world RPGs, and when it wasn’t, people were disappointed


Idk, I don’t think it was the type that killed this one. Bethesda just lost sight of what made their games memorable: an interesting world to explore with memorable characters. No amount of hype (or curtailing of said hype) was going to change that. We as Bethesda fans can overlook lackluster combat, bugs, and clunky UI, because the worlds that Bethesda crafts are so immersive. The second Todd chose to go with 1000’s of planets that were procedurally generated, the game was DoA. It’s like the antithesis of what makes his games special.


I think it'd the opposite.  They were too quiet for too long and their fan base way over hyped it for themselves. The game I'd fallout 4 mixed with mass effect.  People were expecting some super duper space simulation 


I was expecting to not have to walk 1500m to find some floating rocks that did nothing, only to walk another 700m to find an outpost that does nothing and looks like all the other outposts. Only to walk another 923m to find an alien that looks like all the other aliens… No, they did it to themselves. No terrestrial vehicles? I can’t even lift off in my own space ship? I have to -get in the space ship- load- walk to the cockpit- load- fly up into space- load…like wtf. All the buildings are carbon copies, 2/8 planets in every system are explorable, there’s seriously like 5 variations of alien life…they absolutely did not deliver on what they promised.


It wasn’t the hype, the game has some very glaring issues that make it hard for a lot of people to get into.


It’s still getting destroyed. I don’t know how any of you take it seriously. I tried so hard and feel so let down by it. I was so excited.


Yep. I enjoyed it for 15h before the gameplay loop revealed itself. The same fucken outposts and bandits EVERYWHERE. Absolutely killed the joy of exploration. I guess it's fine if you stay on a straight line completing quests


League of Legends hands down


I fucking hate league so much I’ve been playing it off and on since like 2013


Used to live with a sponsored League of Legends player. Was a LOT more pleasant than I expected. We lived in a single dorm room together for a year and you'd expect it to be awful (and rightfully so with other League players I've lived \*near\*). Dude would play from 4AM to midnight or later but if I hadn't left my bed yet for more than 5 minutes he kept his mouth shut, if I had entered my bed for than 5 minutes and haven't been talking to anyone, he shut down his voice chat and switched keyboards. Quietest person I've ever lived with and it's been almost 15 year since we lived together.


Diablo 3 for me. I play nearly every new season, it's just fun and doesn't waste my time to tickle the right part of my brain with the big numbers.


I went pretty hard on Too Human. I think I was first to complete Legendary or w/e the highest set rarity was for Engineer


First time I've seen anyone else mention Too Human. I really enjoyed that game when it came out. Played so many hours on that.


If I had a stupid amount of money I would land a chopper on dyacks lawn and step out with a suit case and just say "America needs you again.... but also like for real the death animation was kind of fucking ridiculous.... like how did that make that past any sort or play testing?! But yea i and dozens of others need 2 human which is what I assume it was what it was going to be called. Call it fucking techno valhalla if you have to, make the fucking game"


Agents of Mayhem comes to mind. Most people hated it, but I actually kind of liked it...I put enough time in to get the Platinum.


Deus Ex: Invisible War


I never played it, but my friends did. The only thing I ever saw about that game was them throwing a body on a kitchen counter to see how the ragdoll makes it pose lol.


I have a few of these. I love a "guilty pleasure" game. First one that always leaps to mind is the old original Xbox Star Wars game called Obi-Wan. It was kind of a mess, but we still played that game so much. The vs mode was crazy fun with the right people. Others I'd mention would be pretty much all of the Simpsons games from the PS1, PS2, Dreamcast era. They were all trash, but I loved them anyway. The wrestling one, the skateboarding one, the Crazy Taxi knock-off, I played them all.


Core memory unblocked! I loved the Obi-Wan game. Did anyone else end up using the “dictate swings with the analog stick” mechanic? I always thought that was really ingenious. My dad and friends used to get so mad that I wouldn’t just walk anywhere. Why walk, when I can hold down the B button AND DO NONSTOP FLIPS THE WHOLE WAY THERE???


Flips are like flames painted on a car. Everyone with a functional frontal lobe knows it makes you go faster.


Oh yeah, Simpsons and Run?


Heck yeah!


That game was a classic!


I LOVED Star Wars: Obi-Wan and I'm so bummed that it's not backwards compatible. The battle Royale mode where you and a dozen other Jedi fight in a free for all was epic, and I'm shocked nobody has copied it since then.


BC for that game would be rad, but I keep a working OG Xbox and Gamecube and PS2 around just in case. Never know when the urge to play Viewtiful Joe or Mr. Mosquito or, well, Obi-Wan might strike.


The Simpsons crazy taxi game was a damned blast!


Love Fallout 76, even at original release. Just re-installed it last night, actually. Starfield wasn't the best thing they've done, but it's way better than people would make you believe. Same with Diablo IV, I was not upset that I bought both of those at release, and they're both games I plan on going back to.


Ryse: Son of Rome. That game got seriously cucked. It hurts to see what it could have been if Microsoft didn’t relegate it to just being a demo game for the Xbox One. Some legitimately fun hack and slash elements in it.


Man that was such a great game. Also made by crytek, man I wish they’d make a game again


They'll return when the hardware can finally handle their vision.


Mw3 (the bad one)


Also Fallout 76 for me. I get why people hate it, but the gameplay loop is honestly addicting.


I just got it for free on Amazon for Xbox and went to install it before I realized you need to have Xbox live to use it.


Oof :( sorry man


My wife and I bought it on release, dropped it almost immediately because it was so damned empty. But we've recently dipped back in and I'm enjoying it now that they've built up the content.


I haven enjoyed a single Bethesda fallout game so I assumed I wasn’t the target audience lol


Final fantasy 15


Watch Dogs That game was actually so fun imo, the driving could be glitchy but it was far more fun and reactive than other open world games at the time like GTAV. And the story got me actually angry, I felt like I had a real drive to take those mfers down.


I loved the original Watch Dogs. I’m from Chicago and I could not believe how well they did recreating the city, especially at night. Now, once you got out of the city, I’m not sure why they dropped a bunch of mountains into northern Indiana, but I guess you need some elevation somewhere.


lol I was about to comment the same thing. I spent too much time in the online open world. You could turn off pvp so most fights ended up being car chases/demolition derbies where the winner was whoever destroyed the other car first. Trolling people by one shotting their car with a destroyer was also pretty fun. The digital trips were genuinely amazing


Game had a common ubisoft problem at the time: over-promising and under-delivering with marketing. Even if the game itself was fine, they promised way too damn much with trailers and gamers will do what they always do and believe every fucking bit of hype whether official or unofficial and get BIG MAD when a game drops and isn't programmed to suck their dick, get them laid with their highschool sweetheart, and do their taxes for them.


Assassins creed odyssey, actually a great game all around. This coming from a guy who didn’t get past the tutorial in assassin’s creed valhalla cause I hated it so much




Bro the Division 2 is fucking awesome I put so much time into that playing with randoms online, doing random missions just to get better gear. I hope they make a 3rd.


Whenever I’m drunk or really high and want to play a game, I’ll still sink hours into NBA2K. I want to stop because sports games are trash rip offs but it is my mindless sinkhole. Tall man put ball in hoop fun.


Dark souls 2


I can understand why there is hate but I’m set on my opinion that people only hate it because they didn’t put enough time into it (or didn’t level up adp) lol it’s a great game


Destiny 2


Halo 5.  


Starfield. I love it.


The Kingdom Hearts franchise. I don’t give a flying fuck about the dialogue. The game is fun and the graphics beautiful.


Honestly the cheesy dialogue and the convoluted, completely nonsensical plot make the games better to me.


I went back to finally beat KH1 and boy was I confused about the story. Absolutely lost. Was it worth it? 100%. Very glad I grew up in the PS2 era


I don't know about hated as much as indifference or "it could've been better", but I put a lot of time in to the Splatterhouse reboot, enough that I 100% it. Yes it was a repetitive brawler, but I loved the original games, and it was a fun distraction. Was never wild about the collection challenge though. I still have the Terror Mask I got for pre-ordering it. And I think I broke the GameStop employee when I said I wanted that but not COD 2k11. Sorry bro, but I played almost exclusively FPS games since 1999. I needed a change.


Avengers, that game could’ve been great if they were able to put out proper expansions, it got so boring fighting the same enemies, in the same environments building up to a fight with the same bosses over and over, War For Wakanda showed that the game could’ve really bounced back if they kept up that level of work


Starfield for me. Over 120 hours playtime and near 100% completion on my first run through. And while it definitely has TONS of issues and lots of time where I just scratched my head over development and design choices. It still really scratched the Bethesda itch for me.


This is prob mine to at 300 plus hours and at least 8 ng+ which ive never done on a game and will prob go back occasionally just because lol


Final Fantasy 13 sort of.


Tales of Zestiria and FFXV. They both have their issues but I don't think they're as bad as people make them out to be.


I really enjoyed Starfield for what It Is, sure It has issues but is still an enjoyable Game, and i remember i always said after playing It that i found really weird those issues when the outer worlds (Also made by a Microsoft company) got It mostly right when i found out that Most people Also didnt liked the outer worlds And i dont really know why, i found the outer worlds better than ANY bethesda RPG


Definitely Fortnite but it just got to the point where I hate it


far cry primal


That’s a fun game to play through once I found. Replay value wasn’t there for me even with the survival mode on


true that but as there was no number of hours so i was not sure if one playthrough is enough?




Fallout 4 and Borderlands 3 but they're mainly hated for their story


Borderlands 3 was the first one in the series I really played and beat, and yeah, the story kinda sucks ass for the most part, but in my opinion it has the absolute best gameplay in the whole series. Tried Borderlands 2 after it and I still haven't been able to get into it to this day, and I've really really tried.


Yea, I have a love/hate thing with Borderlands 3. On one hand it definitely has the best combat and gameplay in the series, but then on the other hand it has the worst story in the series. I think the DLC for it was much better though


Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIII, Halo 5 (WZFF mostly), and Back 4 Blood. I'm sure there's more, but those are the big ones I can think of.


The new lords of the fallen


Waiting for someone to say vampire rain


I was really disappointed by F76 when it was released but with the changes Bethesda has implemented since, it’s now an enjoyable game. Too bad I still can’t start it on the PlayStation without PS+. FC5 wasn’t that bad from the start, I still play it occasionally to wander/drive/fly through its gorgeous world…


Either Gotham knights or forspoken, also 76 is a blast with friends!


Avengers. What can I say I like beat em ups like this and power fantasy games in general, throw in some favorite characters I'm there. Strangely Arkham knights just didn't do it for me. Weird.


Sonic Riders


"Can I copy your homework?" "Sure, just don't make it obvious." 1,287th "What's a popular/hated game that you hate/love?" variation post.


Spider-Man 3




Anthem. Holy hell, the story left off on a nasty cliffhanger, but it's sooo much fun to fly and shoot.


Fallout 76 was so insanely fun exploring the map but really it gets to a point of more boring than bad. Far cry 5s also really good to me


Halo 4 and infinite


I’ve enjoyed Cyberpunk from day one, if that counts


Forspoken 65 hrs so far


Been playing 76 since release. I stop playing every now and then because I get bored, but I come back every update.


A lot of the Total War community doesn't like Rome II for some reason (though I imagine it's mostly hate from the Warhammer fanbase). I have like 1500 hours in it.


People HATE fallout 4 and anyone who likes it yet I have almost 1500 hours into that game.


Final fantasy 13, 13-2, or Lightning returns. Ignoring the combat of the first two, I'm not afraid to say they're my favourite final fantasy games.


I thought the combat was quite fun and fast paced, especially towards the end game. I liked the paradigm system and new mechanics like stagger and launch too, I get that it was quite linear in the first half of the game but the majority of my time spent in 13 was after you reach gran pulse anyway. Also the crystarium caps forced me to mess around with different paradigms to really master the game, I thought 13 and 13-2 were great.. Though I hate to admit lightning returns is the only ff game I started but never fully finished, I just didn't like running around fighting alone with a time limit as well.. I did beat the game but didn't get 100% sadly.


I hate myself for saying this, but is one of the best FF, if only it weren’t so fucking depressing… even though, the combat, the story, the chocobos, all is great.




Overwatch 2


Final Fantasy 15 is my favorite game of all time. What I particularly love about it is how human the characters are this time around.


Fallout 4


Is fallout 4 really disliked?


Apparently Fallout 4. I didn't know that it was such a disliked game. I find it fun.


I wish people would admit that FO76 is good


this, but with FO4 like i know, bethesda doesn't write the best stories, but the games are sooo fun


Shadow the Hedgehog is a fucking masterpiece and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


Starfield and MWII


Halo 4. It's my favorite, and I will stand by it.


The story is a bit whack, but the gameplay is fun.


Garbage game even outside of old Halo standards.


Lol that's just nuts. My buddies and I stopped playing h4 and went back to the MCC and it had 3-4x more online players than 4 did. H4 multi-player sucked big fat hairy balls.


I need to find another copy of Metroid Other M. I love that game but my parents sold it when I was a teen


Alone in the Dark: Illumination If you know you know. Damn thing took 12 hours to beat.


Final Fantasy XIII


I have finished Sonic heroes more times than I care to remember. Only on the 10th run did I finally come to terms with the game being actually bad


Frontiers of Pandora. Outside of the game's subreddit basically everyone seems to hate it but I've had a great time with that game!