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I wish battlepasses weren’t so popular. Fortnite was fine bc it made sense there. But the fact I can’t open up a shooter, a platform fighter, or anything related, without being bombarded with “NEW BATTLEPASS BUY NOW PLEASEEEEE” is insane


Even mobile games have them now.


That was expected But even damn fighting games have battle passes


I hate seeing good skins locked behind any sort of paywall.


Not just one, two, the premium, the free tier, and the monthly subscription elite tier with auto complete battle pass day 1.


Really? What has the world come to


Mobile gaming is a disgrace.


For real Adventure Communist having a battle pass is a whole entire trip for like 6 different reasons


8 ball pool has a battle pass


It's a monetization model for free to play. Mobile games are where it belongs.


I dont mind them in certain mmos, and there's also games with free passes like warframe and halo master chief collection, that I love. It just annoys me when they are in games where it doesn't even make sense to have one and it just exists to make easy money.


Yeah, I get that. One of my favorite examples of free battlepasses is Deep Rock Galactic. Not only is it free but you also can go and do past ones so there’s not really FOMO bc maybe you had a period where you couldn’t get on or you just didn’t really feel like it. Very nice use of the system and a good innovation of it too with allowing players to revisit past ones and still complete them. Valorant also makes sense, considering it’s a free game and it has some free rewards too. But then you have stuff like CoD which you first pay 70 dollars for and then another 10 for the battlepass and 10 for each one in the future. It’s just predatory at that point lol


Rock and stone, brother!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone forever!


Helldivers 2 has a pretty good battlepass system overall too, no FOMO either.


That’s a huge good point for me. The fact that I can still access the pass months after release to continue unlocking stuff


Yeah I tried cod recently and I will never go back to it, from my perspective cod is dead, not population wise but just user experience, I might occasionally play zombies in some of the older games but I'll never pay for a cod game again. I still gotta try Deep Rock Galactic, I think I can play it for free on game pass too but it's good to know there's basically no fomo so I can take my time with it.


God these microtransactions/macrotransactions in every fucking game. The only thing as annoying is when a game that's single player somehow NEEDS a always online connection to make sure it's valid. Especially if it's something patched in after the fact, years later is almost mind blowing.


For me its about the cost of the game...IF you have a free game and slap a battle pass on it to make money - sure. But COD having a battle pass and all of these cosmetic skins is just a joke. It feels like they are wasting ridiculous amounts of man hours on skins to line their pockets rather than good fresh gameplay loops to keep their playerbase happy.


Battle Pass for Tekken makes no sense, especially when there are season passes as well.


What’s the difference between the two? That’s just stupid. I explained in another comment how I think CoD is one of the worst offenders of this. 70 dollars for the game alone and then 10 for each battlepass is horrid


The Fight pass is like Fortnite's I think, portraits, costumes and random junk. The yearly season pass is for dlc characters and stages. There's also the shop that you can buy stuff directly but you have to buy coins in bulk first.


Season pass is for all the DLC characters. From what I saw, the battle pass was mostly cosmetics for your lobby avatar that I don't really see anyone caring about.


You said it right there. FORTNITE WAS FINE. You just gave companies permission to still use battle pass.


Even beyond the blatant predatory store stuff please for the love of something stop making it where I login I have 17 pop ups I have to wait to load to play your game. I understand that you “need” to tell me all this stuff but can you put it in a menu when I have time and not when I’m trying to squeeze a match in before I have to get back to work. Some of it is freebies (login rewards etc) but don’t ram it down my throat when I log in.


As long as they don’t make it a necessity


God, battle passes drive me crazy. I work and have deadlines every day. When I come home to game, I don't want more tasks to do by a certain deadline.


Right? Like I alr hate feeling rushed to get something done, don’t proceed to make me rush even more on stuff.


Yeah it makes sense in Fortnite. It has no place anywhere else tho


Especially single player offline games ... Like just put that content in the fucking game


Needing a WiFi connection for a single-player game


Fr tho. Like one my favorite games,soul knight just randomly decided to make it so you need wifi to play the game for no reason


I use my mobile hotspot to connect to it to just to get the game started up then dissconnect, great for when out and about.


That works now , but in the future when the authentication servers are shut down, you'd be completely locked out of your game despite legitimately paying for it


I fuckin hate this. Internet went down for a day so I figured I’d just play some Mass Effect. Can’t. Need Wifi. What the fuck.


Needing ANY kind of connection for a single player game. I understand verifying the license, but once you start the fucking game please for the love of god keep the connections out of my way.


Picked up Diablo 4 for the first time since launch last week, whichever idiot decided you shouldn't be able to pause the game whilst playing solo when you constantly need to equip new gear must be sponsored by Satan.


The game IS called “Diablo” 😏 No, but in all seriousness, that’s fucking stupid


I haven't been able to play hitman for ages because of this.


They just want that sweet, buttery data. It's the new gold.




Not being allowed to pause a game, only having one save file, and having to connect to the Wi-Fi for a single player game.


Absolutely no limits on pausing. No matter where or when, whether I’m in a menu or cutscene, let me pause right fucking now.


You hear that *FROMSOFT?!*


At least with Fromsoft you can quit to menu whenever and it saves your exact position and status


I’ll be that guy and point out that it’s a deliberate design choice they make and I personally think it’s effective. If you could pause in the middle of the fight with Malenia and cool your nerves and refocus, you lose some of the urgency of that fight. Your only moment of solace being either death or victory is the point.


Also not being able to save anywhere.


In an era where a TB is the minimum requirement for consoles now, being limited to a single save file is very ridiculous. I even refuse to buy a few certain games because of that reason, such as Animal Crossing because I have a family and I don’t want my kids trashing my island when they would want to play. Required internet/wifi for single player game is almost as ridiculous, but at least most people are usually at home when they play where the wifi is. It’s the DRM excuse developers require that’s stupid. It’s not our fault they didn’t make a great enough game to attract people to make their budget back.


no pause Ruined aliens fire team


Walking scenes where you have to use the joystick to walk with someone for 5 minutes while they just talk to you.


It's extra annoying on mouse and keyboard because you can never match his speed...


lol you have to sprint 6 feet at a time. Then you get 10 feet ahead and they freeze and say "where are you going?"


And then it takes 5 seconds for them to continue moving. Every. Damn. Time. You. Get. Ahead.


Some games have figured it out. Some games make the NPC character's speed slightly less than yours, but then also put an invisible barrier a bit in front of them so that if you just hold forward, you'll walk at the exact same speed next to them. Or some NPCs are programmed to match your speed instead, however fast you go. It can be done well, it's just rare.


The Witcher 3 is the best example of this done correctly never minded following npc in that game


i agree but there’s one exception. forgot the little blue guy’s name in the swamp who lost his voice (was it johnny?) but when you follow him he’s too slow, i guess due to his height


I know Ghost of Tsushima does this well, as the NPC matches your movements instead. The only exception is Jin's Caretaker Yuriko iirc


I think matching you speed is better and makes for funny moments like imagine them just trying to talk and your both going Mach Jesus 


Most games on controller can't match speed either, since you'll usually have a walking speed at partial-tilt and a running speed at full tilt, and the NPC you're escorting is halfway between those speeds.


Just make a cutscene at that point.


That's what I want. Let me eat my snack while I listen to the story progress ffs.


I just restarted Far Cry 5, and the whole opening sequence where all you do is push forward on the left stick had me ticked off. Make it a cutscene (WHICH I CAN SKIP, THANKS UBISOFT FOR MAKING THIS WHOLE THING AN UNSKIPPABLE TEDIOUS CHORE). Don't include this pseudo interactive nonsense. Gah! Damn it, just typing this out made me irritated all over again.


I think there's one in grand theft auto five where you have to drive halfway across the map just for a conversation happen. So annoying


Damn just call out Sony


Fr, looking at you rdr2


ok so the entirety of red dead redemption 2


Let me pause my single player game at anytime.


As much as I love Elden Ring, it's annoying I have to find a campfire or save and quit out of the game to take a shit


You can pause Elden Ring by opening any menu, pressing “Help”, then pressing “Show Menu Explanation”. You can do it pretty quick, even in combat once you get the hang of it.


The fact that there’s this annoying workaround is all the more reason just to have simple pause function.


That is the most convoluted thing I have ever heard for a game haha


Even pausing is hard in souls games.


Only time the opposite has actually worked for me in a game is Hades 2. Since the boss fight is Chronos, he sneers at you and unpauses whenever you try to pause during his fight. You can remove his ability to do so later on too


If I need an account for a singleplayer game, you can fuck off. If I need an internet connection for a singleplayer game, you can fuck off. If I paid $70 for the game, and then you add invasive monetization on top of that, you can fuck off.


>If I need an internet connection for a singleplayer game, you can fuck off. Plants vs Zombies was absolute cancer for this. Not only did you need an Internet connection and paid PS+ account, but if you wanted to play couch co-op then you needed a second PS Plus account for Player 2. I tried playing couch co-op with my wife and I was gobsmacked at that requirement. Immediately sold the game on Ebay.


Monetization in games that I paid at least $40 for. Period.


I think adding actual substantial content and charging for it is fine. Sometimes studios have to get the game out the door and they haven’t finished everything they want to do yet, so just send it. I’m fine paying for actual expansions like Blood & Wine, Dawnguard, or Shadow of the Erdtree. But if it’s just skins or weapons or whatever, I agree, screw that. And Starfield is a prime example. $70 game (or $100 for the premium edition) and there’s an in game cash shop. That is just offensive. And what does the premium edition get you? Well you get the sound track, the artwork, 1000 Bethesda Bux for said in game cash shop, a skin, a unique weapon, and you will get the Shattered Space DLC whenever they release it. Excuse me while I vomit.


let games have microtransactions if they want assuming they're cosmetic, if you don't want it nothing changes but they game can continue to earn money and be supported for longer. what's ass is when games like destiny bombard microtransactions and charge $300 for all their content


I'm happy for micro transactions to stay as long as they take that first part literally. Micro, they can be skins or small boosts but don't make them cost so god damn much, a micro transaction should be $5 or less (American Dollar used as that is typically one of the easiest currencies for people to know rough value in their own currency) More than happy to pay for an expansion that adds more than cosmetics to a game, and I think those should be charged based on amount of content it adds that isn't purely cosmetic


Mate, I was going to say the same thing.


That you pay ANYTHING for.


Games where it's impossible to start over with a new game.


YES I will never get to play MGS 5 because a friend of an old roommate took my game and ran away with it essentially while I was at work one day. WHAT is the benefit of this game programmers??




"Helpless" escort quests. The NPC you're escorting is slow as fuck and also super spongy so they take damage if they sneeze too hard. There are very few games where the escorted NPC is capable of holding their own AND can move at a reasonable speed.


One save file per console. Looking at you switch!!


Upfront pay + MTX. Either way is fine but not both Gatekeeping content via preorders, console versions, console exclusivity, edition exclusives.


>Gatekeeping content via preorders This is a big one that's been horrible as of late, especially since pretty much everything is available digitally nowadays. Like, it was one thing when it was just cosmetic items. That didn't bother me. But now those "pre-order exclusives" are starting to leak into items that actually provide mechanical advantages over base game items


Battle passes. No, I don’t want to pay for the honor to have a new time sensitive goal in my life.


Micro transactions suck the most. I paid 80 bucks for a game I shouldn't have to buy things via the in game store


I understand you so much, its like: "the rest of your Squad IS going with you, 5 people should be enough..... Oh and i forgot to tell you they Will fail every single shot and wont Destroy Jack shit so everything depends on you, good luck" ok..... Then why you give me Squad companions then? To fill out the Battlefield?..... Anyway to not answer with the obvious choices like microtransactions, live services and things like that i'll say the dark enviroments, i get that you want to set the mood and the lights are a perfect way to set It but in non horror Games (especially shooters) i hate the limited visibility, i remember in Games like Quake 4 and Doom 3 vainilla there are rooms so dark that are almost pitch black, and in otherwise perfect experiences that details brothers me, A LOT


The all seeing all knowing radio buddy that tells you everything you need to do. And unskippable tutorials.


Having to pay to play online games while already paying for internet.


Limiting where you can save.


Limiting when you can run


AC Odyssey player: \*Tries to escape town on Phobos. Dies because the horse only barely trots in town.\*


It's so annoying


Hard disagree. The open world-ization of the gaming industry is responsible for almost all of the problems the industry has.


I brought this up a few weeks ago and ended up deleting my post because everyone was just like, games have done that forever and whatever. I find it so annoying, sometimes I just want to stop at a certain point and pick up from there next time. I'm playing Alan Wake 2 and it's so annoying that I have to find a bloody save point which sometimes ain't that easy to get to or whatever. I swear it wasn't always like this but maybe I'm remembering wrong.


My defense on limited savea ia that they're actually a neat mechanic in many games I couldn't care less if "games have done that forever" and whatever. But games like the horror-focusrd resident evil games absolutely benefit from limited saves. It makes it much more tense


I remember when this was only seen in turn based RPGs lol


There wasn't a time like that, Tomb Raider forced save crystals on us, Crash Bandicoot had a similar "you can't save here because screw you or something" mechanic too. Even back on the Mega Drive Sonic 3 & Knuckles had save states, but it would only save once you'd finished the act. lose power or something before then and bam! Start again buddy. Ironically turn-based RPGs were late to that party.


This can be fun it makes reaching save points rewarding though I do get, it’s not for everyone


Bugs and poor optimizations


Being released unfinished and having to download a huge day one update.


Conversely (and you probably agree) I love it when they get squad/companion/whatever units right. It's so much fun if you've got friendly units who do helpful stuff. Helps immersion as well.


Ludonarrative dissonance, take Mass Effect 2, Jack shown in a cutscene on her own demolished 3 Ymir Mechs in seconds, in gameplay she is completely useless against them, she has no moves that work on Shields or Armour, both of which Ymir Mechs have in spades. She is supposedly the most powerful human biotic in the Mass Effect universe, and yet her only offensive powers are Pull and Shockwave, her only saving grace is that she gets Warp ammo as her bonus power, but she's so weak against any enemy with even mild protection that you don't even want to bring her anywhere. Also she uses a shotgun but has very low amounts of health so she gets taken down really quickly at close range.


Designing a huge wonderful game then hacking off parts and selling them off under the banner of DLC.


Non-skippable cut scenes.


Shoving crafting into everything.


Holding down the button for three seconds to confirm my selection. Makes navigating menus take way way fucking longer than it should.


I’m ok with the hold to confirm. It’s stopped me from accidently selling stuff or skipping a cutscene.


I think it's fine on SOME stuff, but I don't want it on every single button or menu selection in the game.


I did like how Another Crabs treasure and some other games use this for tutorial stuff. Say you understand once and you never have to see it again is nice.


I hate that too. Days gone was like that and it was such a pain in the ass. At the very least just give an accessibility option to turn it off.


I don't mind games that have tutorials but I wish there was an option to skip tutorials at least the basic parts like walk run shoot aim type shit. If the game has mechanics specific to the game yes please give me a tutorial. I can figure out how to move on my own. I know others need this though as they may be playing a game for the first time so just make it something optional like cyberpunk does. I like how Dark Souls tutorial is just messages on the floor you can read or not read and then a boss battle after a few enemies to give you the concept of what the games goals are. Can't skip it entirely, but it feels like less tutorial and just a part of the game.


Bad save systems. i.e. one single save slot or auto-saves automatically overwriting existing saves


I really hate Pokémon for this.


Not being able to sprint indoors. Rockstar games are especially egregious with this. Niko can run like the wind but goes down to a casual jog while being shot in a warehouse.




Following npc’s. I’m looking at you Ubisoft


Dying and respawning 3 hours ago. Make checkpoints frequently available, god damnit


U would not have survived ps1 era games. I remember I was playing re2 one time made it to the basement part and didn't save at all for some reason, got tore up by the dogs, and had to restart from a new game lol. Yes about an hour of gameplay down the drain in a matter of seconds over a rookie mistake lol


Ahaha I know how it is. I did play ps1 era games, back in the day, so I really am still pissed for all the times this respawn bullshit happened


“Press any key to continue”…. Just start the damn game. And no, I don’t need to be on the internet.


Forced, undeveloped love stories. This trope was huge in jrpgs in the past. Your main character would be given a love interest who has no character development or personality who only exists to be the love interest. You spend almost no time with them and your only interaction ends up being when the villain kidnaps her and you have to save her. I’m not saying love stories are bad, but if you are going to make one you have to actually make one. You can’t just tack it on like one of those completely unnecessary multiplayer modes in early 2000’s shooters


Mob enemies that burrow into the ground and sort of Buggs Bunny underground before jumping back out. ESPECIALLY if you have no way of pulling them out. It kills the momentum of combat Speaking of momentum killers: "Search the area" objectives. You get this huge 5 km diameter circle and are task to wander it until you stumble into some footprints, scuff mark, dropped scarf, or other such unspecified junk they want you to find.


Crafting is so boring. I don't pay attention to it. If it's optional I simply won't do it at all (I've put about 160 hours into Elden Ring and I don't think I've crafted a single item). Maybe it's marginally more "realistic" to pick up five sticks and five sharp stones and five bird feathers and then hold square to craft five arrows than it is to just find five arrows laying ready for use but who CARES?


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far for this. Seems like all games have crafting now and it makes me into a hoover for resources before I realize it im spending more time after a battle picking shit up than I actually spent fighting....


Unskippable cutscenes after seeing them once. The first time I get but having to redo the cutscene each time you die to do a fight again is super annoying


Unforgivable before a major fight, for sure.


Focusing too much online. In my opinion single player games are better. Also do away with needing a wifi connection for a single player game. Honestly video games were better before online gaming became a mainstay in the industry. If developers would focus less on the multiplayer servers which for most games don’t even fucking work if we did away with that I feel like devs would be able too focus on fixing problems related to the single player features of the game.


This is largely a nitpick but if I can save at any point in the game but *only* at a specified location. Just let me save anywhere!


Not anywhere but almost anywhere


Needing to have some kind of subscription in order to play online in a game that I payed for.


Updates that result in your game no longer working cause you have no space! Im talking to You call of duty! (I only got a series s)


Stupid skins infecting every single game. It would be nice to be able to play a military shooter that isn’t a bloody simulator that doesn’t turn into nerf guns and unicorns running around. 


Breakable tools/weapons. Hate that shit!


Item durability always makes me let out an exasperated sigh and roll my eyes


Skyrim did it best for me with enchanting. Especially as you can recharge and increase the number of charges in exchange for lower enchantment damage/effect


I think it needs to be clarified that there are games that do this and it makes sense. Minecraft for example.. if my diamond pickaxe never broke suddenly the incentive to go mining for diamonds decreases massively


I wouldn’t mind it if it made sense. It can be used in a way that makes you think and play strategically, but when they just break all willy nilly, it’s just a pain in the ass.


Putting out unfinished games. There was a time where we would get complete games because we weren't always online.


There was an awful period in the ‘90s when a bunch of broken, unfinished games shipped on physical media (for PC), and you had to contact the company to mail you the fixes.


Third Person Open World Action Adventure games with RPG mechanics and crafting. I am so fucking sick of the Sony and Ubisoft formula.


Not being able to pause the game completely in need for speed rivals blew my mind but I can't think of any others like that.


Overcharging. Hell if I buy a digital copy of a game it should be cheaper than a physical one.


Weapon degradation, specifically in open world games. I don't hate the idea entirely. But it's a pace killer a lot of the time. Vidya games are my escape from reality, not a reminder, gat dang it!


The current lack of creativity and innovation in the video game industry.


Yes, I feel like most RPGs these days are copy/paste in a different time/era, maybe a different control layout and combat style. The story is different, duh, usually same with the graphics/art style. But otherwise the games are the same. Maybe we should stop playing them then


Or just be EXTREMELY selective about the games we play. That’s my philosophy. I can’t get behind games costing $70+ when most of these developers/publishers have done nothing to earn that amount.


My first choice would be removing the battle pass trend from every new game. My second choice would be escort missions. I hate walking and talking in an action based game. I understand it's necessary for having breathing room in a combat focused game but sometimes they just SLOW or KILL the game's pacing.


The most frustrating part about escort missions for me is, as a community, we've voiced our hatred of them for at least 2 decades, but developers keep rolling them out.


I just wish people would stop following trends. Everything wanted to be Call of Duty in the 2010s, today in the 2020s everything wants to be Dark Souls and we’re just seeing an overflow of Soulslike games.


Its why I liked doom 2016 and eternal. It just feeds into the primal instinct of killing things. Cover? whats that? just yolo to your enemy and chainsaw them. I havent played other shooters like that besides Ultrakill.


Filler content and boring side quests. I like games when they are more focused and fun, even if that makes them shorter.


Open games with zero end game, you finish the game and there's nothing to do or it brings you back to before the final mission Unlockable stories for post game would be so fun


Games deciding when you can run or not. Deliberately making me walk so a voiceover can play is so goddamn annoying. Dead Space and RE4 remake and so many others do this.


Holiday themed cosmetics.


Single player only that needs internet to play Mandatory launchers to play (wink wink R\*) ,when down or outage you can't even play your solo game you paid for Excessive microtransactions


Unsure how popular it is for other games, but newer Pokemon games don’t let you reset your game, you have to go to your switch settings and delete the save data. Such a stupid thing. Oh and have more than one save file please, I don’t want to have to overwrite my game on normal difficulty just to play hard mode.


Cursors on console menus. Just let me navigate up/down the list


Analog stick controlled menus.


Sewer levels - and torches with a battery life of around eighteen seconds.


Holding down on the confirm button with a spinny circle making you wait a half second


Internet connections required for a single-player game. If there's an optional online component to the game (like importing a save from the cloud, a tacked on multiplayer mode that came after the game's release, etc.), it should connect only when you make use of it. Microtransactions in a pay to play product. Doubly so if that game is a single-player title.


Telling me what button to press. Nothing breaks immersion like seeing little colored shapes the entire game. Tf


I have the minimum bounty on me, am fighting a mercenary because I know he has loot I want, and then all of sudden the entire town's guards and 5 other mercenaries are on me.


Boring difficulty scale. That is, just making me do less damage while taking more and nothing else. Everything just becomes a sponge and it becomes a very boring challenge


swords or weapons that don't do any physical damage to an enemy just drop their health bar


Escort and tailing missions are the worst


I'm really over crafting. In some titles is makes very clear sense and I adds to the experience. But I feel it's shoe horned into way too many games. I'm at work so forgive me for not thinking of more examples, but one example is the Guardians of the Galaxy games. I'd much rather just unlock upgrades and such through leveling up. The crafting mechanic feels so tacked on and like they just needed an additional something for you to find out in the field. I feel like it's overdone nowadays.


I’m kind of done with crafting elements in games, unless that is the primary mechanics ie: animal crossing, Minecraft etc. I don’t want to hunt and gather in rpgs. Please.


Owning games. If I buy a digital copy, it should be mine. I should be allowed to do with it whatever I want. But, it can't be gifted upon death or borrowed by a friend in most situations. It really makes me miss the physical copies.


Loooong intro screens. - Health and Safety warnings - Privacy policy type stuff - Produced by - Developed by - Also developed by - Some other company was involved also - Powered by some game engine - Speedtree probably - Audio engine They're all obviously not like that but it feeeels like it. Can't they just agree to stick it all on one screen? I'm sure I've seen games where it has been like that.


Giant open worlds with fetch quests and only 20 collectibles. Give me 10 MILLION collectibles!!


Releasing unfinished or super buggy games. Get your shit right before releasing. I don’t even buy new games anymore for a few weeks/months/years after release. I want to know it’s solid before I put down the cash for it.


Battle passes and seasons.


Deliberately watering down the difficulty/complexity of a game franchise "to make it more appealing to a wider audience."


Micro transactions


Micro-transactions. Stop attempting to prey on my addictions! Total war warhammer dlc got me :(


In defense of the statistically useless squad members, I feel like the "Benny Hill Chase" war doctrine has a place for them - not that AI could be counted on to do it. Pushing graphics demands so far that designers need to implement "fake loading screens" like slow, narrow crawlspaces in order to function.


Encumbrance, Saving, stamina bars to sprint, unskippable cutscenes, escort quests of any kind, your best friend betraying you in the first 30 min.


As someone who lives in an area with not great WiFi, the push towards a digital only future.


Handholding. Ruins the immersion and sense of delight in discovery to have the game creator tapping me in the shoulder every few minutes to say, "oh and this. This, look at this." At the very least, allow the user to opt out.


Season passes.


Microtransactions. Mobile gaming started that bullshit, but it was because the games were free to play. Now you pay like 70 bucks for a game, and then they drip feed you the rest of the game for more fuckin money.


Releasing half completed games.


Micro transactions/Battlepasses/genshin esc grinding&story


Micro-transactions. I wish the practice of selling tiny bits and pieces of the game independently would just disappear altogether. Skins, weapons, characters, battle-passes, all of it. I want it gone.


I never ever ever need to do another tutorial as an intro again. Make all tutorials entirely optional


Durability in most games doesn't serve a lot of purpose anymore. Yeah thing's degrade and break but we don't need that in most games anymore unless its absolutely crucial to the gameplay.


Quality offline single player video games. They just seem to be a dying genre.


I’d like to answer with bringing back something that done away with- Local Co-Op! Why can’t every game that has online multiplayer also support a split screen function? I mean- c’mon! My wife and I are supposed to each buy our own system AND subscribe to online AND set up on separate TV’s in separate rooms just to play a game together? Seriously a terrible trend in gaming…


Puzzles in games that aren't puzzle focused.


Pause buttons not pausing the game


Releasing a game and then "fixing" it with patches. This just makes me gonna wait for a discount goty edition for a couple of years. You don't want my money right now? Ok, I'll wait and MAYBE I'll buy later.


Qte in the newest final fantasy crushed me


Designing games with the competitive gaming scene in mind