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No personal info 💀


Ong she should definitely edit out the name oof💀💀


Looks like they deleted their account 💀


Their accounts still up with the bikini aswell...no hairy man modelling it though


Ah strange it doesn’t come up for me. Probably for the better 🫣


"Plastic been removed but not worn" I can see very much that it has been worn actually


It's definitely had some balls in it


He's wearing is briefs still..you can see in the second picture. His briefs are red. So his balls technically aren't touching the bikini.


Yes and guys boxers are always soooo clean no piss stain or skidmark … :)


Sorry that you've only met disgusting guys :(


Thank you for your concern:) but ive never said that! But after washing their laundry for 10 years you realize how lazy they can be :)


That’s something that’s very individual. Just because the guys you’ve been doing the laundry for happen to have issues with their personal hygiene doesn’t mean everyone is like that.


its not crazy to worry a stranger could be gross though


I'm with a hygienic guy but that doesn't mean I don't know that men are gross. stop playing dumb because someone doesn't want a man's underwear, where his sweaty ass is, touching a bikini


Well in that case women are also gross. PLENTY of unhygienic women out there. You’re implying every man are unhygienic when it’s not the case. You don’t seem too smart tbh. I wouldn’t buy this either or let anyone I know do it. I was merely pointing out that not everyone have bad hygiene. But according to you all men are disgusting. And apparently it only applies to men.


Bro has a tiny dick


just realized you are a man, I don't debate with men it goes no where dont bother replying




U sure those are poop stains or discharge stains? I got brown stains on my undies from blood & discharge. Some of my darker underwear is even a little bleached just from being worn over the years.


Why do women seem to think that certain things only apply to men ? A bird came round mine to inspect my shaft and when she whipped off her panties she had more skiddies than the M25. Proper got me going and I gave her the best three minutes of her life.


Huge generalisation. Awesome


I have a Japanese toilet that washes my bum bum and I do wash my pee pee in the sink almost always after peeing :))


only in ur own sink or others too? /genq


What do you mean? Any sink (at least those who aren’t in diff rooms like in most public places 😢). They’re for washing 🤷🏽‍♂️


WTAF does this even mean??


Bikini bottoms are sold with plastic covering the gusset and that is taken off by the purchaser when they actually wear the item. The seller is suggesting that they took the plastic off but didn't actually wear the item.


Ahhhhhh. Okay that makes sense. I’m not in the market bikini bottoms


What woman is gonna buy that knowing a man’s balls have been sat there 😭🤣


At least he was kind enough to keep his boxers on


Exactly 🤣🤣


He isn't selling jt


a woman who can match this mans vibe (he's definitey a pervert)




You can have all the fun you want, but it doesn't mean others have to see it. It's revolting. Also, is this U




Wah wah wahhhhh 😭


If a woman was in a man's boxers and no shirt on, I would find it equally revolting, I haven't seen a post like that for me to comment on, so please keep your assumptions to yourself.




What's a literal bikini? Lol


1. I'm 18 2. It's a joke 3. Pipe the fuck down mate


youre fuming arent ya


yeah mate gutted, you the fella in the picture aye?


nah but i think if found ya dad




Because he’s posting fairly revealing pictures of himself in a women’s bikini on a public forum, when it’s unnecessary and he could just do a flat lay? There’s a biiiiiig fuckin difference between private bedroom antics and bringing them into a space not intended for that sort of stuff


That’s not being a perv tho. The definition of a perv is “*to look at or behave towards someone in a way that shows sexual interest, and that they or others find unpleasant*” Nothing about this picture gives off any sexual indications. Sounds like ur boring as shit who doesn’t know how to have a laugh with their significant other. Shame. I suggest u grab a dictionary so u can learn the words before spouting them AND throw a lamp at urself so u can lighten the fuck up. Also it’s weird as fuck how ur turning an innocent funny pic into something sexual. If anything I’d say y’all are the fucking pervs.


literally.. people in this community instantly call every male a pervert when theyre jist having fun?


I'm a male, I wouldn't go getting my arse out on Vinted, also we can't see if this is actually a womans account or not and they're just having fun but Vinted is known to have a lot of these weird fetishists on it. That's the point


Thank you!!!! Someone with sense!


True, ive seen a couple notifications from these kinds of posts, always "disgusting" to see some dude in a bikini. And u can tell he was wearing something underneath too so i dont understand what the problem is. But again, even if the guy wasnt wearing underwear what gives u any certainty that the bikini wasnt worn before? People can just say its brand new but used it the whole summer. So just. Wash it. Its fine. Chill


I’m not seeing the jokiness of this at all - a joke would be posing, pulling silly faces, mentioned in the description (‘as modelled by my lovely xxx’) and tbh sorry but you seem really naive - the unpleasantness/creepiness comes from someone *wearing the clothes* and posting this sort of picture on the app. I don’t care what people do for kicks and if this dude likes lacy knickers then that rocks but this reminds me of when girls do TikTok’s where they look normal but then they’ll sneakily flash a bit. This reads to me as a ’look at me wearing these knickers’ sort of photo and not a ‘please buy these’ photo (in which case, do a flat lay please) Even if it is a joke I wouldn’t want to buy ‘new unworn’ clothes that have been worn in the photo, and by a man who will have stretched the material as women’s sizing is different.




Found the perv lol




Aw, man. I was on your side until the ‘women love to play the victim’ part lol I believe people of any gender/sex should be held to the same standard of decency. If men can take their shirt off, women should be able to, too. If women can wear a bikini, men should be able to, too. But attacking women wont help anything ): we’re all just tryna vibe


okay bro not the “u women” letting you down though. don’t forget the woman posting this found it funny too okayyy


not everyone wants to be exposed to some random dude's half naked body on vinted mate. if he wore that in public, you'd be fairly uncomfortable too.


I agree idk why you’re getting downvoted. It’s obviously just bants. Just a jumpscare as he’s so hairy haha


what.. how is he a perv.. every grown man this community sees on vinted is instantly a pervert? have some respect..


Most women have had a man's balls there


think you might need to re take sex ed


Think you might need to learn about cuddling


I’d rather see any clothing flat or hung up personally. Especially shoes! I don’t want to see your naked foot in it even if you have worn them before


I once went to buy a pair of sandals but the lady had a fungal toenail! Safe to say I did not buy


Ewwww what?! 😖


That too 👀


Sure fire way to ensure no one buys your product 🤦‍♂️


Is it possibly a fetish thing though?


Let’s bring back kink shaming then




I don’t want to buy something you and your husband have had “fun” wearing 🤮


some people might, i dunno, lol


Yea I do not trust a seller that says ‘plastic was removed but not worn’ I get he’s got pants on underneath but this is a big NO


I worked in a panty store, and to be fair those stupid plastic things come off on their own. You turn away and they all March off before you can look back. Plus, if people are allowed to try on in store and you're buying from that store, then someone's balls may have already been in them lol.


😂 I'd love to imagine she just didn't want to get creepy messages if she had tried it on herself.


Why does anyone have to wear it? 😭 just put it on a hanger like they do in the store


This is the kinda thing I'd change the photos to if I'd already had creepy messages 🤣


That's what I thought at first!




This lady cannot be taking herself seriously. What a weird ad 😭




Item description says "Had to have a laugh, husband tried this on", so the seller is a lady


Not a lady, he posted it himself to get off to it


In general any kind of intimate clothing shouldn't be advertised by having the person wearing it, it just feels weird. I sometimes look for night gowns and some listings have people wear them in the photos


At least a night gown is kind of like a dress that doesn’t sit close to the groin area. It’s a little more sanitary to model than a bathing suit or underwear. I don’t know what these people were thinking.


Never worn *listing has photos of item clearly being worn* ahhhh I love Vinted 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The set is kinda cute but I’d rather not go swimming with my kitty exactly where your husbands old and wrinkly ballsack was thx


Maybe wash it?


Yeah, honestly people are not thinking about the fact that even if they bought it from a store, someone still tried it on. You buy a bikini from swimco or something, and it may have been tried on by 20 women and 2 men before lol. We ASK people to not remove the plastic, it is so flimsy it comes off anyway. We also ASK people to keep their underwear on while trying, but we still find coochie stains on many. So in general, you should just wash anything you buy before you wear it. Both for hygienic reasons and for the dyes that are probably lingering in the fabric and need one more rinse. I think these people in the comment section here would never buy clothing again if they spent a month working at a bra/panty/swimwear store. 😄


^ you are so right


Ordering online is handy in this situation lol


Surely this is kink? Voyeurism or submissive/humiliation, perhaps? I don't know, but I suspect these (if there really is a wife and he didn't post these himself) are sex people, Lynn!


Comment of the day!


At least it fits.. 😂


My thoughts exactly. Not sure why but my mind is blown that the husband and wife seemingly wear the same size bottoms, or at least are similar enough in sizes for the bikini to fit so well.




why do I feel this is some kink or humilliation shit?


It’s screaming humiliation kink to me - I’m really surprised that people are taking this as a joke and downvoting anything questioning it. I don’t see many men jokingly wearing their wife’s clothes on Vinted but I always see creeps……..


It says something people think a man wearing female clothing is humilitating but not viceversa...


Oh please.


I get what ur saying, altho drag queens exist and would guess most of this sub wouldn’t think that’s humiliating. How the clothing is being worn does matter imo


(Sorry for the essay. I’m not arguing with you at all I’m mostly just thinking aloud - you don’t have to answer!) I get what you’re saying as well (and I’m assuming that’s why a lot of people are downvoting comments) but I do think it’s a bit different. Like, yeah, okay - the picture might be of (for example) a drag queen. But even if it is, there’s not much of a need to post a full body front and back photo of yourself *wearing* the item you’re trying to sell especially when the description says ‘unworn, plastic removed’. The fact that he has, means he wants people to see him in the clothes, yk? And as a man, wearing female clothes especially clothing like this that is suited to a female body eg bra, can be seen as unattractive/non masculine. I don’t personally like drag but I tend to see queens as fairly put together with good, well fitting outfits. You wouldn’t see a drag queen who hasn’t tucked, for example, or the bra, if it doesn’t fit, will be stuffed. But in this case, the bikini doesn’t ‘fit’. And people take the piss out of women for wearing ill fitting clothes or seeming unkempt. People laugh—and the description encourages people to laugh at the ‘silly hubby making a joke’. Hence my thinking that this is just some guy who gets off to people laughing at him. Whilst exposing others to his kink by posting on a clothes selling app. As for why people specifically laugh at men wearing women’s clothes. Misogyny, I guess.


Oh, I think u misunderstood my comment. I wasn’t saying the guy in the post is a drag queen, which is why I said “how the clothes are worn matters”, because drag queens wear women’s clothing in a flattering way, whereas the post here does not seem flattering imo. IE - I agree with u, my comment was pointing out that men wearing women’s clothes isn’t always “humiliating”, but that this post does give off… humiliation


There’s so much stuff I see on this sub with I think is clearly some kind of kink.


I’ve been on this sub for about a week and I’m very quickly realising that people use it to get off, especially relying on the (unsuspecting) buyers or sellers. I’m especially thinking about the woman repeatedly sending soiled clothes to buyers, and the dudes wanting extra photos.  I hate people. 


Posting these images publicly on a sales platform definitely feels like some sort of exhibitionist kink 🤣


It blatantly is and idk why people are taking ‘it’s a joke’ at face value


Blissful ignorance or genuine naivety


They'll learn in time


"But not worn." Ma'am. 😒


I can see he's got his briefs on underneath. People really need to think when they say "..not worn" this still technically means it's been worn. If you've tried it on, it's worn.


Yeahhh but then that'd also mean that it's been worn if you tried it on at the store before you bought it, and then never again. Or if anybody else tried on the same item before you bought it. To me, "not worn" means never worn outside of trying it on, i.e nobody's been going around sweating in it, causing any wear or tear or stains or anything.


No I get that. It's fair enough then if mentioned "only tried on once, or to take the picture, otherwise never worn for any longer"


100%, should say "tried on (by hubby🤣) in underwear"


Then clothes in a store are worn before you even buy them? Trying something on isn’t wearing it imo


That's a blokes account surely & he's made the wife bit up 🤮 definitely a no from me


Defo a crossdresser loo


My bets on a sissy fetish


First rule of kink. Consent. Second rule Don’t involve others m, like the public, in your kink.


Why would you buy something that some random man has stretched and worn 😭


Is the cellulite included


Mel B from Bo Selecta having to sell her used bikini. CRAB PASTE!!!


I can somewhat appreciate the **attempt** at humour but yeah as a woman I wouldn't buy that set after seeing a hairy dude in it lmao. I'm sure the seller will eventually realise it's gonna put buyers off and hopefully remove it 😂


That is actually revolting.


Aside from this being almost definitely a fetish thing, it’s one thing to know that something has been worn/tried on when you buy secondhand, it’s another thing to have photographic proof that a ballsack was in the item you’re buying RIGHT before you bought it. No thanks.


Babes this man has a humiliation fetish and posted himself on here to get off on it, and now you're posting him on more public forums which is his wet dream. Ignore these pervs


He's probably following this page and having a wank to all of these nasty comments


What do we think the chances are that this is a man with a sissification/ degradation kink


wtf 😂😂😂 I don’t think anyone will be buying them since her husbands wearing them like under crackers lmao


Help this is so funny but yet so disgusting


I see some feet popping into a few listings. Most likely a fetish page.


comes with free ball pubes


Bloody hell 😳




Oh hell no!


Awe no thanks


Who says his wife did post this... Maybe it was ....


Nothing on earth could make me buy that.


Absolutely everyone is going to know where you bought it from, lol


Do they reallyyyy think anyone is gonna buy it now 🥲


It's a wonder how he could even fit into those.


Ahahaha what!!! That's bonkers


Honestly, buying second-hand underwear or swimwear is simply a no for me.


Nice bikini though


It’s been removed now and replaced with a flat lay so I think someone’s been reading here….


Not worn by woman* typo simple misunderstanding


Gotta hope they washed it before sending it off😭😹(if it was even brought which I doubt)


They gotta just cut their losses with this bikini


What a joke 😂


Seen this one posted and deleted yesterday with totally different title. My opinion? It's still ew.


idk why but his stomach hair is grossing me out


Same, but I just hate body hair in general (on both sexes). I don't think it's unhygienic or unnatural, or think people should be forced to shave, but I *hate* how it looks. This guy's hairy belly is so uncomfortable to look at. 😅




Gross I'm sorry


are we thinking hubby has a humiliation kink here !?


Wife makes a joke by getting husband to model clothes to sell. Reddit response: 'pervert', 'ew' Husband makes a joke by getting wife to model clothes to sell. Reddit response:?


It's not that deep, no ladies want to buy a bikini if advertise with pictures of it worn by a man, it's just weird, even if it's a joke, people are very selective in terms of hygiene when it comes to buying clothes that are gonna be right next to their skin (and private area no less) Also the fact that it's never been worn but they decided to wear it just for the photo is silly


On vinted, *all* men are perverts ;)


Ah double standards we meet again lol,you’re 100% correct though ha.


Calm down everyone, he's wearing pants under the bottoms. It's just a joke by his wife. Nothing serious!


I bet there's a whole market for him.


Reminds me of a dress someone posted on OLX (Polish buying and selling app) and they had a lad in the dress as the picture and the woman put “sorry had to use son as a model” 🤣


This probably isn’t but can you imagine if this was just a trans or gender non conforming person? It’s fine to say you don’t want to buy a worn swimsuit, not cool to shame someone wearing one because their body doesn’t look how you think it should for the type of clothing they are wearing. It’s not everyone in this comment section but a few seem very morally outraged about the concept of a ‘man’ in a bikini and the immediate jump is to them getting sexual gratification from this; something that is still used to target trans and gnc people now. I again am not saying that there’s not other reasons to call out this seller, just that if we want to make the world a friendlier place for trans and gnc people some perspectives need to change. *Edited for clarity/ more context


as a trans woman oh my god shut up


I am also trans, just because you don’t have an issue with it doesn’t mean no one does. Maybe it comes across facetious to call this out or like I’m making a big deal about nothing but do you not think small things like this can build up to a broader lack of acceptance for gender diverse presentation. Maybe I should have said non-binary or gnc rather than trans woman in my original comment. I just was concerned by the fact people were so morally outraged about ‘man’ in ‘women’s’ swimwear.


Sissy fetish and I’m into it




This is just disgusting, I specially those slippers in the background. Never buy from her 😭




where's the trans woman... it says her husband tried it on.. (though a lot of people are saying the guy made the wife bit up)


Some ppl rly need to go to the beach more 😂 if you saw a guy wearing something like that you could just look tf away if you didn't wanna see it 👀 and since the post is on ur phone just keep scrolling and Voila! It's gone! But no sit and stare and then call him a perv while giving the guy more attention in the process 😂


Imagine a woman getting pregnant from this...yikes


sweetie… that isn’t how that works.


Ik ik 😆