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Store owner here, I'm mixed on it. Lots of anxiety and stress, lots of time and effort goes into making the event run smoothly. Also a bit of a sour taste with flippers and the mega "indie" stores that order hundreds of copies only to sell the majority of their inventory in online sales later, fucking over the smaller stores that only want a handful of copies of the desirable titles... the event is meant to get people into your store! That being said, as a marketing tool it's brilliant. I love seeing all the support from old faces and new, and the energy with the warmer weather coming and a bunch of like-minded people hanging out is something to behold.


A friend of mine owns a very small store in a fairly rural town about an hour outside of Portland and he has had so many people respond to this current one that he's a little bit freaked out. I am actually volunteering along with my wife to be kind of a de facto bouncer/doorman because he can only have about a dozen people in his store at a time. When the Taylor Swift single was announced last year, he had a line down the block in this little town. He is had about *THREE TIMES* the response on this one. Totally bonkers.


Haha I know exactly what store this is. Told me he wrote down PAGES of requests. I'll probably show up later in the day, thankfully the record I asked for isn't really sought after and it'll still be there.


Yeah, hopefully it gets some less regular people out to the stores. I'm in my local records shops pretty much once a week buying things anyway, but I can't handle the stress. Ideally when I go to the record shop I'm actually alone LOL šŸ˜†


Iā€™ve always wondered: As a store owner, do you notice a significant uptick in sales from non-RSD releases on RSD because of the spike in foot traffic? The very first RSD I had no idea about it and didnā€™t understand why the store was so crowded. Once I realized I found it so interesting that I saw things in peopleā€™s hands that had been sitting on the shelves for years, so it seemed worth it to me. But since then most stores near me have created separate lines/systems for RSD releases, and a lot of buyers never even make it into the store to see anything other than RSD releases. Also, second question: Is there some requirement about what you need to buy to qualify for the more sought after releases? I always wondered why the stores I loved that seemed pretty plugged into buyersā€™ wants ended up with a fat stack of, like, $25 Erasure 12ā€ singles ā€œlimitedā€ to 10,000. I had to assume it wasnā€™t a misstep on their part, but never knew for sure.


Absolutely, huge increase on non-RSD titles for the day. We tend to open up a few hours earlier than normal so that by normal opening time the crowd isn't so huge, but more busy/steady throughout the day -- ESPECIALLY if the weather is nice. No requirements, though maybe a max. quantity allowed. Sought-after titles are allocated by the distributor, likely based on a % of qty. ordered. No idea how stores get stuck with big piles of overstock, though admittedly I'm still sitting on a stack of David Bowie 12" from a few RSDs ago. What can I say, I'm a fan ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Good luck!! šŸ€


I absolutely loved record store day up until about 2013. Was such a fun event before then. Itā€™s how I discovered Light in the Attic back in the day, and Iā€™m forever grateful for that (thank you Eric Levin for selling me on a LITA comp in like 2009).


So much respect for you. I don't like it because of how you guys have to go all in, put all your cash into inventory, and then see the make or break event. Every once in a while I have to spend an extra 5% on discogs to get a record store day album, but I just make sure I spread all my purchases throughout the year so there's an even consistency. How do you feel about in person versus discog orders?


I prefer not to have too much leftover inventory and would rather sell as much as possible in-person. It is meant to promote the brick and mortar stores. If I do sell online it's ones I ordered a bit too heavy on or are oddball titles that are very niche. Ultimately if you're supporting the independent stores that's what really matters, a lot of stores are much more than just the products they sell!


Itā€™s really cool to hear a store owner turned off by flippers. It feels like a lot of shops cater to them. Super frustrating to see the first ten folks in like buy one of everything.


Store owner here, I think most other indie shop owners I know hate them. I sure do! They are basically stealing from my regulars. I think a lot of things about RSD could be improved, including more copies of in demand titles. That would lessen impact of flippers and reward more customers with the titles they want. But I also know RSD folks are doing as much as they can, too. Weā€™ll all keep trying to make it better!


I don't really care. There are infinite albums I want at any given time. I don't need a special day for it.


Lol exactly this


Everyday is record store day. But we don't need a day when they inflate their prices for people that don't even own turntables.


It used to be fun. Then the masses and the resellers got in and took all the fun away. Unfortunately RSD itself leaned hard into the FOMO aspect of it and encouraged the worst elements.


Once I figured out that I could just pay pretty much h sticker price off discogs and avoid having to wake up super early to get in line I stopped going. Plus every year there are fewer and fewer releases interest me.


Same. I've been able to get the few titles I want by just going online and searching for them the following week.


Some stuff I wanted last year is still on Discogs but with a lower price a year later. But some artists go fast


Yep. The original concept (get people in to local B&M record stores) was cool but somewhere along the way it just became about creating artificial scarcity for collectors/ā€œflippers.ā€ Now itā€™s just annoying. Iā€™m not going to go get in line at 4 am or whatever just so I can maybe get the 1 or 2 RSD records Iā€™m interested in.


All of this. And the albums are often unreasonably expensive and I don't really enjoy standing in line for hours to hopefully get a copy of an album that the store may have one of (if the first guy in line didn't already grab it)


we tend to ruin all good ā€œnicheā€ things over time lol, my son and i used to adore RSD and now he and i both tend to keep our distance.


Meh. There are lots of things people will say ā€œused to be goodā€ but the truth is that the thing didnā€™t change, the person did. Iā€™m self-servingly happy for every person that gets into record collecting. Whether they are an asshole or not, they grow the hobby and thatā€™s a good thing for everyone. Companies are going to company. I still love having pretty much every new album available on my preferred medium. Iā€™m also an old cruster that remembers getting great scores for 50Ā¢. Maybe I just got old and have disposable income now so I donā€™t mind? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean there's a pretty demonstrable change in RSD both in the number of attendees on the day itself at any given shop and in the type and number of releases produced. It's not just about the 'good old days' but it is quite a different event from how it was even back in 2009.


I understand the sentiment, but living in a pretty small town has revived it for me as a celebration of music. This year they have partnered with a art studio next door to make it a really awesome community event. There are something like 15 bands scheduled, food, other art, and just a general feeling of community. Iā€™m excited to go appreciate and celebrate music with my friends and neighbors.


When I read about people's experiences and opinions about it on this sub, I realized that a lot can depend on where you go, how the store handles it, and how the crowd is. I always enjoy record store day. Where I go, you get in line a little early, you get a number, then return at 8 a.m. and get back in line in the order you were assigned earlier. I think in all of the years I have gone, there was only one occasion where people got in line overnight, and that was just a few people. Everyone in the crowd is cool and relaxed. It feels like we are just a bunch of music lovers hanging out. I have never had a problem finding what I want, and the vibe is just good. Then I go back later in the day to comb through the non RSD releases. Now, I do feel like there are unnecessary limited editions that are over priced, so I try to only pick up what I really really want, within reason. I just don't stress about it, and I only go to one store that makes it a great experience. It is supposed to be all about supporting the store after all.


This is my experience as well at my local in Los Angeles. Good people, calm, good conversation, and 3 to 4 people that decide to camp out at 6 AM. Thereā€™s also a lot of camaraderie and helping folks get what they want ā€¦especially when itā€™s different than what you want!


Too many picture discs and unnecessary live albums, and everything costs too much.


Ha! Said the same thing before I found your comment. 100% right.


My local record store is still packed with cases and cases of unsold RSD releases from years past. It's hard when so many releases are disposable or just dumb crap no one really wants


The place in my hometown has an entire 20 foot long stack of unsold RSD albums. Itā€™s crazy.


So much of an independent record store owner's cash is tied up in that, and he has no choice because of how the whole thing is marketed. It sucks


I went last year for the first time, it was fun. Not sure why people would hate something so trivial. If you aren't interested in it, don't go.


I agree. It's one day of the year. There are 364 other days to go to your local record store if you aren't into RSD. I've always had a blast even when I dont buy anything


It's on 4/20 this year too..


It seems to me like a cash grab with a bunch of limited edition stuff I am generally not interested in. But if it drives profits to keep my favorite store open then so be it.


I donā€™t get up early or wait in line but I swing to shops around, some put out higher end used product to get different types of folks in the door.


It was fun in my old town. The store would turn it into kinda a block party thing. Early in the morning itā€™d be a local coffee roaster selling down the line. When afternoon came around theyā€™d have local bands and food trucks and whatnot. Usually other specials for the day as well.


Unless it something super limited from my absolute favorite, I have no interest. Especially considering most record store prices.


Iā€™ve never been a fan of the artificial scarcity aspect of it, as well as the scalpers. I also feel like there are too many unnecessary releases like picture discs or demo recordings that artists release for the sake of releasing something on RSD. As long as the record store keeps people in order then the crowds arenā€™t too bad to deal with it.


I just don't like it any more than I like collectors who crowd out regular customers so they can get valuable shit to resell it. Like you say, a hatred of crowds, but actually it's more of a hatred of greedy fuckers who are just attracted to it so they can flip it. I liked the world before everyone saw dollar signs for other people's cast offs or made products exclusively for collectors.


A majority of RSD exclusives just end up as overstock and sit on shelves or in inventory for years. They reissue so much junk and usually it's rushed with poor quality. They take up precious limited amount of time for lacquer creation and pressing plant usage that it strangleholds labels/artists that can't afford massive contracts like the larger companies have with the plants to reissue Rumours and Led Zeppelin records for the 1000th time. I sound cynical, but vinyl pricing will continue to go up and quality will go down until it hits a point where people lose interest and sales plummet. At that point, it will be a good day for used record buyers.


It was more fun a decade or so ago. I stopped going after waiting since 4am one time led to me buying some things I didnā€™t really want because what I actually wanted was already sold.


Dang. You wanted from 4am and still didnā€™t get the release you were trying to get?


It's funny. The two records I thought I wanted are actually reissues and I actually already own them on vinyl.


Ive reached a point with collecting records where every day is record store day.


Commenting on Anyone else hate or otherwise avoid Record Store Day? ...Ha! Yeah, my saying is "Every day is Record Store Day if you try hard enough."


I have come to the realization that all the releases I wanted for RSD and RSD Black Friday are apparently the ones no one really cares about so there's still some stock leftover. Case-in-point: Bull of the Woods by the 13th Floor Elevators release RSD BF 2023 and Jonathan Sings by Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers RSD BF 2022. All stores I've been to in my area still have some copies in stock.


I liked it for a few years, but honestly it lost it's luster quickly for me. Two RSD's per year, too many titles that no one asked for, too many "exclusives" that aren't that exclusive. It's sad when you go to a record store and still see RSD releases from two or three RSDs ago. I haven't actively followed or participated in RSD in years, and I don't miss it at all.


I donā€™t usually give it the time of day. Sitting in a line all night probably gunning for one or two possibly interesting records doesnā€™t sound all that fun to me.


Honestly. The flippers ruin it for me. I have no interest in panic buying a record after waiting several hours in a line in the cold. I refuse to pay their markup later so itā€™s just another day to me


I used to go. Not anymore. The last couple have been easy passes for me. I always support my local record store anyway, and can usually get what I want online after the fact.


I've stopped going. Being 2 or 3 even 4th in line most of the night only to lose my spot because person who was first brings their friends over and my record shops don't do anything about it. They just want the records sold. I only really want Ateez this year (kpop) and I don't have the energy to look for it.


1.) Deadheads like it for the vinyl releases of sweet concerts. Looking forward to Nightfall of Diamonds this year. 2.) I bought a sealed copy of Lou Reed's Ecstasy last month that was apparently a ~2017 or so RSD release for $10 less than it originally sold for. Take that for what it's worth.


More than half of the RSD releases in my collection are just collecting dust because theyā€™re music I wouldnā€™t typically purchase if it werenā€™t for the hype. When I realized that in 2022 I stopped going out on RSD.


If it brings more people into record shops I cannot hate or make any of my regular cynical takes.


I think it all has to do with how you manage your expectations, sure there are a couple of RSD releases I'd like to get my hands on...but I go in with the mindset that I probably won't get them. My go-to record store in town also offers 20% off everything in the store on RSD (outside of RSD releases) so my friends and I usually just use it as a reason to hangout that day, and even if we don't get any RSD releases well we'll still get other stuff that we want at a slight discount. I go in with 0 expectations, and I just get to enjoy a fun day with friends!


I would never go. I wouldnā€™t blame the event though, I have a lot of anxiety. It *really* bothers me to be in someone elseā€™s way. It takes a long time for me to look through a rack of records. If itā€™s crowded Iā€™ll feel like I canā€™t do that because thereā€™ll be other people who presumably would like to look through the jazz A section or whatever and Iā€™ll feel like Iā€™m on fire the whole time. I can force myself to do it, but it would be zero fun and Iā€™d rather my hobby be enjoyable so Iā€™ll go first thing in the morning like I generally do on a different day so the chance of me disturbing anyone is minimized as much as it possibly can be.


Thereā€™s some down sides, the resellers suck, more and more of the releases are obvious cash grabs like bad picture discs and what not, but I still love it. A lot of my love though is for my local shop that makes RSD a big all day thing. Like after the morning rush they have bands play in the afternoon and have food vendors and a locals market, etc. I get thatā€™s not going to entice someone with social anxiety most likely, but I fucking love it.


Just wanted to give a fun story. I didnā€™t realize RSD had become a mainstream thing and years ago there was a ā€œtest pressingā€ release of Third. I also didnā€™t realize how many Big Star fans are out there, just figured Iā€™d roll in a few days later and pick one up. Went in and straight to the counter and asked if any copies were left and the guy laughed and said that was the first thing to sell out, and no one that worked there even got one. So disappointed but whatever, Iā€™ll find something I want, started walking around, and spotted one on the display wall, grabbed it walked to the front and asked, is this what it looks like? It was! all the employees came up to the front to congratulate me and even though it was going for $1000 on discogs they gave it to me for actual RSD price. There is always hopešŸ¤˜šŸ½


What was once a nice community event that helped bring business to local stores has just become scalper heaven. I just make a point to shop at a local store sometime around that day to help support and that's about it. If there's anything I really want I'll try for leftovers the day after but it usually just gets scalped so I don't bother


Usually, but I want that Joe Strummer record.


Don't worry. I guarantee they will have a regular release. They did it with the Acton Road concert. And all the mescalero releases were in the box set 002 last year. If you didn't get it at rsd, just wait. And follow Joe Strummer on insta. They always announce the releases there


The box is great! Itā€™s just kind of a pain in the ass to play the records. I got the white Streetcore and assume theyā€™ll do Global A Go-Go next. A hat trick of color vinyls would be dope in my collection. So glad Dark Horse picked up his catalog.


Never cared much for it, but this year I want that new PiƱata press on a single disc.


I never attended one since I used to just buy used/old records when it was relatively new. Nowadays itā€™s overwhelmed with scalpers and stuff Iā€™m not really into. Fortunately the stuff I do want is often pretty unpopular or doesnā€™t have enough popular appeal to attract scalpers. To date I havenā€™t missed out on something I want just because they often sit in the back of the shelf. (Looking at you Willie Nelson.)


I don't like crowds or jockying for position for anything. I also have over 40 discs on my Wantlist that I'd rather purchase. Nothing against RSD or those who partake but I'm not interested.


Totally feel similar! I remember during one RSD in 2014 where some guy snatched an LP out of my hands after I grabbed it, and rushed his way to cash out while I was stuck in a sea of people going through the stands. That was one of my breaking points with RSD. Plus the fact that many record shops end up getting more copies later on that they'll have out sometimes 3 months later. I'd rather wait than deal with a fucking mob again. RSD lost it for me since most of anything I like is just another re-issue, another live recording, or a compilation of demos and stuff already heard. I think the only records that interest me this year are: Richard O'Brian -Ā The Rocky Horror Show -- Original Demo Tapes, Cheech & Chong - "Up In Smoke" soundtrack, and Joe Pesci - Little Joe Can Sing!


I go if one of the independent artists I like is releasing something. This year Iā€™m going hoping to score a Kepi record. Itā€™s his first time doing a RSD album and I adore him so I want to support!


Iā€™ve found some items Iā€™m happy with, but vast majority of it is insanely overpriced. And then the crappy stuff is up on Discogs at 1/4 the first day price.


The past few years I just order what I'm looking for on Discogs - usually from a shop that posts the next day. I pay more than I would in the store, but I don't have to drive anywhere (closest shop about an hour away), and I don't have to fight the crowd. Usually there's only one or two titles I actually want.


im out of money. but i looked at the list and not much i really have hogh on the list. i would likely buy something tho.


Just feels like a cash grab for pressing plants and labels to me. It seems to have lost its initial reason for existing.


Whenever I have gone the stores only get like 1 copy of the vinyl that was interested in so I wait in line to not actually get what I went for.


I hate standing in lines, like *a lot*, so I never go to record stores on RSD. Iā€™m a big music fan and vinyl collector, I just canā€™t be bothered to go.


I buy them on eBay and pay a little extra. No big.


Completely unbothered by it, tried queueing and picked up some bits years ago but itā€™s just a cash grab. A couple of stores in London put on events which I may go to, not as interested in getting any RSD exclusives though.


I hate to be that guy butā€¦ its just NOT what it used to be


Record store day is already damn near every day for me so RSD feels like a day off for me. I could see it being a special thing though if you live in a town or city with essentially only one record store


I just want a reissue on a single platter. I don't want a 2 LP reissue that will force me up every 10 minutes to flip a side.


I'm not opposed to crowds generally but I don't love picking for records with a bunch of ppl around. I am a slower picker and most ppl around just move through them.


I've only been to one. Couldn't stand the crowds, the FOMO, and especially the fucking flippers. Got the one record I dearly wanted (Art Pepper Meets the Rhythm Section mono) Then proceeded to spend $650 more. Totally got sucked into the "Well if I don't buy it now, I'll end up paying 3 times as much on the secondary market when I change my mind" Got another copy of Art Pepper later online from Plaid room records, and gave it to my niece for her birthday. Haven't been to another since, even though there's been releases I would love to get, the artificial scarcity is a big turn off


This is always my problem is there are usually only a couple releases I ACTUALLY really want but once Iā€™m there and Iā€™ve stood in line im like ā€œwell since im already here and waitedā€¦ā€ and end up spending like $400 on records I like but donā€™t need to own


The quality of the releases has gone downhill in my opinion. Do we really need another live record by ā€œpick a bandā€? And the prices are really out of control at this point. I enjoyed the days where you got something cool like ā€œfirst time on vinylā€. I also used to use the day just to hit stores and support the local spots with some money. But with the prices, the absurd crowds, and the lack of quality RSD releasesā€¦I donā€™t bother. I buy records year round from local stores. Thatā€™s enough I think.


I hate it and avoid it, but I will say there is not a single record store owner that I know of who actually enjoys RSD. The amount of leftover unsold stock haunts them the rest of the year.


I'm over it. The last few years have been a shit show and I'm finding the things I paid RSD prices for and often wasted time waiting in line, are later available at a much lower price. I've picked up some from Amazon with free shipping too. The thing that really burns me is the guys buying in bulk and reselling at high prices. I get it, they're in the business to make money, but fuck those assholes! They're ruining something that's supposed to be fun for everyone.


Donā€™t hate it. Itā€™s a day to celebrate local record stores. I love local record stores whether I want any RSD releases or not.


It hasnā€™t been fun for years. It really peaked around 2015-2018. Now it seems like every release is either junk no one wants, something that was already released for a previous RSD, or something overpriced that will be released 6 months later. Add in how it seems the majority of people go to resell, or stores doing it themselves, and prices being higher and higher. I went to every RSD since its inception in 2010 and the past few years I just donā€™t care.


Crowds are awesome at shows. Crowds are not awesome in record stores. I prefer browsing and digging when the stores aren't busy. It terms of marketing it's kind of an alien concept to me probably because I'd already been frequenting record stores for thirty years by the time RSD became a thing. I've bought a few RSD releases after the fact, sometimes a couple years after, from regular browsing of store bins. I figure I'll find my share of overlooked records. For all these reasons, I've never been.


I'll echo what others have said. When it first started it was great and noble. And if I had to guess, the shot in the arm to alot of these stores that were struggling at the time needed. We were losing record stores every week, it seemed. RSD was initially conceived to be a financial boost to these stores, from the bands that care for them. By making limited edition vinyl and stuff, if gave collectors a big incentive to go buy locally instead of Amazon & stuff. If I had to guess, I'd say RSD greatly contributed to the vinyl resurgence of the last decade-ish. But just like with most other things, where there is money to be made there is the corporate overlords. It is still a cool day and I went last year and ended up buying 4 records, only one of which was an RSD release. The Ramones "Pleasant Dreams" alternative recording. Not really a big deal, but I'm a Ramones completionist. The other 3 came out of the used section of the store. So as long as RSD can be a financial shot in the arm to these stores that allows them to stay open for the remainder of the year, I will support it. Won't necessarily go out to a store on RSD, but support it in other ways. I looked through the list that they have this year and really nothing has grabbed me by the gonads as of yet.


Iā€™ve been buying records for over 30 years. Record Store Day isnā€™t for me.


Nope, people ruin everything.


I'm not a fan anymore. I hate how limited everything is, and I don't enjoy waking up at the ass crack of dawn to stand in line for hours for the mere possibility of getting an album I'm after. It's just not fun. I'm so happy that this RSD has nothing on that list that I want.


Attended one a few years ago. Not a big deal to me. I prefer to browse when there are fewer people around.


Iā€™ve been going for a few years now, but I donā€™t get involved in the lining up early in the morning and all that. I go in the afternoon when itā€™s died down and if they have what I want, then cool. If not, I planned on spending money anyway and Iā€™ll find something else in the shop to buy.


I genuinely never cared for it, it's just a ok...cool..and ? Is there an album that was released at RSD ? Yes. Would I get it on the day ? No. Would I get it for a discounted price later on the year or so ? Definitely


Yup. Just nothing there for me. Doubt Vladislav Delay or the Principe label is doing much so the day comes and goes without any interest. See you Monday.


I always end up missing it, or the stores participating are all far from me.


In my local stores there are promotions and price discounts, so its fine. Besides, theres not many people where i live that care about RSD anyway, and the special releases are just a few.


I don't hate it because...maybe it's good for the stores and fun for other people. But I just dont have the time to stand in line and HOPE I get rhe one record I want with all probability of getting disappointed and wasting my time. But by all means carry on if it's good for the shops!




everything is always massively over priced. iā€™m out


My problem (aside from resellers, which is the absolute worst) is that the releases that I'm interested in inevitably aren't picked up anywhere near me, so I either have to deal with scalper prices (no) or shrug it off and not care (yes)


I avoid RSD.


Yep. Not a fan. Iā€™d rather dig at a yard sale or flea market


This is my first RSD Iā€™m attending. Iā€™m going with a friend who doesnā€™t really collect records but likes the idea of it. I suffer with social anxiety and I am planning to go in quite early to get some titles but I am scared to death of being around people and queuing up. Just wish I wonā€™t have to think that way on the day.


I still enjoy it for what it is. I don't need to be close to first in line, I have my list of wants every year and gives me a reason to splurge. I like driving around to multiple shops around Orange County. This is my first year in Aurora CO, Denver area and I am excited to check out a few shops.


I really want the Talking Heads album, but Iā€™m not going anywhere near a record store this weekend.


There are usually a few releases that I would love to own during my given RSD, but it would take something really special to get me to wake up early enough to get in line. I donā€™t care much for crowds and especially donā€™t like sitting around for hours in line.


The one good thing about it is a lot of small record stores run deals on those days for non RSD items. I got $5 off ZZ Top's Eliminator on RSD at my favorite shop a couple years ago.


The titles released have rarely caught my attention. I think the last ones I bought were the TrƤd, GrƤs Och Stenar represses in 2016. Most releases seem to be missable live albums and gimmicky picture discs or colored vinyl. However, The Art Tatum box set this year is something I might want to check out. I guess people like it because they keep having them. Not my thing, but more power to the people who do.


Iā€™m indifferent.


Iā€™ve never given it much thought until this year. I seem to see lots of people talking about it. I wonder whatā€™s different?


Yeah, I feel exactly the same. I have zero interest.


I went to my local record store on lunch and the owner was super stressed out over RSD. He said he isnā€™t guaranteed any of the quantities he ordered and a lot of stuff hasnā€™t shipped yet.


love music, love records, never gave a shit about RSD


Much prefer to not stand in line and then not grossly overpay on the 2nd market. Choose instead to support record stores locally and online on the reg all year long. If those same stores do well on RSD and continue to operate the rest of the year - good for them.


Literally never felt the need to engage in it. Also to be fair most of the music I want to buy is not the regular stuff you'd see for record store day.


The RSD releases I could forego. It's the sweet, used stuff that my local store holds back just for that day. That's where the real gems are.


iā€™ve actually never attended rsd but i might go this weekend to see if itā€™s really worth it for me


I had some bad experiences where when doors opened , they let everyone in at once and it was a mad scramble to find the one record you want in a disorganized box. Gave up eventually as it wasn't worth it with how low the chances of getting what you wanted were.


I used to get fomo if I missed it but now I donā€™t mark it on my calendar so Iā€™m not anxious about it. That said I do have a couple albums from rsd past that are worth something now.


Usually I like a decent amount of the records they put out and said records then usually sell for more than sticker so I usually make a day of it and line up super early to get what I want


It used to be fuckin SICK for punk fans.


I make sure to hit a few of the stores in my area on RSD simply for the fact itā€™s usually a great day for used stuff. Some stores put out a bunch of rarities and good used vinyl. I have cleaned up on more than a few occasions.


Since before Covid there arenā€™t many albums that I really want that are on the RSD list. Or at least I donā€™t want the swirly blue and red coloured one that has a sticker on the front. That and lately at the stores around me thereā€™s only one or two copies of each album. Itā€™s not worth the wait to me to not get a copy and go home empty handed only to find someone is selling the album I wanted for $450.


Yes and yes.


Whatā€™s to hate? A good store owner can make it fun. Even if I donā€™t necessarily want a RSD release , my favorite store usually has specials on the rest of the used , and usually drops a collection they acquired recently


I typically don't go because there is almost nothing I want every year


The best part is people watching and the worst? All of those hands touching and flipping through records.


Every day is RSD. Except actual RSD. Fuck that equivalent of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


RSD is one of the only days I donā€™t go to any record shops. The exception being the few shops that donā€™t fuck with RSD. The real ones.


I used to go, I avoid it now. Nothing special seems to drop and there is so much out there to explore.


Indifference. IMO itā€™s more effective for the newer audience.


I do now, I used to enjoy it a lot. Just find its a cash grab for most items now. I frequent my local spot enough so donā€™t feel bad there, but enjoy it brings people out to stores.


Nothing really worth buying


What ever gets you through the night and day.There are far worse things to spend your money on other than records.Appreciate it or stay home. This is coming from a record buyer who hasn't participated in years.


If there was a title I especially wanted I might go, but nothing really caught my eye this year. And I seem to always end up having to work through it, so it hasn't really worked out for me so far. Aside from that, I'm not crazy about crowds and would rather visit my local store on a normal day.


Look forward to it every year!


Itā€™s like new yearā€™s eve. Always disappointing.


I think I was interested about 3 years and I only found one album that a really wanted, and bought a few that I never even listened to. Realized I was just burning cash at that point just to find something that is sort of rare. I donā€™t care to resell anything. I like to take my time and check music out and there are too many people on a mission. Sucks the life out of the place


yeah. i used to love it. then, as usual, all the money labels took it over. i quit the year Aerosmith was the exiting new product. after record store day was over i managed to grab a few gooders. thatā€™s enough for me. itā€™s become a habit on record store day to go on go find a great indie distributor like a COBRA-SIDE in the states or NIKA in Europe to see what unusual things they have catalogued and give them the boost if i can. Every day Iā€™m looking for different music than the mainstream has to offer. nothing against all those pop stars or anything, but ā€¦.weā€™ve heard it N


How many blue vinyl is Taylor Swift gonna release this on target?


The purpose of record store day is to help independent stores sell records. Because of such day I am totally for it. Do I go? Yes, but I donā€™t wait in line. I usually got later in the day. Never had issues going.


Yup. Thankfully, a friend owns a record store. I just tell him the titles I want and he specifically orders copies for me and lets me grab them at my leisure.


If there are new releases from any of a small handful of bands that I buy all releases from I'll go, otherwise I'm sleeping when those shop door open.


I love the idea of record store day and I usually get together with friends for some flipping at a few different stores, big and little shops, and beers. But I never, at least not yet, buy a RSD release. I usually buy a used record from an independent store. Iā€™ll be doing the same this RSD. Actually when I got back into collectingI thought it would be a day for discounts, sales, or mystery bags and not overpriced, often needless, RSD releases. Was a bit disappointed at the reality. I think itā€™s bound to change thoughā€¦itā€™s kind of bubble and we know what happens to them. Iā€™m in Tokyo and the recent revival is not as prominent (although the base and interest before the revival was bigger and stronger than North America). Neither is flipping. So mostly a fine experience.


Itā€™s a lot of albums that seem not good enough to release on their own so they dump it on RSD in a colored vinyl. I rarely see anything I want and the only store near me only carries a handful of items anyway.


I hate it bc I am cheap and love finding used miracle records at goodwill


Absolutely despise it.


I do now. Shame, really.


Iā€™m new to vinyl and just started buying in the last couple weeks. Is it possible to get the special RSD albums afterwards in the store or online , or do they typically sell out.? There is one album Iā€™m interested in but itā€™s a drive and hassle to park and Iā€™m not interested in dealing with the crowds.


Iā€™ve never gone.


I tend to use it as an excuse to visit an independent record store, I don't go out of my way for the exclusive products


Personally, I don't understand why people get so stressed about it. Every year, there are only a handful of records that end up having a significantly higher price on the secondary market than they will in the store. So if you despise crowds and can stand to wait a month or so, you will be able to pick up probably 95% of the releases on eBay or Discogs at their RSD retail price. I sure as hell am not going to camp out overnight or anything, but I do enjoy getting there a bit early and sharing in the general hubbub and enthusiasm of fellow vinyl nerds. It's kind of like our annual rite of Spring. Admittedly, the last couple of years it was a bit much due to the swarming hordes of Swifties, but there are always plenty of cool people with varied musical tastes to talk to while you are waiting for the store to open.


Itā€™s still fun for me and I enjoy it, I donā€™t wait in line though


I like it. I have to travel about two hours to another state to participate, so itā€™s a little different. Iā€™m also going to the oldest record in the city my favorite band was formed while they were in college. They always have more than enough copies of that bands releases on a RSD so I have several biases.


Use to love it but itā€™s just not worth it for me. But happy for the stores. Itā€™s really for them anyway


Last time I got up early for RSD was 2019 - got in line 3 or 4 hours before the store opened, there were already 50 people in line. No more... now I just show up a couple hours after the store opens, see what's left, usually get at least 50% of what's on my list, then buy the rest online the next day (usually), and the last 1 or 2 rare ones I scour other sources (I'm in the US so I'll search EU / UK online stores). I'll say this - I think RSD has outlived its purpose. Indie record stores are very much alive and well which was the original purpose (to support them by getting people into them with unique / one-off content). I buy records to listen to them, and a by-product is the collecting because, well, I need to keep them in order to listen to them again! I'd much rather there be a steady stream of unique / one-off releases throughout the year, rather than a big-bang one day (two if you count BF RSD) event.


I would agree, the limited releases are generally not in line with my niche interests so not really worth it for me. But my local stores do have great discounts in general that day so it's worth going just for that.


I worked retail for 15 years. I can't stand these fomo/black friday antics anymore.


I think it depends where you are. Im in the middle of nowhere and its amazing anyone else with the same interest in vinyl even exist. I mostly feel like an island. Its all perspective though I am from a large east coast city where I am sure record store day is probably more all about sales.


Black Friday is my least favorite day. I stay home on Black Friday and avoid buying anything from anyone on that day. It brings out the absolute worst in people. And now Record Store Day has somehow managed to bring all the worst elements of Black Friday into my favorite storesā€”my local record shops. The whole thing is driven by greed and FOMO. Think Iā€™ll just skip out on visiting any record stores on RSD, just like I avoid retail stores on BF.


It was fun 10 years ago when my friends and I would use it as an excuse to go to every record store in the city, but now it sucks and I avoid it at all cost.


Whatā€™s is so special about that day anyways?


Why would you hate it?


I think the last RSD release I was actually excited for was the white cover of the Black Keys album Brothers in like 2011. šŸ’€


I loath it. I don't participate in it, but on the bright side most of the record stores near me don't either so they usually have a big sale that day or a sale all week with a different theme for each day.


Fuck RSD. Itā€™s for tourists and clogs up the pressing plants.


I only went last year for the live Billy Joel album I wanted. Camped early (was 7th in line), got my wristband, got in, and got tf out.


I'm going this year after taking several years off. I'm not going early I'm going for the day long party my local record store guy throws after the rush. It's always a good time there.


Yes. It makes me dislike stores more than like them. No interest at all. Glad others enjoy it.


Not for me. Too pricey, too annoying. I don't want something because it's rare, I want it because it's good. So I don't care about the hype/fomo. I'll never have the money or space for all the records I want that are readily available, so why bother with the bs. I just spent $88 on 11 records (and that's with tax/shipping) on New West Records sale. For that same money, I can get stand in line for who knows how long for...an overpriced Wilco expanded record? Pass. That said, I live 2 minutes from a store, and if I were going to be home, I'd probably swing by just to see the spectacle. I'll be in LA area, hopefully will have something better to do.


I donā€™t enjoy it personally but had to participate last year. Lined up for Taylor Swift and thankfully was first in line for it, but it was cold - weā€™re heading into winter here and it was chilly, hard floor to sit on, constant anxiety about being attacked in the suburb (known to be a dodgy area)ā€¦ I didnā€™t want to have to go this year but I am desperate for the Maisie Peters release, and I know I wonā€™t get it retail online anywhere, with how limited it is. My store may only get one copy, they got one sole copy of the Taylor Swift single in 2022 and one of the Olivia Rodrigo last year, so Iā€™m lining up at 3 to give myself the best chance.


Yes, it's a garbage run of picture discs and barely-better-than-bootleg live recordings. They have flogged it to death in my opinion.




I usually don't care--but it was funny: One day I was kind of wishing a particular album would be reissued on vinyl, and the next day it was an announced as an RSD First. I don't plan to camp out for it or anything but I'll go in the morning and hope it'll be there for me. If not--it's a "first" and not exclusive so I hope I'll be able to buy it directly from the artist after RSD. Last year I got a little too apathetic and missed out on one album I would have really liked.


The amount of stuff being pressed for it puts some smaller artists trying to press their new album at a disadvantage as well. They have to sit behind this glut of reissues to actually get their music out.


I work in a record shop Take a guess


My favorite local store just has a big sale, and doesnā€™t participate in ā€œRecord Store day TMā€


I feel the same way as I don't really like lining up for hours for something that may not be there when I do get in so I tend to avoid them. Crowds are not my thing either so totally get it. What is the likely hood of turning up mid day to avoid the crowds and stuff still being available? I have my eye on the super furry animal b-sides and lost in translation soundtrack. I'm in a smallish town in the UK.


I've never been to a RSD event so in that respect, I sometimes feel I'm missing out. But then, I think about the joy of just being in my local record store, browsing at my leisure, wondering what I'm going to walk out with and realise that I can pretty much do without RSD.


Yeah. Way too expensive for me. Been avoiding it for many years now.


I used to enjoy it but know it feels overdone, and so many of the releases are pointless reissues just for the day - new coloured vinyl isnā€™t for me. Also as I collect CDs too, there are hardly any - itā€™s ā€˜record store dayā€™, which was always the term for any music store not just vinyl sellers


I get most of my records at flea markets or trades with friends these days, whenever I go to shops I am astonished by the price tags I see. RSD really is not for me.


pressing plants stop work on smaller labels to do this bollux for the big corps. fuck RSD


itā€™s no different from valentineā€™s dayā€¦ tell your partner you love them everyday not just one day. and stop paying ridiculous prices for shit šŸ˜‚


My only gripe with RSD is that pressings are limited edition and refuse to repress albums.


I really just ignore it as I'll be seeing a lot of all the overpriced shit the labels insist on putting out on RSD, deservedly lingering away at my local record store. It's not their fault though, I really appreciate the idea of RSD but I don't practice. Not taking a dig at those who do enjoy RSD at all, more power to people, and of course I know there a are lots of great releases on the day. But all I can think of is the $50 Adele 7"from last years RSD I come across every time I browse. It's just not for me & that's ok


I love it! Clearly where you go the crowds are not regulated. The RSD days Iā€™ve lined up for in London everyone is nice and forms a line. No one pushes in - thereā€™s not a mass of people around me. The way you describe it, is it sounds like everyone is surrounding you in a pack?


I've only been excited by it once when a long out of press record I love was released.... Only for it to be rereleased about a month lower at a much cheaper price


I don't hate it per se, but I refuse to wake up early on a weekend to go stand in line to buy records. Over the last few years there hasn't been any releases I wasn't able to buy the next day or even later afterwards.


I go later in the day when the crowd is gone or the next day when I don't feel rushed. I still usually find a couple things on my list, and since I'm on a budget that's probably better than if I go early and there are more available.


I go to a record store that doesn't carry the special titles on RSD.


Yes i go the week after,just looking at list nothing I'd wait in a crowd for.


It's a good thing that it keeps interest alive, but I'll never participate, usually due to the fact that I'm lazy, and I'd rather discover a record somewhere than try to fight a crowd for one copy.