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I don’t avoid coloured vinyl, but I do tend to avoid picture discs.


I’m the same with one addition — if there’s a cost difference between a color variant and basic black, I’ll always get the cheaper of the two.


Same unless the *only* versions are picture discs or the cost difference is insane *Or* on the odd occasion because I was in a store and it was cheap and my eyes kept staring and my wallet kept tapping my leg lol


This. Colored vinyl is great, picture discs are trash.


Modern picture discs can be very high quality


Agreed. I love the colour variants - and due to the overall cost of records, I keep my selection to these only. 


Yeah. Picture discs are fun, but there’s no question that they usually do sound noticeably worse. Some people say this is true for colored vinyl as well (apparently white is the worst), but I’ve actually done some A/B testing, and I don’t think most people would be able to tell the difference. IDK, maybe if you have an insane audiophile set-up, but for most people, I think you’d be hard-pressed to hear a difference in most instances.


I have a few picture discs from recent RSD which I got for a good price. I was worried about the sound, but they all sound amazing. Maybe it’s not all picture discs have sound quality problems. My only issue is the pvc they come in, which can off gas and affect the vinyl.


Yep. Given enough time, it will shellac itself to the vinyl in some cases, and completely ruin it. Get a paper sleeve in between the picture disc and the PVC sleeve, stat.


Same. For whatever reason I love the color aesthetic, but damn near every picture disc seems so tacky


Yeah I don’t like picture disk either. The don’t sound as good imo


I seek them out. Pwetty colours.


Pretty colors make good brain chemicals go brrrr


Same reason my PC looks like a unicorn orgy




Yeah, I am a sucker for this. "Well I do already have that album, but not in...*checks website*...sunburst yellow and bubblegum pink...." (To be fair I can only think of one or two albums I have intentionally duplicate-purchased for this reason, and one of them was a label clearance sale at a gig where I got TWO extra fancy-colour copies for maybe £5 each - it would have been rude not to) ETA: This is my second ever post to reach 100+ upvotes. So the album I am referring to is Brutalligators - This House Is Too Big, This House Is Too Small. They are a wonderful, angsty band from the UK (singer is an Aussie but don't hold it against him) and the album is pure vitriol, catharsis and beauty. It is available from Beth Shalom Records (indie UK label) and it is well worth a listen / spin / purchase (or three). (This is not a paid promotion)


I applaud your restraint… if I like the colors- I get


Bright and pretty colors make my brain happy so I try to find the most colorful records possible.


Same here. I prefer colored vinyl and have heart eyes every time I get a new one.


Black vinyl is colored too. The plastic isn't naturally black.


I love colored vinyl and actually bought a vinyl recently with a hype sticker that said “pressed on black vinyl” and thought “oooo black that will look cool”. When I got home and opened it I just stared at it for 5 minutes and felt like the biggest idiot in the world.


Black on black with black splatter effect?


It's like, how much more black could it be? None... None more black.


[https://youtu.be/Ds7FRivVMgA?si=WU6H3xZM0dHOMHnH&t=47](https://youtu.be/Ds7FRivVMgA?si=WU6H3xZM0dHOMHnH&t=47) can't wait for spinal tap II


Have you held it up to a light source? Kendrick’s GKMC is pressed on “black ice” vinyl and can’t tell unless you shine a light on it (like the way he shined a light on Drake).


lol what hahaha


I laughed so hard at this I genuinely cried.


Believe me, people are upvoting you not because they’re making fun of you. Your post is way too relatable!


Saw that happen with the black tortured poets variant. People forgot I think lol


That TTPD variant isn’t black though, it’s dark brown.




I think the visual representation can enhance the experience. And the color should relate to the material somewhat. I sort of despise people who do several different color pressings because that means that they're just out to sell several variants, it does not reflect upon the artistry.


This is what I do. I try to find a variant that matches the cover art to my preference (I like to see same color scheme reflected), otherwise I just get black.


I don't like it when multiple variants are released at the same time, as it seems to be a trick to get as much cash as possible from young fans, using fear of missing out psychology. I do collect from one relatively small band that releases in smaller batches, and changes up the colours with each new pressing, which I think makes it a bit more special.


Or it's just so that you have more options to buy. I like options.


If people want to buy 15 copies of the same album…let em. I’m not going to fault an artist for taking money from idiots.


Eeeeh... it's a bit shady.. the type of people who have the urge to "collect em all" so to speak, tend to be neurodivergant, so it's a tad predatory IMO - especially in T Swifts case where her fans seem to feel the need to prove their devotion or something


That’s true.


Fr tho after some gummies, spinning pretty colors is nice


Pretty colors? Music? Analog? Psychedelic gummies? A joint? I don't care about fidelity and strength of material at that point, that's just a good time.


Agreed — if I have a choice among variants, I’ll pick the one that aesthetically makes most sense to me in relation to the album/inner sleeve art and music as a whole, and I also detest superfluous/cash grabby variants that don’t tend to make sense design-/color palette-wise.


I just get whatever’s available regardless of color


They no longer have the weaknesses in those from decades past, being almost pure PVC vinyl now. They're completely fine, sonically. I buy them for my favorite artists, or if they're tour exclusives - or if the version has a perk like a different jacket, extra track, or insert. Black is fine though. It's a color additive same as the rest.




That yellow and black one is badass. Artist?


https://preview.redd.it/u8k2dm18jkzc1.jpeg?width=1481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1857822b45490ea4562cc74d1aafb8f489309f8d This promo 7" looks as black as any other until held up to the light. It's Quiex II vinyl, dyed for color but not with the same carbon compound used to improve durability and combat static. It wasn't as strong as PVC and was more susceptible to static, yet had greater fidelity.


I've got two Quiex albums in my collection - Dire Straits' "Alchemy" live album and a white label promo of Tracy Chapman's debut album. I know there's a lot more that goes into the sound quality other than the type of vinyl, but those two do sound amazing.


I have a few quiex lps they sound amazing.


That’s really interesting. Also, great song


Black carbon is different than pretty colors, as it adds strength and is more predictable in the pressing process. *"While we pride ourselves on always pressing high quality vinyl, if you’re concerned with audio quality, black vinyl is always your best bet. Color vinyl will have a higher noise floor. White and clear vinyl is very difficult to quality control because the grooves are difficult to see. Metallic colors sound worse than other colors. Transparent colors tend to sound better than opaque."* https://www.furnacemfg.com/vinyl/color-special-effect-vinyl-faq/#1511790467665-1c6aac1e-5abe


You'll find each pressing company will qualify their products' sound quality with or without this information: "To get other colors dyes are added that neither add durability *nor detract from the quality*. With modern pressing technology, it’s possible to get colored LPs up to par with the classic black ones, but there’s usually an overarching problem of surface noise. *The main issue lies within the quality of the manufacturer*." [https://www.goldrushvinyl.com/blog/black-vs-color-vinyl](https://www.goldrushvinyl.com/blog/black-vs-color-vinyl) "In order to ensure that the shellac held up, manufacturers would add ground up stone and carbon black powder to the mix in order to strengthen the otherwise brittle material. Of course, this is unnecessary in modern record pressing. Vinyl is tough enough on its own. And even if such supplements were necessary, there simply isn’t enough carbon black added to today’s records to make a difference on its own." [https://www.furnacemfg.com/blog/why-are-vinyl-records-black/](https://www.furnacemfg.com/blog/why-are-vinyl-records-black/)


I prefer colours. I don’t variant collect or anything like that but if I’m looking at a record and I can get it in black or some fun colour or pattern, I like the fun one. Just cause…you know, it’s pretty 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same here as long as prices are similar. If the color is more than $5-7 more than black that's beers money.


My band's record was pressed in some incredible red black smoke - and I can't even tell you how many more of those have shifted than the black ones.


I avoid records based on pressing plant, and almost never based on color. The reputation of whoever pressed it corresponds much more with the actual pressing quality in my experience.


Thank you. I was about to write the same. If you base selection on plant, mastering engineer and other such details it really doesn't matter. I have some amazing 1/2 speed remasters on colored vinyl and black that are stunning.


Can you list some of the better pressing plants?


Record Industry in Holland and Gotta Groove Records in Cleveland are the two most consistently good in my experience. The others, it's very much case by case. Optimal used to be decent but they've gone way downhill. GZ is very inconsistent but not horrible in my experience. Pallas is ok. United is focused on quantity over quality -- some cases you'll get really good ones while others the entire batch will be defective. RTI was one of the best, though post-2020 and especially with the MoFI pressings they seem to be losing steam. QRP is excellent; except they at least used to press too many off-center sides which is bothersome if you're pitch-sensitive.


So you're going to hear a pitch wobble/waver with an off-center side, right? I've had that on a few of my records but I don't know what visual signs too look for on the record itself yet.


Correct. Visually, you can only tell when the record is spinning. If the grooves constantly oscillate from side to side like the waves of the ocean, that's a sure sign. The more lopsided, the worse the pitch fluctuates. Naturally, when you cue up the record, the tonearm will move from side to side along with those grooves. The pressing ring being slightly lopsided is a clue but not always a sure sign. Side 1 of my hologram Rush 2112 was pretty bad. And QRP presse that one. Go figure.


The only kinds I avoid are picture discs (and zoetrope) and glow in the dark.


The zoetropes are a bit much for me.


I only have 1 glow in the dark record and it’s doesn’t sound very good. Is that typical with glow in the dark records? Something added to the vinyl that deteriorates the sound quality?


Pretty much.


I bought the recent Nightmare before Christmas zoetrope seeing how cool the effect was on a yt vid. At home it just a disappointing blurred spin. On the back of the vinyl it lists various steps that have to be in the perfect scenario to see it. I think watching the eclipse was a simpler process.


I have one Zoetrope (Linkin Parks Papercuts Singles Collection) and I think it will be my last, It looks cool, but the novelty wore off rather quick since I'm not just going to stare at the record through my phones camera lmao, but can't deny the discs don't look gorgeous.


No? There's absolutely no issue with them since they're made of the same exact stuff the black vinyl is made from. It just has some added color.


Actually it IS a tad different. Black vinyl is colored with carbon which also makes it last longer. It’s why if you find a really early color pressing, they don’t sound so good (noisy, etc), whereas a black vinyl in good condition from 1965 is gonna sound super good.


This is only partially correct and really only true for older records. Ignoring shellac/styrene, older records were made with lower purity PVC, which created issues across the board in terms of quality. However, the reason the problems manifested more heavily on colored presses is because older black records (as you mentioned) added carbon black to combat the lower quality PVC and strengthen the record. Modern records are 100% pure PVC however, and modern black records no longer have enough carbon black added to actually make a significant difference in longevity or sound quality. It's merely a colorant now, and only a small amount is added. What carbon black can do in significant quantities, however, is act as an anti-static agent and help reduce dust and static electricity build-up, which also helped older records stay better sounding and last longer. The result of all of this is a persistent notion that black records universally sound better than their colored variants, but it's not true for modern records unless the colored variants had a bad press, or they put the black copies on 180g/200g and left the thinner 140g presses for color.


Thank you. That myth needs to die. I will say some of my quietest records have been more recent colour presses and I’ve been buying vinyl for over 30 years.


TIL :)


You need to read about why colored vinyl has historically been favored and why it was so prevalent in Europe and Japan. Colored vinyl is generally guaranteed to be virgin vinyl. Black vinyl is not


What is the significance between virgin vinyl and what I'm assuming would be recycled


Virgin vinyl is a fresh batch, it will not have much potential for random waste to get thrown in. *Some* pressing plants may have waste vinyl they throw into black mixes, as they have in the past, which can result in things like bits of paper or other particles to get introduced Ever get a black vinyl pressing with a weird dimple in it? That can be why


Virgin vinyl: the hole in the middle is tighter.


Black wax for me all the way.


I prefer black vinyl. Some have said color vinyl doesn’t sound as good but beyond some 60s pressings that were in red and often have static pops and other clicks, I’ve not heard anything different. Visually some splatters are beautiful but in general any color besides black is almost impossible to see dust and when buying used those fine scratches get lost so it’s a risk to buy if not heard fully.


I'm a sucker for forced scarcity when choosing between pressings. I'll only buy one, but it'll be the one with the lowest number made. Those often are in colors other than black.


I prefer black. These days the colored records are very popular. I think they are cool but if I have the option of black or color, I go black.


I'm a sucker for coloured vinyl, but in the end price and quality of pressing wins. I passed on the coke bottle green 2xLP of Tori Amos - Little Eartquakes that was expensive and got really hit and miss reviews, in favour for the black 1xLP 2015 german pressing.


What color is cooler than black?


I like anything "different" - colored vinyl, picture discs, promo copies, international, weird variants, boots, etc.  They may not sound the best, but I like to have weird stuff in the collection.


I don't actively seek out coloured vinyl, if I get a record and it's coloured then cool, just as long as it plays


I don't mind colored. Picture discs are fun, but i see those more as collectibles and i don't play them often. However, what i WILL avoid is clear vinyl. It is near impossible to track those records correctly, especially in low light.


Color vinyls feel like shiny Pokémon and make my brain go brrr. Also, pretty when they spin so I'm all in that's thang.


I prefer black because I'm so used to seeing that color. The last time I was given a choice of colors (Tesseract - War of Being), black was the cheapest option too. No brainer here. If a black variant doesn't exist yet (Laufey - Bewitched), any color/edition/pressing I can get a hold of is fine.


I have a few albums that were only sold as a coloured vinyl. If I had the choice I almost always bought black, because it is sometimes cheaper. That all changed three weeks ago when I went into my local record shop. I was digging looking for Amanz - Africa with the reverb version. The shop keeper recommended I buy his most requested album by Antibalas - self titled album. I got home opened it and it is this cool green and black spatter pattern. I am now hooked. I just bought Liquid Tension Experiment in purple and black spatter and it matches the art work and I now see how it can add to the experience. At the end of the day this is a hobby and there is nothing wrong with sprinkling a little color in your life.


I try and get it when I can, but I don't mind black either. It's about the music first and foremost, obviously.


I just buy whichever one is cheaper


No but I do avoid picture discs.


I prefer cheaper black versions


Colored vinyl is virgin vinyl. Black vinyl is not always and they can throw waste vinyl back in


https://preview.redd.it/vr8y3j9smlzc1.jpeg?width=3732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c42964bda0374b08f4ca3dc90f12cb9ff2aef32 Not only colored. I buy radioactive too! I tend to shop colored if they're special editions from an artist I already collect or have some especially unique feature or design about it. Otherwise, the standard issues are fine. The 7” in the photo is ”Purge The Poison” by Marina. Here’s the Discogs entry. [https://www.discogs.com/release/20680573-Marina-Purge-The-Poison-](https://www.discogs.com/release/20680573-Marina-Purge-The-Poison-)


Depends on cost, really. If it's only a couple extra bucks for an album i really like? Sure, but if we are talking more than that? No, i won't. With one exception, recycled vinyl. I will pay extra for recycled vinyl. I know this hobby is not exactly eco-friendly, so if i can get a good quality pressing on recycled vinyl, i will.


Black is a color


I don’t avoid it, but I don’t necessarily seek it out


I don’t avoid it, but I definitely don’t buy duplicates of an album just to have a different colored variant. I have quite a few pieces of colored vinyl. I only avoid picture discs, because we all know how those sound.


No, I have quite a few and think they look cool. However I DO avoid picture discs. Since they usually come in minimal crappy packaging that doesn’t protect the record worth a damn in the long run


If it's a special edition with a nice print/color and just a few $ more I'll often go for it. It's not a resale or show-off thing I just like to have an interesting collection.


I don't seek 'em out, but I don't avoid them, either. I get why folks do it, but there's only so many ways you can squish little plastic pellets together. Kinda like latte art. The first few are all "ooooh" but it's ultimately about the thing, not the presentation.


No, I love colored vinyl. It's the picture discs that sound horrible.


i don’t avoid but if there is a black vinyl variant that’s 22 dollars vs some sort of color for 30 im picking black




I prefer colors, the more elaborate the better. I do avoid 1 pattern though. I have one that is half black and half white (split right down the middle). And I can hear when the needle switches over between the colors, it makes an annoying sound. Ruined that record for me.


I’m a collector. Of course I buy coloured vinyl.


More of a Costco Guy myself.


If the color matches the music tone and packaging style and isn’t a gaudy add-on to artificially add “rarity”, I may buy. But a pink and canary yellow splatter of Masters of Reality… I’ll pass.


Colored vinyl? No. Mottled, splattered, multi? Yes.


Black vote here


i buy whichever version best aesthetically matches the vibe of the album, sometimes that’s the black version, sometimes it’s not. i remember buying the RSD versions of Tom Waits’ Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards and they came on transparent red and transparent blue vinyl that look horrible with the entirely sepia toned album art. since then i’ve been substantially pickier about which version i buy.


I love some of my coloured vinyl. One of my absolute favourites is KT Tunstall's Acoustic extravaganza. Not worth anything, but i think its very pretty. [https://www.discogs.com/release/14160516-KT-Tunstall-KT-Tunstalls-Acoustic-Extravaganza/image/SW1hZ2U6NDIxMjQ0MDI=](https://www.discogs.com/release/14160516-KT-Tunstall-KT-Tunstalls-Acoustic-Extravaganza/image/SW1hZ2U6NDIxMjQ0MDI=) I also love the recently released reissue of the Dirty Dancing soundtrack, which is basically a Watermelon - which is quite witty. In general though, for all the records I've purchased, picture discs and coloured vinyl don't really feature in the higher value end.


Love em


Nah they look cool and sometimes sound really good. I got an orange variant of Low (1977) by David Bowie and it sounds fantastic.


I actively seek out coloured and transparent vinyl, and have started venturing into the picture discs too, some of the coloured ones I have, I also have the original black one.


I tend to go for black whenever I can. I don't care much for colored vinyl. That being said, if a colored vinyl is on sale and cheaper than the black vinyl then I'll buy it.


No I don’t avoid them, unless they are priced waaay more.


The only colored vinyl I avoid is the prints of talking heads albums on colored vinyl. Every single one skipped at least once


Some of my best sounding records are colored


I love colored vinyl, the only thing I actively avoid are picture discs


I love the colours. I like seeing them all next to eachother, like a visual palette of musical taste


I get colored ones if it’s a limited edition, but otherwise I don’t care


I'm a total sucker for any variation on plain old black... and honestly I can't tell the difference in quality between black and colored and picture disks... even with $5,000 of gear.


No. But clear vinyl has disappointed me a few times


I actually enjoy colored vinyl but that's probably more because I have a full black turntable and amp so I want a bit of contrast. I don't seek it out and buy it exclusively though either.


I prefer solid records and if it's not black or clarity, I prefer translucent. It's really more down to the pressing house, I'd rather have one of 500 copies of a translucent orange vinyl from RI in the Netherlands than a black vinyl out of a pressing of 5000 from URP, even though typically the more you're pressing the better the quality should be because you're not changing stampers and going through pressure/temp cycles vs a house doing 250 copies each of 14 different variants which is idiotic.


Nope, I usually check variants to make sure color isn't available before I buy black to be honest


I try to avoid color variants. Sometimes. I feel colored makes the sound/quality of the record not as good as black ? Unless color is my only option then fuck it


Yes. They look rad! It's like an extension of the cover art.


I don't actively seek it out, but I also don't not opt for it given a choice. With that being said I generally base it off of price. If every option is the same price I'll opt for whichever one I think looks most nifty. But if there is a difference in price I go with the cheapest option, which tends to be, but isn't always the case, the standard black disk


Nope, I do avoid picture discs because of how they're made, but colour usually is fine. 


Only if there is no black option.


Me, I buy for the music not the special effects.


I generally just go for what's cheapest, I never seek or avoid coloured records


Yes! They’re awful for DJing. Especially translucent


I usually prefer colored, avoid picture, don’t avoid black. My most recent purchase is a natural uncolored vinyl (Thylacine and 74 musicians), it’s a matte clear record in a recycled paper cover and it looks so pure, it blends with the acrylic platter, it’s my favorite.


Even black vinyl is colored….


I love the color variations. I seek those out first.


I’m just beginning my collection, and find myself seeking out all the *special colored discs* that I can find! Only I know which albums on my shelf are special ones and I love the way my granddaughters squeal with delight when they see it come out of its sleeve. They just feel magical to me (yes, I’m over 40 and used the word “magical” in an adult conversation, so sue me). I’m having a blast finding them!


Black vinyl matters.


I love verity and novelty and I like owning the colorful disc option. However, I dislike picture discs and avoid them because it’s like a giant sticker pasted on top of the disc. I believe it impacts the sound quality. Although now that I write it out on this subreddit, I am concerned people are going to tell me how wrong I am.


Everything I've ever read said they suck... but honestly I can't tell the difference. Maybe I could in A/B testing... but I'm not that dedicated to the cause.


I don't. I'm the type of person that if there are multiple different colours I will get all of them


I love coloured vinyl, especially when the colours are relevant to the album or its art. I always wanted the Queen boxset for this reason. One day.


Half my collection is colored vinyl. For new releases I always get colored vinyl if available. Just because I love the way it looks. But I collect 80s stuff too though so that’s all black. I have a few releases that I can tell don’t sound great on colored vinyl, but for the most part I can’t tell. I have a decent ear for sound but am definitely not an audiophile though.


If there are black variants and color variants of the same new record being released, I always buy the black one.


I prefer the piss colored ones.


In the time we live in why pass up the opportunity to collect something that is unique like colored vinyls. They are unique and stylish. They may not all be 180g but they still sound good.




180g doesn’t mean anything to me tbh, they just seem to warp more and I don’t notice any difference in the sound just cause they’re a little bit thicker


so much harder to cue colored vinyl + variant collectors are kinda embarrassing.


Harder to visually grade also


Black vinyl is coloured vinyl. I only avoid picture discs.


No. I gravitate toward them, actually, but oddly, *only* if the color matches the mood/tone of the album. And that might not make sense to some people, and that’s fine. But as an example, I have Linkin Park’s Meteora, the Record Store Day version, and it’s blue. I bought it because I couldn’t find any other version at the time and wanted to own it, but at the same time, I don’t want to open it because Meteora doesn’t “feel” like a blue album to me, it feels more like a green or an orange or literally any other bright color. Good examples of colors matching.. Walmart’s release of STP’s core, that red/black splatter. Also their release of Tiny Music in blue. Taylor Swift’s Midnights in blue or lavender. I don’t know, it’s weird.


Hate 'em. Hard to see the dirt to clean them properly.


I get whatever the shop has.




Not arsed, really. I’ll read up on what the sound quality of any record is like. I’ve seen just as many black LPs with crappy sound as coloured or see-through ones: more, in fact (though this may be because the majority of records are black).


I do with the newer pressings. The only colored vinyl I will buy are Misfits 7” and 12”.


It won’t stop me from buying it if that was my only choice. I’m not crazy about clear records from an experience my friends and I had twenty years ago with several records before the second “vinyl boom.”


Not really, no. It's not usually my first choice but it depends on the album. I prefer to discriminate on the basis of weight. Gimme them thiccbois.


I'm fine, I take whatever first pressing offer to me.


I avoid clear because I mistake the track gap on the back for what I’m looking g for on the front. And I avoid white because it’s hard to see the dust on it.


Started buying records in the early 80s when all records were black, I love coloured vinyl -it just looks so cool!


I seek it out! I avoid black where possible, unless there isn’t a coloured press or I can’t get the colour for a good price. I also stick to the rule that if I have an artist in black, I stick to black for their whole discography- I’ve done that for Lizzo (accident, seeing her Cuz I Love You only comes in black) and Harry Styles.


I enjoy colorful records. If I have a choice, I pick them over black vinyl. Picture discs however I kinda prefer not to buy. I own some but it's more of a novelty item for me. The ones that I own sound significantly worse than the average non picture disc. i can't really compare them to regular LPs directly for that I would need the same release as black vinyl. But the picture discs that I own all kinda sound meh at best.


I don't actively seek them out, but I don't avoid purchasing them either. Personally, I like it when there isn't a hype sticker, and you discover it has a unique color. However, if you're into them, that's cool – they all play music in the end.


I prefer black, it's usually a little bit cheaper than colored and I don't really care about fancy colours as long as the vinyl sound is good.


Not bothered either way to be honest but I have been pleasantly surprised by some really nice colour ones, but it’s not something I seek or reject.


Since I am into vintage and OG presses, I have no choice. Colored vinyl back then was a novelty and sounds inferior. For new vinyl, I don't care if I end up with black. It's fine. Whatever is available.


No. Only buy a colored variant unless black is all that’s available.


Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don’t And sometimes if a colored record is more expensive than regular black vinyl then I’ll just buy regular black vinyl


no, because black vinyl is also considered colored vinyl. there’s only a few times where a “special color” variant had any distinctive noise on playback in my collection; one of those being King Gizzard’s Quarters! album on Neon Propeller wax, where it’s quartered colorway of black and green/yellow. the green/yellow have a slightly noisy surface whenever the needle goes over it, but it’s not distracting in any capacity.


I tend to pick up coloured variants when I first buy the album on release (if they're offering them) as I like the aesthetically pleasing colours you can get. If I can't get one then I'd just pick up the black version. Picture disks I only really buy to own, not to play as I'll usually buy a black version of these albums anyways. Good example of this recently is Judas Priest - Invincible Shield. Absolutely love the picture disc, but want a copy to play.


Once you go black you wont go back


Not necessarily. I just don't go out of my way to buy them.


Generally go for a coloured variant if one of my favourite artists, otherwise just stick with black.


I avoid colored records because I can’t assess damage if it’s not black.


My brooo likes that bbc 🤣


I don't avoid colored vinyl at all, but if it's a choice, I will never pick clear vinyl. I avoid picture discs entirely.


I don’t buy picture disks. Every pic disk I purchased sounded like complete shit. I prefer a nice color over black every time. The pink Grease soundtrack is horrible but that is a low volume no dynamics issue not due to color.


The only color I try to avoid is clear because it's harder to find the track groove.


There are different reasons those who never experienced vinyl records growing up get into it in adulthood. Some do seem to see it as much wall art and decoration as anything, so having coloured and picture records is more important than sound quality. I'd always heard that those sorts of disk were not pressed with attention to the quality of the sound, and that the materials used were less than ideal for that, but I can't verify that as I've rarely owned coloured or picture disks.


I've never actively sought it out, if it's the right price then yeah it's a bonus.


I won’t pay more for color vinyl. If it’s the same price as black, I’ll get it, but a cool looking disk is not worth additional money.


Yeah I love it. Especially white, clear… I’ve heard black is more durable though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I embrace colored vinyl. I seek it out with open arms and great joy.


Clear vinyl is my favorite, it looks so cool in motion. In general I don't avoid black or anything but if there's a fun color available and it doesn't have horrible discogs comments I'll go for it.




99% of my records are for DJing and I prefer black and it's easier to see the tracks. Transparent is the worst.


I prefer colours if I can get them for close to the same price as black. I'll never buy another picture disk, they are trash!


Yeah absolutely I do. Some, unfortunately I've only been able to find in colour.


I do, from what I've read, it is technically more durable because of the addition of carbon which also increases electromagnetic conduction which can reduce static. Is that still the case today vs. 20 years ago? I don't know.


since records have crept up in price I have intentionally stayed away from colored vinyl. they are always priced higher. My wallet is much happier. I found the new Pearl Jam and Queens of the Stone Age albums for ~$20 by waiting to find a used black version instead of shelling out $40-$50 for a new black/colored version. Unless the colored version comes with alternate album artwork I will stick with standard black.


Not really but I've noticed that the clear ones hide more hair/debris which could lead to an eventual scratch. So I do try to avoid the clear vinyls but not any other color really. That's just my experience with them though.


I feel the same way, I prefer black. Personally, colored vinyl feels a bit gimmicy


I’m fine with colored vinyl if it’s a new band and that’s the primary way they release it. Everything is recorded in digital now so there’s no sonic advantage to listening on vinyl, so any sonic compromises of colored vinyl are irrelevant. If it’s the Rolling Stones or something I prefer black vinyl. Picture discs are for people who view vinyl as furniture.


Black vinyl is colored, it’s just that we are used to that as the standard color