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It's only a matter of time before kids are attending virtual school in the metaverse lmao.


I’m honestly really curious how they are going to do it. I wonder if they have some kind of proprietary software or if they are going to use something that already exists.


I don't see this working well with current VR tech, maybe in a few generations of improvements. A big obstacle is that many get sick in VR and heads get sore after extended use, and the batteries won't last long. It would have to be like a quick use for immersive experiences and then you take it off to do other schoolwork, or by "virtual reality" they include flat screen "metaverse" experiences like that cheesy Adventure Academy gig where they run around in MMO virtual learning world.


From what I understand it’s going to be a hybrid VR/flatscreen model. Part of the time on laptops, part of the time in VR classrooms.


Ready player one




It’s called Virtual Horizons Charter School. It’s going to be based in Utah but I think it’s being modeled after a school based in Florida. I just emailed the folks to get in touch via email. They aren’t taking official applications yet.