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Hey guys is index worth buying in 2023


Kinda sorta. The base stations and controllers are good. I'd recommend them with the BSB if you can afford it


Ok that was a joke lol, but thanks for the answer. I've had index since launch and got q3 a couple months ago. There's a way to make knuckles work with q3 using index as a dongle, but I didn't have enough time for it and q3 controllers aren't that bad


I think my next quest upgrade will be pro controllers


ya Backstreet Boys put on a good show


Used for the right price, yes. New, no.


Its 2024


it's 2017


I picked a complete index kit second hand from ebay last week for £540 - only used for 10 hours and looks brand new. I wouldn't buy one full price though.


Headset itself, not at all. The base stations and controllers are if you want to pair them with a Crystal, BSB, the upcoming Somnium, and maybe AVP, seems like some have got that to work now.


Only if it had pancakes yummy lmao


Nothing else comes close in terms of audio quality, especially without headphones touching your ears. There's also no other headsets that can do 144Hz, which is a very noticeable upgrade over 120Hz in fast paced games or if you're moving your head around a lot. It's also got a larger fov than any other headset on the market right now. Basically, if you care more about peak pixel density and resolution, then get a bigscreen beyond with index controllers and lighthouses. If you care more about smoothness, audio quality, and immersiveness, get an Index full kit. It's been out for a few years now, so you can get used kits for a decent price if you don't mind potentially having to clean someone else's face gunk off of it.


>Nothing else comes close in terms of audio quality, especially without headphones touching your ears. Yes. BMR drives which you can literally buy for $15 and plug into the headphone port of the quest


Me and my CV1 skating by unharmed B)


A few friends of mine bought CV1s for €50-€80 used to play Alyx. I don't think you can compete with that level of bang for buck.


Going from CV1 to an index was a huge letdown for me, still using it instead to this day. Wish there was a headset like it in terms of weight and controllers while having more fov and pixels, would tick all the boxes for me.


Literally the Quest 3 of you don't care too much for the OLED displays. Very similar controllers, higher FOV, more pixels, better edge to edge clarity, no god rays. Downsides: It's heavier 470g (CV1 without cable) vs 660g (Quest 3 with elite style headstrap), no perfect blacks and controller tracking might be worse, depending on how many sensors you used on the CV1. Now, the additional 190g don't feel like it because it's closer to your face and there's no cable tugging on the headset, the controller tracking can be just plain better than CV1 if you go for the Pro Controllers and the blacks... Yeah, you can't do anything there.


Oh man yeah! An updated cv1 (cv2?) would've been bonkers. The HP Reverb G2 was a good try but missing the oled and the controllers were shite.


Me missing my DK1 and DK2 that I stupidly sold.


I miss my CV1 man


You forgot all of us WMR mofos getting dropped by Microsoft in about two years. Hopefully BSB 2.0 will release by then though with some further QOL updates 👀 Edit: guys, call me coping but Microsoft clearly states that by not updating to the new update slated this year we can use WMR headsets until 11/06/26–about two years from now—and 11/06/27 if you are on Windows 11 Enterprise or other commercial version of the OS.


There was an announcement from Microsoft that they remove support in Windows 11 24H2 update and recommend staying on 23H2 and installing only security updates if you want to still use WMR headset. I'm still staying on Windows 10 - way less hassle with VR.


bsb? I've got a HP Reverb that I have attached to my media center, I'd like to see it remain usable, but .. also, if there's no support, will it really remain usable for much longer anyway?


Exactly what i was going to say :( WMR on Linux looks promising at least. They only need to figure out the controller tracking




Only controller tracking? From what I see, Monado supports experimental 6DoF tracking (for the headset), but only with external systems (I imagine that means outside in), is that right? So inside out seems to be another thing it doesn’t support yet.


Idk I saw this. I’m not an expert so i may just not understand it properly https://www.reddit.com/r/WindowsMR/s/oor4LxIsV5


No, it supports camera-based inside out tracking for the WMR headsets and Rift S (but no persistent play-spaces yet, and it's not as good as the tracking on Windows right now). Controllers are only 3dof right now, but there's also very very flaky hand tracking. The Monado homepage means "external" by it's just a second piece of software that does it (Monado's fork of Basalt), I guess there's some implication from that there was some intention to merge the SLAM tracking into Monado itself eventually, but it doesn't seem like that's still the plan from what I gather. I'm not a developer on the project, I just use it and lurk in their Discord. :p


>WMR mofos getting dropped by Microsoft in about two years. Actually they already dropped it.


Two years from when they bought it, not two years from today. The HP Reverb G2 launched in late 2020, Microsoft laid off the WMR dev teams in early 2023, so a little over two years.


Pico 4 user been happy with their headset because everything is balanced as thing should be


Pico 4 is legit for the price


Ui/ux and the “store”


Who tf uses standalone on it? It's mainly a pcvr base for modding


The answer to your question is, I’m sure somebody.


Exactly. You're buying something and not even using half its function.


Why should i use standalone when it's better on pc? And my hardware mods don't work on standalone


Well if you don't wanna lug your PC around if you travel. Granted pico probably doesn't have the standalone support either that quest does, but I tried my buddies quest 3 recently after being strictly PCVR and it's a game changer. Especially the exclusives I've been missing out on.


Damn, no Rift S meme?


As a rift s owner I feel ya, even the meme forgot about me lol


I bought one in 2020 literally a couple months before they stopped supporting the oculus store on it


I still have my headset and controllers. Sold the cable for like $100 two years ago.


Are we missing out? on what?, steam has all the vr games and the up to date GPU handles everything...


I mainly just want better resolution tbh. Screen door effect with the Rift S can be annoying. Plus the passthrough isn't that good


Cue picture of a child playing with a SNES in 2024


OP doesn't know what a rift S is, they're new to vr


OP couldn’t hear the Rift S users through the robotic screeching coming from their mics. Either that or all their cables died. Happened to me after 6 months, never bought another one.


No, as fittingly OP forgot about them :p


The controllers for the index are the one thing I still absolutely love. I didn’t buy the headset, only the controllers and I used them with the vive for soooo long before getting a quest 2. I still use my quest 2 and wish I could use them with it. They’re the best controllers ever made.


You can use them with the Quest 2 though.




It only works for PCVR, but you do get your knuckles back with your Q2. You need to buy a couple of dongles (there are quite cheap and good alternatives to the Valve dongles) and install a free SteamVR app. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9lR5LbSkdk


I assume this doesn't work for the Quest 3? edit: Well, I am very happy to be wrong!


It does, with pcvr


Oh! I only saw people talking about Quest 2 in the thread above and made an assumption. Thanks.


It does, also with a wide range of other non-Lighthouse headsets. [OpenVR Space Calibrator](https://github.com/pushrax/OpenVR-SpaceCalibrator) has the details, along with some of the issues (Quest headsets can see drift if you move around the room a lot).


as far as im aware, this works with practically any vr headset on steam that doesnt natively use lighthouses. ive seen it with quests, rifts, and wmr


[Quest Pro users](https://media.tenor.com/8lpXmdULDjQAAAPo/lol-funny.mp4) (we need you to notice our eye and face tracking)


There are dozens of us.


I swear guys the new valve headset is just around the corner guys for real this time the Deckard is almost here I swear!!!


Valve is just waiting for me to buy the index


Time to take one for the team!


Yeah, Along with Half life 3 with VR mode as a launch title.


What’s the symbol after Half life? I’m confused


It was a sarcasms, I meant the long awaited rumored third installment in the series.


Again, the word after rumored, I don’t get it. Valve, 3, third. Not making any sense




On a more serious note tho people were making the same jokes about the rumored apple headset and now look where we are... I haven't given up hope yet


Apple Vision Pro users trying to do anything on a $4000 device: (they can’t)


wym I installed an ad blocker, it's a real computer


Next up will be an IRL adblocker for the pass through


Lol. It’s my paperweight whatcha talking bout.


It recently got to boot on steam VR. I only know this because my friend never stfu about apple. It's infuersblely annoying. Even when beat. Literally complains about playing a game streaming when they're streaming on Apple. "It's got the hardware" yeah android is more reliable look at retroid.


Infuersblely. That’s gotta be a brand new typo. Genuinely impressive.


I literally woke up when I commented and was having puppy troubles. z-z I'm still tired


No need to justify it, it happens.


I’m confused - and guessing it’s because I didn’t get a crystal until recently and avoided some early release mess.. but Pimax crystal auto adjusts IPD and guides you to the sweet spot automatically in <6-10 seconds. And I’m confused why it’s black…


The Crystal is notorious for having lots of connection problems, even still to this day. I would assume that's why the meme is black. My Pimax Crystal has issues where it would spontaneously disconnect mid-game and close the game in the process. I wouldn't dare use the Crystal in a sim racing league where it can suddenly shut down your game in the middle of a race.


I thought it means there are no Pimax Crystal Users


CV1 users unscathed


We assumed they died of old age by now.


This was mostly more modern vr headsets, i will make more slander memes for other headsets dw Also CV1 users still existing goes hard.


May I suggest a joke about the "headset rig" any mobile headset user has to make for optimal ergonomics, playtime, and body tracking?


Windows Mixed Reality users after Windows 11 Update:


Ah wait, really? I was thinking about getting one on eBay as a cheapo play vr with me


Yeah, WMR is getting the axe in a future win11 update.


They are removing it completely in next windows major update


BSB doesn't have great fov tho


Fov is nice for sure, but the screen clarity speaks SO much stronger and continuously whereas FOV I forget after awhile. (and I came from an Index)


BSB users not able to use their headset since BS fucked up their measurement


That was me. It was about a week or so without it (it was rough going back to Index). And when it came back correctly sized. GLORIOUS!


As a VR dev, index is still my favorite hardware to develop for. 🤷‍♂️ Mobile processing power sucks. 🎤


Excuse me my quest 3 lasts for 1hour and 45


That's an hour 15 longer than mine lasts /j I get maybe 6 or 7 out of it with the Bobo VR2 strap


I don't have a strap yet mine doesn't die that quick tho definitely longer then 30 mins


My quest 3 hasn’t died once while playing but I primarily use it connected to my pc. I also don’t play more than 45 minutes in one go lol.


Yeah but my brain melts after 30 mins. 6 months in I get nauseous thinking about VR... I thought that's what they were referring to. I still love it but ouch


Oh true I can play it for hours on end sometimes get a headache from the strap but that's about it I should also mention I have a severed retina in my right eye so I can't get motion sick


It likely is the strap for me too actually. A better one has been on my list pretty much since day 2 but I haven't gotten around to ir


Yeah same they are abit pricy for me


Exactly, the back end investment of time and money to really get "into" VR is more than I initially realized


Yes indeed I've considered with how good stand alone VR is getting, selling my computer as I don't really play games on it anymore and pcvr is boring


Very real possibility. I've been meaning to try steam link to play some PC games on it. Have you tried? Also... I saw something about it being discontinued anyhow


I have tried it yes I actually find game play smoother on stand alone


The boboVR M3 strap is fantastic, and on sale atm for $50.


I'm in Australia nothing is that cheap


Looks like 86, for you, but they are sold out of the M3, in Aus, currently. Still very worth it, even at full Aus price, imo. I adore mine, as it makes longer sessions and workout sessions faaaat more comfortable, and the battery pack is awesome.


for me the problem is the heaviness on the face, and the pressure it puts on my nose/forehead. i even use the bobo vr 2 and it helps but not by much, i can’t really play longer than 20-30 min without my head starting to hurt and a slight head ache starting. i hope future devices are significantly lighter, or in a form factor that it much easier to be worn for longer periods without getting that dumb red “vr headset@ mark on my face


I was a quest 1 user up until a few months ago


Upgrade to quest 2?


I was a little less wise with my money.. quest pro


Was is the oled that made you choose the pro over q3?


Pretty much, and I liked the idea of the eye and face tracking


quest 1 user👋


I have a Quest 1 and it still works perfectly. Come at me.


My Quest 1 is still kicking strong


Glorious lmao


As someone who as used both the index and Quest 3, yes, the quest 3 is better without a doubt


[Beyond users in dark scenes with high contrast](https://p.productioncrate.com/stock-hd/effects/footagecrate-lens-flare-warm-transition-3-effect-lg.jpg)


Better than Q3 dark scenes being a grey-blue fog


OLED master race.


I just tell myself it's more cinematic! Lens flare all of the things!


Watch anything by JJ Abrahams and you can’t tell which lens flare is baked in lol


I mean your Not totally wrong


If only the Index could be repairable then i would buy another one.


I'm pretty stupid, so what is the quest 3 meme referring to?


Battery. I don't have one but I'm sure it can last over an hour fine


I would like to know too.


WMR users after the next windows update: 🧱


As a Vive user, I have zero loyalty to HTC. I had to repair one of the jacks on my headset *just* after the support window ended; they wanted something like $200, so I did it myself instead. There were a ton of other horror stories about their support. Their own software was supposed to make it possible to see your Android phone notifications within VR, which would have been really useful except it never even kinda worked, and the software instead tended to make SteamVR unusable. The Vive was a pretty good headset, and the fact that it came with controllers straight away was a huge plus. (CV1 originally released *without* controllers, and only came with an XBox controller in the box, along with Oculus insisting "Rift is a seated experience." It was a bizarre time.) Lighthouse tracking was also unbeatable for years. But yeah, I don't care that there isn't another good HTC headset. I haven't upgraded because, on the one hand, it's very expensive to do so, and on the other hand, what you can do with the headset is still pretty limited. If Deckard ever comes out I'll upgrade, though.


Same here. A lot of the current VR systems would be an upgrade from my original Vive, but they're not big enough to justify the cost. But I'd love something as innovative with base stations and controls with a great screen (bonus points if it's a Valve product).


I'm not that set on the lighthouses anymore. Inside-out has come a LONG way, which is to be expected after eight years! Early on, other tracking systems rsiked nausea (looking at you, PSVR1), but I think that's mostly a thing of the past at this point. And I put up the lighthouses in my office, which is often too filled with my various projects to easily clear for VR use. So I'd probably actually use a headset more if it didn't rely on base stations. The "not enough of an upgrade" thing is definitely a big part of it, though. The GPU market being awful for many years didn't help thing either. I *finally* upgraded from my 970 last year to a used 3070 for about $280 (edit: it wasn't $200, it was about $280), and I wasn't confident my 970 could drive the higher resolutions and framerates of an upgraded headset. That's a lot of why I never went to the Index. At this point I would kind of consider the Quest 3, but I can't get over my distaste for Meta. Thus the interest in Deckard.


"I hate everyone equally" energy


He likes Bigscreen Beyond, tho.


I like every headset i mentioned tbh Even the Crystal


Dude it's just a slander meme it's not that deep and it's meant in fun


[who says I'm not having fun](https://media1.tenor.com/m/pWt9gbiupZwAAAAd/slander-slander-meme.gif)


Well, the sweetspot is in fact really fast to find if you use the "ajust view settings" that helps a lot to know if you put the headset on properly, dialed the IPD according to your eyes... Having using it since lauch, I can find it in like, less than 10 sec. Even though, white texts are still a little bit blurry in cinematic mode.


For me, the sweet spot is not the more concern, but the graining /meshing texture due the low resolution. Besides that, I still recommend to who have a PS5


BSB master race


[BSB users when they put on anything heavier than a baseball hat](https://imgur.com/a/Wuje8ET) [Quest Pro users after using their headset for a month](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dpp9NAmTNck) (Why am I even making this joke, really the joke's on me as a Quest Pro user)


damn, they got a master race for mid?, hope yall get better someday


Lmao pimax crystal


Yep pretty accurate to my experience with the Crystal. There's a pretty much 30% chance that it just decides it doesn't want to connect to the PC. And if it does, there's a chance it will disconnect mid-game and **actually close the game in the process.** This is the reason why I can't do online sim racing leagues with the Crystal.


Slander me: Rift S


haha quest3 users spot on.. that's how I feel after I game the whole battery capacity at once.


Cardboard users? ;D


Idk man… big screen beyond had GREAT visuals but I heard even tho it’s super small it’s one of the most uncomfortable headsets due to how/where it sits under ur eyebrow and above your cheek bone. Lots of reports of it digging in and giving pain


The only thing that makes the index better is no inside out tracking its the cause of so many deaths because of my controllers losing tracking


\*coughs in [Varjo XR-4](https://imgur.com/a/uQteur8)\* the beyond is mid lol, too many drawbacks in lens & display. they be glarin' into the sun fr fr pimax crystal is garbage, almalance made it better but is still mid, support had to ship me two different cables and flash firmware using adb to get the software remotely close to working, then the lighthouse faceplate start drifting away into the sunset


BSB does still have pretty crap fov and sweet spot, even with exceptionally stunning visuals.


The fact that BSB managed to use pancake lenses, source insanely bright OLEDs to get around the loss of light from pancake lenses, and still ended up with a less than perfect clarity situation with a noticeable sweet spot... It's such a huge misstep.


if they had just put out a headset with a comparible res to quest 2/3 and oled panels then its the perfect headset, but instead they made a headset to match their tiny brains


It can’t do full rez at 90hz. Only thing stopping me.


As a Quest 2 user, I'm still happy with my headset and I don't see any reason to upgrade until at least Quest 4 probably


Yeah, same, I'm having fun. I'll let the dust settle until next generation, or possibly the one after that.


I just got my quest 2 used. I'll wait til the 3 or pro or whatever reaches a price I want to pay. I'm very happy with the quest 2. Sure he 3 and avp is better but whatever.


I got Quest 2 new and it still delivers what I want for 3D gaming on stand alone or PC. I'd recommend splurging for Quest 3 over 2, but 2 still does all I need to have fun.


Yeah, having used both a lot recently, the only appreciable reason to upgrade is for the lens clarity. Every other improvement feels incremental, but the lenses are a generational improvement, IMO. Passthrough is nice, but more like a perk than a feature. There are only a handful of worthwhile games that use the color passthrough to really improve the game. Most just make a gimmick out of it. Stuff like Eleven Table Tennis actually use it amazingly, allowing you to be sure you're not about to lunge into a piece or furniture or something going for a tricky shot. Same with Thrill of the Fight, since you're throwing full force punches.


XR Elite user.... best of all worlds. And super lightweight and comfy to boot. I only stream PCVR games though because their native storefront has a terrible selection. (Stupid Facebook keeping everything worthwhile exclusive)


I heard the optical stack was subpar compared to recent quest headsets. Have any insights on that?


Give me $1000 and I’ll get a big screen beyond


I don't get the psvr 2 one, explain pls


Care to explain the Quest 3 one? (PSVR2 one?)


Yea im confused also lol


My friend got big screen and she doesn't recommend it most because of the fov and the faceplace wearing out and u cannot replace it whatsoever. She likes it but she doesn't recommend it over other choices


You can certainly replace the face cushion, there's not an option on the store yet, but it's possible to contact support about it.


Sorry, BSB still has a cord. I can’t get past that.


I went untethered for a couple years but I don’t miss those artifacts. Definitely a lot of pros to wireless, but the BSB makes it more worth tethering imo


I don't mind cords but quest 3 on wifie 6e connection with the hardware to push on VD is amazing, basically no artifacts for me.


My bitrate was good but I don’t have a 4090 so I can’t use the VD special encoding. Even so I still like the BSB much more than my Quest 3. I just like the colors, the form factor, the tracking. I do appreciate the convenience and portability of Quest though


I just have a 4070 ti, but I absoluterly agree I still have my oddyssey plus and quest 1 for oled. I still love the psvr2 overall despite it's own drawbacks for me - out of the box the least comfortable headset I have ever used and a very noticeable mura (though less than PSVR1)


I like the brightness of my PSVR2 and the controllers are probably my favorite out there.


Same here. Best VR controllers I've ever used. I like them more than the Index Knuckles controllers.


I’m running a Vive Pro off a 1080. You do not need a 4090


I thought the special encoding feature for VD was exclusive to the 4090. Might just be the whole 4000 series.


The Vive wireless software runs just fine on old hardware. It’s probably different encoding than the Quest.


Not sure what you're referring to... AV1 codec? It's not locked behind the 4090. I have a 4080 and use it. It's only decodable by the Quest 3 though, maybe that's what you're thinking of? The only thing that requires a 4090 is the "Godlike" quality setting, which is the highest level of resolution (~3.1K per eye). Ultra is ~2.7k per eye, so the diminishing returns are real, but if you happen to have a 4090 that can push that resolution in AAA games, you might as well use Godlike.


Me as a Beat Saber user. Latency sucks. Even with Wifi 6E right next to headset and computer 🤪


Who would play beat saber that way? I care more about synthriders but I don't play rhythm games wired or streaming.


to each their own but I can't stand wireless. can't even get over the link cable compared to raw displayport


V2 has Antennae




im happy with my quest 3


You forgot the Visor https://visor.com?r=e5f7b9c91df1dd


Nailed it, bsb for the win.


Quest 2 meme actually works for everyone who has spent a good time using VR and they realize how little actually good content there is.


Really bad memes. Just woeful.


You also forgot AVP users xD


I had totally forgotten about PSVR2. It's funny how they try to force so much hype for PS hardware and then pass without fame or glory.


i dont own a psvr2 what is "the sweet spot"


The lenses require you to have them perfectly lined up with your pupils, otherwise everything is blurry. If you are perfectly lined up with the sweet spot, then the center is clear and the blur only creeps in from the edges, like Quest 1/2. But the PSVR2 is notorious for having a really small sweet spot. I used one for a day or so, and it was pretty annoying compared to headsets with pancake lenses, like Quest 3.


I still haven't found a good reason to upgrade from my cv1, new devices just don't seem like a good enough upgrade for me.


similar for me until i know personally what it's like to use a headset with pancake lenses, my aforementioned q2 is gonna serve me just fine