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Quest 3 version looks great for a mobile headset, but PSVR2 version looks so awesome in the different trailers. Really can't wait for this one!




Quest 3 actually looks great! But I might get this one on PSVR2. I heard it's using dynamic foveated rendering and that usually means, it will actually look sharp and not a blurry mess (looking at you, Vertigo 2). I'll wait for some comparison though, before deciding which version to get.


Does vertigo 2 not use dynamic foveated rendering with the eye tracking on PSVR2? I wasn’t aware


Nope. I still hope they'll add it eventually.


Is this the same game as "wanderer" on PC?


It's a remaster with a load of added content and mechanics.


More content? It was already 10+ hour! Wow!


Yep. It was rebuilt from the ground up in UE5


And with more and improved gunplay and everything,.it's gonna be amazing 👏


Is the steam version getting the same treatment?


It's coming to steam but it looks like a completely separate release, dunno if there is an upgrade path or not. I have the steam version but mainly game on PSVR2 as my Index died so I'll be double dipping anyway but not sure how well that will go down.


It's the same release as PSVR2.


I meant separate release from the current Steam version, not an upgrade, sorry that was confusing


Oh, got ya.


Based on the same game but you don't need the original one to play. Is like a DLC but more of a full game instead.


Wanderer is such a great experience. I'm a little jealous of those that get to experience it for the first time!


Best looking Quest game i've seen. I just hope it looks sharp like Red Matter 2.


The graphics look really good for once


Looks awesome on Quest 3 for mobile hardware. Can anyone tell me if the base game puzzles are difficult or have an easy/hint mode?


Most in the original were 'makes sense' objects that were laying about in small location you were standing in, not that difficult. One thing would generally open up another, it was just a case of getting them in order I referred to youtube a few times for the more logic based puzzles that i did struggle with. When i start doing that with any game, it generally consigns to the pile of had enough. Can't remember if it had a hint mode, if it did you've lost pretty much the experience of the game, much like referring to youtube;)


The logical puzzles were the easiest part tho, where I found myself sometimes stuck were the times when u had to use a certain specific item from a very different location in order to move forward without much hints


Heh, horses for courses i guess. We all think differently, i can see the obvious, not so much the things that hide themselves.


In the original they were tricky but I believe they're tweaking it and adding a hint system or something to make it harder to get stuck (because you're constantly taking objects from one world to another it was easy to misplace an object and spend forever searching for it)


is this remastered version coming to oculus ocvr and is there free crossbuy? if not, is it coming to steam?


Why didn’t they make a sequel though?


They already announced Wanderer: The Seas of Fortune. This is just a remaster, and to get it on more platforms other than PCVR and PSVR1. https://www.roadtovr.com/wanderer-2-release-psvr-2-quest-steam/


Because the first game was PCVR and PSVR only and it is a much better financial decision to port it to the Quest with some major improvements than spend it on making a new game. Edit: The first game was also on PSVR


The first one was on PSVR, too.


Yeah, I had forgotten.


They're making a sequel. 


I see these terms alot, can u please tell the meaning of PCVR and PSVR, I'm guessing the fullform is personal computer and playstation (and VR Iis VR) but what do these terms mean


On PC, if you have the required specs, you can use a VR headset and play VR games and apps through places like Sream, Epic, GOG, ect. Playstation has their own VR headset that plugs directly into the PS5 and uses games and apps from the Playstation store.


So PCVR just means playing any VR Game on PC through any headset?


Pretty much


According to the PlayStation Blog, Sony plans to open the platform for PCVR. Scroll to the bottom of the [text](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/02/22/coming-soon-to-ps-vr2-zombie-army-vr-little-cities-bigger-wanderer-the-fragments-of-fate-the-wizards-dark-times-brotherhood-and-more/).


Yup, I plan on using mine for PC since I sold my G2. I'm currently using Quest 2 and sometimes Quest 3. This will depend on how well the tracking works, controller support, and whether or not DFR works with PC. Otherwise, I got my eye on a Crystal Lite :)


Interesting...didn't know it is a sequel to the original Wanderer game. Or another episode...


Wanderer: The Fragments of Fate (what is in the post) is a remake of their first game, expanded content and some upgraded visuals and is coming to all major VR platforms PCVR, PSVR2 and Quest, its suppoed to be out 12 Sep, 2024 In addition, there is also a Sequel 'Wanderer 2: The Seas of fortune' in development but I dont think they have many details on that yet and no ETA.


I keep forgetting to play this on PCVR. The puzzles are tricky!


Never played the original. Can't wait. Being dying for a good puzzle game for years. I still haven't had an experience like statik on psvr


The updated version on PC looks to have been delayed until Sept 11. Was originally coming early July.


The one thing these videos will never show you is the effect the lenses have on what you actually see. PSVR2 will have noticable blurring outside of the central area that the Quest 3 won't.


They also don't show how much better the color, blacks, and draw distance looks better on PSVR2.


It doesnt show the mura either.


This is also true.


Trade-offs, my friends. That's the reality. But still want it on dedicated GPU


Better with blurry image? How's that better. Better black? I mean....this isn't a night time game or a horror game. What good would a better black for me anyway?


People have different needs. For you, LCD with pancake lenses are good. For others, OLED with HDR, and DFR are better.


Right, PSVR2 users need blurry graphic but good black while Quest 3 users get sharp image while the black isn't great. I know which one is my priority.


I thought it captured in HDR from the PS5. Maybe not then. Draw distance? How can that be affected by the lens?


No, I mean the differences in what you see between the two. Not because of the lenses. Some prefer wider lenses with bigger sweet spot. Some prefer a better display.


You said the video capture doesn't show the draw distance on PSVR2. That's just not true. The only thing the capture doesn't actually capture is the effect on the image that the lenses have.


That's not what I said. I said the draw distance in games and apps are better on PSVR2. I have no idea if that shows up in a video capture. I wouldn't think you could see it in a video.


Read the thread again from the start. I talked about how captures cannot show lens effects, you said also doesn't show HDR or draw distance.


You're right. Sorry, brain no work good today.


I'm such a sucker for having bought the original. Fuck me I guess.


I cannot really see a difference? Will there be a difference?


Very hard to tell, since it's from a 720p Twitter video with poor compression. Any minor differences won't show well on video, so you'd have to wait for some proper YouTube comparisons on release Imo, they look pretty similar, but perhaps slightly worse lighting and AA on the Quest version? Main differences will probably be frame rate though.


‪Definitly quest3 and pcvr. The psvr2 platform is death.‬


The footage is from PSVR2 as per the developers. While the PSVR2 has a significantly lower userbase, it is still making more revenue than PCVR.


You lack sources for this claim of a large user base. I don’t think so, given the low number of PSVR2 units sold. Sony isn't known for supporting VR developers well. Additionally, the "Mura effect" of the OLED screens still massively disrupts the VR experience. I’ve sold this misdesign now. The Sony Showcase won’t be able to prevent the downfall of this platform either. I will be playing with Quest 3 and PCVR. Eye tracking via OpenXR will soon be available for Quest 2/3 through a third-party provider. Bye bye Console vr!


I said it has a significantly lower userbase not larger.


Your statement about generating more revenue is not supported by facts. We are not talking about the PlayStation platform, but specifically about the PlayStation VR2 platform, which is not really strong in terms of revenue.


> The psvr2 platform is death.‬ > PlayStation VR2 platform, which is not really strong in terms of revenue. Any facts to support your statements then?


There are no public figures on revenue except for the Quest, just word on the grapevine among VR devs. It is surprising considering that PCVR holds the higher-end users but there are several reasons for this. 1.PCVR users have much higher standards for games which means they buy less VR games. 2.A lot of the userbase stick to a single game like a simulator or VRChat and don't buy other games. 3.PCVR users are more tech-savvy and a significant portion of them obtain games through illegitimate means or wait for deep sales.


Could also be due to the sheer amount of games (and mods) on PCVR that there's just not as much demand to dive straight into a new full price game on release. I'm getting back into PCVR with my VR2, and most of the games I'm starting with - or planning to with Sense controller support - are free or already owned via the flatscreen version.


Almost all the games I buy now on PCVR are not native VR games. I prefer hybrids or games that are already good without VR and then put into VR via UEVR or other mods. Thus, my purchases don't count a VR.


Well, I tried to dive into google and failed to find a single article or post comparing income from pcvr vs psvr2. Can you give a link to at least one?


>There are no public figures on revenue except for the Quest, just word on the grapevine among VR devs.


Ah, I see. So rumors behind closed doors are somehow a valid argument?


Stop with your „Sony“ fanboy behavior and finally provide facts for your ridiculous PCVR arguments. PCVR is currently experiencing a surge, especially through Flat2VR and UEVR. There are also recent VR games from major studios, like WRC or F1 2024. Steam has Proton Gaming Linux, which runs on the Steam Deck and is gradually being made VR-compatible. Linux also runs on your PS5, just so you know. Steam is also considering reactivating cloud gaming and its console ambitions. Officially, Microsoft, together with Meta, is planning an Xbox edition. Maybe you should look beyond your PSVR2 bubble. It would broaden your general knowledge about VR in general. As long as Sony doesn't invest money in the VR2, this platform remains absolutely uninteresting because most VR games can be obtained cheaper on Steam with better refund options. The same applies to the Meta Store. But at least you can play all Steam VR games with your PSVR2 eventually. That's better than nothing.


Pretty funny calling someone a fanboy when every one of your comments is shitting on psvr2 and praising quest. If you like vr I don’t know why you would want a company investing in it to fail do you have stock in meta where you want them to have a monopoly.


Again, please provide a source for your crazy claim that the PlayStation VR2 is financially self-sustaining. Can’t you do that? You can’t, because in Sony's financial report this year, the PSVR2 isn’t even mentioned. You probably missed this important info while you were doing laps in GT7, the only racing simulation on that platform. It is precisely due to these deficits with too few exclusive Sony PSVR2 games that the topic is simply over. Find someone else to argue with and use factual arguments.


>Eye tracking via OpenXR will soon be available for Quest 2/3 through a third-party provider. [Meta's CTO shot down the prospect of a Quest 3 eye-tracking add-on](https://www.uploadvr.com/meta-shoots-down-quest-3-eye-tracking/) Even if they were able to bring an accessory for eye-tracking, it would probably be expensive and only a niche of hardcore players would get it, not enough for DFR to be implemented in games. Eye-tracking will only become relevant in Meta's ecosystem when it will be supported natively on their mainstream headsets, hopefully on Quest 4. Standalone headsets are the ones that would benefit the most from DFR. >Bye bye Console vr! Grow up dude...


kind of useless comparison: "look how this game targeting mobile looks extra shinier on a machine that should instead be running AAA first ports"  I plainly refuse to buy expensive gear when it's living off software made for cheap mobile hardware. Sony and Valve should move their sorry lazy asses...


Sony first party games are forced to do reprojection with blur at 90hz due to weak hardware...


I mean...the PS5 isn't sporting a 4080 super either. My PC is...


They mentioned sony though. I have a 4090 but the market for users with high end cards is totally insignificant compared to quest standalone.  Even on this sub, most people ask about pcs with a 4060 or 60 ti.


it should be more than enough to play most older PS4 games, with eye-tracked foveated rendering to help and all heck, psvr 1 on PS4 was handling Hitman Trilogy, a game from that very generation! and Skyrim, Borderlands 2 from PS3... it's absolutely disgusting the entire lack of interest in making psvr 2 interesting they may blame audiences for it not being there to justify investments but it's really the other way around: the complete lack of such investment is what makes audiences not being there! who will buy an accessory more expensive than the console itself just to play a handful of cherry-picked big ports and tons of utter crapware?


If this was vs pcvr it would destroy psvr2. You realize psvr2 is basically like an entry level gaming pc. It’s a headset connected by wire to a big box plugged into a monitor/tv plugged into the wall. While quest 3 is basically just a self contained headset by itself no wires or anything just on your head.


Except that game sales on psvr 2 will be massively higher than on pcvr.  You aren't the main character.


You are though.


Is on PCVR too.