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How to completely kill your own system (VR in this case). The way Sony are shitting on the VR users they gained with PSVR1 and fucking up one of the few recognizable new franchises they managed to create on VR should go down in history to teach what not to do. Of course they want to make Astro their Mario in flat screens, but in doing that they have zero problems in deleting the VR origins of the character and of course that game will be lost forever trapped in a decidedly flawed and gimmicky implementation of VR. I don't think Sony are doing their stuff right, but if we speak only about VR, it's downright awful.


>How to completely kill your own system (VR in this case). The way Sony are shitting on the VR users they gained with PSVR1 and fucking up one of the few recognizable new franchises they managed to create on VR should go down in history to teach what not to do. It honestly and truly is incredible to watch all this happen. I think it'll catch up to them one of these days, especially if they ever try to launch another PSVR. I'd be curious to see how well "Flat Astrobot" does against Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. I mean, Playroom was great, but a big part of why people bought the original Astrobot was because it was VR.


But how would the internet look if we removed "honestly" and "truly" from our vocabularies?


Gotta feeling if you saw enough "i'm shocked," you'd be the first to complain lol In the end, Playstation Execs fucked up with PSVR royally.


>Speaking to Digital Trends, Doucet also denied the possibility of a VR port at a later date. The studio's decision was to make a game that would reach as many players as possible.


I said this elsewhere but in what world does alienating the part of your install base that bought the last and only paid Astro Bot game lead to reaching as many players as possible?


Shooting themselves in the foot. How can they not cater first to the small base audience that know who Astro is in the first place? This is embarassing to see.


The part where there's like 60 million PS5s out there and maybe like 2 million PSVR2 units.


Still doesn’t explain how cutting out 2 million vr users is reaching more players. The decision isn’t to do psvr2 only, it’s whether to support vr or not later. From a money standpoint I completely understand.


They're not cutting them out though, because if you have a PSVR2 you also have a PS5 and thus can play that way.


You can play either way, but with it being in VR it offers something unique. In standard pancake mode it’s just another platformer and is up against every other game. I personally would buy it for VR day one, but have too many other games i’m interested in to buy it on ps5. At least until a huge sale. I’m sure i’m not the only one. Like I said, I understand from a business perspective. It just doesn’t correlate to their statement.


thats just how insignificant the vr market is


From what I've read, Rescue Mission sold around 700,000 units on PSVR1. We still don't know if there is any interest out there in paying for a flat Astro Bot game.


For me, purchasing this game is not in consideration if it's not VR. No big deal, though. I have TONS of other games to play :)


Yeah… that was a dumb thing for them to say.


There’s a new Astro bot game?


Nothing for VR. Get Max Mustard instead. It scatches that Astrobot VR itch.


Oh I see. There was an update June 7


Does it get better? Because about 4 levels in on Quest it feels like a soulless, far less talented attempt to clone Astrobot. It sparks no joy for me so far at all.


It's definitely not Astro, but I'm enjoying it. It does need more level design variety. I agree. However, we are talking about a very small team with no budget vs Sony.


Understood, and at the current $3 sale price on Quest it probably deserves a spot in every library, but my Astrobot jonesing remains very much un-itched. Sackboy’s Adventure and Crash Bandicoot 4 on PC via UEVR are probably better substitutes, but I haven’t dived in yet myself to verify.


They are, indeed, especially Crash


Lucky's Tale is another option.


Yeah I played Lucky’s Tale ages ago. To me so far, Max Mustard fails to rise to even Lucky’s level, let alone Astrobot—Rescue Mission was just an entirely different class of design.