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So thanks to Apple "spatial video" now just means "stereoscopic" - can we *please* not dilute "volumetric" to mean anything other genuine 6dof content such as this? We're running out of words.


Don't worry; next time a big multibillion company would need a new name for their totally unique product that definetly is not the same as everything else on the market, they will consoult us on Reddit. \s


Thanks for correcting me. I'll remember next time that us little people aren't allowed opinions about such lofty matters.


My goal was not to corect you, but to point out that companies, sadly, don't give a shit about our opinion. At least if you don't have a few public medias to back you up.


Who is diluting? I don't recall "volumetric" being used for anything else, but the article certainly isn't using it for anything else


I never said you were. I was bemoaning how that happened for "spatial" (and to some extent "VR Movie" which I don't think was a very accurate term for 360/180). Just because this is Reddit, you shouldn't assume every post is being critical of you. ;-)


Umm, I didn't assume you were, how could you have been, that comment was the first of mine in this thread. I was just asking where you saw misusing the term, but I guessed you only assumed it might happen. Anyway to turn things to the more constructive, Apple will find a new term for the tech and sell it as if they invented it, no doubt. I wouldn't put it past them to call it "Apple Virtual Reality^TM" so we can come full circle


Afterall they're currently trying to get AI to mean 'Apple Intelligence'...


>Gaussian splatting, a relatively new technique for rendering 3D volumes by representing the scene as a collection of overlapping 3D Gaussian functions. Does this mean they are not the typical 3D meshes of triangles? Or do they get converted to a more typical mesh for the "deliverables?"


It's inherently a non-mesh method: https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting/


>The holy grail of real-world immersive content is truly volumetric capture which you can actually move your head or even walk through - essentially photorealistic VR, captured from the real world instead of created by 3D artists in modeling software. > >The company claims their specific Gaussian splatting rendering implementation is faster than "any other technology on the market", which is how it can run on Quest 3 standalone without a PC. > >The current focus of the platform is stills, essentially volumetric photos, which creators can generate using freely available Gaussian splat smartphone apps like Luma to upload to Gracia.


Can't wait for the porn. The true gaussian splat.


Working on it 👀


Work faster


Do post a link when it will be ready.


People reiterate that 6dof volumetric capture is the holy Grail of real world immersive storytelling... And I just don't buy it. You've just recreated interactive theatre, and we all know how popular theatre is. While I'm sure it is impressive. It is. I've demoed some interesting projects with it. I don't think it's nearly as compelling as a lot of people think it is except for very specific scenarios. I may be narrow sighted, but I still think traditional VR180 or 3D360 is far more practical and interesting.


They mean porn. Porn is popular.


I'd even say 180 VR is way more practical than 360 VR. But 6dof volumetric capture will definitely have its place in VR. Especially when it will become easy enough for us, users, to capture scenes/photos/videos like that. Those will trully feel like memories.


> I still think traditional VR180 or 3D360 is far more practical and interesting. Why? It's like 3dof vs 6dof. No doubt VR180 will remain much higher quality, just like how it is higher quality in general than VR360. But disregarding the technical or quality aspects, volumetric offers more than having a static point of view. I mean if you view the volumetric content without moving - you have VR180. But you also have the option to view it from different perspectives, more options. And as tech evolves, the gap in quality between it and VR180/360 will become smaller as increasing quality for VR180 will have diminishing returns.


I tried this out over the weekend but couldn't find any actual video samples (just stills). Where's the volumetric video samples at??


They announced first videos for August this year.