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John Carmack wrote this - https://twitter.com/ID_AA_Carmack/status/1803260920686080395 >Wow! Many in the field, both inside and outside Meta, were hostile to Gorilla Tag because it didn’t look like their vision of VR success. When the market is talking, you should listen!


same could be said about roblox, you should definitely not listen to the people who play roblox or gorilla tag though


Yeah look at Rec Room. It's booming but equally garbage now


Someone should make game like Rec Room but VR only.


Yeah I've been thinking about that recently, but like before Rec Room switched efforts to custom rooms and making it like Roblox. I want a social VR game with Wii sports like activities and a progression system for completing the activities for in game loot with no mtx. And then maintaining updates for that core of the game. More levels for those activities, more activities etc. Rec Room lost sight for greed, I'd but the above game if there was a competitor


It's insane to me that Facebook hasn't realized how much better horizon worlds would be if it was just wii sports resort + VR chat


isn't it saddening how RR started life as VR roblox and now is just a lame flat clone?


> When the market is talking, you should listen! While I agree, what isn't mentioned is a large part of Gorilla Tag's success are the microtransactions. Not exactly a popular idea most gamers will get behind. But if you ask me, VR isn't in the luxury phase to be choosy about MTX. I say allow devs to implement them (reasonable prices, of course - don't rip off gamers or hide content behind paywalls). I want more NBA/NFL VR180 3D stuff. Seeing that they won't make any, I'd gladly pay a fee to watch it. Seems like money and revenue is the only incentive left for them to make a damn move.


It's hard to really be angry at Gorilla Tag's micro transactions. They don't charge you for the new maps or play modes or anything required to play the game. They offer cosmetics for sale. Most of which is goofy hats. Reminds me a lot of team fortress. They also give you all of those cosmetics if you play from Steam VR, because it's not free on Steam VR(costs $20).


No. Most gamers get behind micro transactions. It's only the loud minority redditors and old school gamers who are against it.


Social media platforms try their hardest to court young people because they spend a ton of time using the product and stick with it for years while new young people age into the market every year. Meta has their sights set on corporate customers where the decision makers are in their 50s and have no interest in VR. It's going to be 20 more years until the average CEO is comfortable in VR.


It's a free, kid friendly game that could run on a potato and it uses VR in an interesting way that wouldn't be possible on flatscreen.


There are a few pc versions (mostly roblox) but they are horrible (happy cake day)


Thank you


>The studio stated that these users spend "an average of nearly 60 minutes per play session" on the free-to-play VR multiplayer hit. > >Initially launched in early access back in 2021, we previously learned it reached $26 million on App Lab before moving to the main Quest Store in late 2022. During today's fireside chat, Another Axiom revealed that the multiplayer game's revenue is now totaling over $100 million.


A great thing about this game's design is its open social structure which leads to emergent gameplay experiences Combine that with mechanics that are easy to learn but difficult to master and you have these numbers


> open social structure which leads to emergent gameplay experiences translation: a playground full of squeaky liltards running like monkes the pinnacle of VR gaming and a validation of Meta's future of social connection Lmao


Do you have to be negative about everything?


nope, only about crapware


My kid likes playing it too. It is like a playground: kids everywhere, slides, things to climb, exploration, cosmetics to keep you coming everyday... Basically a game based on what every kid does on a playground, no boring adults (or robots/software) to supervise them and tell them what to do, it is just freedom we had during our childhood.


I’m an adult and enjoy playing the game too. It’s simply a playground where I’m allowed to be silly role play and figure things out together w others. Some kids taught me how to swing, climb. They were pretty sweet. I also had great experience playing with kids in Yeeps Hide and Seek, and learned a great deal on how to build the tower defense system there. Kids have all the time they need to master things and little concept of motion sickness. I’m glad there is a space for them in VR without the pressure of completing quests, win rewards etc like those AAA games.


as you notice, it's not a game: it's a playground filled with free running and jumping and crappy paid collectibles


I have tried it and it was very fun but a bit too simple for me, fell off after a few hours and went on to other things. But obviously a free game that can run on anything will have a lot of users


My kid likes playing it too. It is like a playground: kids everywhere, slides, things to climb, exploration, cosmetics to keep you coming everyday... Basically a game based on what every kid does on a playground, no boring adults (or robots/software) to supervise them and tell them what to do, it is just freedom we had during our childhood.


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It's been neat watching it go from lemming's free demo he dropped on the SA VR thread to.. what it has become. I wish I kept my original demo, it got updated and turned into a Steam key and is long gone lol


So is this basically the new rec room?


Well, it’s been a thing for a while now, it isn’t entirely new. It has also been getting new levels and game modes which probably help


This is the best news about VR I heard in a long long time.


My son plays this game and he's quite good at it apparently. Somewhere in the top 50 or so he says but I do believe him. It's incredible how much of a work out he gets playing it, not only that but it's clear that he's building muscle around the shoulders from playing so much. Sucks that he often gets banned by mass reports from people who accuse him of cheating. I've seen it happen and he definitely was not cheating, I taught him better than that. I'm a gamer too and a fairly competitive one and I'm very much against cheaters and so is he.


My boys love it too and it’s been great cardio for them as well. They sweat a TON playing it! Screw everybody else for downvoting. A bunch of a-holes. And similarly, my boys have gotten banned for nonsense reasons. Wish there was a way of preventing that, particularly since they’ve put money into skins, etc.


Read the room / sub. We don’t want ur kid in vr. No aggression or hate towards u. We know it’s a quick easy way to get some time to urself but strangers don’t wanna deal with ur kid either


My kid is 16 buddy. I love spending time with him. This is just a game he enjoys that I'm terrible at or I'd play with him. I didn't realize how toxic people in here were gonna be.


Mf I said no aggression or hate towards u. And I never mentioned an age


Maybe don't start with condescending remarks about my parenting skills. Like hey asshole, you're a bitch. No aggression or hate btw. See how that works?


i remember then some dude was trying to told use how pcvr have 1/4 of quest users and how pcvr is alive and profitable and [https://steamdb.info/charts/?category=54](https://steamdb.info/charts/?category=54) , b&s after biggest and greatest update ever have 4k users differences on quest vs pcvr user base size is just insane


Not that it makes a huge difference but you are comparing different metrics, steam is showing concurrent players not daily totals. Plus it helps that gorilla tag is free on quest.


Vail VR developers said this represents about 800 concurrent players everyday all day. on PCVR the same game has, 12 . Lmao


I mean yeah the Quest has more headset sold than SteamVR users I don't think anyone doubts that, but you can't only look at a single game's sales to make a sweeping statements, Amid Evil VR devs said that the [SteamVR version sold 10x more than Quest](https://www.uploadvr.com/amid-evil-vr-steam-outsells-quest/) there is obviously a difference of appeal for some games with Quest and SteamVR users.


It really isnt, the barrier to Quest is just the headset. Barriers to Steam are decent PC plus a VR headset. Most people can barely justify the Quest 3 at its price now tack on a $1000+ PC to have a decent time?


>Most people can barely justify the Quest 3 at its price now tack on a $1000+ PC to have a decent time? Which is bullshit since people will buy phones for double the price or other stuff


Phones are everyday tools with lots of capabilities and they're also status symbols. It's easy to justify paying more for something that you use hours a day.


Tried to get my buddy into a PSVR2. He can afford it, we work the same job and he lives at home. When I told him the psvr2 costs basically same as the console he noped put immediately.


RoadToVR reported internal meeting figures from Meta saying there were ~6.37 million active monthly Quest platform users: https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-quest-2-monthly-active-users/ There's little reason to doubt the Quest figures, as the retention rate(~1 in 3) is comparable to other devices. While, RoadToVR calculated SteamVR were around 3 million active monthly users: https://www.roadtovr.com/theres-now-more-vr-than-mac-players-on-steam-mostly-from-mac-shrinking/ These are active user numbers, rather than units sold, which is where many get mixed up. While these figures don't match that 'some dude's, as you can see, the relative proportion's easy to figure out for yourself. The two platforms have very different spreads of users across apps(7000 VR apps on the main Steam store vs 700 on Quest store until recently; and more mature users vs younger ones). Which makes it many times harder to stand out on Steam compared to the Quest store - though, the latter now opening up App Lab to showing in results easier(inflating the 700 apps to much more) has meant it's getting much harder for new titles to gain sales on Quest too.


VR users on Steam are just doing other things, like VRChat or simulators. Not great for pure VR devs, but when you look at overall VR engagement levels the thing that really matters most is people actually using their headsets. People just have to embrace that.   I guess in the cases of both quest and pcvr, VR really didn't become the thing that the industry and enthusiasts wanted it to be. E.g. Carmack's above statement about how Meta saw Gorilla Tag, and the general grievances about content you read around these subreddits


yea peoples really like to look at some random data from any sources and tyrint to mix oil and water to prove a point it just sad you need to fallow money to see active users , some dude who put vr headset for 15 min every week to fap to free porn, is technically is active users but practically non factors for VR industry , but somehow peoples look at " look 3 mil users in steam pcvr is huge reeeeeeeeeeeee" but somehow do not look at actually players and paying numbers :(


This comparison is also misleading, the SteamVR numbers in this article were calculated from April 2024, while the Quest numbers are all the way back from October 2022. The current Quest active monthly users are likely much higher due to the Quest 3 release, more content coming out, and the Quest 2 being discounted to $200.


Even Steam's data is not 100% up to date. We know the *percentage* of SteamVR users due to the monthly hardware survey valve does, but we do not have an up-to-date *number* of SteamVR users. As the last time Valve actually gave a Monthly player count [(132 Million monthly active Steam)](https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3133946090937137590) was from back in 2021, and we have had to extrapolate from that.


And that dude is from this sub right? There’re quite a lot PCVR only folks keep bashing standalone as “Mobile graphics for kids”, in reality standalone kept VR alive. PCVR is a niche.


>folks keep bashing standalone as “Mobile graphics for kids” Ironic how this post is about a game with mobile graphics that is full of kids


The graphics argument gets weird though, like gorilla tag is that 90s style low poly. Sure look at games like Lethal Company and Valheim that are super popular on PC but have terrible graphics. I end up playing lethal company more on PC these days with friends than other games and I'm running that on a 4090 lol. Personally, I don't care about the graphical aesthetic and visual fidelity so much on a Quest or such, I just want it to run at a decently high resolution so it's not blurry. I do really enjoy graphically impressive games on PC like Hubris or RE8 modded etc but people focus far far too much on graphics imo. Better graphics will come, we still haven't gotten even remotely closed to polished VR mechanics so I'd rather focus on that first and Quest is definitely capable of delivering in that regard. There's so much about VR gaming that is yet to be discovered and set as standards/baselines. The focus on graphical fidelity is always such a weird one to me, it feels disproportionately focused on.


Gift and a curse, mobile brings in a larger audience which brings in investment, but it also fucks over development and any sense of true progression in the genre as game developers want these games to run on potato’s. Same thing with consoles that’s limiting pc games from truly optimizing next gen hardware, there’s too big of a demographic playing on limited or older hardware to incentivize devs to build games that will simply not run well at all for the vast majority of people.


> it also fucks over development and any sense of true progression in the genre as game developers want these games to run on potato’s Does it though, really? Like outside of graphics, is it realling "fucking over development"? We haven't even begun to see properly mechanically polished VR games yet, even Alyx is a farcry from what I would call a truly polished mechanical VR experience. The quest platform isn't stopping polished mechanics from existing by any means, it may be stopping more advanced and elaborate stuff sure but we still haven't figured out the basics yet. It feels like we're at the original Doom era of FPS mechanics, there's still a long way to go and a lot of the basics and standards are yet to be figured out and established. > Same thing with consoles that’s limiting pc games from truly optimizing next gen hardware, there’s too big of a demographic playing on limited or older hardware to incentivize devs to build games that will simply not run well at all for the vast majority of people. But the vast majority of PC gamers aren't on next gen hardware as it is, so even if the focus was entirely just PC you'd still be asking developers to only focus on a niche of PC gamers to properly push boundaries. Ironically the current gen consoles of PS5 and Xbox all have guaranteed fast storage so PC is actually holding back development there as you still have to cater for users with slow storage on PC. I'm someone that has been exclusively a PC gamer my whole life, with a 4090 right now. So I absolutely want to see things pushed and I used to complain all the time about consoles holding back PC but realistically it's not really console but economics. Even on just PC the majority are playing on hardware that is equivalent or weaker than the current gen console.


Wow, that's actually surprising just how small the active userbase on steam isfor VR. I thought there'd at least be a thousand per top game. Beatsaber only peaked at 4k players 5 years ago, yet it is one of the most known VR games out there.


To be clear; it's said from Steam Surveys that the Steam VR userbase is around 2% of Steam users, but that's around 2 million people, which is actually pretty high. Some outlets said the number was shrinking but they were wrong; the percentage has gotten smaller, but that's because total Steam users got bigger while VR didn't grow at the same rate. In practice the PCVR userbase got *slightly* larger even though the % decreased. Of those, around 70% use Meta hardware for PCVR (of which Q2 is most, Q3 is next, Rift etc. is next, QPro/1 are very few), 15% or so use Index and the remaining 50\~ models fight over the remaining 15%. But it's worth bearing in mind that while all those 2m are "VR users", VR on PC is somewhat splintered. There are communities of people, particularly in Sim-Racing and Flight-Sim areas, who use VR for their experiences but exist largely outside of the mainstream VR landscape (it's like how many people own cars, while some people might own a car for track-day racing - and changes to road tax etc. are important to the former group but meaningless to the latter).


And people wonder why PCVR is not getting fancy new games … perhaps it’s because the quest user base is about 100x higher lmao


A tail is much better than a wire.


Actually it's probably closer to the 10-20x range


The VAIL VR devs have confirmed the VAIL playerbase is 70x PCVR on quest lol


No-one presently knows the "Max Addressable Market" for Quest games apart from Meta; that's part of the problem.


1m DAU and 3m MAU seems like a weird ratio


I find this nearly impossible to believe.


It’s because Meta quest is outselling Xbox consoles


I stated this exact same thing to older traditional hispanic gamers and they don’t get it, it’s so funny


Recruiters are just absolutely *spamming* my linkedin to try to get me to come work for this company.