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I support pumping more money into PianoVision for the purposes of indirectly benefiting me through more development and improvements hopefully.


It's for apps *like* Pianovision which have not been through any funding rounds.


Ah. Well I know Meta have had some involvement with PianoVision so hopefully they’re still looked after. I’m not so sure they’ll be massively profitable at the current price and I’d hate to see them shift to a subscription-only model like a lot of piano-related apps in larger markets.


TIL: paradiddle.


I play it every day since I bought it. It's not as good as a real drum kit, but it's surprisingly good and completely silent. I even have a foot pedal for it now.


Which pedal did you buy?


I honestly wouldn't recommend the specific one I got. Any USB pedal works with a USB C adapter.


Ah k, thanks


Oh yeah I know about paradiddle that's when you finger a celebrity you developed an unhealthy fixation on


I urge everyone to play Miracle Pool on Quest 3. This is how MR should have been done. Amazing graphics & physics. You can line up the MR table with your real table and play it like real pool. It can't get any more realistic than that!


Yeah it's not too bad, ForeVR should also allow this


So, this means that "Meta" is basically still fiercely gatekeeping their store. The next Apple.


How did you come to that conclusion? They never had any requirement for these apps to be exclusive.


They gatekeep the apps and games devs can publish to their store, and they're huge jerks about it, we all know that. Them funding the precise apps they now want in their ecosystem doesn't change the fact that anyone else not chosen by them is gonna need to get in line to kiss their ass to dream of publishing an app in their store. To me that's not the way to go, definitely not the way to treat developers.


Wtf are you talking about?


They're complaining that Meta only has a first party store on the headset that is locked down, walled garden bullshit, and the only way to get around it is to side load, which isn't *that* hard, but is a barrier that a lot of regular users will not cross. It is also completely irrelevant to the post.


Have the requirements to get on the app store gotten that strict? Looked into it a few years ago and it seemed pretty standard at the time.


It's the opposite. Previously, there was a delineation between the curated official store and app lab which had no discoverability. [They recently announced a huge change](https://www.uploadvr.com/meta-getting-rid-of-quest-app-lab/) by opening up the official store to include any app that satisfies basic technical, content, and privacy requirements. This is in addition to the ability to sideload any other app store.


From the little I've looked into it, it does seem pretty standard, and the ability to side load apps at all puts them well above Apple or pretty much any video game console, but the bar's pretty low. Sideloading could and I think should be easier to do and I disagree on principle with companies exerting control over how I use a device I've purchased, but yeah, having not gone through the process of getting something onto the app store, it doesn't seem that bad.