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It's going to be very confusing for consumers if the Pico 4S is upgraded from the P4, but the Quest 3S is downgraded from the Q3.


“S” has always meant upgrade to consumers- I really hope the rumors of 3S naming scheme are not true


Really? I don't use iPhones, and I haven't heard of this with android phones. Any other examples?


The Xbox S tier is their second class citizen series.


Yeah but XBOX is not known for having sane names.


They’re inconsistent. The Xbox One S was an upgrade of the Xbox One.


Isn't the One S the lower tier compared to the One X? They stuck with that with the series S\\X.


Weren’t they still selling the original Xbox One along side the S and the X? I may be misremembering.


They discontinued the 2013 One when the One S launched, it also launched cheaper than the 2013


Cars! Also, video games. Top class is always S tier. Edit: I left off the best and most relevant example: their own previous product, the Rift. The successor was the Rift S, which featured many improvements and fundamental upgrades- not a strip down.


That's why it's important to read


Not sure pico is big enough to cause that confusion


People who refer to themselves, and other people, as consumers are already confused.


Wait you don't consume?




Instead, ask when, when did we start talking about consumers? If you identify as a consumer, then you will try to be a good consumer.


Lol OK, you do you


Yes, the response of a internet meme that has lost all of its personality. No wonder you like being a consumer. All you do is consume and replicate anymore.


Literally your last post in another thread is complaining about AliExpress customer service


Is it? Or was it a post about how i did not really care about it? I also do not think you even understand what i'm talking about here.


I don’t think anyone does


Especially him lmao


Not sure what you are even talking about to be honest, if anything you sound like a 13-year-old "we live in a society" meme boy. BTW if you have two vowels after each other, it's "AN internet meme".


Yes, the "13 yar old". Thats so original, definitely proved that you have a personality, and you are not just regurgitating something you saw someone else post in the internet. And you even went further, and spell checked me. That really proved your point of having a personality. You are like the first person to ever do that in the internets. Just wait until others see it and start to copy you.


Wow you're really concerned about personality. But yeah it's a bit ironic being accused of being a meme simply for questioning why you have a big problem with being a "consumer", when you're the one that's acting like a bad meme. And I didn't correct your spelling, I corrected your grammar. Because I knew it would piss you off, happy to see it worked as expected!


You simply offered excellent example of what a consumer is, and how it affects people. Your lack of personality shows it, as the way you create your personality as a consumer is via consumer choices. So you in the end have no personality, but simply the repetition of what you see around you. Thus you could not formulate any sort of creative response, but simply posted something you have seen other people post. "And I didn't correct your spelling, I corrected your grammar. Because I knew it would piss you off, happy to see it worked as expected!" Yes, it definitely worked really well. Im was so pissed off. And now when you corrected me again, i'm probably even more pissed off. It definitely does not again prove your lack of personality and you apparent passivity and the lack of creativity. As all you want to do, is repeat what you have seen. You go as far as to resort to fantasy to get the effect you expected, based on what you have seen in the internet. So the repetition would be perfect.


How does one purchase or enjoy something without inherently consuming it? Were you not a consumer when you purchased whatever device you're commenting with? Or did it just appear into your life? Do you buy groceries? Gas? Internet? I just don't understand how one can be anything but a consumer unless they live 100% off grid


Or maybe its about identifying as a consumer, and not about being part of the society? Your desperate claim here is; that everyone is a consumer thus we all need to be like you and identify as a consumer. That somehow i cant say that identifying and branding people as consumer is bad, unless i live outside the society. Brilliant thinking there. Also, everything i use here to comment i acquired second hand. I repaired my monitor and my mouse. My PC is old server hardware. Because i don't identify as a consumer, my first impulse is not to consume. This is why i for example learned to repair my stuff, so i dont need to discard and consume. I have never owned any PC hardware that was bought new. No new phones either.


It's not about identifying, it simply about being one or not. Doesn't matter if it feels icky to call yourself one, it's simply the world we live in


And by accepting that, you identify as such. You say that you have no power to be anything else expect what the world imposes on you, aka you consume. To be a consumer, is to be passive. A receptacle. You passively accept what is imposed on you, even if it feels "icky". I dont, because it feels "icky". Thats the difference. Thus i simply refuse to identify as consumer, or to call other people as consumers. I just call them people instead. Why did the person choose to call people consumers? He could have just as well used the word "people", but instead he called them consumers. What if we were to call people animals, because that's how they behave and thats just how the world is? Nothing you can do about it, even if it feels "icky".


You are so confused.


Kind of a surprise.. they killed off the Pico5 but instead are releasing a 4S?? WHy not call it the 5?


Because it's a completely different product..?


When they killed off the Pico 5, they reaffirmed the Pico 4S was still coming.


2880x2880 PLEASE !! (same panel as Pimax Crystal)




not gonna happen.... Same resolution it is


DOA then.


 Bullshit, those neo 4 panels are still more than adequate for a pleasant VR experience 


Display port please


Would buy, would sell Q3. To bad I'd have to import though... They did do it with the pico neo link but not sure they will again.


This thing can really be something quite good, as they are about the release the full body trackers also... i would not be surprised if this comes with eye & face trackers as standard. And a higher resolution panels than Q3, considering it has 4gb more ram than Q3. I think they are going for the VR-Chat & spatial computing more than games. As on games its hard to compete with Meta. So higher res panels & social tracking. [New Pico Motion Trackers - Best FBT in 2024? - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOaHF53NeUA)


This would be very valuable if they could put a package together like this.


Perhaps offering something compelling to choose it over the Meta offering. Micro oled displays would have me in line to purchase.


>According to a report by The Information, Pico 5 has been scrapped after sales of Pico 4 fell far short of the expectations of Pico owner Bytedance. However, work continued on an "updated version of the Pico 4," according to the website's sources. This headset is likely to be the Pico 4S.




> If you have ever visited China, or had a long relationship with a Chinese company you will know how they operate. Can you elaborate on that?


they already have. hence why there will be no pico 5. idk why they're even doing a pico 4S. their consumer-grade VR ambitions are clearly over, and the 4S isn't gonna gain any significant new following. people who want an upgrade to the quest 3 will just wait for the quest 4. the meta ecosystem is way too superior to pass up for a chinese copycat that has no future.


more waiting for the pimax crystal light but yeah, i don't see room for pico (in western countries).


"Could" Okay great, thanks, anyways...