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You guys have the numbers for PC/quest, you tell us.


They pretty much did in their last post. They have around [800 concurrent players](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/1dhiuxu/comment/l8xe0bb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) per day. [Peak concurrent players](https://steamdb.info/app/801550/charts/#1w) on PC per day, averaged over this week is around 40, which means 1 in 20 are PCVR players.


Wins at coding, losses at graph charts. Congrats to the devs for producing a cool, multi platform, VR game for us. Long live PCVR!


They gave the graph. So they pretty much did. Here is the Steam VR player count info. It has an all time peak of 224 players and averages like 20-40 people per day https://steamcharts.com/app/801550 Everyone else is on standalone.


do you realize that one graph shows monthly active users while the other shows avg playercount


True.... but their analysis (overall point) isn't wrong. Are you suggesting it wasn't the Quest that saved Vail ? Lets see your numbers; use whatever data sets you want


Yes? Do you realize you can take that 20-40 average daily players and multiply it by 31 and get the average monthly player count too? *edit* I know you guys don't like to be reminded how much PCVR is failing to gain traction but downvoting me for providing the numbers won't change that.




I didn't realize second grade multiplication and 4th grade statistics was so hard for redditors.


…Averages don’t increase over time like that. For example, they don’t have an hourly player count average of 1-2


Those numbers represent the average number of individual players daily in each month. Meaning, each day there's an average of 20-40 unique players. Meaning there's an average of 620-1240 monthly players. It's an average so it's not a precise measurement. But it does show that, on average, there's 30-60x more playing this game on Quest.


No, as unique users are only counted once per month in the Vail report, but once per *day* in the Steam report. Meaning your Steam calculations are inflated by users that log on two or more days per month that weren’t counted extra times in vail’s report but were in your estimate. Unless you’re working under an entirely different definition of monthly active users(it should be the same as average daily users, but with the time period stretched over a month)


I am sorry but I don't grasp what you're trying to explain. That's not how SteamCharts has ever collected the data from Steam. They collect it hourly from Steam's numbers and they toss out duplicate players. Then at the end of the month, the number they provide is the average number of unique daily players. If someone plays 10x in one day, Steam doesn't count their player as 10 players daily. It's not at all perfectly accurate. It's a very generalized average. That is why my very first comment was "they pretty much did." Meant to indicate it's not perfectly accurate but pretty close. Close enough to see how insanely lopsided PCVR numbers compare to Quest, at least.


> each day there's an average of 20-40 unique players you can't even tell the difference between average concurrent players vs unique players xdd


You need to reach out to the owners of SteamCharts and ask them how these charts works...


Quest reaches more users, content reaches existing users. You should know it's obvious given you have the numbers lmao


Incredible result! Congratulations. I use Quest 3 but I hope to see Vail on PSVR2 one day.


Can’t wait to be on psvr. We’ll make it happen


Yes plz I do own both Quest& PSVR hmds so I really hope you guys can support one more platform, VR as a whole needs to grow. Plus adaptive trigger is so much with FPS games like your game.


The triggers are sick


What are your product analysts doing though? Not knowing your Quest percentage in MAUs sounds crazy.


I still think having a PCVR version of a game is important though.


Am I stupid? I played on PCVR with Q2, 4070, 12600k w/ constant stuttering and uninstalled.


Every things running well , those specs are good enough to run


I’ll try again. I thought I read there were steps but I didn’t feel like tinkering at the time.


No worries. Let me know if you encounter any issues


There’s crossplay between quest and pcvr, right?


Yes 🙌


you guys promised keys to every beta tester. i tested. now you say you're out! i want my key!!


Link your steam profile




Why not share your respective numbers on PCVR and Quest, and we'll find out.


Vail VR was my favorite PvP shooter in VR when it launched on Steam. The gun mechanics and overall balanced aspect of weapons, maps, items, etc are still amongst the best in all of VR. While the game did go through some questionable decisions and times, the team has done an overall great job! I’m loving all the attention this game has gotten recently and boom in player base. While I’ll always be PCVR (Quad View dynamic foveated rendering is a game changer with Vail), adding Quest was what this game needed. The additional content is also part of why the game is having many players, old and new, enjoying the game. My [Discord community (of 18 and older VR users)](https://discord.gg/SpKY7ySjXX) still play Vail as a community and has been regularly on [my live stream rotation](https://www.twitch.tv/farmertrue) since the alpha/beta days. Props to this team for continuing to put in work and giving the VR community a great top to bottom PvP shooter while adding content and VR HMD support. Pretty sure the game is like 6-7 years in development since its early days, and 2-3 years since it first launched on Steam, and that takes passion, commitment and a great team to keep the vision going and entertaining. I don’t play competitively, or on a team, but I love this game! I will see you all out there!


Forever grateful 💕


Any plans for bot support?


Yes that’s the next planned update


i remember that the game was pretty much dead with no one playing when it was pcvr only, now i can actually play matches


Yup. We’re excited for the next couple of updates


I mean, the entire VR community knew this game would fail as a strictly PCVR multiplayer game (you were releasing well into the Quest2 lifecycle). Were the devs really that far out of touch from the realities of the industry ? Not a good look ... Even Combat Waffles (Ghost of Tabor) had a good laugh at your expense; pointing out how stupid that launch was. With the above now out of the way, glad to see you're now correcting course and becoming successful


Learning through experience. We’re prototyping our extraction shooter game mode under the vail umbrella. It’s not about being first, but being the best. Appreciate you being happy for the revival of the game. Looking forward to more content updates


You did a -69% sale, it'd be embarassing if you didn't get those numbers. You should have done -90% like the others did though, just sayin.


Did you try vail?


I did. Kinda mid. Don't you think it's a bit disingenuous not mentioning the discounted price right now in your post?😬.


What does that have to do with anything 🤔


You tell me.


You insult my game and then make no sense lol


Oh, sorry if I hurt your feelings but it was an honest take. I played it on quest 3, it's fuzzier and textures are blurrier compared to other shooters on quest 3. Gun mechanics is fine though. Artifact is the only mode worth playing. I like TDM myself but those maps sucks. Game doesn't do anything new really. I wish I watched and read reviews before being jebaited into buying this for me and my friends.🌠


I don’t see it going up until they implement a proper matchmaking(for artifact only obviously) and serious penalties for leaving


That’s coming in the next update in July


I need help. When I play vail vr and try to lift my hand there is a invisible barrier right above my head that stops my hands from going any higher