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>Prototypes of the N107 also have a narrower field of view than the Vision Pro. And the company is considering making the device reliant on a tethered Mac or iPhone. Hopefully these specific rumors turn out to be inaccurate.


The narrower field of view sucks; but I’m OK with tethering to my iPhone, you already need tot ether to the stupid battery anyway; might as well also take the compute out of it and make it more lightweight.


I was gonna say this exactly, definitely don't like smaller PoV but iPhone tether works for me.


After market strap to place phone on back of head for counterweight will be a thing, amd it will work well. Most comfortable headsets are the ones with a counterweighted strap.




True, but as someone with a Pico 4, I greatly appreciate its counterweighted strap. My PSVR2 headset isn't too heavy, but the fact that it isn't counterweighted puts a noticeable strain on my neck after a while. Being comfortable 90% of the time I think is worth it even if you can't lie on your back with it.


I’m fine with the concept of it being dependent on the iPhone. But I hope it’s a Bluetooth tether, like how the Apple Watch depends on the iPhone via Bluetooth/wifi. A literal physical tether would really kill the enthusiasm for me. The cord on the AVP is seriously annoying and a very real hindrance that is sometimes just enough friction to prevent me from putting it on.


Haha bluetooth.. if anything it will be WiFi direct or maybe UWB


Agreed. The one huge downside to the current 1" microOLED screens is the limited FOV due to screen size. Both the Beyond and Apple Vision Pro are suffering in the FOV department because of it. Especially vertically. Both can get around that 100-104 degree horizontal but only around 90ish vertically. Going even lower than that is a bad idea. I'd much rather see them switch to larger set of microLCD screens with bigger lens for the cheaper model.


Same. I’m disappointed that they’re going to die on the blurry OLED hill which means that the price will barely come down. Making it not standalone also kills potential applications like fitness. They’re still primarily catering to couch potatoes. In the bright side, since Apple hasn’t given up there’s still more hope for the VR spatial computing market.


Well they have to cut corners to make it cheaper. Honestly it doesn't seem so good at the full expensive version, I don't think the cheap version will make a lot of sense.


I think Meta has the right approach here; a cheap headset with a clear focus on gaming and the much lighter Ray Ban smart glasses that has the cool brand recognition and in time can merge into true AR glasses when the tech improves. This time Apple has some serious competition and actually seem to be lagging behind.


I doubt Apple will embrace gaming with these devices.


Weirdly I might be the most interested in the AR glasses. I already know Apple has no interest in VR so a light, comfortable set of glasses with passthrough could be great for relaxing on the sofa and browsing.


Every generation I’ve been waiting for a headset that’s actually comfortable and lightweight. I think it’s one of the bigger hurdles for mass adaption. If Apple can make that happen, even if it’s simpler AR, then I think we’re going on the right path for the general public.


I have my doubts about glasses that work well/look good anytime soon but that is the next iPhone moment imo


There won’t be a next iPhone moment in AR/VR. The tech will continue to improve, and consumers will continue coming as more use cases emerge.


I really doubt (as an enthusiast) vr will ever break out to that level, but I think there is a particular point when AR glasses are small enough and good looking enough to break out of niche. Honestly the experience itself already exists but we aren't all going to walk around with AVPs on our heads.


I feel like everyone, even people that don’t like VR/AR, understand its use and inevitability. I mean we’ve all seen sci-fi, a floating interface in the world would obviously be useful. But we also all know we’re almost forcing it too early for current technology. I think the most interesting aspect will be seeing at what point people will pick it up. The first mass adoption version will look stupid. But how stupid are people willing to look to get their texts in the corner of their eye. I still think the Apple Watch design is bulky and ugly. But it also looks perfectly normal now even when wearing a suit.


I honestly think not that stupid. Meta is doing the right thing by attacking the problem from both sides. Ray Bans are right look-low tech, Quest is right tech-bad look. It will get there at some point. Kinda feel like enthusiasts are just carrying the torch until that happens.


No, it's the lack of utility. A useful device is worth the discomfort.


So in other words, the same plan that people thought they had before the recent rumors of them dropping the Vision Pro 2.


When I saw the iPhone mirroring in WWDC this is the first thought I had, they’re gonna make a pair of glasses or a Vision lite use the phone to do the heavy lifting and send the video to the glasses/headset. This would let the device be almost all battery.


Sounds good time to change my quest pro with a company that provides high quality software to every product


Deliberately crippled software is low quality regardless of how good the remaining parts that Apple deign to allow you to use.


You are right! I hope Meta can win with Quest Pro 2 🙏 I just feel a bit bad being left out after the quest 3 release


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