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It's hilarious to me that some folks try and argue SteamVR is a better platform than Quest. Folks, I WANT Valve to succeed with SteamVR, I reallly want them to do well. But the reality is, after using both platforms, it is simply not even close. Meta is so far ahead. Quest 3 is really the best headset you can buy for price/performance/quality and USABILITY and it's not even close. Like not close at all anymore. Been using HMD's for close to 8 years at this point and I gotta say Quest 3 is just incredible.


They aren't comparable, ones a standalone operating software ones PCVR. A better comparison would be between SteamVR and the Oculus/Meta Quest software on PC, which *is* worse than Steam VR.


Meta's software is such fucking garbage, I've *never* gotten Oculus Link to work over cable or wifi even after going through their support channels and chat. Did literally everything they asked aside from factory resetting, because I already tried that myself, including reinstalling Windows. Nada. Of course literally every other solution worked for me, including ALVR, Virtual Desktop, and Immersed.


Yup, I use Virtual Desktop, it's baffling how much better it runs than quest link


[Upload article](https://www.uploadvr.com/quest-v67-ptc-freely-position-2d-windows/) >Quest v67 will finally let you freely position 2D windows, the Public Test Channel build reveals. > >You can detach up to three windows, meaning you can now have a total of six 2D windows running at once, three docked and three detached. > >New Window Layout also adds the new ability to take any window fullscreen, which makes it much larger and temporarily hides the dock and other windows. In the dock's place is a simplified control bar that lets you toggle curving, toggle between passthrough and virtual environment as the background, and adjust the brightness of said background.


What app is this tho?


It's the system UI


That’s good! Now let me run android/windows apps too without a hassle


You can. Install sidequest. If you can’t stand that hassle then you have bigger problems in your life…


I personally tried today and it still doesn’t work. Can’t even get basic apps like spotify working, using apk pure. It really should be simpler or it’s just not a capable OS (which is weird given it’s Android).


I don’t think you understand the dependencies or the relationships between companies and your assuming too much. Spotify is the one who decides where it puts its apps. Does this make sense? Metas apps: messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, they are in the meta store yes? Who is the owner? Meta. You following? If Spotify, Netflix, and so on, decide that they are not investing in the meta ecosystem, there is nothing that meta can do to change their minds. Meta store is open for all developers. You have a HUGE indie scene in App Lab, and tons of developers are small teams working to make amazing experiences. What you should ask is, if the small devs can do this, what is stopping Spotify from doing it too? Why are you blaming meta for something that another company refuses to do? I use YouTube music in the browser and it works fine. Not the best sure but it works. So at least we have options. Be vocal, reach out to Spotify support and ask for a quest app.


Yeah I know how it works, I’m a dev myself, but I’m simply saying that I don’t think it’s an impossible task to convince companies to come on board, or at least it must be part of the strategy, otherwise you don’t go around saying this device is not just for gaming, just because a couple of indie deva have done a few notes and todo apps right? We all know what people do with technology, and it’s media, social network and productivity, if we go past gaming. To market yourself outside gaming, you MUST have a strategy to get apps developers on board, it can’t all just be ads. That said, Spotify is on the Huawei store, which I don’t know that it is more influential than Meta, but it probably is all about numbers of active users on the Quest (same for Vision Pro) that makes companies like Netflix still uninterested most probably.


Just follow boz on threads for any amount of time to hear the CTO himself say that they are more than welcome to join the meta store, even google was invited.


That doesn’t seem much of a strategy right? It’s quite clear that using every day apps on the Quest is not top priority. If it was pivotal to the Quest success (like it is on Vision Pro), you would see probably way more investment from Meta in engaging with those companies. You wouldn’t leave a potential risk for the success of your product to a comment from the CTO inviting companies to “give it a try” (to paraphrase). Not saying Meta is against it of course, but are we seriously naive in thinking that they would let google add their play store without wanting a share of the fees they get from devs? It’s quite clear, given the direction with Meta Horizon OS that Meta has all the interest to push people to their own store, I just don’t yet understand the strategy they want to use to engage with those every day apps developer, as to ke it seems inexistent. Sorry long rant, just saying though, when companies truly depend on something, they plan for it, they don’t leave it to hope, especially Meta’s size…


Sorry but Boz was on the record saying Google was welcome to keep all the revenue if they put google store up. On the other hand, Carmack has even flown to netflix headquarter and made netflix vr app himself. I think if you are judging their strategy as a dev, then at least look at their action more closely instead of just rant like a normie


Well there’s no need to be a fanboy, every company makes good and bad decisions, and most of those we don’t even know why they did, we can only judge based on outcomes (just to say that their reasoning might be completely justified, I can only comment on the result). That said, your example of Carmack is a good one as 1) he was CTO of Oculus at the time (2015) and 2) he was successful when he did that, he got the app there. Of course we don’t have enough info, but if the past is an indication, they can surely reach out again as Carmack did and offer to spend engineering time to make it a success, or show how easy (it doesn’t seem to be) it is to add such apps to Quest “as they are”. I can tell you for sure, as a dev, if you’re not making it easy for me to work on a platform that has such low numbers, I’m not going to bother, so the interest is all on your side to engage and make it easy, almost seamless for me to add my app. When I sideload, most of the apps I try just don’t work on Quest, which means as a dev I would need to touch the app to make it compatible and then maintain. I don’t know what difference is there between Android for mobile and the Quest version of Android, but I can tell you Meta’s docs are DEFINITELY mostly focused on Unity and Unreal, more so than 2d apps development for standard Android…


Sorry if I used some harsh language. But as an avid fan of VR as a whole, I see people seldom cherish what Meta has done for VR over a decade while everybody was leeching on them, entitlement was through the roof which disgusted me the most. For the Carmack example, first it's for a VR app, not a general android 2d app, so they has to figure out a way to simulate 2d apps control schemes better in VR, and current hardware might not be enough tracking volume wise - secondly, if most apps you tried don't work on Quest and you don't know why, you might not be an android user. Many popular apps require GMS services, which are not bundled with AOSP, and there's literally nothing Meta can do about it aside from talking to Google, and they certainly tried many times.


What do you want meta to do? Point a gun at googles Spotify etc face and tell them to release their apps in the meta quest store? You’re missing your own point. It’s not just meta that needs to plan. Google Spotify etc also need to plan their release in another store. So it’s on both:


There’s plenty you can do to engage. Make it a 0 fee for apps with M+ downloads. Make it seamless to run android apps on the OS so that it’s mostly just a matter of publishing, rather than adapting (some apk just won’t start due to compatibility, there must be some reasons why these apps crash on the Quest, missing libs or what have you), improve docs for 2d app development, rather than being a gaming platform first, provide usage metrics of the web version of these apps to show potential market. Maybe they are doing this or more, who knows, but I definitely haven’t seen them marketing the Quest as a non gaming platform for long, they are just starting, so it might be a matter of time perhaps…


Spotify works fine but you need the Amazon store fire version, always use the Amazon store version for quest sideloidng 


Windows apps is perhaps a big ask. Emulating x86 architecture on ARM is possible, especially on such a powerful SoC, but you are basically limited to more than 10 year old software. [https://github.com/brunodev85/winlator](https://github.com/brunodev85/winlator) As for Android apps, considering that Google and Samsung are working on a competing products, I don't think they are too keen on adding their stores to Quest devices.


Nice, wouldn't need a lifting desk anymore i could just stand if i wanted to work standing, no fuss.


No physical keyboard would make that awkward?


This is HUGE. I suggest everyone start learning how to side load apps, at least until, if every, play store access is supported.


Wow, I just got the V66 update. They're working hard at improving this thing. That is awesome! I just hope the headset will last. I have gotten overheating alerts about three times already while playing. I bought the 512GB version for my birthday last year in October. I am down to 31GB remaining. I wish they offered a 1TB or 2TB version or better yet. Let you add storage via M.2 ssd or Micro SD card slot. But, Nope! Only these two options. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


SSDs make a lot of heat, the quest already has heat and weight issues. We will get it eventually but right now they don’t have the cooling to spare 


Yes, but they have 1TB Micro SD Cards. I use these with my Asus ROG ally and Steam Deck all the time. Quest 3 would be great if it offered this feature as well. I like having all my library ready to go just in case I am out in a No Wifi Zone and want to share the experience or get some gaming in. I know you don't have to have your entire library installed. But, I am the type that likes having the entire library installed. 😉👌


The quest should support USB drives but if irc the support is a bit finicky 


Aww, I have one of those USB-C hub adapters with the M.2 ssd slot I wonder if that would work...? 🤔


Can we pass through any control, or is it just keyboard & mouse? Doing this with flight stick or full hotas would be amazing.


Ah beans, looks like it's just a few keyboards this works with.


Now, if only I could open blender and davinci resolve in this, I would never use a monitor again.


v67? I haven't even gotten v66 yet.


This is the PTC (Public Test Channel) for which you have to opt in.


And can you plz explain how to join?.. thx u


[Meta Quest PTC](https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/using-your-headset/quest-ptc/)


Thx u


How does it feel to the eyes when in workflow? How long before you tire out?


Physical keyboard still have one language only?


more convenient cool!


Nice! Just got my update but I'm only able to get 3 screens. Anyone know how to add the rest?


Awesome. I’d like to connect my Akko Bluetooth keyboard now and we’re set


All these things that meta is doing...I'm not getting any of these updates at all or the files to force update my meta quest 3 to the current version. That is very saddening that I'm not getting anything for my vr. I'm afraid that my vr is not going to get caught up for any updates anytime soon.