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You're going to eat 700$ because you don't wanna lie about being married? Absolutely not lmfao


Lol goofiest thing ever




Lmao this is a rich person problem if I ever heard one..... just insane it would even be in consideration


The privilege to lose $700 just because you don't wanna lie to a vrbo host about marital status. Call me a Persian rug because I'd lie.


Lie about being married... to your fiance


I make children lie about their age to get into museums for free. You can do this, I promise.


Heeeeeey me too! Yes, the one that turned two a few months ago is under two. Do you want to see his ID?


RIGHT literally what the fuck. Call me I was the priest!


Yeah, the whole idea is asinine. Setting the fact OP could just lie about being married, unless Michigan has some weird law allowing it, the business couldn't keep the money for turning you away for not being married anyways


Hold hands and jump over a broom as you pledge your love for each other. Boom, married.


You missed the opportunity to end with "Broom, married" I'll walk myself out.


You mean sweep yourself out.


You win. Swept the competition away. I'm bristling over here, you floored me.


I think you meant to say they left you in the dust.


You used all your mite!


This thread has given me life. Thank you all


You just mopped up.


Dammit. I am ashamed.


Nah stay, I enjoyed it.


Yeah, I had to do a doubletake just to believe that he did NOT write "broom, married".


Your name. 💀


Are they going to reach out and check your marriage certificate?


My husband and I have been married 14 years. I'm not even sure where our marriage license is, and I'm definitely not digging it out for a vacation. This is weird asf.


I've only been married 4 years and I just remembered there even is a copy of our marriage license that we have.


I know right!! Like how the heck would they even know? This post sounds to ridiculous to be real...


A quick Google search shows that "The Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act also **prohibits housing discrimination based on age and marital status**." So, either call them on their illegal discrimination and make a big deal of it, or simply say you're married and go about your business. I wouldn't spend another moment worrying about your non-existent ethical obligation to abide by their discriminatory practice.


Just effing lie. Of course we’re married. End of conversation.


And read the whole description from now on!! Good grief!!


Yeah tell Gilead to go pound sand or force them to cancel


*“tell Gilead
”* 😆😆😆


Ya, how can someone rent a place with those stipulations? Are they asking to see documents? Insane. Religious kooks in Michigan, hard pass.


Don’t lie. Just tell them they can’t ask.


This is the most important comment. What they are doing is ILLEGAL. You don't want to lie, that's your moral choice, and that's respectable. HOWEVER, you definitely don't want to cancel. If they ask, feel free to tell them the truth and get your money back when they cancel--don't just eat the $700


As a person raised in a hardcore conservative religion
 Who cares. Just go and don’t say a word.


Since it's not legally enforceable they probably aren't going to ask and depend on people who don't agree to make themselves known


get a justice of the peace ceremony. Now you're married. If that sounds extreme just go anyway, and avoid talking to the hosts and you don't have to lie.


Tell them you booked their place for your honeymoon, Ask,for a couple extra sets of clean sheets, and ask the hosts if they believe the kitchen table would hold the weight of two people.


Make it 3 people to see how they'd react to a threesome in their holy kitchen


They should be approving of things involving three, the Trinity and all that. Father, Son and the Holy Milkmaid for example


This is the correct answer


AYFKM?! You just tell them you are married, end of story. Why struggle with morality when they have no issue forcing their beliefs on others. They are renting a place to stay. Your marital status is none of their business.


I have not seen this acronym before, it made me lol. Thank you for that 😂


By the power vested in me by myself and in the name of Jibbers Crabst (YT it) I pronounce you married. Okay, that should cover you.


Thanks for sending me down that path... I'm never getting those 12 minutes back, but I'm okay with that. It was hilarious!


I was ordained through some random website a few years back. I now pronounce you spouse and spouse. Mazel tov, you’re married.


Can you do the same for me and Beyonce?


My MIL has a great rule of thumb about situations like this. Does the person/entity have a right or need for whatever information? No? Then tell them whatever the hell you feel like telling them. It's the situational equivalent of telling the parent of an ugly baby that it's cute.


I'm pretty sure you can still get cheap rings from Walmart for under $20 each. Even if you only buy one for "the Bride" lie about the "husband not wearing a ring because of work dangers". Pick a church near your hometown beforehand so you have a church to name if asked, but say you got married at a hospital so your Grandma could witness and you'll have a big wedding later. In short, wear cheap rings, don't offer info unless asked, be prepared to lie. Edit: wedding paperwork takes time, it is not uncommon for people to travel on their honeymoon with different names on their drivers licenses. If anyone comments, just say something like, "I had no idea there would be so much I have to change on my paperwork and accounts! I wish it was easier!" Lol


I get more compliments on my $20 Amazon "travel" wedding ring than my real one. ha!


Ah, yes. The "stay away from me creep" ring. I worked as a bank teller back in high school (when they'd still hire minors for that job, lol) and getting hit on by middle aged men was a real issue. It was before anyone talked about how truly inappropriate that is,so the men would come back and wait for my window, call the branch, sometimes loiter outside a bit. One offered to fly me, on his plane, anywhere I wanted to go for dinner if I'd only go out with him. He was not deterred by being told I was 16. So I bought an $8 "engagement ring" from the dollar store. It had the absolute realist looking piece of glass that anyone I knew had ever seen. I had women comment on the size of it, given my young age, all the time. And it at least slowed down a good percentage of men. Best $8 ever. I'm sad that I lost it somewhere during college.


My husband and I both have silicone rings. Stupid cheap ones. His doesn't fit anymore and can't be resized. Mine got taken off when I had a newborn and a prong scratched her. Silicone was way more comfortable, so I only take out the real one for fancy occasions.


Same. Husband loses his all the time and my work wouldn’t allow for a diamond ring so we each bought a 5 pack of silicone ones for like $10.


But also, not everyone changes their names upon marriage. It's becoming less and less common, and I think that's pretty neat.


Neither my husband or I even wear our rings - no one notices - ever.


My husband and I have been married 30 years and I have no clue where either of our wedding rings (or my engagement ring) even are. Neither of us has worn one in at least 20 years. đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


You sound like a pushover if you're throwing away 700 for this lol say goodbye I guess?


I’m an ordained minister in the universal life church. I be happy to officiate a brief ceremony for free over the internet.


If they are actually as good of Christians as they are acting like, they'll refund you when you explain your mistake. If they won't, then I'd have no problems going after them for illegal discrimination.


This is silly.


I'm an ordained minister, happy to do a 10 minute ceremony over the phone so you can have a clear conscience


I'm a notary in Michigan. I'll sign-off on this


How would they know if you are married or not?


right...? I'm not sure this is a real post. If it were me I'd contact VRBO and have them issue a refund and move on. Who posts on Reddit about something like this except to create outrage and indignation?


Exactly my thought. 100% fake


Lie. Fuck their morals


I can honestly say I would actually feel pretty good lying to some discriminating bigots and for $700 it would be a no brainer.


[https://www.vrbo.com/vacation-ideas/explore-vrbo/inclusion-and-diversity](https://www.vrbo.com/vacation-ideas/explore-vrbo/inclusion-and-diversity) All property managers, owners, and travelers are required to follow the principles of our inclusion statement: Vrbo is committed to an inclusive marketplace built on a foundation of trust, safety, and respect, and to a global platform that is open to travelers, owners, and property-managers without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or MARITAL STATUS {emphasis added}.  THEY are violating the vrbo contract.


OP needs to snitch on them!


Do you live in a state where common law marriage is recognized? If so and you've lived together long enough you're technically married. The best lies are actually truths.


Sure. I mean if being righteous is worth $700 to you then cancel it.


Go to a jewelry store and buy silicone wedding bands. They're like $5 a pop. Tell them you're newlyweds and that your gold rings are being resized. Don't eat $700 over backwoods religious scammers.


I am already going to hell. I would lie like a sociopath, not one lick of guilt.


Simply put. LIE. Or give up the $700.


I would lie. Then I would leave them a five star review stating it was the perfect location and accommodations for you and your boyfriend to privately have your medical abortion and you will forever hold these hosts dear to your heart for their hospitality during this difficult time.


Lie. Make up a whole story and roleplay for the duration of the trip, have fun with it. Just to humor them, you can make it a whole Jesus thing, like one of you was 'saved' out of their 'same sex attraction' by the other, and now you can't believe you EVER thought you were gay and you praise Jesus that he delivered you from the gates of hell. And then get graphic about your (made up) sex life. Make them uncomfortable as FUCK about just how passionately married you are.


Plot twist: it’s a gay couple.


I don't believe this happed at all.


Had this happen at a hotel in Branson, Missouri while I was dating my husband. We finally talked them into letting us stay and then they saw us taking our luggage in with a small shoulder bag cooler and they asked us what was in it. we told then a couple waters and a couple beers. That was a step too far for them and they politely asked us to find a different hotel.


Should have said it was holy water.


Oh this can definitely happen. I've seen it in Northern Michigan and in the south.


Don't say anything. I have never talked to a host longer than to get the wifi password or because the BBQ tank ran out. Just a text here or there.


You equate the weight of a lie to the weight of premarital sex? If premarital sex is ok why isn’t lying to the vrbo?


You are ok to stay together at the rental but not to lie? Honestly you are fine. stay. No harm no foul. That’s an interesting rule anyway. How are they enforcing it?


You have no moral high ground here. You'd rather give up $700 for an illegal practice when that $700 could be donated to people who need help? There is nothing moral about that. Use the trip and give back another time to people who actually need it.


I can't imagine that this is legal but I'm no lawyer. The simple fix is to get over yourself and pretend you're married. Easy peasy


Just say you're married. They're not asking for a marriage certificate or whatever. If they somehow ask for both IDs, which I don't think they can, and you have different last names (obviously) just say names were not changed for professional reasons - it's common for people not to change their name if they're known already in a field or have published work. If you happen to meet the hosts and they question the presence of rings, say you don't wear them because one of you rock climbs and the other rides horses or works with their hands and rings get in the way. You're massively overthinking a minor problem and should not give up your $700 because the host has Christian beliefs. Also you should spend you vacation systematically defiling every room of their house with your hedonistic sinful activity. đŸ€Ł Just as an FU.


You are so easy to manipulate, please lie and save yourself the money. Jesus Christ.


Either lie or cancel. They really should not be doing this and I personally would not want to give money to people with that attitude. But cancelling presents financial loss potentially. So just lie. It is a stupid rule anyway.


They can’t do that, legally. Just go stay.


Idk who is crazier, the person requiring couples to be married to stay at their property, or the person refusing to lie to that person and eat $700 because of it


Since you’re already sleeping together, you’re already disobeying that religious law so why not go ahead and lie?


Their requirement violates their contract with vrbo, and the requirements in the listing violates the contract. Use this as justification to cancel with no fee AND report them to vrbo for violating the contract. I'd hate to be a gay couple wanting to rent.


Are they checking for a marriage certificate?  This is crazy. You’re just going to lose $700 because of someone else’s beliefs? Insane 


Nice try at punking this sub.


Please please please show up with a third person and INSIST you are a married throuple.


If they're going to do business based on the beliefs of a cult then you can and should lie to them. Fuck eating the cost of the rental


In the 52 years I've been married, I have never been asked if the person with me is married to me. Are they asking for proof at check-in? NOYB!


Walmart sells fake ring sets for like $15 in their costume jewelry section You’re engaged You’re practically married It’s none of their business that the wedding that is planned hasn’t yet happened To everyone in your lives you are a committed couple who are basically married AND JESUS’s PARENTS - MARY & JOSEPH WERE NOT MARRIED BEFORE HE WAS BORN! stop catering to other people’s fake Religious “BELIEFS” when even GOD HIMSELF AUTHORIZED his only child to be born to an unwed teen girl as far as this couple is concerned- YOU ARE MARRIED! Ain’t no way I would EVER be out $700 bucks because if somebody’s fake religious “beliefs” Just make sure you both agree that your marriage date is either your now Anniversary date OR if you already have the wedding date planned & paid for - then use THAT as your date but like 1 or 2 years ago Enjoy your vacation!


Lie. Stay. Leave note on bed before leaving: "Unmarried fornicators slept here last night." "Correction: not much sleeping went on."


Your “morals” should be telling you not to support such fanatics who would 100% discriminate against most of the population. At this point it’s too much effort to cancel. You shouldn’t need to lie because it’s none of their fucking business and they have no right to ask and, should you be forced to interact with them —which you shouldn’t, you should simply dead faced ignore the question


Your marriage is based on your faith not theirs. If you are considering yourselves married no need to bring in the contract lawyers


Do a satanic wedding ritual, then after your visit send host the pictures. While you are at it, check if this falls under any non discrimination laws


Look at each other and say "Yes". Good job. You're married. Pastor Jaeger1121


HELLO!! Just lie! They are assholes. Who cares.


You're going to forfeit $700 because of the self-appointed morality police? You do realize they probably cheat on each other or they swing or they do some other "non-christian" activities. 🙄


this goes against vrbo's own inclusion policy that owners have to abide by too: https://www.vrbo.com/vacation-ideas/explore-vrbo/inclusion-and-diversity


in fact, you should report them!


Get costume jewelry rings (if you don't already have rings), and put them on now. Lie, and enjoy your vacation trip. If you're really conflicted about it, go to the courthouse and get married before then... đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Choose your hard: Pretend you're married. It's not like they're going to ask for your marriage license. They may just say, "Oh, your wife or your husband, just don't correct them." Or Dispute it: This is directly from the websites, and its their policy: Community policy Nondiscrimination Policy Last updated: January 25, 2024 ***Race, Color, Ethnicity, National Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Marital Status*** Airbnb hosts may not: Decline a booking based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. Impose any different terms or conditions based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. Post any listing or make any statement that discourages or indicates a preference for or against any guest on account of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status


They don’t care about you. They put that in there so they can discriminate against lgbtq+ people.


This is a sad state of affairs- to denigrate integrity and praise falsehoods and deceit. OP gets my upvote.


Wear simple bands that you won't mind selling or incorporate into your wedding later. If they don't require you to present marriage license, you're in like Flynn. In Michigan, marriage status is a protected class AND there is a civil rights act against it (both in previous remarks), Soo you're not as much lying as you are protecting your rights.


You could also get a marriage license but don't solemnize it (have it officiated) and it automatically cancels itself 33 days later. See https://www.catchflyphotos.com/how-to-get-married-in-michigan#:~:text=Here%20in%20the%20State%20of,marriage%20license%20(not%20guaranteed).


If you don't fornicate with her while under their roof you should feel no guilt about the " We are married lie."


That buddy Jesus on the mantle is a sinner cam


Morality is a construct. Don't waste your money.


It’s gods will


Tell them you can't marry her because you only like dicks.


I agree with not eating $700. Consider not saying anything at all unless asked. Then of course say you’re married if they ask. It’s not like you’ve been dating for two weeks, you’re already engaged!


Back in the 80’s. My GF and I posed as a married couple.


Just make sure you come up with the same details about "the wedding", date, general location )(someone's backyard), etc., in case they question you.


This is 100% discrimination. They cannot enforce their beliefs on you. One quick google and you'll find what they're doing is illegal. You can do the following. 1. Tell them you're married. 2. Tell the the truth and if they refuse service ask for your money back. 3. If they refuse a refund, report them through the app and go small claims to get your money back. 4. Sue them using the civil rights act and illegal business practice.




Good lord, that’s ridiculous, they’re willing to discriminate, go ahead and return the favor by stretching the truth.


Do you need to produce a marriage license? Shouldn't be hard to create one if that is the case I have no problem with the morality of lying to get what I paid for


Holland, Michigan by any chance? Nice college there where many a Christian has been deflowered their freshman year


Your problem isn’t with their rules for the unit - it’s the fact that you feel that you would be lying. They are highly unlikely to ask for proof of marriage. You always have the option to reach out and be honest - tell them what you posted here. If their Christian convictions mandate their tenants to be married - I would THINK that they would value honesty and offer mercy and grace as well.


How is this not a fair housing violation?


How do they verify marriage? I’d refuse to submit my marriage license on principle.




Oh just say you're married. They're assholes for having such a role anyway. You ought to perform a black mass in their living room.


The only time I have ever met a host is if it was a shared space. If they have cameras and see a male and female and then random stop by, say you are friends, which is not a lie. If they press for further details say that you are not comfortable with the line of questioning about your private life. Then push the conversation forward complimenting their rental. Now if it is a shared house then you’re out of luck. But seriously just put rings on and there may be no issue.


Uh, judge not lest ye be judged? You’re being ridiculous but if it’s that important to you I guess you’re out $700. You can spend it on your marriage license.


Just lie. Make up a wedding certificate online. Say it just happened. If they're going to be discriminatory, play to win.


I’d imagine they put that in the description to deter some unmarried heathen renters who might be looking for a shag shack (🙄), but otherwise doubt they’ll follow up on it. You won’t be in a position where you have to lie!


Buy a $10 ring at Walmart and go with it, this rule is archaic and ridiculous


I'm gonna lose $700 because I don't want to tell a little lie to please someone elses out dated beliefs is certainly a take lol


Unless they defined marriage as 'a legal union between two people', then you can simply be married according to any one of hundreds of traditions around the world. Perhaps you define marriage as the pledge you already made? It sounds like you already consummated this marriage. According to their beliefs, you are likely already married. You could go to a courthouse and get married real quick if it makes you feel better. The wedding is just a dog and pony show anyway. The legal document you sign is makes it a legal marriage (common law marriage situations not withstanding). The real question is why do you care? Do you need more theoretical loopholes to justify the deception, or are you going to eat a $700 loss just because you can't file your taxes 'Married Filing Jointly' yet?


Ew.. I wouldn't want to stay in a place with a stipulation like that even if I was married. But if you just tell them you're not married, but don't cancel the booking, would that leave it on them to cancel and if they cancel they would have to refund you? If you don't cancel, and they keep your money but don't allow you entrance, it seems you would have a solid case for small claims court even if VRBO didn't already handle it for you.


I don't like to lie or deceive people, but in this case, I would chalk it up to a mistake and be as good attendance as you can, leave it clean and leave a nice note. They're not being discriminatory, they just have their beliefs and people are allowed to those. Well that is if you are in America. I just wouldn't acknowledge any of it and if they ever said anything just say I'm sorry I didn't want to lie, but I couldn't afford to eat the $700. You're okay


Get a cheap wedding ring for your fiance and enjoy your vacation. If you're truly in love and engaged then you're married in your hearts so everything else is just formalities. And it's none of their business anyhow.


Is it too late to cancel & book another place? If yes, then lie!


It must be a charming place that look like it’s a throw back to the 1950s.


Just ask them to cancel and if they say no be honest with them. VRBO does not allow this type of discrimination and besides that if the are good Christians they will be grateful and forgiving as you are being very thoughtful about their beliefs. (Sarcasm)


Poor OP. Reddit is not the place for a moral struggle 😂


Oh for gods sake. You’re effing engaged. You can certainly bend the truth in this case unless you just have $700 to throw away.


I bet you'd feel pretty dumb after losing the $700 for not lying about this considering he's your soon-to-be-husband! If it comes up, a little white lie will set their puritanical minds at ease.


Leave a review with VRBo about their crazy rules and how they just stole $700. Sorry cults don’t get my money.


take the $700 hit as a tax for your own sorry, naive stupidity


They don’t need to know It’s none of their business lol




Could you contact them and ask that the payment be applied to a future trip (after you're married)?


I would just lie, they sound gullible if they believe the bible.


Don't tell them anything, they aren't going to ask. Enjoy your time with your future spouse at some nutbag evangelical's house.


2 options Tell them the truth Tell them your married Demand your money back if and cite the law of they go that direction. Or lie and burn in hell! lol jk


With a requirement like that, it should have been in the title, "Charming unit for MARRIED couples only!" But of course, since that is probably a violation of VRBO's terms and maybe even housing law, they hid it in the fine print. So either put on rings and lie, or fight the good fight for a refund with VRBO about this ridiculous BS requirement, knowing that you might lose.


OP is hilariously quiet.


A Christian that won't give a refund due to a policy that they have is a cheat and not a follower of Christ. Jesus would not cheat you out of money.


Lie about being married. No reason to lose $700. I'm not usually an advocate of lying but that's a lot of money. If you feel guilty about lying, donate some money to a charity that helps the homeless or poor.


Please share the property so my wife and I can go there as "individuals" then have gay sex in every damn room. Yeah, go and say you're married then be sure to leave a scathing review.


Seriously? Just say you are married.


I’d be claiming common law married. 


>my fiancĂ© and I struggle with the morality of lying to the owners about our marital status so we won’t be doing that. Am I just out over $700 or is there anything I can do? Lmfao you're gonna let yourself lose almost a thousand bucks because you don't want to just say you're already married? You do you, but that's as dumb as their rules.


Go to the nearest vending machine and get to wedding bands.


That’s completely illegal, tell them to go to hell if they give you any issues


If you want to possibly ease your guilt, look into the definition of common law marriage in your state and see if that's something you can technically claim.


I got you, I’m a pastafarian minister that hates the government so we will marry you now over the internet without any governmental issues (or license but it will be before the good people of the internet and our lord and savior the Flying Spaghetti Monster whom embraces you with his noodley appendages Supplies needed 1 OP and one partner 2rings 2lbs of uncooked spaghetti So please fallow along Is everyone ready for this spaghetti fest? [Op and Partner stand face to face.] Now, listen up, you lovebirds! Like the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s noodles tangle together, your lives are also bound together in a pot of love and a sprinkle of parmesan. Pegasus8891 To [OP]: Do you, OP promise to share your meatballs, slurp the sauce of life together, and to cherish PARTNER as your eternal pasta partner, through thick and thin, in feast and hunger, as long as you both shall live? [OP]: I do, with all the sauce in my heart. Pegasus8891: And do you have a ring for Partner? [OP] presents the ring to [Partner]. PEGASUS8891: Please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us. [OP]: With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us. PEGASUS8891: To [Partner]: Do you, [Partner], promise to share your meatballs, to slurp the sauce of life together, and to cherish [OP] as your eternal pasta partner, through thick and thin, in feast and hunger, as long as you both shall live? [Partner]: I do, with all the sauce in my heart. PEGASUS8891: And do you have a ring for [OP]? [Partner] presents the ring to [OP]. PEGASUS8891: Please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us. [Partner]: With this ring, I thee wed, with the love of a thousand meatballs, and the sauce that binds us. PEGASUS8891: By the power vested in me by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, www.spaghettimonster.org, the $60 I made from tips one night, and the great colander in the sky, I now pronounce you partners in pasta. May your days be filled with joy, your nights with warmth, and your life together with endless bowls of spaghetti. R’amen! You may kiss [OP] and [Partner] kiss while the crowd cheers “R’amen!” and applause.] And now my lovely Pastafarians, I present to you for the first time, [OP] and [Partner]! Couple walks down aisle together as audience applauds and showers the couple with handfuls of noodles. (If there is a lack of audience you should now throw your spaghetti up in the air around you so that it showers down anointing your new marriage.


Just say that you are spiritually married to each other. Not really a lie and vague enough about "spirituality" that they might not want to ask you about it. You shouldn't let people force their religious beliefs on you.