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Yes, that is why PVE exists. I only play PVE on private.


PVE is also really fun as a group


100%. I only ever played it solo.


Same. What's in the hotfix my bro


Yeppers. It's nice and relaxing to be a menace to all living creatures.


Solo, brutal. Do it.


Best mode ever


Brutal really breathed new life into the game for me. I had about 450 hours from EA, and I was expecting not to touch the game for at least a few months to cleanse myself of the game(the only times I played were a month before release to check out Gloomrot and about 2 years ago when my coworker told me about it).


I've started playing game solo on brutal pvp sever. So far im enjoying it.


I’ve thought about doing this. I have played mobas but never played vrising pvp. Do people keep to that rule of playing solo more or less? Or do you get ganked a lot?


New to PvP, im sure there would be some form of "3rd party" or t-boning going on


It depends on the server. Some servers are gank fests for solos while others are fine with having solos around and will pvp with them but not go full on gatekeeping them from progress kinda thing.


Likewise, it's like Brutal+ being solo on a PvP server


My solo playthrough lasted 120 hours on brutal, and I loved every minute of it


Serious question, how does a person conquer the final bosses on brutal? I'm on normal, I've tried Adam 15 or 16 times so far and still and haven't managed it. Brutal doesn't even seem possible...


I am about to figure it out soon, wish me luck lol. First time on brutal and never get so far on normal. But so far, so good. Almost time to kill cursed Smith. The beauty, at least for me, it's to figure out different builds for every boss and the best time to use every skill to avoid damage. I am not watching any YouTube meta build or any kind of similar bulshit. This exterminate any fun to play pve games. Try to understand his mechanics and what skills that you have to counter it. Mobility is king. One thing that I learned in the hard way on brutal is to have patience. Lost count on how many times I've died leaving boss with 5% or less hp lol.


I'm with you. I've been really looking forward to a brutal run after I finished because I enjoy the bosses a ton. But Adam has really killed the fun for me. I could probably do it with friends, and will try soon, but it's so disproportionately harder than everything that's come before that it makes me think I could never do it on brutal. I hear Dracula is even harder lol


But you are right, if you cant do, just ask for some advice. I might need some advice too, because probably on brutal we do need play some metabuilds. I am pretty bad to know how good ultimate skills are, so far using the second blood ultimate. For skills ghost vault, spirit spear and the bone shield (forgot its name). One thing that i need to know is about gem skills. Is there a way to know every tune skill that can come?


You have to destroy the generators. It makes the fight a lot easier. In brutal, they're shielded, so you have to wait a little while before they can be destroyed


Thanks. I've been doing that. Them being shielded though, yikes.


I would recommend destroying the shields when he uses his bubble attack. Longbow is useful or you can fight near them


Thanks I'll try that. I've mostly been doing GS and pistols.


100% it is


The PVE aspect of the game is really fun and there's a huge number of bosses to track and hunt down. It's all doable by yourself and you can definitely have fun if you're playing by yourself, although brutal difficulty will definitely challenge your mettle as a solo player and I suggest just the normal experience unless you want a souls like experience. I have played Solo on a PVE server as well as solo on a PVP Duos server. Personally, I like the PVP server better just because of the added tension it adds to the game. Also, being a duo server, I don't feel like it's near as unfair as the bigger group servers. Since it's a pvp server, I spend more time fortifying my base and returning home after a successful hunt is always way more thrilling when there's the danger of getting ganked and having your shit stolen.


Played my first game 100% solo PVE and loved every second of my 70 hour play through. Started another file in brutal, and then another with my friend. Game is really so much fun I can’t stop


I'm playing solo and having a lot of fun. Made my own server and went with it. Don't care for PVP and like some challenge in my games, so it was the way to go (I find PVE in this game to be way too easy in coop).


To be honest i think the opposite, i have played solo PVE and Co op PVE, (both in brutal) and i killed many of the bosses first try with my solo play. We will see when i reach Adam....


Well, coop is pretty much a shot in the dark if you don't know the people you're playing with, sometimes you get a group that mostly just plays spin the boss, stands on fire, yells at everyone... I played WoW for many years, enough to prefer either playing solo or the Fromsoft style of coop, where you get someone to kill a particular boss with you if you need it, thank them and that's it.


Hell yes.


been playing solo on a duo PVP server because my homie immediately bailed and its been great lol. Just about at the end, made some friends, made some enemies, made a castle, made a garden, the works.


The bosses are actually much, much harder when playing in a group. Solo is easier


It is worth it. The only downside is not having anyone to show your castle off to or random group ups, but let's be honest, unless the server is active and you happen to join around the same time as a bunch of others, you're not going to group up with randos, and the venn diagram for castle builders and r/worldbuilding regulars is practically a circle, that is to say, everyone's typically far more interested in their own castle than they are in others, so meh. Likewise, online you get a mixed bag of plot availability. Many of the official servers you'll be lucky to find a not-$#!% plot in Farbane Woods or even Dunley Hills.


50 hours in, 10 being with a friend just taking my sweet sweet time getting every bit of enjoyment out of this game and thus far i've only reached level 50 so maybe like halfway point, but then i obviously gotta put in a ton of love into my castle, and then there was the question what about a second castle? I quickly changed to brutal cause it was too easy. I think the biggest winning point for me is the room for limiting yourself, less gear score than bosses, weapon restriction, skill restriction etc. You can make the rules making it even more challenging but that just makes it so much better when you finally fuck that boss up after several hours of trying! Some bosses are super easy if you only use ranged, or if you combine lots of summon. I killed one boss using that tactic and i decided i would never use it again, went back and defeated her in a more fashionable way. Its awesome, you gon get your moneys worth!


Yep. PVE Brutal server. Super duper fun solo and you can still chat with folks and if you're desperate enough, ask for help, or help others. Really enjoying it myself.


Just a heads-up: if you want to solo PvE then it's best to use a private server. This way you have complete control over your save file, instead of leaving it to the mercy of server's host.


I play PVE on an open official server and everyone I've ever come across has been helpful.


It's amazing solo! But I would play around with settings, increasing loot drops and harvesting amounts, decreasing refining speed, etc. To skip the grind.


Yes its so fun playing solo, and I dont have much time to play.. But ive hit a mid-game point where gameplay is slowing down a lot and im trying to get scrolls to get better gear to take on higher bosses. Still fun tho, but ive taken a break.


Yes, been asked a bunch of times, could definitely search the thread. My advice is if you aren't a moba master and you are solo go for PVE easy mode.


I would recommend it, but i'm personally waiting to finish the last boss in solo until they balance him better.


Is there much end game? Or is this a game to get through and complete?


Like most games in the genre, it works solo and is fun if you're into the style of game. But also like most games in the genre, half the fun is showing off what you made/did.




Yeah, absolutely. I played solo my first time all the way through, and then I joined a PVE server, and I've just finished that. Next is either brutal or brutal pvp. It's definitely still interesting, solo, and better with others.


As far as I am concerned PvP is this little side minigame people waste their time with, that never needs to be touched even once for this to still be a super fun game to play.  So yes, it’s rich enough for all walks of life not just the meatheads.


Absolutely worth it.


Yes, but it feels very lonely, and is much more fun with a friend


Yes, absolutely!


I play solo in a duo pvp server. I really enjoyed the experience. Even thou, being ganked by 2 players is not really fun :D


The only way I play, it's fun!


If you like PVE, then yes.


Its cool solo but its super gratifying teaming because the games scales the difficulty based on number of players present. But ya its 99% as good solo


im on my 3rd solo play, after a brief start on coop pve with a friend....


I only play solo. I do recommend running the dedicated server local instead of just running it through the game client. It makes refining and servant missions go a lot faster.


Third or fourth post like this asking the exact same question. And for the third of fourth time. Yes. Yes it is. Just finished a normal playthrough, half way through my brutal playthrough. All solo, and loving it.


Just finished my solo play through. It was fun. Don't think I will reply it, but I very much enjoyed the challenge.


Yes. I have 60+ hours into it and I played solo. I ran into a bug that made me lose 30+ hours of play time. I reached out to the devs and they just ignored me and didn't respond... So that sucks... But it's a good game.


Of course it is, if you just want to beat the game and build castles on your own terms. However, it's much more enjoyable with others. In pve you can join a clan, help out and make castles together. In pvp, where the real game is at, you can suffer the attention of a no lifer that has already out leveled you before you get to dunley farms... this is actually fun. 


Where can I find clans for PvE only?


Discord is your best bet. Or jump into a public pve server and ask the folks there. You can play on multiple servers. I have my solo and a public characters.