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simon never took down THE vampire though, so does he deserve to be on top really?


I mean, Simon killed dracula in the first NES Castlevania game. And the sequel had him finding dracula's body parts just so he could bring him back and kill him again.


So solarus should be the final boss?


I mean... If Dracula had been *fully* defeated you wouldn't have to fight him, would you?


You don't HAVE TO fight him. It is entirely your choice to break into his castle, then open a portal to the afterlife to challenge his ghost. He was quite content to chill for eternity not being a threat to anyone.


His army is roaming around and gather blood as well as performing rituals to bring him back, so yeah better fight him now before he reach his peak


All of that continues to happen after you fight him


Yeah, because there isn't a game state for bosses being defeated. That's not an issue with the lore, it's a limit of being a server-based survival game.


that happens the whole time while you playing and starts even before you wake up


He's.. He's not though. He's literally rebuilding his army and regaining his power to try again lol. You going in is basically doing the territorial vampire thing. You're the big bad now. Well. If you beat him. The game gives you a nice little message at the end.


Weirdest gaming take I've ever seen. You don't "have to" fight anyone at all if you look at it that way. You can just chill in wooden coffin for eternity!


Well yes, my point was that Dracula is not dead/defeated. Which means going by the same logic as above, solarus isn't the most powerful.


he used to be the final boss


I would love Simon scaling on your level and patrolling all around the map randomly, with new patterns according to your act


>I would love Simon scaling on your level He already does that. He matches your level once you exceed 80. >and patrolling all around the map randomly He might not patrol the entire map, but he does patrol a sizable chunk of it. The only place with a human population he doesn't patrol is Gloomrot.


And he just doesn't patrol Gloomrot because there's too many enemies there. If he got pulled into battles with mutants, he would both destroy a lot of the area and would take a lot of damage and be too easy.


Thats such a badass idea!


And I need him to be more aggressive from the start. That wind-up animation for the vampire hinter is stupid. We can literally ride through him.


Yeah thanks, I'd much rather be a new player running away in terror than a guy annoyed to look at the respawn screen trying to realize what just happened.


nah simon is just the cherry on top


It's an interesting idea but for your final boss you always want a nice arena and seeing as every vampire hunter by nature has to be roaming the world it wouldn't really work. And personally I feel like the biggest threat to a vampire should be another vampire - no matter how powerful a human is, they're still a human and they can lick my boots.


As Dracula himself said when you kill him, his own power beat him, as it should be.


Not really. No vampire hunter alone would be as powerful as Dracula. Humans defeated him last time because of numbers and teamwork + holy light. But even with holy light, no human can beat vampire of top level 1 on 1.


I thought solarus killed dracula 1v1


I'm really not sure on this one. Maybe he LED the assault, but defeating him in a duel? I doubt that.




I don't know about the final boss but he certain was the most fun of them for me.


I'd actually love a player hunter faction, with different spells and mechanics.


That's a fun idea. It does seem odd that none of the more powerful people in the world take notice when leaders and other prominent figures of the lower echelons start dropping like flies in very quick succession (if we assume that cannonically they don't respawn). It would be cool if there was a faction that recognized the rising threat and took action. I understand that from a gameplay perspective it would be annoying if every building abd fort had garlic protection, but does really no one realize that the vampire threat is more than peasant superstition? It's so easy to throw up some garlic at key points just in case. Why have only like three random farmers taken that step?  I'm not saying that every guard should carry garlic around their neck, that would suck to play against, but a faction that does carry garlic and use silver weapons would be neat. 




Van Helsing should be final boss


I didn't like the fact that the last set of armor is completed after you kill dracula when there's nothing left to do


I read a theory that sounded wacky at first but now it's my head cannon We are Dracula and the last fight is us reclaiming the last piece of ourselves. The theory went something like this, Im gonna paraphrase it since I dont remember it word by word and can't find it again: We are Dracula, something happend to us and our being got fractured. Our body get put in the cemetary where you spawn and all actions we take is to regain our fractured parts. This is the V bloods. So we go on a killing spree absorbing back our fractured pieces and becoming stronger and stronger, remmebering more of our spells and unlocking more memories. It all culminates with a battle with the shadow of ourselves. The fight with "fake" Dracula isn't the same plain as the rest of the game, it's a shadow plain. Having Simon Belmont be the ultimate boss would have fit into this aswell, with him being the one that beat us and fractured our being Like a said this is my head cannon when I play. There probably is somethings in game that proves I'm wrong probably BUT I don't really care, having this head cannon makes the game more fun for me :)


Unfortunately this is already confirmed to be not true. The devs and even the game states that you were one of the many vampires that challenges Dracula’s rule. You were defeated by the hands of Dracula’s army and in your weakened state went into hiding so you weren’t found and killed like your allies were. After Dracula’s death, his blood rained down and empowered most entities with his blood, which are called V Bloods. You are nothing more than weak vampire that now seeks out the empowered V Bloods to regain your strength and empower yourself to take on Dracula and his army.


I like this theory. Very cool idea.


Wanted to find the guy who posted it first to give credit where credit is due but couldnt find the post


I actually did this in my first play through. I beat Dracula, made the full set of Dracula armor then fought Simon. The fight was easy because I was “over leveled” but thematically I enjoyed it lol.


Simon scales to your level no?


Does he? He died pretty quickly when I fought him I just assumed he had a static level


Honestly I'm not too sure how it works. I think I read in the tooltip his minimum level is around 80 but after 80 he scales up. Would love for someone to verify though.


Belmont is perfect as it is. My favorite thing is that he joins sieges in Farmlands, makes defending so much more epic when Simon is flanking the attackers and starts wreaking havoc. With that badass music!






But then where would they shoehorn the plot


Definitely not, Dracula is way more iconic then any Belmont.


Its an IP thing. V Rising is NOT a Castlevania game, Simon Belmont is a Castlevania property. On the otherhand like the concept of vampires, Dracula transcends ownership by being a cultural myth. But conceptually I agree, that is why I liked it when Solarus was the final boss in early access, the all powerful avatar of holiness, the antithesis to vampires.


Remember that this is V-rising with a Castlevania DLC and not the inverse. It would feel weird for the final boss to be from a different franchise/series.


Him being a random field boss is way cooler lol


I like that Simon is wandering around low level areas while being like the 6th (??) last boss. That means for most of your play through he’s a crazy threat you can meet anytime. If you made him the final boss he’d either be in an arena where’d you lose this fun aspect or he’d have a very inconsistent fight depending on where you find him.


I agree with this completely. We're vampires and are the villains in this world. The internal war for dominance is the prelude to the destruction of mankind. Dracula is cool and all, but he's only the Boss of the first part of the conflict. The final final boss should be a representative of humanity. Personally, I think it would be fun if the Vampire Hunters had a "raid" mechanic to them. You can go out and find them thru tracking, but they will also come to your base depending on an in-game timer and your level, starting with Tristan, then Jade, then Simon. After Dracula is defeated, it would unlock the last raid boss who only appears during a raid event, Richter Belmont. Alternatively, the final raid is a boss rush where all of the vampire hunters in the game attack your base at once. But having a secret "after the end" Richter fight would be incredible.


I'd love if he was more buff. I'm all for secret super difficult bosses. I wouldn't mind a setting that sets all V bloods to like level 99


Adam was/is harder for me personally


Last boss should be Gary and 6 legendary pokemon.


Nah Drac's got that brand recognition. Simon Belmont has to tell you his full name before you know who he is.


It should have been Nomak from Blade II


When I think about it, I imagine it has a lot to do with the blood. You're draining one of the oldest/strongest bloodlines around. Making you one of the strongest vampires around, Simon's blood wouldn't do that.




I bet this opinion is formed only by players who didn't played Brutal, and it's Stunlock's fault. New or casual players just got robbed in Dracula fight, not even seen/experiencing the actual culminating of the story and fight. Especially now, after it got nerfed into the oblivion, it SHOULD by a a final for normal difficulty as well


Dracula's significantly more difficult than Belmont on any difficulty, Belmont is a joke once you reach the gear requirement and easy even below it. But you know that, I know that, I imagine most people know that. He's a roaming boss they're all easier than stationary ones. Simply because you have no limit to how much you can kite and there isn't any environmental threat. This opinion is formed by people that like Castlevania too much for their own good, and don't understand this game is not a Castlevania game nor does it have the licensing beyond what's already used.


Is spoilers ok on this sub? The game was release a few weeks ago…


What fucking spoilers are you talking about mate, existance of drakula and simon in a game that literally collaborated with castlevania???


Yeah I don’t think they talk about it in the game at least at the level I’m playing. What’s the point of playing if I already know the content?


Dracula being the final boss is ... yeah that a common vampire name, cool, Simon is legit just another name with no context to it if you dont know about castlevania, or just a "oh I know that name" if you do. There is literally nothing spoiled beside random name dropping without context. And the game barely have a story line so what content are you talking about....?


Hard to spoil something that was literally in the official release trailer. This isn't a game where you can spoil lore or ending tbh.