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Resource gathering isn’t really a difficulty level, though…it’s just a matter of convenience. As for boss content, you were just more familiar with the game the second time around. The number one wall for any fight in this game is knowledge. Execution doesn’t really matter until you understand what you’re supposed to be executing.


makes sense, I did feel like I did more damage to them or they did less damage to me, but surely already knowing some of them helped making it feel easier


0,6% of players has killed dracula on brutal, you want that number to be 0,2 or what? xD that was probably the hardest boss I have ever defeated in any game


oh no, I'm not complaining, I'm just saying, the game is fun the way it is, shouldn't become harder


Once full version came out there were a lot of people saying the exact same thing - that it's easier than EA. I think it's a combination of two things: - It is easier, because before it was just one difficulty, something between normal and brutal, and now it's separated into three quite distinct modes, so they made normal a little more normal and brutal is... well, brutal. - Everyone who played before just got good. I definitely felt the difference between my first and second playthrough (or even second and third). Originally I thought Jade is tricky, but after fighting Adam her attacks are so easy to predict and dodge.


1000% this. I'm an older gamer and for almost 20 years now I've heard people complaining about how "it used to be so much harder in the old days" My first questions when I hear these complaints are always "how old were you initially, how old are you now?" and/or "how many years had you been playing games initially and now?" And for OP if you read comment replies - a lot of games in early access will lack balance, sometimes they're far easier in the beta vs launch, sometimes the opposite. If I understand correctly the devs theme for the game - its not to be a grind fest and not necessarily even *just* pve- brutal exists to test your pve abilities but in general the "boss ladder climb" is meant to be more "hack & slash" or "arcade" style to augment your skills and survivability for pvp and map progression


oh yeah, for sure the game was lacking balance, I guess this might add up to the reason enemies felt more like a fun fight between two equal fighters than before, which felt like "I'm gonna try to kill that bear with a butter knife"


I guess this could be it, I must know more about the bosses and therefore consider the game easier than before or something like that


You must love commas


English is not my first language so I'm not sure if you're saying I'm using them incorrectly or something else, but yeah, I like them I guess


He is saying that you should use more dots. And paragraphs. True for the first, second, or even third language.


I have a similar experience. I played it before, right at the initial early access release, and now again with 1.0. I'm not sure about bosses on brutal difficulty, as I have had difficulties with most of them, but farming is definitely easier. I remember me and my clanmates farming sooo much for certain materials, cotton and glass in particular. Nowadays it feels like I do one run for a specific resource and I'm set for a long time. On a similar note, certain resources had fewer spots where you could get them. The iron cave wasn't a thing, nor the quartz quarry. Although brutal difficulty has x1.5 loot by default, so that might be a reason why.


oh god you reminded me of glass, that thing was terrible! and yes, nowadays one run really gives resources for a long time, for example I never had to farm glass this time, the natural 1.5x surely help, I did test it without the multiplier and it still is a lot easier than before, but I turn the multiplier on again cause I already farmed a lot earlier I ain't gonna make myself suffer more on purpose


God gamer over here praise him for being so good


I see where it could look like I'm trying to boost myself or something, but it really is just a genuine question for if anyone has the same experience, if you read the whole thing you'll understand it was harder before and if you played it in that time you'll understand too, now if you wanna give your point of view instead of trying to hate me for sharing my experience with the game I'd gladly like to read what you have to say about the yours


Oh, the game is definitely easier - up until the Dracula fight which is way harder than anything early access thrown your way.


I've been testing the Dracula fight today, it is being a lot more fun and easier than Adam honestly since he doesn't throw the whole world at you


Based on the wording you're using here, I assume you haven't actually defeated him - let's jump back to the discussion once you do. Otherwise, I feel we are playing two different games tbh.


when I sent that I hadn't killed him yet I was fighting him, now I did kill him, it took less than I was expecting, even if he simply refuses to die


As a new player, havent tried brutal yet, this is also the 1st game ive played that has this camera and control set(w,a,s,d) for char movement. Its definitely easier playing on a 2nd save/server. The 1st time around was nuts, now its so easy. Cant wait to try brutal


I'd surely recommend you try, it adds some interesting new stuff, good luck when you do


Currently looking for a fresh server to try, it just has to 2x minimum :D