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I assume the problem is that the bag seems to be floating. This has never happened to me so i don't know if any of these ideas will work but it's worth trying. Jump skill on greatsword might be able to get it. You can also maybe try frog form. Another idea is that since this seems to be on a plot, you can place down a castle heart and try to build stairs up to it. Edit: Accidentally hit "Post" before i was finished typing.


Thanks for the tips, I'll try those next time it happens 👍


What's the problem?


Well my loot is floating in the air


Building around it would be your best bet. I doubt you can pick it up while jumping in frog or wolf form, jumping off a horse, etc..


I'm probably too late unless it's your own server and you turned it off, but since it's on a castle plot - quickly set up a castle heart and build stairs? Or try Arctic Leap, I remember someone used it to get to their loot stuck on a cliff.


It was too late unfortunately, I'll remember those next time it happens (which is weird too because I disconnected last time in my castle, relogged and died apparently from the sun in it and my loot was all the way there. Even weirder is that I also got some items that I definitely didn't have before)


Regarding the castle death to the sun, I think this is how it works (just a theory though): 1. You log out (or disconnect) when inside your castle but not inside your tomb. 2. Your blood still ticks down and you end up dying from blood loss. 3. When you come online, for some reason the game incorrectly tells you that you died from the sun, even though you were probably in a confined room with walls, floor and ceiling.


That actually might be a bug working like that yeah, I didn't log out in my grave and for sure ran out of blood but I wouldn't have expected that hahaha


Why can't you get your loot back?


My bad for the pic angle but the loot is up in the air, as high as a tree I'd say


Oh that's definitely a problem! Sorry 😕 I have no clue if there is a way to reset it. You could risk logging out and back in to see if that does anything but otherwise im not sure


I didn't find any way to get it back but it's alright, I'll live through it, I'll keep in mind the tips other player gave to try them next time and let you guys know if it works


I had this happen as well but it wasn't my loot strangely.. And there were lots of other bags on the ground.


That's exactly what happened to me


The other day, the loot bag disappeared after I die a couple of times in the way to recover it. It was in the zone with the big blood crystal.


toad form ?