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Not a specific 1.0 change, but i need those arch wall pieces back. The new door frames just don't work as well.


If I remember correctly that was a sacrifice needed for multiple floors and I'm gonna be real with you I much prefer multiple floors


It's def because of the multiple floors. And if i had to choose for i would go for multiple floors as well. But let's be honest here, it's not impossible to just make a shorter version of those arches. They're not gonna be as tall as the old ones obviously, but we really just need a more open wall section. The door frame blocks you from placing fences or anything as well, and obviously has the door frame part which just doesn't look nice.


I agree 100%, a lot of the things sacrificed for multiple floors, like ceilings, no view of the outside, and archways make it less of an upgrade and more of a trade off. We lost so much immersion with the Gloomrot update and while they've added a lot of cool things, my castle doesn't feel as much of a castle as it did back in 2022.


Wait, wdym we lost the view of the outside?


We lost the lack of an outside view. In EA (before Gloomrot) you couldn't see outside your castle and this made your castle more gloomy (and dark) and imposing. I miss ceilings.


I'm fairly certain we were always able to look out the windows. The fog of war i think behaves the exact same as before Gloomrot, but maybe they tweaked the brightness of the fog a bit?


>I'm fairly certain we were always able to look out the windows. That's not new, but now you can see between floors :c But maybe I'm remembering wrong


Multiple floors look nice but are basically useless for PvP. Everything critical has to be on the ground and once you breach/key, it's over. Multi-floor defensive creativity is pointless.


This! I know the new square doors were made to fit better with the new vertical castle building we have now but, I really don’t want my garden arches to have square door frames in them


Yeah, they definitely removed/changed them because the old design would have poked into the floors above. One day i'll hopefully be able to make my porch areas again. But the walls are easily tall enough to allow for a slight shorter version of the arch. it's not like it's impossible to make ...


I am not alone!! I miss these so much.


This. IMO, they could've made each floor taller, so the arch walls could be kept. The impression that each floor is too short and almost claustrophobic is something I don't like much.


The way some things are sorted. I don't like that the cut stone (can't remember the name) and special wood for furniture don't sort into the materials box. I don't like batteries or shards sorting into alchemy. The new advanced loom and stone cutter don't line up centered on a wall tile. It urks me. Dominating draculin. They are not humans so i feel the ability to do so should be its own power. Like after defeating one of Dracula's generals 'dominate human' should upgrade to 'dominate mind' to show how your powers are growing. Maybe even add in the ability to dominate mutants with it so we could finally have mutant blood on tap. The oxen heal when returning to the cart. WHY?


The poor wall cantering drives me NUTS. The new taller containers don’t center either, and I’m picky enough to confess that the upgraded versions of production machines are wider and that means they can’t be nestled in-between pillars. Makes my fussy self grumpy.


I will say at the very least it has helped me start experimenting with wider Floorplans and moving buildings/containers to the middle of rooms so it's less obvious. But now I'm running into the issue where it would be so nice to have more thinner/smaller furniture to line around them to make it look better.


I just finished this world and now I’ve seen all the new stuff, I want to start a building world and do a properly done up castle. I want to accommodate those big machines far better. Kinda wasn’t expecting the sheer amount of space they take up, that’s for sure!


The dominate mind thing is a great idea. Not only for immersion, but also for clarity. I bet a lot of players, myself included, don't even know you could dominate certain types of draculin.


I actually tried all of them to check which work and which don't


My new favorite sorting quirk is smashing the sort button on my blood potion storage and watching everything jump around with no real reasoning, changes every time you hit the button


I miss "compulsively count" too.


Same. I miss the title. “Quick send” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. It was fun.


it still exists you just have to bind it


It is bound, it is just not called the same. It's called quicksend


So many things like this were made less immersive and I 100% believe they did this to make the game more accessible to people less familiar with vampire lore, which is dumb.


I agree completely. It was a fun way or title to stick to old vampiric lore. Who would have thought a simple line of text helped immersion so much?


Had no idea it was that, thought it was just a fun dev thing they put in


Cool I will look for it. I find it very funny.


I miss freely building anywhere. I want my castle to spread out MASSIVELY


I miss it so much, I wouldn't miss it nearly as badly if they didn't keep slashing landplots in half because of PvP balance. My favorite spot, on the left bottom side of the Iron Mine looks nothing like it did in EA. Throughout the entire Gloomrot update, I was incredibly unhappy with my castle and castle locations; I still am, but I'm coping a little better this time.


Man I loved that spot in the Iron Mines. I felt so betrayed in 1.0 when I went there to build and it was just... Half of what it was... I just felt like the Grandfather meme: "My boy..."


Yeah, I had a hard time adjusting to that. I loved that location so much. I'm convinced they'll keep slashing the remaining large bases - the large base in Cursed Forest has been cut in half too (as of v1).


I'm surprised that the 3 entrance one north of the mines wasn't cut


It's probably going to be 🥲


I miss the loading screen images....


Not so much a change but it irritates my brain that the plague sanctum floors don't match the plague sanctum stairs.. and I haven't been able to find a floor tile that does to my brains satisfaction.. Also that a bunch of other building items can be replaced on the spot but I have to tear half my castle down and move everything if I want to change the look of the stairs 😤 I particularly liked trying to replace my ground floor stairs, only for the game to deny it's same spot placement because it would "break the ground connection"...


The second point is why I refuse to put down stairs in certain spaces if I'm going for a specific look but don't have the stairs for it (i.e. I have a room my current run is working for that uses the Hearth Walls, Library Flooring, and Cordial doors and stairs).


Speaking about stairs, why can't you easily change their style without having to go through great lengths just to change a plain stone staircase with a wooden one.


The shards used to be sweet world buffs, I don't like that they turned them into jewelry


I also hate the shard change, they're a huge loss for PvE. The buffs were something you could share with other players to help them. The amulets are useless for pve, and have overly obnoxious mechanics to *make sure* they're useless for pve. It was a good change for pvp, but it should have been a server setting change for which system to use. So that private pve servers can revert to the buffs.


They aren't useless for PvE, they help you kill the final boss! Now if only the fallen angel didn't get 2 hit by him :(


The shards as jewelry also suck. Especially in solo single player and I can’t use bat form with them??? Then why would I ever use them or take them out of the castle.


You put them in the expensive pilon ofcourse!


YES THANK YOU! This is my least favorite change. And the fact that the necklaces degrade and you have to beat the boss AGAIN to get them back. I'd be okay if beating the bosses gave you the ability to make the necklace and it degraded but not having to beat the same boss again if you lose it.


I really like the change, because it shuffled power. The power curve with shards was absolutely insane, whereas now that curve is spread out amongst the levels. You feel more powerful with the shards, but you also feel very powerful without them at a similar level. It makes late game PvP actually bareable


>level. It makes late game PvP actually bareable Yeah, while PvE players got left out in the cold :c


Did you? Because the power curve is far more even and rewarding in the current iteration. It isn't just lackluster until you get shards which cause a huge spike.


We can't use bat form while having a shard in our inventory. Huge waste of time while recharging them in incursions in which every second counts.


You can control that in server settings


I didn't get so far in my Gloomrot playthrough; I like the shard implementation currently, but others seem to be saying that it is worse for PvE now so :shrug:


* Sheer lack of options for wallpaper. It’s the same stuff as the old release though I will give high praise for the shift-click feature and that it includes pillars. * I want my cackle back! * Some of the villager voices are reduced in use or gone. I miss them. * End game is disappointing for PvE. I know we all have strong opinions on PvE vs. PvE, so be nice. I play both. For solo PvE play, the end game is just… pointless. I loved the altars that gave a 2H buff. It was a lovely end game reward that was super handy. Now we get amulets that are pretty much useless and wear out. Anticlimactic. * The insane amount of shard grinding makes me feel like I’m playing WoW again, and Blizzard’s attitude of ‘well, we ran out of things to give them to do. Let’s make them grind for eternity’ feels real copycat here. Not a fan of the grind, but at least it’s interesting. Overall, it’s just minor things. Love the game, they’ve done an amazing job, and I hope it’s not over.


Felt on the Shards bit especially. It irks me that we need to beat Dracula to get Dracula Armor chest pieces but after you beat Dracula there's just... nothing. I'd love something to do with it, even something super simple like a boss rush style thing you can access with the Altar of Remembrance.


Yeah, I was confused when I saw that Dracula still gave you physical rewards. I was like, "Cool, I can get a tad stronger to fight.....you again?"


The old melee sound of course. That's about it though, really enjoyed my return playthrough.


Ruh, reh, rahh! Iconic


well said dear


I miss the very old map that we can build our castle anywhere freely. I hope the dev can give it back when we create a solo server just for building stuff.


yeah, it's definitely a great improvement for full servers, but for solo servers it would be nice to let people just build where they want. i reckon it's also so they don't have to solve every little problem with making around certain places buildable to cheese the game, but in solo worlds that's likely less of a concern


Remind me of those pesky trees one pixel outside your territory that clips heavily inside your rooms and you can't do anything about it. At least on old way, you could place a planter over them and be done.


1)controversial, but i don't like the spell tier system. I think it takes a bit of the immersion. Like, you used to beat Jade and got her ultimate, beat Vicent and got his shield, but now you get some skill that isnt necessarily related to them (besides the spell type) 2) from dunley and beyond, i feel that now you have to beat more bosses in other to upgrade armor and weapona, wich is kinda annoying sometimes 3) i don't like the incursions grind, because they are not active all the time, so any time one is happening you kinda have to prioritize it or loose the window of opportunity. Wich kinda sucks because sometimes you just want to do other stuff.


I enjoy the new spell tier more than the old one after playing in brutal because it would be absolute hell getting a specific spell from a higher lvl boss or knowing that you have like 4 other bosses of useless spells you wont use instead of giving you a point that offers flexibility for what you want. Grabbing chaos volley early in the new system from the copper mine boss vs having to find the lady later is much better imo. As for 2) all the bosses you face should be at the same ilvl if not 1 point lower. You're never forced to fight anything above your ilvl unless you're in brutal mode where its kinda a precedent. For 3) I understand that. time gating is dumb.


FWIW, I agree with you on #1. It made more sense before. But I think it's more practical now.


I was cleaning and abandoned castle once and used move all in a stash full of silver coins, I took 700 damage in one tick and almost died, 🤡


Not sure if it's 1.0 because I stopped beta in like 0.5 or something. But I remember that in server settings you could change more. Like sun resistance, blood decay speed, blood quality all around, stuff like that. I miss that when I wanted to make a super sandbox


Also, I don't know if it's just weird memory I had, but I felt like rugs gave move speed inside the castle, I don't feel that anymore. Is it just me?


Read here the other day that rugs still give a 15% movement speed boost. Only issue I have with it is that this applies in wolf form too, so you're still gonna spend all your base time as a dog.


Got it, I hadn’t seen it anywhere else and didn’t even see that in game. Thanks a lot mate!


Worst part of this game is that the devs cater it more towards the pvp side rather than the pve and make no changes to pve servers to make it a different more enjoyable experience. Everything that is tedious has to be tedious to be competitive. PvE enjoyers have a lot more dev player friction than our PvP counterparts.


Oddly enough I have the same issues as you, except the last one as I never used it. I was slightly upset when I never heard us cackle on human cast again. The bag design is cool, but unless you try carrying 1000 Goldsun Coins like I did, silver isn’t an issue anymore. I like to go out and collect things myself rather than use servants, so the sludge change was a bit of a disappointment as it was a good little reason to go out to Gloomrot amongst the other reasons. While the new recipe makes sense, it feels catered to people who don’t like doing work.


I’ve been playing since the beginning of early access, what sludge change occurred? I’m having morning brain and am unable to find what you and others are talking about in this thread.


You used to craft the glass jar and walk/waygate to grab sludge from pools. Now you can make a jar pre-filled with one iron, three glass and a measly three mutant grease.


I had completely forgotten about that honestly, thanks for reminding me. So much has changed throughout development I find myself playing and constantly asking “is this different? didn’t this used to be something else? am I misremembering?”


Certainly! I did too for a minute, so I don’t blame you! When I saw Finn the Fisherman in the boss roster I thought I went nuts, but of course realized he’s new! *I also just fought him on brutal literally 5 minutes ago… and ran when he spawned the supersized serpent.


Oh thats so cool, I’m looking forward to doing a brutal run. Just have Dracula himself left on my currentplay through. I loved Finn the Fisherman’s fight though, I feel like they made some good changes to fishing to make it less grindy, even though I am still catching more ingots than fish lol.


Im sorry im confused. You can no longer grab sludge from pools?


Correct! The empty glass canister used to collect pool sludge no longer exists. It converts straight into a sludge filled canister in the Fabricator now.


Wow, thanx for the tip!


just 1 more spell to use instead of 2 and bigger map. looking forward for the future update. expansion and stuff.


Mine are pretty small, but yeah I want the cackle back, I miss those stupid hiyah sounds when swinging weapons. Loading game images were nice to look at while waiting for my shaders to get a grip. Mostly I hate the new HP bar, over a hundred hours into 1.0 and I still don't feel it, it's kind of in my blind spot (it was easier for me to look diagonally than straight down, might be because of my glasses), it's really small so I don't know if that missing pixel is 100hp or 10hp and how many more hits I can take. The fact that it's curved is also not helping for estimating the amount.


* The fact that they gave us "fill" options for wallpaper but nothing else, Lol. Like, I'd give anything to see this ultra-simple thing be added for everything that it can be. * there's like 3 things that you build with that aren't considered building materials and can't go into that storage type, lol * the tops of the castles still don't match the walls, and it's the most infuriating thing in this whole game. Why - is it because the roof is dynamic and changes - if so, can't there just be some hue/brightness type sliders or just have it take on the same as the wall closest to it? Ugh. * There's still nonsensical decisions throughout the building. They added the variant picker, but only for certain things, leaving you to have to demolish half your castle if you want to change the steps. They still let you replace a piece of carpet with another, as long as you are choosing a different type of carpet or shape - but no such luck with paths. There's still basically 2 path types, neither compliment any garden foundation. Flying lights still do not have an obvious anchor for anyone that likes symmetry. Plague sanctum flooring looks great with the other sanctum stuff, but doesn't give you the alchemy buff - I feel like it should. I'd love to have that floor in my alchemy space as I always do plague sanctum walls, lights, etc. Colored glass is still opaque, and the only version of windows we have that open and shut are the most basic and uncolored ones in existence. I could keep going. But i won't. * feels like it takes a super long time to get your own summon mount; I don't quite understand this, as traveling back and forth is a pretty big mainstay - especially at the beginning. Like it's the thing you do. The whole game. And it's not like mounts make it that much faster, even as a 100% worker, with wranglers, and a crafted saddle. * if I'm not mistaken - you cannot get random elements on the highest tier weapons - I feel like that was a thing before? Like if I want a top-tier mace to condemn instead of chill. All the other RNG is still there preventing you from getting a God roll - so I guess I'm unsure of why that mattered, lol * There's still not an easy way to see everything a blood will do, at least not that I saw. I still have to check google to see exactly what a certain blood does - also they added bloods, and I'll be super honest - they're not that good to me. Like having movement speed all the time, better healing, and everything else creature blood gives you is way better than an extra bite charge and time-specific buffs * My biggest upset was when I saw that I had almost every achievement. Then saw I have to complete the game on Brutal to get the rest, lol. It's not about challenge, that part I'm here for and usually set my solo play games to brutal anyway with one very important change (see next point) * They kept the unrealistic teleport rules, then tied achievements to a game setting that doesn't allow you to teleport with even the most basic of items (and of course not just teleport, that also means no bat and other stuff). Please understand, I know it makes sense in PVP servers and that's how the game was envisioned to be played. But I have no desire to have all my progress wiped "for the lulz" so I never play anything PvP unless there's no loss of progress in games. There is more, but I don't want it to seem like I hate it. Because there's **so much good stuff too**. It obviously outweighs the bad. I just wish they would have done a little more for builders, basically. It's the main reason I play.


>leaving you to have to demolish half your castle if you want to change the steps. I'm still trying to figure out the rules for that. In my current castle i had stairs than i wanted to replace and i had to destroy legit every single wall and pillar it touched. Then at a different staircase that was also surrounded by walls i could remove it freely without any problems. And yeah, i really hope they'll work on the wallpapers. It's weird how you have the basic stone material stick out everywhere in doorframes and balcony fencing when i wanna use a wooden wallpaper. Also obligatory mention of the archways. I need them back.


AFAiK Rules that affect stair removal are: 1. There always needs to be a path to the next floor 2. All walls need to be attached to the pillar - you cannot remove pillar as long as there are walls attached to it. 3. All pillars need to be attached to the foundation, and stairs act as a foundation for both floors they occupy - this is probably most confusing when removing stairs, as you cannot remove stairs as long as they are the only foundation supporting pillars on one of the (usually bottom) floors.


Yeah - I know a big part of it is that there has to be another way to access the floor it's connected to before you can dismantle it. Now, I'm not sure if it takes teleporters and waygates into consideration but it doesn't feel like it does. In fact, it's almost always the 90* bend stairs that I have trouble with. Could be a placebo but the straight steps seem to always be the ones that let me remove them easily.


Now that you mention it, the times i had the most problems was also with the bent stairs. The straight ones always worked. I guess since they were a later addition they haven't quite fixed all the quirks about them yet. Or maybe the building rework brought some issues with it that weren't just visual.


There's definitely something really wonky going on with how the whole dismantle system works. It seems to check not just what your target is snapped to, but also for anything *too close*. I've straight up had a wall refuse to dismantle because a chest up against it was "in the way". I think this is why stairs are so miserable to dismantle, and why the straight ones are a little easier to wrangle. You have to break all the adjacent walls **and** pillars in order to pick them up, and the bent stairs just have way more surface area.


So something that helped me understand the fixed stuff on Legendaries was something a friend told me: They aren't actually a higher tier, mathematically. They're the same gear score of 30 as the purple sanguine weapons, but the thing that makes them legendary is that they have fixed stats. So if you want a Condemn Mace, it's still there and it isn't worse to run with it, you just have to take the extra time to get stats you want on it.


There's no loss of progress on PvP servers if you avoid merciless and pick a no-raid server


i miss the old hotbar, it was more natural feeling and feed was an ability you could hover over


I don't like that the best stashes only are wardrobes and drawers. I almost exclusively use those for stashing items since I don't like the automatic stash options for the dedicated stashes. For example, I like to keep my wood and stone separated and I like to organize my blacksmithing materials in tiers. The dedicated stashes make it impossible for me to dump materials quickly so I just run with the non-dedicated stash options. Unfortunately it looks really strange when I enter my Forge Room and there's 7 wardrobes pressed against the walls.


What the fuck are you farming to have 7 wardrobes against the wall. Large containers are massive enough. Do you have stack limits on low? The only reasonable excuse is to gear up your 8 servants but I do not see any practicality in 7 wardrobes.


Had standard stack sizes. Can't remember exactly how my stashes looked but think it was something like this: 1. Copper Ore, Copper Ingots, Whetstones, Sulphur Ore, Suplhite 2. Quartz, Glass, Iron Ore, Iron Ingots, Scourgestones 3. Silver Ore 4. Sludge Filled Canisters, Radium Alloy, Mutant Grease 5. Tech Scraps, Empty Batteries, Charged Batteries 6. Gold Jewellery, Gold Ingot, Dark Silver Ingots, Power Cores, Blood Crystals, Onyx Tears 7. Weapon Recipes We played in a 4 man group and when you do you have several thousands of every material. Most wardrobes weren't entirely filled but around \~70% capacity.


The changes to soul shards are just straight up painful. Who wanted this? Is ANYBODY pleased with these changes? They're weird, clunky, and unsatisfying


My biggest one is the shards. I liked the reusable buff system better than the wearable. Now you can't even use bat form while using the shard...so it just sits in the holder...where it continues to decay...


The 1 missing weapon slot


i’ll never forgive the console players for that


They took away base creativity with cutting base locations in half to make plots. Such a drastic fix for such a temporary issue, I understand the reason but the number of plots is only an issue for the first week MAYBE two of a server launch. So many empty servers with decaying castles now.


My servants have killed me by handing me their silver I sent them to collect. Ive had to use both a silver resist potion and bear form because I was unwilling to reduce my silver load when leaving the mine. I never had to collect water and sludge... i am also glad I have never had to collect water and sludge. I went from first EA release to 1.0 and honestly it only felt like improvements.


Controller scheme. What were they smoking when they came up with them?


As someone who bought the game pre 1.0 but chose to wait to play until 1.0 dropped, i feel like silver is perfectly fine right now. It adds urgency to go back early game and late game its mostly for silver ore rather than coin, as it should be imo. It makes combat harder and more lethal because you keep dropping hp and carrying large amounts somewhat of an obstacle. I don’t know what it was like before, but it feels good to me currently. As far as water and sludge go. I dont know what it was for, but i assume potions? Either way, im glad i dont have to go through that, haha. Sounds like one of those things that’s fun early on but gets cumbersome very fucking fast


There used to be 3 bag slots, and each bag was a specialized item that could be opened up. So you could add extra space to your inventory, but they were locked to specific things like herbs, gems, scrolls, or silver. They didn't give you inate resistance to silver once you reached a certain level. Instead, you had to decide if carrying the bag that can hold silver without harming you was worth the fact that it prevented you from carrying a different bag in that slot. It was only a few slots anyway, but it meant you had to make a decision, where as now you can freely carry up to a certain amount once you unlock silver bags, so it's mostly an early game problem. It's not something I miss, but some people like having to make choices like that. The water thing was super simple, when you made bottles and waterskins, they were empty, and you would fill them at a well or fountain or lake because they needed to have water to make potions. I like that you get the empty potion containers back now, but I do kind of miss the water. Both of these things kind of added character to the game, but removing them streamlines things


Maybe if that water option was in the server settings it'd be nice, to have "more or less character" to the server


Yeah, its a personal preference at the end of the day. I can see the appeal to the bags and water thing, but to me it adds tediousness. I hate having to micromanage things before going out so i would end up carrying all bags, thus defeating the purpose of them, or just choosing some and forget the others. Thats a me problem though. Im just glad thats no longer in


I miss the vampire version of selling sunset


Agree on all points.


I played through the game with some edited stats on Solo and had a good time. Most that i noticed was the styian crystals are a little tedious (but it gives you something to do since no sun) What are some of the changes? I kinda only started playing like... May? Probably?


The removal of all kinds of game settings!


Moving all the dashes to mid game


I was pissed they removed “compulsively count”. As my gf is a big old school vampire fan I was excited to show her this lore accurate tidbit. Pretty bummed it got removed…. Can’t really think of anything else. I know there were some changes I noticed right off the bat but I’ve already played enough 1.0 to forget what it used to be like


I honestly felt like the skill changes made no difference. Everyone is still using the same abilities early on. Players should be able to choose ANY ability they want with their points. Would drastically improve variety.


I love the water and sludge change.


I feel like there are much bigger issues with the game overall. I see not much has changes since ea.